# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative "base" require "mysql2" require "htmlentities" require "parallel" class BulkImport::VBulletin < BulkImport::Base TABLE_PREFIX ||= ENV["TABLE_PREFIX"] || "vb_" SUSPENDED_TILL ||= Date.new(3000, 1, 1) ATTACHMENT_DIR ||= ENV["ATTACHMENT_DIR"] || "/shared/import/data/attachments" AVATAR_DIR ||= ENV["AVATAR_DIR"] || "/shared/import/data/customavatars" def initialize super host = ENV["DB_HOST"] || "localhost" username = ENV["DB_USERNAME"] || "root" password = ENV["DB_PASSWORD"] database = ENV["DB_NAME"] || "vbulletin" charset = ENV["DB_CHARSET"] || "utf8" @html_entities = HTMLEntities.new @encoding = CHARSET_MAP[charset] @client = Mysql2::Client.new( host: host, username: username, password: password, database: database, encoding: charset, reconnect: true, ) @client.query_options.merge!(as: :array, cache_rows: false) @has_post_thanks = mysql_query(<<-SQL).to_a.count > 0 SELECT `COLUMN_NAME` FROM `INFORMATION_SCHEMA`.`COLUMNS` WHERE `TABLE_SCHEMA`='#{database}' AND `TABLE_NAME`='user' AND `COLUMN_NAME` LIKE 'post_thanks_%' SQL @user_ids_by_email = {} end def execute # enable as per requirement: # SiteSetting.automatic_backups_enabled = false # SiteSetting.disable_emails = "non-staff" # SiteSetting.authorized_extensions = '*' # SiteSetting.max_image_size_kb = 102400 # SiteSetting.max_attachment_size_kb = 102400 # SiteSetting.clean_up_uploads = false # SiteSetting.clean_orphan_uploads_grace_period_hours = 43200 import_groups import_users import_group_users import_user_emails import_user_stats import_user_passwords import_user_salts import_user_profiles import_categories import_topics import_posts import_likes import_private_topics import_topic_allowed_users import_private_posts create_permalink_file import_attachments import_avatars import_signatures end def execute_after max_age = SiteSetting.delete_user_max_post_age SiteSetting.delete_user_max_post_age = 50 * 365 merge_duplicated_users SiteSetting.delete_user_max_post_age = max_age end def import_groups puts "", "Importing groups..." groups = mysql_stream <<-SQL SELECT usergroupid, title, description, usertitle FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}usergroup WHERE usergroupid > #{@last_imported_group_id} ORDER BY usergroupid SQL create_groups(groups) do |row| { imported_id: row[0], name: normalize_text(row[1]), bio_raw: normalize_text(row[2]), title: normalize_text(row[3]), } end end def import_users puts "", "Importing users..." users = mysql_stream <<-SQL SELECT u.userid, username, email, joindate, birthday, ipaddress, u.usergroupid, bandate, liftdate FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}user u LEFT JOIN #{TABLE_PREFIX}userban ub ON ub.userid = u.userid WHERE u.userid > #{@last_imported_user_id} ORDER BY u.userid SQL create_users(users) do |row| u = { imported_id: row[0], username: normalize_text(row[1]), name: normalize_text(row[1]), email: row[2], created_at: Time.zone.at(row[3]), date_of_birth: parse_birthday(row[4]), primary_group_id: group_id_from_imported_id(row[6]), } u[:ip_address] = row[5][/\b(?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}\b/] if row[5].present? if row[7] u[:suspended_at] = Time.zone.at(row[7]) u[:suspended_till] = row[8] > 0 ? Time.zone.at(row[8]) : SUSPENDED_TILL end u end end def import_user_emails puts "", "Importing user emails..." users = mysql_stream <<-SQL SELECT u.userid, email, joindate FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}user u WHERE u.userid > #{@last_imported_user_id} ORDER BY u.userid SQL create_user_emails(users) do |row| user_id, email = row[0..1] @user_ids_by_email[email.downcase] ||= [] user_ids = @user_ids_by_email[email.downcase] << user_id if user_ids.count > 1 # fudge email to avoid conflicts; accounts from the 2nd and on will later be merged back into the first # NOTE: gsub! is used to avoid creating a new (frozen) string email.gsub!