# frozen_string_literal: true class Search DIACRITICS ||= /([\u0300-\u036f]|[\u1AB0-\u1AFF]|[\u1DC0-\u1DFF]|[\u20D0-\u20FF])/ HIGHLIGHT_CSS_CLASS = "search-highlight" cattr_accessor :preloaded_topic_custom_fields self.preloaded_topic_custom_fields = Set.new def self.on_preload(&blk) (@preload ||= Set.new) << blk end def self.preload(results, object) @preload.each { |preload| preload.call(results, object) } if @preload end def self.per_facet 5 end def self.per_filter 50 end def self.facets %w[topic category user private_messages tags all_topics exclude_topics] end def self.ts_config(locale = SiteSetting.default_locale) # if adding a text search configuration, you should check PG beforehand: # SELECT cfgname FROM pg_ts_config; # As an aside, dictionaries can be listed by `\dFd`, the # physical locations are in /usr/share/postgresql//tsearch_data. # But it may not appear there based on pg extension configuration. # base docker config # case locale.split("_")[0].to_sym when :da "danish" when :nl "dutch" when :en "english" when :fi "finnish" when :fr "french" when :de "german" when :hu "hungarian" when :it "italian" when :nb "norwegian" when :pt "portuguese" when :ro "romanian" when :ru "russian" when :es "spanish" when :sv "swedish" when :tr "turkish" else "simple" # use the 'simple' stemmer for other languages end end def self.wrap_unaccent(str) SiteSetting.search_ignore_accents ? "unaccent(#{str})" : str end def self.segment_chinese? %w[zh_TW zh_CN].include?(SiteSetting.default_locale) || SiteSetting.search_tokenize_chinese end def self.segment_japanese? SiteSetting.default_locale == "ja" || SiteSetting.search_tokenize_japanese end def self.japanese_punctuation_regexp # Regexp adapted from https://github.com/6/tiny_segmenter/blob/15a5b825993dfd2c662df3766f232051716bef5b/lib/tiny_segmenter.rb#L7 @japanese_punctuation_regexp ||= Regexp.compile("[-–—―.。・()()[]{}{}【】⟨⟩、、,,،…‥〽「」『』〜~!!::??\"'|__“”‘’;/⁄/«»]") end def self.prepare_data(search_data, purpose = nil) data = search_data.dup data.force_encoding("UTF-8") if purpose != :topic if segment_chinese? require "cppjieba_rb" unless defined?(CppjiebaRb) segmented_data = [] # We need to split up the string here because Cppjieba has a bug where text starting with numeric chars will # be split into two segments. For example, '123abc' becomes '123' and 'abc' after segmentation. data.scan(/(?[\p{Han}。,、“”《》…\.:?!;()]+)|([^\p{Han}]+)/) do match_data = $LAST_MATCH_INFO if match_data[:chinese] segments = CppjiebaRb.segment(match_data.to_s, mode: :mix) segments = CppjiebaRb.filter_stop_word(segments) if ts_config != "english" segments = segments.filter { |s| s.present? } segmented_data << segments.join(" ") else segmented_data << match_data.to_s.squish end end data = segmented_data.join(" ") elsif segment_japanese? data.gsub!(japanese_punctuation_regexp, " ") data = TinyJapaneseSegmenter.segment(data) data = data.filter { |s| s.present? } data = data.join(" ") else data.squish! end end data.gsub!(/\S+/) do |str| if str =~ %r{\A["]?((https?://)[\S]+)["]?\z} begin uri = URI.parse(Regexp.last_match[1]) uri.query = nil str = uri.to_s rescue URI::Error # don't fail if uri does not parse end end str end data end def self.word_to_date(str) return Time.zone.now.beginning_of_day.days_ago(str.to_i) if str =~ /\A[0-9]{1,3}\z/ if str =~ /\A([12][0-9]{3})(-([0-1]?[0-9]))?(-([0-3]?[0-9]))?\z/ year = $1.to_i month = $2 ? $3.to_i : 1 day = $4 ? $5.to_i : 1 return if day == 0 || month == 0 || day > 31 || month > 12 return( begin Time.zone.parse("#{year}-#{month}-#{day}") rescue ArgumentError end ) end return Time.zone.now.beginning_of_day.yesterday if str.downcase == "yesterday" titlecase = str.downcase.titlecase if Date::DAYNAMES.include?