# frozen_string_literal: true module Jobs class PullHotlinkedImages < ::Jobs::Base sidekiq_options queue: 'low' def initialize @max_size = SiteSetting.max_image_size_kb.kilobytes end def download(src) downloaded = nil begin retries ||= 3 downloaded = FileHelper.download( src, max_file_size: @max_size, retain_on_max_file_size_exceeded: true, tmp_file_name: "discourse-hotlinked", follow_redirect: true ) rescue if (retries -= 1) > 0 && !Rails.env.test? sleep 1 retry end end downloaded end def execute(args) post_id = args[:post_id] raise Discourse::InvalidParameters.new(:post_id) unless post_id.present? post = Post.find_by(id: post_id) return unless post.present? raw = post.raw.dup start_raw = raw.dup downloaded_urls = {} large_images = JSON.parse(post.custom_fields[Post::LARGE_IMAGES].presence || "[]") broken_images = JSON.parse(post.custom_fields[Post::BROKEN_IMAGES].presence || "[]") downloaded_images = JSON.parse(post.custom_fields[Post::DOWNLOADED_IMAGES].presence || "{}") has_new_large_image = false has_new_broken_image = false has_downloaded_image = false extract_images_from(post.cooked).each do |node| src = original_src = node['src'] || node['href'] src = "#{SiteSetting.force_https ? "https" : "http"}:#{src}" if src.start_with?("//") if should_download_image?(src, post) begin # have we already downloaded that file? schemeless_src = remove_scheme(original_src) unless downloaded_images.include?(schemeless_src) || large_images.include?(schemeless_src) || broken_images.include?(schemeless_src) # secure-media-uploads endpoint prevents anonymous downloads, so we # need the presigned S3 URL here src = Upload.signed_url_from_secure_media_url(src) if Upload.secure_media_url?(src) if hotlinked = download(src) if File.size(hotlinked.path) <= @max_size filename = File.basename(URI.parse(src).path) filename << File.extname(hotlinked.path) unless filename["."] upload = UploadCreator.new(hotlinked, filename, origin: src).create_for(post.user_id) if upload.persisted? downloaded_urls[src] = upload.url downloaded_images[remove_scheme(src)] = upload.id has_downloaded_image = true else log(:info, "Failed to pull hotlinked image for post: #{post_id}: #{src} - #{upload.errors.full_messages.join("\n")}") end else large_images << remove_scheme(original_src) has_new_large_image = true end else broken_images << remove_scheme(original_src) has_new_broken_image = true end end # have we successfully downloaded that file? if downloaded_urls[src].present? escaped_src = Regexp.escape(original_src) replace_raw = ->(match, match_src, replacement, _index) { if remove_scheme(src) == remove_scheme(match_src) replacement = if replacement.include?(InlineUploads::PLACEHOLDER) replacement.sub(InlineUploads::PLACEHOLDER, upload.short_url) elsif replacement.include?(InlineUploads::PATH_PLACEHOLDER) replacement.sub(InlineUploads::PATH_PLACEHOLDER, upload.short_path) end raw = raw.gsub( match, replacement ) end } # there are 6 ways to insert an image in a post # HTML tag - InlineUploads.match_img(raw, external_src: true, &replace_raw) # BBCode tag - [img]http://...[/img] InlineUploads.match_bbcode_img(raw, external_src: true, &replace_raw) # Markdown linked image - [![alt](http://...)](http://...) # Markdown inline - ![alt](http://...) # Markdown inline - ![](http://... "image title") # Markdown inline - ![alt](http://... "image title") InlineUploads.match_md_inline_img(raw, external_src: true, &replace_raw) # Direct link raw.gsub!(/^#{escaped_src}(\s?)$/) { "![](#{upload.short_url})#{$1}" } end rescue => e if Rails.env.test? raise e else log(:error, "Failed to pull hotlinked image (#{src}) post: #{post_id}\n" + e.message + "\n" + e.backtrace.join("\n")) end end end end large_images.uniq! broken_images.uniq! post.custom_fields[Post::LARGE_IMAGES] = large_images.to_json if large_images.present? post.custom_fields[Post::BROKEN_IMAGES] = broken_images.to_json if broken_images.present? post.custom_fields[Post::DOWNLOADED_IMAGES] = downloaded_images.to_json if downloaded_images.present? # only save custom fields if there are any post.save_custom_fields if large_images.present? || broken_images.present? || downloaded_images.present? post.reload if start_raw == post.raw && raw != post.raw changes = { raw: raw, edit_reason: I18n.t("upload.edit_reason") } post.revise(Discourse.system_user, changes, bypass_bump: true, skip_staff_log: true) elsif has_downloaded_image || has_new_large_image || has_new_broken_image post.trigger_post_process(bypass_bump: true) end end def extract_images_from(html) doc = Nokogiri::HTML::fragment(html) doc.css("img[src], a.lightbox[href]") - doc.css("img.avatar") - doc.css(".lightbox img[src]") end def should_download_image?(src, post = nil) # make sure we actually have a url return false unless src.present? # If file is on the forum or CDN domain or already has the # secure media url if Discourse.store.has_been_uploaded?(src) || src =~ /\A\/[^\/]/i || Upload.secure_media_url?(src) return false if src =~ /\/images\/emoji\// # Someone could hotlink a file from a different site on the same CDN, # so check whether we have it in this database # # if the upload already exists and is attached to a different post, # or the original_sha1 is missing meaning it was created before secure # media was enabled, then we definitely want to redownload again otherwise # we end up reusing existing uploads which may be linked to many posts # already. upload = Upload.consider_for_reuse(Upload.get_from_url(src), post) return !upload.present? end # Don't download non-local images unless site setting enabled return false unless SiteSetting.download_remote_images_to_local? # parse the src begin uri = URI.parse(src) rescue URI::Error return false end hostname = uri.hostname return false unless hostname # check the domains blacklist SiteSetting.should_download_images?(src) end def log(log_level, message) Rails.logger.public_send( log_level, "#{RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.current_db}: #{message}" ) end private def remove_scheme(src) src.sub(/^https?:/i, "") end end end