(/^/, SecureRandom.hex) end { imported_id: user_id, imported_user_id: user_id, email: email, created_at: Time.zone.at(row[2]), } end # for debugging purposes; not used operationally save_duplicated_users end def import_user_stats puts "", "Importing user stats..." users = mysql_stream <<-SQL SELECT u.userid, joindate, posts, COUNT(t.threadid) AS threads, p.dateline #{", post_thanks_user_amount, post_thanks_thanked_times" if @has_post_thanks} FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}user u LEFT OUTER JOIN #{TABLE_PREFIX}post p ON p.postid = u.lastpostid LEFT OUTER JOIN #{TABLE_PREFIX}thread t ON u.userid = t.postuserid WHERE u.userid > #{@last_imported_user_id} GROUP BY u.userid ORDER BY u.userid SQL create_user_stats(users) do |row| user = { imported_id: row[0], imported_user_id: row[0], new_since: Time.zone.at(row[1]), post_count: row[2], topic_count: row[3], first_post_created_at: row[4] && Time.zone.at(row[4]), } if @has_post_thanks user[:likes_given] = row[5] user[:likes_received] = row[6] end user end end def import_group_users puts "", "Importing group users..." group_users = mysql_stream <<-SQL SELECT usergroupid, userid FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}user WHERE userid > #{@last_imported_user_id} SQL create_group_users(group_users) do |row| { group_id: group_id_from_imported_id(row[0]), user_id: user_id_from_imported_id(row[1]) } end end def import_user_passwords puts "", "Importing user passwords..." user_passwords = mysql_stream <<-SQL SELECT userid, password FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}user WHERE userid > #{@last_imported_user_id} ORDER BY userid SQL create_custom_fields("user", "password", user_passwords) do |row| { record_id: user_id_from_imported_id(row[0]), value: row[1] } end end def import_user_salts puts "", "Importing user salts..." user_salts = mysql_stream <<-SQL SELECT userid, salt FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}user WHERE userid > #{@last_imported_user_id} AND LENGTH(COALESCE(salt, '')) > 0 ORDER BY userid SQL create_custom_fields("user", "salt", user_salts) do |row| { record_id: user_id_from_imported_id(row[0]), value: row[1] } end end def import_user_profiles puts "", "Importing user profiles..." user_profiles = mysql_stream <<-SQL SELECT userid, homepage, profilevisits FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}user WHERE userid > #{@last_imported_user_id} ORDER BY userid SQL create_user_profiles(user_profiles) do |row| { user_id: user_id_from_imported_id(row[0]), website: ( begin URI.parse(row[1]).to_s rescue StandardError nil end ), views: row[2], } end end def import_categories puts "", "Importing categories..." categories = mysql_query(<<-SQL).to_a select forumid, parentid, case when forumid in ( select distinct forumid from ( select forumid, title, count(title) from forum group by replace(replace(title, ':', ''), '&', '') having count(title) > 1 ) as duplicated_forum_ids ) then -- deduplicate by fudging the title; categories will needed to be manually merged later concat(title, '_DUPLICATE_', forumid) else title end as title, description, displayorder from forum order by forumid SQL return if categories.empty? parent_categories = categories.select { |c| c[1] == -1 } children_categories = categories.select { |c| c[1] != -1 } parent_category_ids = Set.new parent_categories.map { |c| c[0] } # cut down the tree to only 2 levels of categories children_categories.each do |cc| cc[1] = categories.find { |c| c[0] == cc[1] }[1] until parent_category_ids.include?