desc 'Update each post with latest markdown' task 'posts:rebake' => :environment do rebake_posts end desc 'Update each post with latest markdown and refresh oneboxes' task 'posts:refresh_oneboxes' => :environment do rebake_posts invalidate_oneboxes: true end def rebake_post(post,opts) cooked = post.cook( post.raw, topic_id: post.topic_id, invalidate_oneboxes: opts.fetch(:invalidate_oneboxes, false) ) if cooked != post.cooked Post.exec_sql( 'update posts set cooked = ? where id = ?', cooked, ) post.cooked = cooked putc "#" else putc "." end TopicLink.extract_from post # make sure we trigger the post process post.trigger_post_process rescue => e puts "\n\nFailed to bake topic_id #{post.topic_id} post_id #{} #{e}\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")} \n\n" end def rebake_posts(opts = {}) RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.each_connection do |db| puts "Re baking post markdown for #{db} , changes are denoted with # , no change with ." total = 0[ :id, :user_id, :cooked, :raw, :topic_id, :post_number ]).each do |post| rebake_post(post,opts) total += 1 end puts "\n\n#{total} posts done!\n#{'-' * 50}\n" end end