(titlecase) return Time.zone.now.beginning_of_week(str.downcase.to_sym) end if idx = (Date::MONTHNAMES.find_index(titlecase) || Date::ABBR_MONTHNAMES.find_index(titlecase)) delta = Time.zone.now.month - idx delta += 12 if delta < 0 Time.zone.now.beginning_of_month.months_ago(delta) end end def self.min_post_id_no_cache return 0 unless SiteSetting.search_prefer_recent_posts? offset, has_more = Post .unscoped .order("id desc") .offset(SiteSetting.search_recent_posts_size - 1) .limit(2) .pluck(:id) has_more ? offset : 0 end def self.min_post_id(opts = nil) return 0 unless SiteSetting.search_prefer_recent_posts? # It can be quite slow to count all the posts so let's cache it Discourse .cache .fetch("search-min-post-id:#{SiteSetting.search_recent_posts_size}", expires_in: 1.week) do min_post_id_no_cache end end attr_accessor :term attr_reader :clean_term, :guardian def initialize(term, opts = nil) @opts = opts || {} @guardian = @opts[:guardian] || Guardian.new @search_context = @opts[:search_context] @blurb_length = @opts[:blurb_length] @valid = true @page = @opts[:page] @search_all_pms = false term = term.to_s.dup # Removes any zero-width characters from search terms term.gsub!(/[\u200B-\u200D\uFEFF]/, "") # Replace curly quotes to regular quotes term.gsub!(/[\u201c\u201d]/, '"') @clean_term = term @in_title = false term = process_advanced_search!(term) if term.present? @term = Search.prepare_data(term, Topic === @search_context ? :topic : nil) @original_term = Search.escape_string(@term) end if @search_pms || @search_all_pms || @opts[:type_filter] == "private_messages" @opts[:type_filter] = "private_messages" @search_context ||= @guardian.user unless @search_context.present? && @guardian.can_see_private_messages?(@search_context.id) raise Discourse::InvalidAccess.new end end @opts[:type_filter] = "all_topics" if @search_all_topics && @guardian.user @results = GroupedSearchResults.new( type_filter: @opts[:type_filter], term: clean_term, blurb_term: term, search_context: @search_context, blurb_length: @blurb_length, is_header_search: !use_full_page_limit, ) end def limit if use_full_page_limit Search.per_filter + 1 else Search.per_facet + 1 end end def offset if @page && @opts[:type_filter].present? (@page - 1) * Search.per_filter else 0 end end def valid? @valid end def use_full_page_limit @opts[:search_type] == :full_page || Topic === @search_context end def self.execute(term, opts = nil) self.new(term, opts).execute end # Query a term def execute(readonly_mode: Discourse.readonly_mode?) if log_query?(readonly_mode) status, search_log_id = SearchLog.log( term: @clean_term, search_type: @opts[:search_type], ip_address: @opts[:ip_address], user_id: @opts[:user_id], ) @results.search_log_id = search_log_id unless status == :error end unless @filters.present? || @opts[:search_for_id] min_length = min_search_term_length terms = (@term || "").split(/\s(?=(?:[^"]|"[^"]*")*$)/).reject { |t| t.length < min_length } if terms.blank? @term = "" @valid = false return end end # If the term is a number or url to a topic, just include that topic if @opts[:search_for_id] && %w[topic private_messages all_topics].include?(@results.type_filter) if @term =~ /\A\d+\z/ single_topic(@term.to_i) else if route = Discourse.route_for(@term) if route[:controller] == "topics" && route[:action] == "show" topic_id = (route[:id] || route[:topic_id]).to_i single_topic(topic_id) if topic_id > 0 end end end end find_grouped_results if @results.posts.blank? if preloaded_topic_custom_fields.present? && @results.posts.present? topics = @results.posts.map(&:topic) Topic.preload_custom_fields(topics, preloaded_topic_custom_fields) end Search.preload(@results, self) @results end def self.advanced_order(trigger, &block) (@advanced_orders ||= {})[trigger] = block end def self.advanced_orders @advanced_orders end def