(cc[1]) end puts "", "Importing parent categories..." create_categories(parent_categories) do |row| { imported_id: row[0], name: normalize_text(row[2]), description: normalize_text(row[3]), position: row[4], } end puts "", "Importing children categories..." create_categories(children_categories) do |row| { imported_id: row[0], name: normalize_text(row[2]), description: normalize_text(row[3]), position: row[4], parent_category_id: category_id_from_imported_id(row[1]), } end end def import_topics puts "", "Importing topics..." topics = mysql_stream <<-SQL SELECT threadid, title, forumid, postuserid, open, dateline, views, visible, sticky FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}thread t WHERE threadid > #{@last_imported_topic_id} AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}post p WHERE p.threadid = t.threadid) ORDER BY threadid SQL create_topics(topics) do |row| created_at = Time.zone.at(row[5]) t = { imported_id: row[0], title: normalize_text(row[1]), category_id: category_id_from_imported_id(row[2]), user_id: user_id_from_imported_id(row[3]), closed: row[4] == 0, created_at: created_at, views: row[6], visible: row[7] == 1, } t[:pinned_at] = created_at if row[8] == 1 t end end def import_posts puts "", "Importing posts..." posts = mysql_stream <<-SQL SELECT postid, p.threadid, parentid, userid, p.dateline, p.visible, pagetext #{", post_thanks_amount" if @has_post_thanks} FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}post p JOIN #{TABLE_PREFIX}thread t ON t.threadid = p.threadid WHERE postid > #{@last_imported_post_id} ORDER BY postid SQL create_posts(posts) do |row| topic_id = topic_id_from_imported_id(row[1]) replied_post_topic_id = topic_id_from_imported_post_id(row[2]) reply_to_post_number = topic_id == replied_post_topic_id ? post_number_from_imported_id(row[2]) : nil post = { imported_id: row[0], topic_id: topic_id, reply_to_post_number: reply_to_post_number, user_id: user_id_from_imported_id(row[3]), created_at: Time.zone.at(row[4]), hidden: row[5] != 1, raw: normalize_text(row[6]), } post[:like_count] = row[7] if @has_post_thanks post end end def import_likes return unless @has_post_thanks puts "", "Importing likes..." @imported_likes = Set.new @last_imported_post_id = 0 post_thanks = mysql_stream <<-SQL SELECT postid, userid, date FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}post_thanks WHERE postid > #{@last_imported_post_id} ORDER BY postid SQL create_post_actions(post_thanks) do |row| post_id = post_id_from_imported_id(row[0]) user_id = user_id_from_imported_id(row[1]) next if post_id.nil? || user_id.nil? next if @imported_likes.add?([post_id, user_id]).nil? { post_id: post_id_from_imported_id(row[0]), user_id: user_id_from_imported_id(row[1]), post_action_type_id: 2, created_at: Time.zone.at(row[2]), } end end def import_private_topics puts "", "Importing private topics..." @imported_topics = {} topics = mysql_stream <<-SQL SELECT pmtextid, title, fromuserid, touserarray, dateline FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}pmtext WHERE pmtextid > (#{@last_imported_private_topic_id - PRIVATE_OFFSET}) ORDER BY pmtextid SQL create_topics(topics) do |row| title = extract_pm_title(row[1]) user_ids = [row[2], row[3].scan(/i:(\d+)/)].flatten.map(&:to_i).sort key = [title, user_ids] next if @imported_topics.has_key?