import { moduleForWidget, widgetTest } from 'helpers/widget-test'; import { createWidget } from 'discourse/widgets/widget'; import { withPluginApi } from 'discourse/lib/plugin-api'; import hbs from 'discourse/widgets/hbs-compiler'; moduleForWidget('base'); widgetTest('widget attributes are passed in via args', { template: `{{mount-widget widget="hello-test" args=args}}`, beforeEach() { createWidget('hello-test', { tagName: 'div.test', template: hbs`Hello {{}}` }); this.set('args', { name: 'Robin' }); }, test(assert) { assert.equal(this.$('.test').text(), "Hello Robin"); } }); widgetTest("hbs template - no tagName", { template: `{{mount-widget widget="hbs-test" args=args}}`, beforeEach() { createWidget('hbs-test', { template: hbs`
Hello {{}}
` }); this.set('args', { name: 'Robin' }); }, test(assert) { assert.equal(this.$('div.test').text(), "Hello Robin"); } }); widgetTest("hbs template - with tagName", { template: `{{mount-widget widget="hbs-test" args=args}}`, beforeEach() { createWidget('hbs-test', { tagName: 'div.test', template: hbs`Hello {{}}` }); this.set('args', { name: 'Robin' }); }, test(assert) { assert.equal(this.$('div.test').text(), "Hello Robin"); } }); widgetTest('buildClasses', { template: `{{mount-widget widget="classname-test" args=args}}`, beforeEach() { createWidget('classname-test', { tagName: 'div.test', buildClasses(attrs) { return ['static', attrs.dynamic]; } }); this.set('args', { dynamic: 'cool-class' }); }, test(assert) { assert.ok(this.$('').length, 'it has all the classes'); } }); widgetTest('buildAttributes', { template: `{{mount-widget widget="attributes-test" args=args}}`, beforeEach() { createWidget('attributes-test', { tagName: 'div.test', buildAttributes(attrs) { return { "data-evil": 'trout', "aria-label": attrs.label }; } }); this.set('args', { label: 'accessibility' }); }, test(assert) { assert.ok(this.$('.test[data-evil=trout]').length); assert.ok(this.$('.test[aria-label=accessibility]').length); } }); widgetTest('buildId', { template: `{{mount-widget widget="id-test" args=args}}`, beforeEach() { createWidget('id-test', { buildId(attrs) { return `test-${}`; } }); this.set('args', { id: 1234 }); }, test(assert) { assert.ok(this.$('#test-1234').length); } }); widgetTest('widget state', { template: `{{mount-widget widget="state-test"}}`, beforeEach() { createWidget('state-test', { tagName: 'button.test', buildKey: () => `button-test`, template: hbs`{{state.clicks}} clicks`, defaultState() { return { clicks: 0 }; }, click() { this.state.clicks++; } }); }, test(assert) { assert.ok(this.$('button.test').length, 'it renders the button'); assert.equal(this.$('button.test').text(), "0 clicks"); click(this.$('button')); andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.$('button.test').text(), "1 clicks"); }); } }); widgetTest('widget update with promise', { template: `{{mount-widget widget="promise-test"}}`, beforeEach() { createWidget('promise-test', { tagName: 'button.test', buildKey: () => 'promise-test', template: hbs` {{#if}} {{}} {{else}} No name {{/if}} `, click() { return new Ember.RSVP.Promise(resolve => { => { = "Robin"; resolve(); }); }); } }); }, test(assert) { assert.equal(this.$('button.test').text().trim(), "No name"); click(this.$('button')); andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.$('button.test').text().trim(), "Robin"); }); } }); widgetTest('widget attaching', { template: `{{mount-widget widget="attach-test"}}`, beforeEach() { createWidget('test-embedded', { tagName: 'div.embedded' }); createWidget('attach-test', { tagName: 'div.container', template: hbs`{{attach widget="test-embedded" attrs=attrs}}` }); }, test(assert) { assert.ok(this.$('.container').length, "renders container"); assert.ok(this.$('.container .embedded').length, "renders attached"); } }); widgetTest("handlebars d-icon", { template: `{{mount-widget widget="hbs-icon-test" args=args}}`, beforeEach() { createWidget('hbs-icon-test', { template: hbs`{{d-icon "arrow-down"}}` }); }, test(assert) { assert.equal(this.$('i.fa.fa-arrow-down').length, 1); } }); widgetTest("handlebars i18n", { template: `{{mount-widget widget="hbs-i18n-test" args=args}}`, beforeEach() { createWidget('hbs-i18n-test', { template: hbs` {{i18n "hbs_test0"}} {{i18n attrs.key}} test ` }); I18n.extras = [ { "hbs_test0": "evil", "hbs_test1": "trout" } ]; this.set('args', { key: 'hbs_test1' }); }, test(assert) { // comin up assert.equal(this.$('span.string').text(), 'evil'); assert.equal(this.$('span.var').text(), 'trout'); assert.equal(this.$('a').prop('title'), 'evil'); } }); widgetTest('handlebars #each', { template: `{{mount-widget widget="hbs-each-test" args=args}}`, beforeEach() { createWidget('hbs-each-test', { tagName: 'ul', template: hbs` {{#each attrs.items as |item|}}
  • {{item}}
  • {{/each}} ` }); this.set('args', { items: ['one', 'two', 'three'] }); }, test(assert) { assert.equal(this.$('ul li').length, 3); assert.equal(this.$('ul li:eq(0)').text(), "one"); } }); widgetTest('widget decorating', { template: `{{mount-widget widget="decorate-test"}}`, beforeEach() { createWidget('decorate-test', { tagName: 'div.decorate', template: hbs`main content` }); withPluginApi('0.1', api => { api.decorateWidget('decorate-test:before', dec => { return dec.h('b', 'before'); }); api.decorateWidget('decorate-test:after', dec => { return dec.h('i', 'after'); }); }); }, test(assert) { assert.ok(this.$('.decorate').length); assert.equal(this.$('.decorate b').text(), 'before'); assert.equal(this.$('.decorate i').text(), 'after'); } }); widgetTest('widget settings', { template: `{{mount-widget widget="settings-test"}}`, beforeEach() { createWidget('settings-test', { tagName: 'div.settings', template: hbs`age is {{settings.age}}`, settings: { age: 36 } }); }, test(assert) { assert.equal(this.$('.settings').text(), 'age is 36'); } }); widgetTest('override settings', { template: `{{mount-widget widget="ov-settings-test"}}`, beforeEach() { createWidget('ov-settings-test', { tagName: 'div.settings', template: hbs`age is {{settings.age}}`, settings: { age: 36 }, }); withPluginApi('0.1', api => { api.changeWidgetSetting('ov-settings-test', 'age', 37); }); }, test(assert) { assert.equal(this.$('.settings').text(), 'age is 37'); } });