# encoding: utf-8 # # Never edit this file. It will be overwritten when translations are pulled from Transifex. # # To work with us on translations, join this project: # https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/discourse-org/ id: js: number: human: storage_units: format: '%n %u' units: byte: other: Bytes gb: GB kb: KB mb: MB tb: TB dates: tiny: half_a_minute: "< 1m" less_than_x_seconds: other: "< %{count}s" x_seconds: other: "%{count}s" less_than_x_minutes: other: "< %{count}m" x_minutes: other: "%{count}m" about_x_hours: other: "%{count}h" x_days: other: "%{count}d" about_x_years: other: "%{count}y" over_x_years: other: "> %{count}y" almost_x_years: other: "%{count}y" medium: x_minutes: other: "%{count} menit" x_hours: other: "%{count} jam" x_days: other: "%{count} hari" medium_with_ago: x_minutes: other: "%{count} menit yang lalu" x_hours: other: "%{count} jam yang lalu" x_days: other: "%{count} hari yang lalu" share: topic: 'share link ke topik ini' post: 'share link ke post #%{postNumber}' close: 'tutup' twitter: 'share link ini di Twitter' facebook: 'share link ini di Facebook' google+: 'share link ini di Google+' email: 'kirim link ini melalui email' edit: 'Ubah judul dan kategori topik ini' not_implemented: "Maaf, fitur ini belum diimplementasikan." no_value: "Tidak" yes_value: "Ya" generic_error: "Maaf, terjadi kesalahan." log_in: "Log In" age: "Umur" joined: "Joined" admin_title: "Admin" flags_title: "Flags" show_more: "show more" links: "Links" links_lowercase: "links" faq: "FAQ" guidelines: "Guidelines" privacy_policy: "Privacy Policy" privacy: "Privacy" terms_of_service: "Terms of Service" mobile_view: "Mobile View" desktop_view: "Desktop View" you: "Kamu" or: "atau" now: "just now" read_more: 'read more' in_n_seconds: other: "dalam {{count}} detik" in_n_minutes: other: "dalam {{count}} menit" in_n_hours: other: "dalam {{count}} jam" in_n_days: other: "dalam {{count}} hari" suggested_topics: title: "Suggested Topics" cancel: "cancel" save: "Simpan Perubahan" saving: "Menyimpan..." saved: "Tersimpan!" choose_topic: none_found: "Tidak ada topik." title: search: "Cari Topik berdasarkan nama, url atau id:" placeholder: "tulis judul topik disini" user_action: user_replied_to_post: "{{user}} membalas {{post_number}}" you_replied_to_post: "You membalas {{post_number}}" sent_by_user: "Dikirim oleh {{user}}" sent_by_you: "Dikirim oleh kamu" user_action_groups: '4': "Topik" '11': "Edit" '13': "Kotak masuk" user: profile: "Profil" edit: "Ubah Preferensi" download_archive: "download arsip postingan saya" private_message: "Private Message" private_messages: "Messages" activity_stream: "Activity" bio: "About me" email: invalid: "Masukkan email yang valid." name: title: "Name" too_short: "Nama kamu terlalu pendek." username: available: "Username tersedia." too_short: "Username kamu terlalu pendek." too_long: "Username kamu terlalu panjang." last_seen: "Seen" created: "Joined" email_settings: "Email" email_digests: daily: "harian" weekly: "mingguan" bi_weekly: "setiap dua minggu" auto_track_options: never: "tidak pernah" always: "selalu" password: title: "Password" too_short: "Password kamu terlalu pendek." filters: all: "Semua" close: "Tutup" year: 'tahun' month: 'bulan' week: 'minggu' last_seen: 'Terlihat' created: 'Dibuat' forgot_password: title: "Lupa Password" action: "Saya lupa password" login: email_placeholder: "email atau username" twitter: title: "dengan Twitter" facebook: title: "dengan Facebook" composer: reply_here: "Balas Disini" reply: "Balas" cancel: "Batal" create_topic: "Buat Topik" create_pm: "Buat Pesan Pribadi" users_placeholder: "Tambahkan pengguna" bold_title: "Strong" italic_title: "Emphasis" link_title: "Hyperlink" notifications: none: "Tidak ada notifikasi saat ini" more: "lihat notifikasi sebelumnya" topic: invalid_access: description: "Maaf, kamu tidak berhak mengakses topik tersebut." server_error: title: "Gagal membuka topik" not_found: title: "Tidak ada topik" back_to_list: "Kembali ke Daftar Topik" options: "Opsi Topik" show_links: "tampilkan pranala dalam topik ini" browse_all_categories: Lihat semua kategori view_latest_topics: lihat topik terbaru suggest_create_topic: Buat topik baru? jump_reply_up: lompat ke balasan sebelumnya post: errors: attachment_too_large: "Maaf, file yang kamu unggah terlalu besar (ukuran maksimal {{max_size_kb}}kb)." image_too_large: "Maaf, file yang kamu unggah terlalu besar (ukuran maksimal {{max_size_kb}}kb), mohon diperkecil dan coba lagi." image_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user: "Maaf, pengguna baru belum diperbolehkan mengunggah gambar." attachment_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user: "Maaf, pengguna baru belum diperbolehkan mengunggah lampiran." revisions: controls: first: "Revisi pertama" category: auto_close_units: "jam" users: "Pengguna" filters: new: lower_title_with_count: one: "1 baru" other: "{{count}} baru" lower_title: "baru" title: zero: "Baru" one: "Baru(1)" other: "Baru ({{count}})" category: title: zero: "{{categoryName}}" one: "{{categoryName}} (1)" other: "{{categoryName}} ({{count}})" help: "topik terakhir di kategori {{categoryName}}" admin_js: admin: title: 'Admin Discourse' moderator: 'Moderator' dashboard: latest_version: "Terbaru" last_checked: "Terakhir dicek" flags: system: "Sistem" groups: delete: "Hapus" delete_confirm: "Hapus grup ini?" customize: new: "New" new_style: "preview" delete: "Hapus" email: test_email_address: "alamat email uji coba" sent_test: "terkirim!" delivery_method: "Metode Pengiriman" html: "html" users: not_found: "Maaf, username tersebut tidak ada ditemukan." active: "Aktif" user: suspend_duration_units: "(hari)" suspend_reason: "Alasan" site_settings: categories: users: 'Pengguna' lightbox: download: "unduh" keyboard_shortcuts_help: navigation: title: 'Navigasi' application: title: 'Aplikasi' create: 'c Buat topik baru' notifications: 'n Buka notifikasi' search: '/ Cari' actions: title: 'Aksi'