(key) @imported_topics[key] = row[0] + PRIVATE_OFFSET { archetype: Archetype.private_message, imported_id: row[0] + PRIVATE_OFFSET, title: title, user_id: user_id_from_imported_id(row[2]), created_at: Time.zone.at(row[4]), } end end def import_topic_allowed_users puts "", "Importing topic allowed users..." allowed_users = Set.new mysql_stream(<<-SQL).each do |row| SELECT pmtextid, touserarray FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}pmtext WHERE pmtextid > (#{@last_imported_private_topic_id - PRIVATE_OFFSET}) ORDER BY pmtextid SQL next unless topic_id = topic_id_from_imported_id(row[0] + PRIVATE_OFFSET) row[1] .scan(/i:(\d+)/) .flatten .each do |id| next unless user_id = user_id_from_imported_id(id) allowed_users << [topic_id, user_id] end end create_topic_allowed_users(allowed_users) { |row| { topic_id: row[0], user_id: row[1] } } end def import_private_posts puts "", "Importing private posts..." posts = mysql_stream <<-SQL SELECT pmtextid, title, fromuserid, touserarray, dateline, message FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}pmtext WHERE pmtextid > #{@last_imported_private_post_id - PRIVATE_OFFSET} ORDER BY pmtextid SQL create_posts(posts) do |row| title = extract_pm_title(row[1]) user_ids = [row[2], row[3].scan(/i:(\d+)/)].flatten.map(&:to_i).sort key = [title, user_ids] next unless topic_id = topic_id_from_imported_id(@imported_topics[key]) { imported_id: row[0] + PRIVATE_OFFSET, topic_id: topic_id, user_id: user_id_from_imported_id(row[2]), created_at: Time.zone.at(row[4]), raw: normalize_text(row[5]), } end end def create_permalink_file puts "", "Creating Permalink File...", "" total = Topic.listable_topics.count start = Time.now i = 0 File.open(File.expand_path("../vb_map.csv", __FILE__), "w") do |f| Topic.listable_topics.find_each do |topic| i += 1 pcf = topic.posts.includes(:_custom_fields).where(post_number: 1).first.custom_fields if pcf && pcf["import_id"] id = pcf["import_id"].split("-").last f.print ["XXX#{id} YYY#{topic.id}"].to_csv print "\r%7d/%7d - %6d/sec" % [i, total, i.to_f / (Time.now - start)] if i % 5000 == 0 end end end end # find the uploaded file information from the db def find_upload(post, attachment_id) sql = "SELECT a.attachmentid attachment_id, a.userid user_id, a.filename filename FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}attachment a WHERE a.attachmentid = #{attachment_id}" results = mysql_query(sql) unless row = results.first puts "Couldn't find attachment record for attachment_id = #{attachment_id} post.id = #{post.id}" return end attachment_id = row[0] user_id = row[1] db_filename = row[2] filename = File.join(ATTACHMENT_DIR, user_id.to_s.split("").join("/"), "#{attachment_id}.attach") real_filename = db_filename real_filename.prepend SecureRandom.hex if real_filename[0] == "." unless File.exist?(filename) puts "Attachment file #{row.inspect} doesn't exist" return nil end upload = create_upload(post.user.id, filename, real_filename) if upload.nil? || upload.errors.any? puts "Upload not valid :(" puts upload.errors.inspect if upload return end [upload, real_filename] rescue Mysql2::Error => e puts "SQL Error" puts e.message puts sql end def import_attachments puts "", "importing attachments..." RateLimiter.disable current_count = 0 total_count = Post.count success_count = 0 fail_count = 0 attachment_regex = %r{\[attach[^\]]*\](\d+)\[/attach\]}i Post.find_each do |post| current_count += 1 print_status current_count, total_count new_raw = post.raw.dup new_raw.gsub!(attachment_regex) do |s| matches = attachment_regex.match(s) attachment_id = matches[1] upload, filename = find_upload(post, attachment_id) unless upload fail_count += 1 next # should we strip invalid attach tags? end html_for_upload(upload, filename) end if new_raw != post.raw PostRevisor.new(post).revise!( post.user, { raw: new_raw }, bypass_bump: true, edit_reason: "Import attachments from vBulletin", ) end success_count += 1 end puts "", "imported #{success_count} attachments... failed: #{fail_count}." RateLimiter.enable end def import_avatars if AVATAR_DIR && File.exist?