require_dependency 'email_token' require_dependency 'trust_level' require_dependency 'pbkdf2' require_dependency 'summarize' class User < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :name, :username, :password, :email, :bio_raw, :website has_many :posts has_many :notifications has_many :topic_users has_many :topics has_many :user_open_ids has_many :user_actions has_many :post_actions has_many :email_logs has_many :post_timings has_many :topic_allowed_users has_many :topics_allowed, through: :topic_allowed_users, source: :topic has_many :email_tokens has_many :views has_many :user_visits has_many :invites has_one :twitter_user_info has_one :github_user_info belongs_to :approved_by, class_name: 'User' validates_presence_of :username validates_presence_of :email validates_uniqueness_of :email validate :username_validator validate :email_validator, if: :email_changed? validate :password_validator before_save :cook before_save :update_username_lower before_save :ensure_password_is_hashed after_initialize :add_trust_level after_save :update_tracked_topics after_create :create_email_token # Whether we need to be sending a system message after creation attr_accessor :send_welcome_message # This is just used to pass some information into the serializer attr_accessor :notification_channel_position scope :admins, ->{ where(admin: true) } scope :moderators, ->{ where(moderator: true) } module NewTopicDuration ALWAYS = -1 LAST_VISIT = -2 end def self.username_length 3..15 end def self.sanitize_username!(name) name.gsub!(/^[^A-Za-z0-9]+|[^A-Za-z0-9_]+$/, "") name.gsub!(/[^A-Za-z0-9_]+/, "_") end def self.pad_missing_chars_with_1s!(name) missing_chars = User.username_length.begin - name.length name << ('1' * missing_chars) if missing_chars > 0 end def self.find_available_username_based_on(name) i = 1 attempt = name until username_available?(attempt) suffix = i.to_s max_length = User.username_length.end - suffix.length - 1 attempt = "#{name[0..max_length]}#{suffix}" i += 1 end attempt end EMAIL = %r{([^@]+)@([^\.]+)} def self.suggest_username(name) return unless name.present? if name =~ EMAIL # When '' take 'walter' name = Regexp.last_match[1] # When '' take 'eviltrout' name = Regexp.last_match[2] if ['i', 'me'].include?(name) end sanitize_username!(name) pad_missing_chars_with_1s!(name) # Trim extra length name = name[0..User.username_length.end-1] find_available_username_based_on(name) end def self.create_for_email(email, opts={}) username = suggest_username(email) if SiteSetting.call_discourse_hub? begin match, available, suggestion = DiscourseHub.nickname_match?(username, email) username = suggestion unless match || available rescue => e Rails.logger.error e.message + "\n" + e.backtrace.join("\n") end end user = email, username: username, name: username) user.trust_level = opts[:trust_level] if opts[:trust_level].present?! if SiteSetting.call_discourse_hub? begin DiscourseHub.register_nickname(username, email) rescue => e Rails.logger.error e.message + "\n" + e.backtrace.join("\n") end end user end def self.username_available?(username) lower = username.downcase User.where(username_lower: lower).blank? end def self.username_valid?(username) u = username) u.username_format_validator u.errors[:username].blank? end def enqueue_welcome_message(message_type) return unless SiteSetting.send_welcome_message? Jobs.enqueue(:send_system_message, user_id: id, message_type: message_type) end def self.suggest_name(email) return "" unless email name = email.split(/[@\+]/)[0] name = name.gsub(".", " ") name.titleize end def change_username(new_username) current_username, self.username = username, new_username if SiteSetting.call_discourse_hub? && valid? begin DiscourseHub.change_nickname(current_username, new_username) rescue DiscourseHub::NicknameUnavailable false rescue => e Rails.logger.error e.message + "\n" + e.backtrace.join("\n") end end save end # Use a temporary key to find this user, store it in redis with an expiry def temporary_key key = SecureRandom.hex(32) $redis.setex "temporary_key:#{key}", 1.week, id.to_s key end # Find a user by temporary key, nil if not found or key is invalid def self.find_by_temporary_key(key) user_id = $redis.get("temporary_key:#{key}") if user_id.present? where(id: user_id.to_i).first end end def self.find_by_username_or_email(username_or_email) where("username_lower = :user or lower(username) = :user or lower(email) = :user or lower(name) = :user", user: username_or_email.downcase) end # tricky, we need our bus to be subscribed from the right spot def sync_notification_channel_position @unread_notifications_by_type = nil self.notification_channel_position = MessageBus.last_id("/notification/#{id}") end def invited_by used_invite = invites.where("redeemed_at is not null").includes(:invited_by).first used_invite.try(:invited_by) end # Approve this user def approve(approved_by) self.approved = true self.approved_by = approved_by self.approved_at = enqueue_welcome_message('welcome_approved') if save end def self.email_hash(email) Digest::MD5.hexdigest(email.strip.downcase) end def email_hash User.email_hash(email) end def unread_notifications_by_type @unread_notifications_by_type ||= notifications.where("id > ? and read = false", seen_notification_id).group(:notification_type).count end def reload @unread_notifications_by_type = nil super end def unread_private_messages unread_notifications_by_type[Notification.types[:private_message]] || 0 end def unread_notifications unread_notifications_by_type.except(Notification.types[:private_message]).values.sum end def saw_notification_id(notification_id) User.update_all ["seen_notification_id = ?", notification_id], ["seen_notification_id < ?", notification_id] end def publish_notifications_state MessageBus.publish("/notification/#{id}", { unread_notifications: unread_notifications, unread_private_messages: unread_private_messages }, user_ids: [id] # only publish the notification to this user ) end # A selection of people to autocomplete on @mention def self.mentionable_usernames'last_posted_at desc').limit(20) end def moderator? # this saves us from checking both, admins are always moderators # # in future we may split this out admin || moderator end def regular? !(admin? || moderator?) end def password=(password) # special case for passwordless accounts @raw_password = password unless password.blank? end # Indicate that this is NOT a passwordless account for the purposes of validation def password_required! @password_required = true end def confirm_password?(password) return false unless password_hash && salt self.password_hash == hash_password(password, salt) end def seen?(date) last_seen_at.to_date >= date if last_seen_at.present? end def seen_before? last_seen_at.present? end def has_visit_record?(date) user_visits.where(visited_at: date).first end def update_visit_record!(date) unless seen_before? user_visits.create!(visited_at: date) update_column(:days_visited, 1) end unless seen?(date) || has_visit_record?(date) user_visits.create!(visited_at: date) User.update_all('days_visited = days_visited + 1', id: end end def update_ip_address!(new_ip_address) unless ip_address == new_ip_address || new_ip_address.blank? update_column(:ip_address, new_ip_address) end end def update_last_seen! now = now_date = now.to_date # Only update last seen once every minute redis_key = "user:#{}:#{now_date.to_s}" if $redis.setnx(redis_key, "1") $redis.expire(redis_key, SiteSetting.active_user_rate_limit_secs) update_visit_record!(now_date) # using update_column to avoid the AR transaction # Keep track of our last visit if seen_before? && (self.last_seen_at < (now - SiteSetting.previous_visit_timeout_hours.hours)) previous_visit_at = last_seen_at update_column(:previous_visit_at, previous_visit_at) end update_column(:last_seen_at, now) end end def self.avatar_template(email) email_hash = self.email_hash(email) # robohash was possibly causing caching issues # robohash = CGI.escape("") << "{size}x{size}" << CGI.escape("/#{email_hash}.png") "{email_hash}.png?s={size}&r=pg&d=identicon" end # Don't pass this up to the client - it's meant for server side use def small_avatar_url "{email_hash}.png?s=200&r=pg&d=identicon" end # return null for local avatars, a template for gravatar def avatar_template User.avatar_template(email) end # Updates the denormalized view counts for all users def self.update_view_counts # Update denormalized topics_entered exec_sql "UPDATE users SET topics_entered = x.c FROM (SELECT v.user_id, COUNT(DISTINCT parent_id) AS c FROM views AS v WHERE parent_type = 'Topic' GROUP BY v.user_id) AS X WHERE x.user_id =" # Update denormalzied posts_read_count exec_sql "UPDATE users SET posts_read_count = x.c FROM (SELECT pt.user_id, COUNT(*) AS c FROM post_timings AS pt GROUP BY pt.user_id) AS X WHERE x.user_id =" end # The following count methods are somewhat slow - definitely don't use them in a loop. # They might need to be denormalized def like_count UserAction.where(user_id: id, action_type: UserAction::WAS_LIKED).count end def post_count posts.count end def flags_given_count PostAction.where(user_id: id, post_action_type_id: PostActionType.flag_types.values).count end def flags_received_count posts.includes(:post_actions).where('post_actions.post_action_type_id' => PostActionType.flag_types.values).count end def private_topics_count topics_allowed.where(archetype: Archetype.private_message).count end def bio_excerpt PrettyText.excerpt(bio_cooked, 350) end def delete_all_posts!