Description =========== Installs a Java. Uses OpenJDK by default but supports installation of Oracle's JDK. This cookbook contains the `java_ark` LWPR which has been deprecated in favor of [ark]( **IMPORTANT NOTE** As of 26 March 2012 you can no longer directly download the JDK from Oracle's website without using a special cookie. This cookbook uses that cookie to download the oracle recipe on your behalf, but . . . the java::oracle recipe forces you to set either override the `node['java']['oracle']['accept_oracle_download_terms']` to true or set up a private repository accessible by HTTP. Example ### override the `accept_oracle_download_terms` roles/base.rb This cookbook also provides the `java_ark` LWRP which other java cookbooks can use to install java-related applications from binary packages. default_attributes( :java => { :oracle => { "accept_oracle_download_terms" => true } } ) You are most encouraged to voice your complaints to Oracle and/or switch to OpenJDK. Requirements ============ Platform -------- * Debian, Ubuntu * CentOS, Red Hat, Fedora, Scientific, Amazon * ArchLinux * FreeBSD * Windows Attributes ========== See `attributes/default.rb` for default values. * `node["java"]["install_flavor"]` - Flavor of JVM you would like installed (`oracle` or `openjdk`), default `openjdk`. * `node['java']['java_home']` - Default location of the "`$JAVA_HOME`". * `node['java']['tarball']` - Name of the tarball to retrieve from your corporate repository default `jdk1.6.0_29_i386.tar.gz` * `node['java']['tarball_checksum']` - Checksum for the tarball, if you use a different tarball, you also need to create a new sha256 checksum * `node['java']['jdk']` - Version and architecture specific attributes for setting the URL on Oracle's site for the JDK, and the checksum of the .tar.gz. * `node['java']['remove_deprecated_packages']` - Removes the now deprecated Ubuntu JDK packages from the system, default `false` * `node['java']['oracle']['accept_oracle_download_terms']` - Indicates that you accept Oracle's EULA * `node['java']['windows']['url']` - The internal location of your java install for windows * `node['java']['windows']['package_name']` - The package name used by windows_package to check in the registry to determine if the install has already been run Recipes ======= default ------- Include the default recipe in a run list, to get `java`. By default the `openjdk` flavor of Java is installed, but this can be changed by using the `install_flavor` attribute. If the platform is windows it will include the windows recipe instead. OpenJDK is the default because of licensing changes made upstream by Oracle. See notes on the `oracle` recipe below. openjdk ------- This recipe installs the `openjdk` flavor of Java. oracle ------ This recipe installs the `oracle` flavor of Java. This recipe does not use distribution packages as Oracle changed the licensing terms with JDK 1.6u27 and prohibited the practice for both the debian and EL worlds. For both debian and centos/rhel, this recipe pulls the binary distribution from the Oracle website, and installs it in the default JAVA_HOME for each distribution. For debian/ubuntu, this is /usr/lib/jvm/default-java. For Centos/RHEL, this is /usr/lib/jvm/java After putting the binaries in place, the oracle recipe updates /usr/bin/java to point to the installed JDK using the `update-alternatives` script oracle_i386 ----------- This recipe installs the 32-bit Java virtual machine without setting it as the default. This can be useful if you have applications on the same machine that require different versions of the JVM. windows ------- Because there is no easy way to pull the java msi off oracle's site, this recipe requires you to host it internally on your own http repo. Resources/Providers =================== This cookbook contains the `java_ark` LWPR which has been deprecated in favor of [ark]( By default, the extracted directory is extracted to `app_root/extracted_dir_name` and symlinked to `app_root/default` # Actions - `:install`: extracts the tarball and makes necessary symlinks - `:remove`: removes the tarball and run update-alternatives for all symlinked `bin_cmds` # Attribute Parameters - `url`: path to tarball, .tar.gz, .bin (oracle-specific), and .zip currently supported - `checksum`: sha256 checksum, not used for security but avoid redownloading the archive on each chef-client run - `app_home`: the default for installations of this type of application, for example, `/usr/lib/tomcat/default`. If your application is not set to the default, it will be placed at the same level in the directory hierarchy but the directory name will be `app_root/extracted_directory_name + "_alt"` - `app_home_mode`: file mode for app_home, is an integer - `bin_cmds`: array of binary commands that should be symlinked to /usr/bin, examples are mvn, java, javac, etc. These cmds must be in the bin/ subdirectory of the extracted folder. Will be ignored if this java_ark is not the default - `owner`: owner of extracted directory, set to "root" by default - `default`: whether this the default installation of this package, boolean true or false # Examples # install jdk6 from Oracle java_ark "jdk" do url '' checksum 'a8603fa62045ce2164b26f7c04859cd548ffe0e33bfc979d9fa73df42e3b3365' app_home '/usr/local/java/default' bin_cmds ["java", "javac"] action :install end Usage ===== Simply include the `java` recipe where ever you would like Java installed. To install Oracle flavored Java on Debian or Ubuntu override the `node['java']['install_flavor']` attribute with in role: name "java" description "Install Oracle Java on Ubuntu" override_attributes( "java" => { "install_flavor" => "oracle" } ) run_list( "recipe[java]" ) Development =========== This cookbook uses [test-kitchen]( for integration tests. Pull requests should pass existing tests in files/default/tests/minitest-handler. Additional tests are always welcome. License and Author ================== Author:: Seth Chisamore () Author:: Bryan W. Berry () Copyright:: 2008-2012, Opscode, Inc Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.