(AVATAR_DIR) puts "", "importing user avatars" RateLimiter.disable start = Time.now count = 0 Dir.foreach(AVATAR_DIR) do |item| print "\r%7d - %6d/sec" % [count, count.to_f / (Time.now - start)] next if item == (".") || item == ("..") || item == (".DS_Store") next unless item =~ /avatar(\d+)_(\d).gif/ scan = item.scan(/avatar(\d+)_(\d).gif/) next unless scan[0][0].present? u = UserCustomField.find_by(name: "import_id", value: scan[0][0]).try(:user) next unless u.present? # raise "User not found for id #{user_id}" if user.blank? photo_real_filename = File.join(AVATAR_DIR, item) puts "#{photo_real_filename} not found" unless File.exist?(photo_real_filename) upload = create_upload(u.id, photo_real_filename, File.basename(photo_real_filename)) count += 1 if upload.persisted? u.import_mode = false u.create_user_avatar u.import_mode = true u.user_avatar.update(custom_upload_id: upload.id) u.update(uploaded_avatar_id: upload.id) else puts "Error: Upload did not persist for #{u.username} #{photo_real_filename}!" end end puts "", "imported #{count} avatars..." RateLimiter.enable end end def import_signatures puts "Importing user signatures..." total_count = mysql_query(<<-SQL).first[0].to_i SELECT COUNT(userid) count FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}sigparsed SQL current_count = 0 user_signatures = mysql_stream <<-SQL SELECT userid, signatureparsed FROM #{TABLE_PREFIX}sigparsed ORDER BY userid SQL user_signatures.each do |sig| current_count += 1 print_status current_count, total_count user_id = sig[0] user_sig = sig[1] next unless user_id.present? && user_sig.present? u = UserCustomField.find_by(name: "import_id", value: user_id).try(:user) next unless u.present? # can not hold dupes UserCustomField.where( user_id: u.id, name: %w[see_signatures signature_raw signature_cooked], ).destroy_all user_sig.gsub!(%r{\[/?sigpic\]}i, "") UserCustomField.create!(user_id: u.id, name: "see_signatures", value: true) UserCustomField.create!(user_id: u.id, name: "signature_raw", value: user_sig) UserCustomField.create!( user_id: u.id, name: "signature_cooked", value: PrettyText.cook(user_sig, omit_nofollow: false), ) end end def merge_duplicated_users count = 0 total_count = 0 duplicated = {} @user_ids_by_email .select { |e, ids| ids.count > 1 } .each_with_index do |(email, ids), i| duplicated[email] = [ids, i] count += 1 total_count += ids.count end puts "", "Merging #{total_count} duplicated users across #{count} distinct emails..." start = Time.now Parallel.each duplicated do |email, (user_ids, i)| # nothing to do about these - they will remain a randomized hex string next unless email.presence # queried one by one to ensure ordering first, *rest = user_ids.map do |id| UserCustomField.includes(:user).find_by!(name: "import_id", value: id).user end rest.each do |dup| UserMerger.new(dup, first).merge! first.reload printf "." end print "\n%6d/%6d - %6d/sec" % [i, count, i.to_f / (Time.now - start)] if i % 10 == 0 end puts end def save_duplicated_users File.open("duplicated_users.json", "w+") { |f| f.puts @user_ids_by_email.to_json } end def read_duplicated_users @user_ids_by_email = JSON.parse File.read("duplicated_users.json") end def extract_pm_title(title) normalize_text(title).scrub.gsub(/^Re\s*:\s*/i, "") end def parse_birthday(birthday) return if birthday.blank? date_of_birth = begin Date.strptime(birthday.gsub(/[^\d-]+/, ""), "%m-%d-%Y") rescue StandardError nil end return if date_of_birth.nil? if date_of_birth.year < 1904 Date.new(1904, date_of_birth.month, date_of_birth.day) else date_of_birth end end def print_status(current, max, start_time = nil) if start_time.present? elapsed_seconds = Time.now - start_time elements_per_minute = "[%.0f items/min] " % [current / elapsed_seconds.to_f * 60] else elements_per_minute = "" end print "\r%9d / %d (%5.1f%%) %s" % [current, max, current / max.to_f * 100, elements_per_minute] end def mysql_stream(sql) @client.query(sql, stream: true) end def mysql_query(sql) @client.query(sql) end end BulkImport::VBulletin.new.run