(guardian) raise Discourse::InvalidAccess unless guardian.can_delete_all_posts? self posts.order("post_number desc").each do |p| if p.post_number == 1 p.topic.destroy else p.destroy end end end def is_banned? banned_till && banned_till > end # Use this helper to determine if the user has a particular trust level. # Takes into account admin, etc. def has_trust_level?(level) raise "Invalid trust level #{level}" unless TrustLevel.valid_level?(level) admin? || moderator? ||, level) end # a touch faster than automatic def admin? admin end def change_trust_level(level) raise "Invalid trust level #{level}" unless TrustLevel.valid_level?(level) self.trust_level = TrustLevel.levels[level] end def guardian end def username_format_validator validator = unless validator.valid_format? validator.errors.each { |e| errors.add(:username, e) } end end def email_confirmed? email_tokens.where(email: email, confirmed: true).present? || email_tokens.empty? end def treat_as_new_topic_start_date duration = new_topic_duration_minutes || SiteSetting.new_topic_duration_minutes case duration when User::NewTopicDuration::ALWAYS created_at when User::NewTopicDuration::LAST_VISIT previous_visit_at || created_at else duration.minutes.ago end end MAX_TIME_READ_DIFF = 100 # attempt to add total read time to user based on previous time this was called def update_time_read! last_seen_key = "user-last-seen:#{id}" last_seen = $redis.get(last_seen_key) if last_seen.present? diff = ( - last_seen.to_f).round if diff > 0 && diff < MAX_TIME_READ_DIFF User.update_all ["time_read = time_read + ?", diff], id: id, time_read: time_read end end $redis.set(last_seen_key, end def readable_name return "#{name} (#{username})" if name.present? && name != username username end def bio_summary return nil unless bio_cooked.present? end def self.count_by_signup_date(sinceDaysAgo=30) where('created_at > ?', sinceDaysAgo.days.ago).group('date(created_at)').order('date(created_at)').count end def self.counts_by_trust_level group('trust_level').count end def update_topic_reply_count self.topic_reply_count = Topic .where(['id in ( SELECT topic_id FROM posts p JOIN topics t2 ON = p.topic_id WHERE p.deleted_at IS NULL AND t2.user_id <> p.user_id AND p.user_id = ? )',]) .count end protected def cook if bio_raw.present? self.bio_cooked = PrettyText.cook(bio_raw) if bio_raw_changed? else self.bio_cooked = nil end end def update_tracked_topics return unless auto_track_topics_after_msecs_changed? where_conditions = {notifications_reason_id: nil, user_id: id} if auto_track_topics_after_msecs < 0 TopicUser.update_all({notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:regular]}, where_conditions) else TopicUser.update_all(["notification_level = CASE WHEN total_msecs_viewed < ? THEN ? ELSE ? END", auto_track_topics_after_msecs, TopicUser.notification_levels[:regular], TopicUser.notification_levels[:tracking]], where_conditions) end end def create_email_token email_tokens.create(email: email) end def ensure_password_is_hashed if @raw_password self.salt = SecureRandom.hex(16) self.password_hash = hash_password(@raw_password, salt) end end def hash_password(password, salt) Pbkdf2.hash_password(password, salt, Rails.configuration.pbkdf2_iterations) end def add_trust_level # there is a possiblity we did not load trust level column, skip it return unless has_attribute? :trust_level self.trust_level ||= SiteSetting.default_trust_level end def update_username_lower self.username_lower = username.downcase end def username_validator username_format_validator || begin lower = username.downcase if username_changed? && User.where(username_lower: lower).exists? errors.add(:username, I18n.t(:'user.username.unique')) end end end def email_validator if (setting = SiteSetting.email_domains_whitelist).present? unless email_in_restriction_setting?(setting) errors.add(:email, I18n.t(:'')) end elsif (setting = SiteSetting.email_domains_blacklist).present? if email_in_restriction_setting?(setting) errors.add(:email, I18n.t(:'')) end end end def email_in_restriction_setting?(setting) domains = setting.gsub('.', '\.') regexp ="@(#{domains})", true) =~ regexp end def password_validator if (@raw_password && @raw_password.length < 6) || (@password_required && !@raw_password) errors.add(:password, "must be 6 letters or longer") end end end