/** This controller supports the interface for dealing with flags in the admin section. @class AdminFlagsController @extends Ember.Controller @namespace Discourse @module Discourse **/ Discourse.AdminFlagsController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({ /** Clear all flags on a post @method clearFlags @param {Discourse.FlaggedPost} item The post whose flags we want to clear **/ disagreeFlags: function(item) { var adminFlagsController = this; item.disagreeFlags().then((function() { adminFlagsController.removeObject(item); }), function() { bootbox.alert(I18n.t("admin.flags.error")); }); }, agreeFlags: function(item) { var adminFlagsController = this; item.agreeFlags().then((function() { adminFlagsController.removeObject(item); }), function() { bootbox.alert(I18n.t("admin.flags.error")); }); }, deferFlags: function(item) { var adminFlagsController = this; item.deferFlags().then((function() { adminFlagsController.removeObject(item); }), function() { bootbox.alert(I18n.t("admin.flags.error")); }); }, /** Deletes a post @method deletePost @param {Discourse.FlaggedPost} item The post to delete **/ deletePost: function(item) { var adminFlagsController = this; item.deletePost().then((function() { adminFlagsController.removeObject(item); }), function() { bootbox.alert(I18n.t("admin.flags.error")); }); }, /** Deletes a user and all posts and topics created by that user. @method deleteSpammer @param {Discourse.FlaggedPost} item The post to delete **/ deleteSpammer: function(item) { item.get('user').deleteAsSpammer(function() { window.location.reload(); }); }, /** Are we viewing the 'old' view? @property adminOldFlagsView **/ adminOldFlagsView: Em.computed.equal('query', 'old'), /** Are we viewing the 'active' view? @property adminActiveFlagsView **/ adminActiveFlagsView: Em.computed.equal('query', 'active'), loadMore: function(){ var flags = this.get('model'); return Discourse.FlaggedPost.findAll(this.get('query'),flags.length+1).then(function(data){ if(data.length===0){ flags.set('allLoaded',true); } flags.addObjects(data); }); } });