# frozen_string_literal: true require "mysql2" require "htmlentities" require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/base.rb") class ImportScripts::Smf1 < ImportScripts::Base BATCH_SIZE ||= 5000 UPLOADS_DIR ||= ENV["UPLOADS_DIR"].presence FORUM_URL ||= ENV["FORUM_URL"].presence def initialize fail "UPLOADS_DIR env variable is required (example: '/path/to/attachments')" unless UPLOADS_DIR fail "FORUM_URL env variable is required (example: 'https://domain.com/forum')" unless FORUM_URL @client = Mysql2::Client.new( host: ENV["DB_HOST"] || "localhost", username: ENV["DB_USER"] || "root", password: ENV["DB_PW"], database: ENV["DB_NAME"], ) check_version! super @htmlentities = HTMLEntities.new puts "Loading existing usernames..." @old_to_new_usernames = UserCustomField .joins(:user) .where(name: "import_username") .pluck("value", "users.username") .to_h puts "Loading pm mapping..." @pm_mapping = {} Topic .joins(:topic_allowed_users) .where(archetype: Archetype.private_message) .where("title NOT ILIKE 'Re: %'") .group(:id) .order(:id) .pluck( "string_agg(topic_allowed_users.user_id::text, ',' ORDER BY topic_allowed_users.user_id), title, topics.id", ) .each do |users, title, topic_id| @pm_mapping[users] ||= {} @pm_mapping[users][title] ||= [] @pm_mapping[users][title] << topic_id end end def execute SiteSetting.permalink_normalizations = "/(.+)\\?.*/\\1" import_groups import_users import_categories import_posts import_personal_posts import_attachments import_likes import_feedbacks import_banned_domains import_banned_emails import_banned_ips end def check_version! version = mysql_query("SELECT value FROM smf_settings WHERE variable = 'smfVersion' LIMIT 1").first[ "value" ] fail "Incompatible version (#{version})" unless version&.start_with?("1.") end def import_groups puts "", "Importing groups..." # skip administrators/moderators groups = mysql_query("SELECT id_group, groupName FROM smf_membergroups WHERE id_group > 3").to_a create_groups(groups) do |g| next if g["groupName"].blank? { id: g["id_group"], full_name: g["groupName"] } end end def import_users puts "", "Importing users..." last_user_id = -1 total = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) count FROM smf_members").first["count"] batches(BATCH_SIZE) do |offset| users = mysql_query(<<~SQL).to_a SELECT m.id_member , memberName , dateRegistered , id_group , lastLogin , realName , emailAddress , personalText , CASE WHEN birthdate > '1900-01-01' THEN birthdate ELSE NULL END birthdate , websiteUrl , location , usertitle , memberIP , memberIP2 , is_activated , additionalGroups , avatar , id_attach , attachmentType , filename FROM smf_members m LEFT JOIN smf_attachments a ON a.id_member = m.id_member WHERE m.id_member > #{last_user_id} ORDER BY m.id_member LIMIT #{BATCH_SIZE} SQL break if users.empty? last_user_id = users[-1]["id_member"] user_ids = users.map { |u| u["id_member"] } next if all_records_exist?(:users, user_ids) create_users(users, total: total, offset: offset) do |u| created_at = Time.zone.at(u["dateRegistered"]) group_ids = [u["id_group"], *u["additionalGroups"].split(",").map(&:to_i)].uniq { id: u["id_member"], username: u["memberName"], created_at: created_at, first_seen_at: created_at, primary_group_id: group_id_from_imported_group_id(u["id_group"]), admin: group_ids.include?(1), moderator: group_ids.include?(2) || group_ids.include?