require "spec_helper" describe CategoriesController do describe "create" do it "requires the user to be logged in" do expect { xhr :post, :create }.to raise_error(Discourse::NotLoggedIn) end describe "logged in" do before do @user = log_in(:admin) end it "raises an exception when they don't have permission to create it" do Guardian.any_instance.expects(:can_create?).with(Category, nil).returns(false) xhr :post, :create, name: 'hello', color: 'ff0', text_color: 'fff' expect(response).to be_forbidden end it "raises an exception when the name is missing" do expect { xhr :post, :create, color: "ff0", text_color: "fff" }.to raise_error(ActionController::ParameterMissing) end it "raises an exception when the color is missing" do expect { xhr :post, :create, name: "hello", text_color: "fff" }.to raise_error(ActionController::ParameterMissing) end it "raises an exception when the text color is missing" do expect { xhr :post, :create, name: "hello", color: "ff0" }.to raise_error(ActionController::ParameterMissing) end describe "failure" do before do @category = Fabricate(:category, user: @user) xhr :post, :create, name:, color: "ff0", text_color: "fff" end it { is_expected.not_to respond_with(:success) } it "returns errors on a duplicate category name" do expect(response.status).to eq(422) end end describe "success" do it "works" do readonly = CategoryGroup.permission_types[:readonly] create_post = CategoryGroup.permission_types[:create_post] xhr :post, :create, name: "hello", color: "ff0", text_color: "fff", slug: "hello-cat", auto_close_hours: 72, permissions: { "everyone" => readonly, "staff" => create_post } expect(response.status).to eq(200) category = Category.find_by(name: "hello") expect({|g| [g.group_id, g.permission_type]}.sort).to eq([ [Group[:everyone].id, readonly],[Group[:staff].id,create_post] ]) expect( eq("hello") expect(category.slug).to eq("hello-cat") expect(category.color).to eq("ff0") expect(category.auto_close_hours).to eq(72) end end end end describe "destroy" do it "requires the user to be logged in" do expect { xhr :delete, :destroy, id: "category"}.to raise_error(Discourse::NotLoggedIn) end describe "logged in" do before do @user = log_in @category = Fabricate(:category, user: @user) end it "raises an exception if they don't have permission to delete it" do Guardian.any_instance.expects(:can_delete_category?).returns(false) xhr :delete, :destroy, id: @category.slug expect(response).to be_forbidden end it "deletes the record" do Guardian.any_instance.expects(:can_delete_category?).returns(true) expect { xhr :delete, :destroy, id: @category.slug}.to change(Category, :count).by(-1) end end end describe "upload" do it "requires the user to be logged in" do expect { xhr :post, :upload, image_type: 'logo'}.to raise_error(Discourse::NotLoggedIn) end describe "logged in" do let!(:user) { log_in(:admin) } let(:logo) { file_from_fixtures("logo.png") } let(:upload) do{ filename: 'logo.png', tempfile: logo }) end it "raises an error when you don't have permission to upload" do Guardian.any_instance.expects(:can_create?).with(Category).returns(false) xhr :post, :upload, image_type: 'logo', file: upload expect(response).to be_forbidden end it "requires the `image_type` param" do expect { xhr :post, :upload }.to raise_error(ActionController::ParameterMissing) end it "calls Upload.create_for" do Upload.expects(:create_for).returns( xhr :post, :upload, image_type: 'logo', file: upload expect(response).to be_success end end end describe "update" do it "requires the user to be logged in" do expect { xhr :put, :update, id: 'category'}.to raise_error(Discourse::NotLoggedIn) end describe "logged in" do let(:valid_attrs) { {id:, name: "hello", color: "ff0", text_color: "fff"} } before do @user = log_in(:admin) @category = Fabricate(:category, user: @user) end it "raises an exception if they don't have permission to edit it" do Guardian.any_instance.expects(:can_edit?).returns(false) xhr :put, :update, id: @category.slug, name: 'hello', color: 'ff0', text_color: 'fff' expect(response).to be_forbidden end it "requires a name" do expect { xhr :put, :update, id: @category.slug, color: 'fff', text_color: '0ff' }.to raise_error(ActionController::ParameterMissing) end it "requires a color" do expect { xhr :put, :update, id: @category.slug, name: 'asdf', text_color: '0ff' }.to raise_error(ActionController::ParameterMissing) end it "requires a text color" do expect { xhr :put, :update, id: @category.slug, name: 'asdf', color: 'fff' }.to raise_error(ActionController::ParameterMissing) end describe "failure" do before do @other_category = Fabricate(:category, name: "Other", user: @user ) xhr :put, :update, id:, name:, color: "ff0", text_color: "fff" end it "returns errors on a duplicate category name" do expect(response).not_to be_success end it "returns errors on a duplicate category name" do expect(response.code.to_i).to eq(422) end end describe "success" do it "updates the group correctly" do readonly = CategoryGroup.permission_types[:readonly] create_post = CategoryGroup.permission_types[:create_post] xhr :put, :update, id:, name: "hello", color: "ff0", text_color: "fff", slug: "hello-category", auto_close_hours: 72, permissions: { "everyone" => readonly, "staff" => create_post } expect(response.status).to eq(200) @category.reload expect({|g| [g.group_id, g.permission_type]}.sort).to eq([ [Group[:everyone].id, readonly],[Group[:staff].id,create_post] ]) expect( eq("hello") expect(@category.slug).to eq("hello-category") expect(@category.color).to eq("ff0") expect(@category.auto_close_hours).to eq(72) end end end end describe 'update_slug' do it 'requires the user to be logged in' do expect { xhr :put, :update_slug, category_id: 'category'}.to raise_error(Discourse::NotLoggedIn) end describe 'logged in' do let(:valid_attrs) { {id:, slug: 'fff'} } before do @user = log_in(:admin) @category = Fabricate(:happy_category, user: @user) end it 'rejects blank' do xhr :put, :update_slug, category_id:, slug: nil expect(response.status).to eq(422) end it 'accepts valid custom slug' do xhr :put, :update_slug, category_id:, slug: 'valid-slug' expect(response).to be_success category = Category.find( expect(category.slug).to eq('valid-slug') end it 'accepts not well formed custom slug' do xhr :put, :update_slug, category_id:, slug: ' valid slug' expect(response).to be_success category = Category.find( expect(category.slug).to eq('valid-slug') end it 'rejects invalid custom slug' do xhr :put, :update_slug, category_id:, slug: ' ' expect(response.status).to eq(422) end end end end