self.advanced_filter(trigger, &block) (@advanced_filters ||= {})[trigger] = block end def self.advanced_filters @advanced_filters end def self.custom_topic_eager_load(tables = nil, &block) (@custom_topic_eager_loads ||= []) << (tables || block) end def self.custom_topic_eager_loads Array.wrap(@custom_topic_eager_loads) end advanced_filter(/\Ain:personal-direct\z/i) do |posts| if @guardian.user posts.joins("LEFT JOIN topic_allowed_groups tg ON posts.topic_id = tg.topic_id").where( <<~SQL, tg.id IS NULL AND posts.topic_id IN ( SELECT tau.topic_id FROM topic_allowed_users tau JOIN topic_allowed_users tau2 ON tau2.topic_id = tau.topic_id AND tau2.id != tau.id WHERE tau.user_id = :user_id GROUP BY tau.topic_id HAVING COUNT(*) = 1 ) SQL user_id: @guardian.user.id, ) end end advanced_filter(/\Ain:all-pms\z/i) { |posts| posts.private_posts if @guardian.is_admin? } advanced_filter(/\Ain:tagged\z/i) do |posts| posts.where("EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM topic_tags WHERE topic_tags.topic_id = posts.topic_id)") end advanced_filter(/\Ain:untagged\z/i) do |posts| posts.joins( "LEFT JOIN topic_tags ON topic_tags.topic_id = posts.topic_id", ).where("topic_tags.id IS NULL") end advanced_filter(/\Astatus:open\z/i) do |posts| posts.where("NOT topics.closed AND NOT topics.archived") end advanced_filter(/\Astatus:closed\z/i) { |posts| posts.where("topics.closed") } advanced_filter(/\Astatus:public\z/i) do |posts| category_ids = Category.where(read_restricted: false).pluck(:id) posts.where("topics.category_id in (?)", category_ids) end advanced_filter(/\Astatus:archived\z/i) { |posts| posts.where("topics.archived") } advanced_filter(/\Astatus:noreplies\z/i) { |posts| posts.where("topics.posts_count = 1") } advanced_filter(/\Astatus:single_user\z/i) { |posts| posts.where("topics.participant_count = 1") } advanced_filter(/\Aposts_count:(\d+)\z/i) do |posts, match| posts.where("topics.posts_count = ?", match.to_i) end advanced_filter(/\Amin_post_count:(\d+)\z/i) do |posts, match| posts.where("topics.posts_count >= ?", match.to_i) end advanced_filter(/\Amin_posts:(\d+)\z/i) do |posts, match| posts.where("topics.posts_count >= ?", match.to_i) end advanced_filter(/\Amax_posts:(\d+)\z/i) do |posts, match| posts.where("topics.posts_count <= ?", match.to_i) end advanced_filter(/\Ain:first|^f\z/i) { |posts| posts.where("posts.post_number = 1") } advanced_filter(/\Ain:pinned\z/i) { |posts| posts.where("topics.pinned_at IS NOT NULL") } advanced_filter(/\Ain:wiki\z/i) { |posts, match| posts.where(wiki: true) } advanced_filter(/\Abadge:(.*)\z/i) do |posts, match| badge_id = Badge.where("name ilike ? OR id = ?", match, match.to_i).pluck_first(:id) if badge_id posts.where( "posts.user_id IN (SELECT ub.user_id FROM user_badges ub WHERE ub.badge_id = ?)", badge_id, ) else posts.where("1 = 0") end end def post_action_type_filter(posts, post_action_type) posts.where( "posts.id IN ( SELECT pa.post_id FROM post_actions pa WHERE pa.user_id = ? AND pa.post_action_type_id = ? AND deleted_at IS NULL )", @guardian.user.id, post_action_type, ) end advanced_filter(/\Ain:(likes)\z/i) do |posts, match| post_action_type_filter(posts, PostActionType.types[:like]) if @guardian.user end # NOTE: With polymorphic bookmarks it may make sense to possibly expand # this at some point, as it only acts on posts at the moment. On the other # hand, this may not be necessary, as the user bookmark list has advanced # search based on a RegisteredBookmarkable's #search_query method. advanced_filter(/\Ain:(bookmarks)\z/i) do |posts, match| posts.where(<<~SQL, @guardian.user.id) if @guardian.user posts.id IN ( SELECT bookmarkable_id FROM bookmarks WHERE bookmarks.user_id = ? AND bookmarks.bookmarkable_type = 'Post' ) SQL end advanced_filter(/\Ain:posted\z/i) do |posts| posts.where("posts.user_id = ?", @guardian.user.id) if @guardian.user end advanced_filter(/\Ain:(created|mine)\z/i) do |posts| posts.where(user_id: @guardian.user.id, post_number: 1) if @guardian.user end advanced_filter(/\Acreated:@(.