(3), last_seen_at: Time.zone.at(u["lastLogin"]), name: u["realName"].presence, email: u["emailAddress"], bio_raw: pre_process_raw(u["personalText"].presence), date_of_birth: u["birthdate"], website: u["website"].presence, location: u["location"].presence, title: u["usertitle"].presence, registration_ip_address: u["memberIP"], ip_address: u["memberIP2"], active: u["is_activated"] == 1, approved: u["is_activated"] == 1, post_create_action: proc do |user| # usernames @old_to_new_usernames[u["memberName"]] = user.username # groups GroupUser.transaction do group_ids.each do |gid| (group_id = group_id_from_imported_group_id(gid)) && GroupUser.find_or_create_by(user: user, group_id: group_id) end end # avatar avatar_url = nil if u["avatar"].present? if u["avatar"].start_with?("http") avatar_url = u["avatar"] elsif u["avatar"].start_with?("avatar_") avatar_url = "#{FORUM_URL}/avatar-members/#{u["avatar"]}" end end avatar_url ||= if u["attachmentType"] == 0 && u["id_attach"].present? "#{FORUM_URL}/index.php?action=dlattach;attach=#{u["id_attach"]};type=avatar" elsif u["attachmentType"] == 1 && u["filename"].present? "#{FORUM_URL}/avatar-members/#{u["filename"]}" end if avatar_url.present? begin UserAvatar.import_url_for_user(avatar_url, user) rescue StandardError nil end end end, } end end end def import_categories puts "", "Importing categories..." categories = mysql_query(<<~SQL).to_a SELECT id_board , id_parent , boardOrder , name , description FROM smf_boards ORDER BY id_parent, id_board SQL parent_categories = categories.select { |c| c["id_parent"] == 0 } children_categories = categories.select { |c| c["id_parent"] != 0 } create_categories(parent_categories) do |c| { id: c["id_board"], name: c["name"], description: pre_process_raw(c["description"].presence), position: c["boardOrder"], post_create_action: proc do |category| Permalink.find_or_create_by( url: "forums/index.php/board,#{c["id_board"]}.0.html", category_id: category.id, ) end, } end create_categories(children_categories) do |c| { id: c["id_board"], parent_category_id: category_id_from_imported_category_id(c["id_parent"]), name: c["name"], description: pre_process_raw(c["description"].presence), position: c["boardOrder"], post_create_action: proc do |category| Permalink.find_or_create_by( url: "forums/index.php/board,#{c["id_board"]}.0.html", category_id: category.id, ) end, } end end def import_posts puts "", "Importing posts..." last_post_id = -1 total = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) count FROM smf_messages").first["count"] batches(BATCH_SIZE) do |offset| posts = mysql_query(<<~SQL).to_a SELECT m.id_msg , m.id_topic , m.id_board , m.posterTime , m.id_member , m.subject , m.body , t.isSticky , t.id_first_msg , t.numViews FROM smf_messages m JOIN smf_topics t ON t.id_topic = m.id_topic WHERE m.id_msg > #{last_post_id} ORDER BY m.id_msg LIMIT #{BATCH_SIZE} SQL break if posts.empty? last_post_id = posts[-1]["id_msg"] post_ids = posts.map { |p| p["id_msg"] } next if all_records_exist?