import { acceptance } from "helpers/qunit-helpers"; import { IMAGE_VERSION as v } from "pretty-text/emoji/version"; acceptance("EmojiPicker", { loggedIn: true, beforeEach() { const store = Discourse.__container__.lookup("service:emoji-store"); store.reset(); }, afterEach() { const store = Discourse.__container__.lookup("service:emoji-store"); store.reset(); } }); QUnit.test("emoji picker can be opened/closed", async assert => { await visit("/t/internationalization-localization/280"); await click("#topic-footer-buttons .btn.create"); await click("button.emoji.btn"); assert.notEqual( find(".emoji-picker") .html() .trim(), "", "it opens the picker" ); await click("button.emoji.btn"); assert.equal( find(".emoji-picker") .html() .trim(), "", "it closes the picker" ); }); QUnit.test("emojis can be hovered to display info", async assert => { await visit("/t/internationalization-localization/280"); await click("#topic-footer-buttons .btn.create"); await click("button.emoji.btn"); $(".emoji-picker button[title='grinning']").trigger("mouseover"); assert.equal( find(".emoji-picker .info") .html() .trim(), ` :grinning:`, "it displays emoji info when hovering emoji" ); }); QUnit.test("emoji picker triggers event when picking emoji", async assert => { await visit("/t/internationalization-localization/280"); await click("#topic-footer-buttons .btn.create"); await click("button.emoji.btn"); await click(".emoji-picker button[title='grinning']"); assert.equal( find(".d-editor-input").val(), ":grinning:", "it adds the emoji code in the editor when selected" ); }); QUnit.test( "emoji picker adds leading whitespace before emoji", async assert => { await visit("/t/internationalization-localization/280"); await click("#topic-footer-buttons .btn.create"); // Whitespace should be added on text await fillIn(".d-editor-input", "This is a test input"); await click("button.emoji.btn"); await click(".emoji-picker button[title='grinning']"); assert.equal( find(".d-editor-input").val(), "This is a test input :grinning:", "it adds the emoji code and a leading whitespace when there is text" ); await click("button.emoji.btn"); // Whitespace should not be added on whitespace await fillIn(".d-editor-input", "This is a test input "); await click("button.emoji.btn"); await click(".emoji-picker button[title='grinning']"); assert.equal( find(".d-editor-input").val(), "This is a test input :grinning:", "it adds the emoji code and no leading whitespace when user already entered whitespace" ); await click("button.emoji.btn"); } ); QUnit.test("emoji picker has a list of recently used emojis", async assert => { await visit("/t/internationalization-localization/280"); await click("#topic-footer-buttons .btn.create"); await click("button.emoji.btn"); await click( ".emoji-picker .section[data-section='smileys_&_emotion'] button.emoji[title='grinning']" ); assert.equal( find('.emoji-picker .section[data-section="recent"]').css("display"), "block", "it shows recent section" ); assert.equal( find( '.emoji-picker .section[data-section="recent"] .section-group button.emoji' ).length, 1, "it adds the emoji code to the recently used emojis list" ); await click(".emoji-picker .clear-recent"); assert.equal( find( '.emoji-picker .section[data-section="recent"] .section-group button.emoji' ).length, 0, "it has cleared recent emojis" ); assert.equal( find('.emoji-picker .section[data-section="recent"]').css("display"), "none", "it hides recent section" ); assert.equal( find('.emoji-picker .category-icon button.emoji[data-section="recent"]') .parent() .css("display"), "none", "it hides recent category icon" ); }); QUnit.test( "emoji picker correctly orders recently used emojis", async assert => { await visit("/t/internationalization-localization/280"); await click("#topic-footer-buttons .btn.create"); await click("button.emoji.btn"); await click(".emoji-picker button[title='sunglasses']"); await click(".emoji-picker button[title='grinning']"); assert.equal( find('.section[data-section="recent"] .section-group button.emoji') .length, 2, "it has multiple recent emojis" ); assert.equal( /grinning/.test( find('.section[data-section="recent"] .section-group button.emoji') .first() .css("background-image") ), true, "it puts the last used emoji in first" ); } ); QUnit.test("emoji picker persists state", async assert => { await visit("/t/internationalization-localization/280"); await click("#topic-footer-buttons .btn.create"); await click("button.emoji.btn"); await click(".emoji-picker a.diversity-scale.medium-dark"); await click("button.emoji.btn"); await click("button.emoji.btn"); assert.equal( find(".emoji-picker .diversity-scale.medium-dark").hasClass("selected"), true, "it stores diversity scale" ); });