import { failedCache, lookupCache, normalize, resetFailedCache, resetLocalCache, setFailedCache, setLocalCache, } from "pretty-text/oneboxer-cache"; import { later } from "@ember/runloop"; let timeout; const loadingQueue = []; export const LOADING_ONEBOX_CSS_CLASS = "loading-onebox"; export function resetCache() { loadingQueue.clear(); resetLocalCache(); resetFailedCache(); } function resolveSize(img) { img.classList.add("size-resolved"); if (img.width > 0 && img.width === img.height) { img.classList.add("onebox-avatar"); } } // Detect square images and apply smaller onebox-avatar class function applySquareGenericOnebox(elem) { if (!elem.classList.contains("allowlistedgeneric")) { return; } let img = elem.querySelector(".onebox-body img.thumbnail"); // already resolved... skip if (!img || img.classList.contains("size-resolved")) { return; } if (img.complete) { resolveSize(img); } else { img.addEventListener("load", _handleLoadingOneboxImages); } } function _handleLoadingOneboxImages() { resolveSize(this); this.removeEventListener("load", _handleLoadingOneboxImages); } function loadNext(ajax) { if (loadingQueue.length === 0) { timeout = null; return; } let timeoutMs = 150; let removeLoading = true; const { url, refresh, elem, categoryId, topicId } = loadingQueue.shift(); // Retrieve the onebox return ajax("/onebox", { dataType: "html", data: { url, refresh, category_id: categoryId, topic_id: topicId, }, }) .then( (html) => { let template = document.createElement("template"); template.innerHTML = html.trim(); const node = template.content.firstChild; setLocalCache(normalize(url), node); elem.replaceWith(node); applySquareGenericOnebox(node); }, (result) => { if (result?.jqXHR?.status === 429) { timeoutMs = 2000; removeLoading = false; loadingQueue.unshift({ url, refresh, elem, categoryId, topicId }); } else { setFailedCache(normalize(url), true); } } ) .finally(() => { timeout = later(() => loadNext(ajax), timeoutMs); if (removeLoading) { elem.classList.remove(LOADING_ONEBOX_CSS_CLASS); elem.dataset.oneboxLoaded = ""; } }); } // Perform a lookup of a onebox based an anchor element. // It will insert a loading indicator and remove it when the loading is complete or fails. export function load({ elem, ajax, topicId, categoryId, refresh = true, offline = false, synchronous = false, }) { // If the onebox has loaded or is loading, return if (elem.dataset.oneboxLoaded) { return; } if (elem.classList.contains(LOADING_ONEBOX_CSS_CLASS)) { return; } const url = elem.href; // Unless we're forcing a refresh... if (!refresh) { // If we have it in our cache, return it. const cached = lookupCache(url); if (cached) { return cached; } // If the request failed, don't do anything const failed = failedCache[normalize(url)]; if (failed) { return; } if (offline) { return; } } // Add the loading CSS class elem.classList.add(LOADING_ONEBOX_CSS_CLASS); // Add to the loading queue loadingQueue.push({ url, refresh, elem, categoryId, topicId }); // Load next url in queue if (synchronous) { return loadNext(ajax); } else { timeout = timeout || later(() => loadNext(ajax), 150); } }