(:post, post_ids) create_posts(posts, total: total, offset: offset) do |p| created_at = Time.at(p["posterTime"]) post = { id: p["id_msg"], created_at: created_at, user_id: user_id_from_imported_user_id(p["id_member"]) || -1, raw: pre_process_raw(p["body"]), } if p["id_msg"] == p["id_first_msg"] post[:category] = category_id_from_imported_category_id(p["id_board"]) post[:title] = @htmlentities.decode(p["subject"]) post[:views] = p["numViews"] post[:pinned_at] = created_at if p["isSticky"] == 1 post[:post_create_action] = proc do |pp| Permalink.find_or_create_by( url: "forums/index.php/topic,#{p["id_topic"]}.0.html", topic_id: pp.topic_id, ) end elsif parent = topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id(p["id_first_msg"]) post[:topic_id] = parent[:topic_id] post[:post_create_action] = proc do |pp| Permalink.find_or_create_by( url: "forums/index.php/topic,#{p["id_topic"]}.msg#{p["id_msg"]}.html", post_id: pp.id, ) end else next end post end end end def import_personal_posts puts "", "Importing personal posts..." last_post_id = -1 total = mysql_query( "SELECT COUNT(*) count FROM smf_personal_messages WHERE deletedBySender = 0", ).first[ "count" ] batches(BATCH_SIZE) do |offset| posts = mysql_query(<<~SQL).to_a SELECT id_pm , id_member_from , msgtime , subject , body , (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(id_member) FROM smf_pm_recipients r WHERE r.id_pm = pm.id_pm) recipients FROM smf_personal_messages pm WHERE deletedBySender = 0 AND id_pm > #{last_post_id} ORDER BY id_pm LIMIT #{BATCH_SIZE} SQL break if posts.empty? last_post_id = posts[-1]["id_pm"] post_ids = posts.map { |p| "pm-#{p["id_pm"]}" } next if all_records_exist?(:post, post_ids) create_posts(posts, total: total, offset: offset) do |p| next unless user_id = user_id_from_imported_user_id(p["id_member_from"]) next if p["recipients"].blank? recipients = p["recipients"].split(",").map { |id| user_id_from_imported_user_id(id) }.compact.uniq next if recipients.empty? id = "pm-#{p["id_pm"]}" next if post_id_from_imported_post_id(id) post = { id: id, created_at: Time.at(p["msgtime"]), user_id: user_id, raw: pre_process_raw(p["body"]), } users = (recipients + [user_id]).sort.uniq.join(",") title = @htmlentities.decode(p["subject"]) if topic_id = find_pm_topic_id(users, title) post[:topic_id] = topic_id else post[:archetype] = Archetype.private_message post[:title] = title post[:target_usernames] = User.where(id: recipients).pluck(:username) post[:post_create_action] = proc do |action_post| @pm_mapping[users] ||= {} @pm_mapping[users][title] ||= [] @pm_mapping[users][title] << action_post.topic_id end end post end end end def find_pm_topic_id(users, title) return unless title.start_with?("Re: ") return unless @pm_mapping[users] title = title.gsub(/^(Re: )+/i, "") return unless @pm_mapping[users][title] @pm_mapping[users][title][-1] end def import_attachments puts "", "Importing attachments..." count = 0 last_upload_id = -1 total = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) count FROM smf_attachments WHERE id_msg IS NOT NULL").first[ "count" ] batches(BATCH_SIZE) do |offset| uploads = mysql_query(<<~SQL).to_a SELECT id_attach , id_msg , filename , file_hash FROM smf_attachments WHERE id_msg IS NOT NULL AND id_attach > #{last_upload_id} ORDER BY id_attach LIMIT #{BATCH_SIZE} SQL break if uploads.empty? last_upload_id = uploads[-1]["id_attach"] uploads.each do |u| count += 1 unless post = PostCustomField .joins(:post) .find_by(name: "import_id", value: u["id_msg"].to_s) &.post next end path = File.join(UPLOADS_DIR, "#{u["id_attach"]}_#{u["file_hash"]}") next unless File.exist?