import I18n from "I18n"; import { validateUploadedFiles, authorizedExtensions, isImage, allowsImages, allowsAttachments, getUploadMarkdown, } from "discourse/lib/uploads"; import * as Utilities from "discourse/lib/utilities"; import User from "discourse/models/user"; import { discourseModule } from "helpers/qunit-helpers"; import bootbox from "bootbox"; discourseModule("lib:uploads"); QUnit.test("validateUploadedFiles", function (assert) { assert.not( validateUploadedFiles(null, { siteSettings: this.siteSettings }), "no files are invalid" ); assert.not( validateUploadedFiles(undefined, { siteSettings: this.siteSettings }), "undefined files are invalid" ); assert.not( validateUploadedFiles([], { siteSettings: this.siteSettings }), "empty array of files is invalid" ); }); QUnit.test("uploading one file", function (assert) { sandbox.stub(bootbox, "alert"); assert.not( validateUploadedFiles([1, 2], { siteSettings: this.siteSettings }) ); assert.ok(bootbox.alert.calledWith(I18n.t("post.errors.too_many_uploads"))); }); QUnit.test("new user cannot upload images", function (assert) { this.siteSettings.newuser_max_embedded_media = 0; sandbox.stub(bootbox, "alert"); assert.not( validateUploadedFiles([{ name: "image.png" }], { user: User.create(), siteSettings: this.siteSettings, }), "the upload is not valid" ); assert.ok( bootbox.alert.calledWith( I18n.t("post.errors.image_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user") ), "the alert is called" ); }); QUnit.test("new user can upload images if allowed", function (assert) { this.siteSettings.newuser_max_embedded_media = 1; this.siteSettings.default_trust_level = 0; sandbox.stub(bootbox, "alert"); assert.ok( validateUploadedFiles([{ name: "image.png" }], { user: User.create(), siteSettings: this.siteSettings, }) ); }); QUnit.test("TL1 can upload images", function (assert) { this.siteSettings.newuser_max_embedded_media = 0; sandbox.stub(bootbox, "alert"); assert.ok( validateUploadedFiles([{ name: "image.png" }], { user: User.create({ trust_level: 1 }), siteSettings: this.siteSettings, }) ); }); QUnit.test("new user cannot upload attachments", function (assert) { this.siteSettings.newuser_max_attachments = 0; sandbox.stub(bootbox, "alert"); assert.not( validateUploadedFiles([{ name: "roman.txt" }], { user: User.create(), siteSettings: this.siteSettings, }) ); assert.ok( bootbox.alert.calledWith( I18n.t("post.errors.attachment_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user") ) ); }); QUnit.test("ensures an authorized upload", function (assert) { sandbox.stub(bootbox, "alert"); assert.not( validateUploadedFiles([{ name: "unauthorized.html" }], { siteSettings: this.siteSettings, }) ); assert.ok( bootbox.alert.calledWith( I18n.t("post.errors.upload_not_authorized", { authorized_extensions: authorizedExtensions(false, this.siteSettings), }) ) ); }); QUnit.test("skipping validation works", function (assert) { const files = [{ name: "backup.tar.gz" }]; sandbox.stub(bootbox, "alert"); assert.not( validateUploadedFiles(files, { skipValidation: false, siteSettings: this.siteSettings, }) ); assert.ok( validateUploadedFiles(files, { skipValidation: true, siteSettings: this.siteSettings, }) ); }); QUnit.test("staff can upload anything in PM", function (assert) { const files = [{ name: "some.docx" }]; this.siteSettings.authorized_extensions = "jpeg"; sandbox.stub(bootbox, "alert"); let user = User.create({ moderator: true }); assert.not( validateUploadedFiles(files, { user, siteSettings: this.siteSettings }) ); assert.ok( validateUploadedFiles(files, { isPrivateMessage: true, allowStaffToUploadAnyFileInPm: true, siteSettings: this.siteSettings, user, }) ); }); const imageSize = 10 * 1024; const dummyBlob = function () { const BlobBuilder = window.BlobBuilder || window.WebKitBlobBuilder || window.MozBlobBuilder || window.MSBlobBuilder; if (BlobBuilder) { let bb = new BlobBuilder(); bb.append([new Int8Array(imageSize)]); return bb.getBlob("image/png"); } else { return new Blob([new Int8Array(imageSize)], { type: "image/png" }); } }; QUnit.test("allows valid uploads to go through", function (assert) { sandbox.stub(bootbox, "alert"); let user = User.create({ trust_level: 1 }); // image let image = { name: "image.png", size: imageSize }; assert.ok( validateUploadedFiles([image], { user, siteSettings: this.siteSettings }) ); // pasted image let pastedImage = dummyBlob(); assert.ok( validateUploadedFiles([pastedImage], { user, siteSettings: this.siteSettings, }) ); assert.not(bootbox.alert.calledOnce); }); QUnit.test("isImage", (assert) => { ["png", "webp", "jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "ico"].forEach((extension) => { var image = "image." + extension; assert.ok(isImage(image), image + " is recognized as an image"); assert.ok( isImage("" + image), image + " is recognized as an image" ); }); assert.not(isImage("file.txt")); assert.not(isImage("")); assert.not(isImage("")); }); QUnit.test("allowsImages", function (assert) { this.siteSettings.authorized_extensions = "jpg|jpeg|gif"; assert.ok(allowsImages(false, this.siteSettings), "works"); this.siteSettings.authorized_extensions = ".jpg|.jpeg|.gif"; assert.ok( allowsImages(false, this.siteSettings), "works with old extensions syntax" ); this.siteSettings.authorized_extensions = "txt|pdf|*"; assert.ok( allowsImages(false, this.siteSettings), "images are allowed when all extensions are allowed" ); this.siteSettings.authorized_extensions = "json|jpg|pdf|txt"; assert.ok( allowsImages(false, this.siteSettings), "images are allowed when at least one extension is an image extension" ); }); QUnit.test("allowsAttachments", function (assert) { this.siteSettings.authorized_extensions = "jpg|jpeg|gif"; assert.not( allowsAttachments(false, this.siteSettings), "no attachments allowed by default" ); this.siteSettings.authorized_extensions = "jpg|jpeg|gif|*"; assert.ok( allowsAttachments(false, this.siteSettings), "attachments are allowed when all extensions are allowed" ); this.siteSettings.authorized_extensions = "jpg|jpeg|gif|pdf"; assert.ok( allowsAttachments(false, this.siteSettings), "attachments are allowed when at least one extension is not an image extension" ); this.siteSettings.authorized_extensions = ".jpg|.jpeg|.gif|.pdf"; assert.ok( allowsAttachments(false, this.siteSettings), "works with old extensions syntax" ); }); function testUploadMarkdown(filename, opts = {}) { return getUploadMarkdown( Object.assign( { original_filename: filename, filesize: 42, thumbnail_width: 100, thumbnail_height: 200, url: "/uploads/123/abcdef.ext", }, opts ) ); } QUnit.test("getUploadMarkdown", (assert) => { assert.equal( testUploadMarkdown("lolcat.gif"), "![lolcat|100x200](/uploads/123/abcdef.ext)" ); assert.equal( testUploadMarkdown("[foo|bar].png"), "![foobar|100x200](/uploads/123/abcdef.ext)" ); assert.equal( testUploadMarkdown("file name with space.png"), "![file name with space|100x200](/uploads/123/abcdef.ext)" ); assert.equal( testUploadMarkdown(""), "![|100x200](/uploads/123/abcdef.ext)" ); const short_url = "uploads://asdaasd.ext"; assert.equal( testUploadMarkdown("important.txt", { short_url }), `[important.txt|attachment](${short_url}) (42 Bytes)` ); }); QUnit.test( "getUploadMarkdown - replaces GUID in image alt text on iOS", (assert) => { assert.equal( testUploadMarkdown("8F2B469B-6B2C-4213-BC68-57B4876365A0.jpeg"), "![8F2B469B-6B2C-4213-BC68-57B4876365A0|100x200](/uploads/123/abcdef.ext)" ); sandbox.stub(Utilities, "isAppleDevice").returns(true); assert.equal( testUploadMarkdown("8F2B469B-6B2C-4213-BC68-57B4876365A0.jpeg"), "![image|100x200](/uploads/123/abcdef.ext)" ); } );