(path) && File.size(path) > 0 if upload = create_upload(post.user_id, path, u["filename"]) html = html_for_upload(upload, u["filename"]) unless post.raw[html] || UploadReference.where(upload: upload, target: post).exists? post.raw += "\n\n#{html}\n\n" post.save UploadReference.ensure_exist!(upload_ids: [upload.id], target: post) end end print_status(count, total, get_start_time("attachments")) end end end def import_likes return if mysql_query("SHOW TABLES LIKE 'smf_thank_you_post'").first.nil? puts "", "Importing likes..." count = 0 total = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) count FROM smf_thank_you_post WHERE thx_time > 0").first["count"] like = PostActionType.types[:like] mysql_query( "SELECT id_msg, id_member, thx_time FROM smf_thank_you_post WHERE thx_time > 0 ORDER BY id_thx_post", ).each do |l| print_status(count += 1, total, get_start_time("likes")) next unless post_id = post_id_from_imported_post_id(l["id_msg"]) next unless user_id = user_id_from_imported_user_id(l["id_member"]) if PostAction.where(post_action_type_id: like, post_id: post_id, user_id: user_id).exists? next end PostAction.create( post_action_type_id: like, post_id: post_id, user_id: user_id, created_at: Time.at(l["thx_time"]), ) end end FEEDBACKS ||= -"feedbacks" def import_feedbacks return if mysql_query("SHOW TABLES LIKE 'smf_feedback'").first.nil? puts "", "Importing feedbacks..." User.register_custom_field_type(FEEDBACKS, :json) count = 0 total = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) count FROM smf_feedback WHERE approved").first["count"] mysql_query(<<~SQL).each do |f| SELECT feedbackid , id_member , feedbackmember_id , saledate , saletype , salevalue , comment_short , comment_long FROM smf_feedback WHERE approved ORDER BY feedbackid SQL print_status(count += 1, total, get_start_time("feedbacks")) next unless user_id_from = user_id_from_imported_user_id(f["feedbackmember_id"]) next unless user_id_to = user_id_from_imported_user_id(f["id_member"]) next unless user = User.find_by(id: user_id_to) feedbacks = user.custom_fields[FEEDBACKS] || [] next if feedbacks.find { |ff| ff["id"] == f["feedbackid"] } feedbacks << { id: f["feedbackid"], created_at: Time.at(f["saledate"]), from: user_id_from, type: f["saletype"], value: f["salevalue"], comment_short: @htmlentities.decode(f["comment_short"]).strip.presence, comment_long: @htmlentities.decode(f["comment_long"]).strip.presence, } user.custom_fields[FEEDBACKS] = feedbacks.to_json user.save_custom_fields end end def import_banned_domains puts "", "Importing banned email domains..." blocklist = SiteSetting.blocked_email_domains.split("|") banned_domains = mysql_query( "SELECT SUBSTRING(email_address, 3) domain FROM smf_ban_items WHERE email_address RLIKE '^%@[^%]+$' GROUP BY email_address", ).map { |r| r["domain"] } SiteSetting.blocked_email_domains = (blocklist + banned_domains).uniq.sort.join("|") end def import_banned_emails puts "", "Importing banned emails..." count = 0 banned_emails = mysql_query( "SELECT email_address FROM smf_ban_items WHERE email_address RLIKE '^[^%]+@[^%]+$' GROUP BY email_address", ).map { |r| r["email_address"] } banned_emails.each do |email| print_status(count += 1, banned_emails.size, get_start_time("banned_emails")) ScreenedEmail.find_or_create_by(email: email) end end def import_banned_ips puts "", "Importing banned IPs..." count = 0 banned_ips = mysql_query(<<~SQL).to_a SELECT CONCAT_WS('.', ip_low1, ip_low2, ip_low3, ip_low4) low , CONCAT_WS('.', ip_high1, ip_high2, ip_high3, ip_high4) high , hits FROM smf_ban_items WHERE (ip_low1 + ip_low2 + ip_low3 + ip_low4 + ip_high1 + ip_high2 + ip_high3 + ip_high4) > 0 GROUP BY low, high, hits; SQL banned_ips.each do |r| print_status(count += 1, banned_ips.size, get_start_time("banned_ips")) if r["low"] == r["high"] if !ScreenedIpAddress.where("? <<= ip_address", r["low"]).exists? ScreenedIpAddress.create(ip_address: r["low"], match_count: r["hits"]) end else low_values = r["low"].split(".").map(&:to_i) high_values = r["high"].split(".").map(&:to_i) first_diff = low_values.zip(high_values).count { |a, b| a == b } first_diff -= 1 if low_values[first_diff] == 0 && high_values[first_diff] == 255 prefix = low_values[0...first_diff] suffix = [0] * (3 - first_diff) mask = 8 * (first_diff + 1) values = (low_values[first_diff]..high_values[first_diff]) hits = (r["hits"] / [1, values.count].max).floor values.each do |v| range_values = prefix + [v] + suffix ip_address = "#{range_values.join(".")}/#{mask}" if !ScreenedIpAddress.where("? <<= ip_address", ip_address).exists? ScreenedIpAddress.create(ip_address: ip_address, match_count: hits) end end end end ScreenedIpAddress.where(last_match_at: nil).update_all(last_match_at: Time.new(2000, 01, 01)) puts "", "Rolling up..." ScreenedIpAddress.roll_up end IGNORED_BBCODE ||= %w[ black blue center color email flash font glow green iurl left list move red right shadown size table time white ] def pre_process_raw(raw) return "" if raw.blank? raw = @htmlentities.decode(raw) # [acronym] raw.gsub!(%r{\[acronym=([^\]]+)\](.*?)\[/acronym\]}im) { %{#{$2}} } # [br] raw.gsub!(/\[br\]/i, "\n") raw.gsub!(%r{}i, "\n") # [hr] raw.gsub!(/\[hr\]/i, "
") # [sub] raw.gsub!(%r{\[sub\](.*?)\[/sub\]}im) { "#{$1}" } # [sup] raw.gsub!(%r{\[sup\](.*?)\[/sup\]}im) { "#{$1}" } # [html] raw.gsub!(/\[html\]/i, "\n```html\n") raw.gsub!(%r{\[/html\]}i, "\n```\n") # [php] raw.gsub!(/\[php\]/i, "\n```php\n") raw.gsub!(%r{\[/php\]}i, "\n```\n") # [code] raw.gsub!(%r{\[/?code\]}i, "\n```\n") # [pre] raw.gsub!(%r{\[/?pre\]}i, "\n```\n") # [tt] raw.gsub!(%r{\[/?tt\]}i, "`") # [ftp] raw.gsub!(/\[ftp/i, "[url") raw.gsub!(%r{\[/ftp\]}i, "[/url]") # [me] raw.gsub!(%r{\[me=([^\]]*)\](.*?)\[/me\]}im) { "_\\* #{$1} #{$2}_" } # [li] raw.gsub!(%r{\[li\](.*?)\[/li\]}im) { "- #{$1}" } # puts [img] on their own line raw.gsub!(%r{\[img[^\]]*\](.*?)\[/img\]}im) { "\n#{$1}\n" } # puts [youtube] on their own line raw.gsub!(%r{\[youtube\](.*?)\[/youtube\]}im) { "\n#{$1}\n" } IGNORED_BBCODE.each { |code| raw.gsub!(%r{\[#{code}[^\]]*\](.*?)\[/#{code}\]}im, '\1') } # ensure [/quote] are on their own line raw.gsub!(%r{\s*\[/quote\]\s*}im, "\n[/quote]\n") # [quote] raw.gsub!(/\s*\[quote (.+?)\]\s/im) do params = $1 post_id = params[/msg(\d+)/, 1] username = params[/author=(.+) link=/, 1] username = @old_to_new_usernames[username] if @old_to_new_usernames.has_key?(username) if t = topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id(post_id) %{\n[quote="#{username},post:#{t[:post_number]},topic:#{t[:topic_id]}"]\n} else %{\n[quote="#{username}"]\n} end end # remove tapatalk mess raw.gsub!(%r{Sent from .+? using \[url=.*?\].+?\[/url\]}i, "") raw.gsub!(/Sent from .+? using .+?\z/i, "") # clean URLs raw.gsub!(%r{\[url=(.+?)\]\1\[/url\]}i, '\1') raw end def mysql_query(sql) @client.query(sql) end end ImportScripts::Smf1.new.perform