*)\z/i) do |posts, match| user_id = User.where(username: match.downcase).pluck_first(:id) posts.where(user_id: user_id, post_number: 1) end advanced_filter(/\Ain:(watching|tracking)\z/i) do |posts, match| if @guardian.user level = TopicUser.notification_levels[match.downcase.to_sym] posts.where( "posts.topic_id IN ( SELECT tu.topic_id FROM topic_users tu WHERE tu.user_id = :user_id AND tu.notification_level >= :level )", user_id: @guardian.user.id, level: level, ) end end advanced_filter(/\Ain:seen\z/i) do |posts| if @guardian.user posts.joins( "INNER JOIN post_timings ON post_timings.topic_id = posts.topic_id AND post_timings.post_number = posts.post_number AND post_timings.user_id = #{ActiveRecord::Base.connection.quote(@guardian.user.id)} ", ) end end advanced_filter(/\Ain:unseen\z/i) do |posts| if @guardian.user posts.joins( "LEFT JOIN post_timings ON post_timings.topic_id = posts.topic_id AND post_timings.post_number = posts.post_number AND post_timings.user_id = #{ActiveRecord::Base.connection.quote(@guardian.user.id)} ", ).where("post_timings.user_id IS NULL") end end advanced_filter(/\Awith:images\z/i) { |posts| posts.where("posts.image_upload_id IS NOT NULL") } advanced_filter(/\Acategory:(.+)\z/i) do |posts, match| exact = false if match[0] == "=" exact = true match = match[1..-1] end category_ids = Category.where("slug ilike ? OR name ilike ? OR id = ?", match, match, match.to_i).pluck(:id) if category_ids.present? category_ids += Category.subcategory_ids(category_ids.first) unless exact @category_filter_matched ||= true posts.where("topics.category_id IN (?)", category_ids) else posts.where("1 = 0") end end advanced_filter(/\A\#([\p{L}\p{M}0-9\-:=]+)\z/i) do |posts, match| category_slug, subcategory_slug = match.to_s.split(":") next unless category_slug exact = true if category_slug[0] == "=" category_slug = category_slug[1..-1] else exact = false end category_id = if subcategory_slug Category .where("lower(slug) = ?", subcategory_slug.downcase) .where( parent_category_id: Category.where("lower(slug) = ?", category_slug.downcase).select(:id), ) .pluck_first(:id) else Category .where("lower(slug) = ?", category_slug.downcase) .order("case when parent_category_id is null then 0 else 1 end") .pluck_first(:id) end if category_id category_ids = [category_id] category_ids += Category.subcategory_ids(category_id) if !exact @category_filter_matched ||= true posts.where("topics.category_id IN (?)", category_ids) else # try a possible tag match tag_id = Tag.where_name(category_slug).pluck_first(:id) if (tag_id) posts.where(<<~SQL, tag_id) topics.id IN ( SELECT DISTINCT(tt.topic_id) FROM topic_tags tt WHERE tt.tag_id = ? ) SQL else if tag_group_id = TagGroup.find_id_by_slug(category_slug) posts.where(<<~SQL, tag_group_id) topics.id IN ( SELECT DISTINCT(tt.topic_id) FROM topic_tags tt WHERE tt.tag_id in ( SELECT tag_id FROM tag_group_memberships WHERE tag_group_id = ? ) ) SQL # a bit yucky but we got to add the term back in elsif match.to_s.length >= min_search_term_length posts.where <<~SQL posts.id IN ( SELECT post_id FROM post_search_data pd1 WHERE pd1.search_data @@ #{Search.ts_query(term: "##{match}")}) SQL end end end end advanced_filter(/\Agroup:(.+)\z/i) do |posts, match| group_query = Group .visible_groups(@guardian.user) .members_visible_groups(@guardian.user) .where("groups.name ILIKE ? OR (id = ? AND id > 0)", match, match.to_i) DiscoursePluginRegistry.search_groups_set_query_callbacks.each do |cb| group_query = cb.call(group_query, @term, @guardian) end group_id = group_query.pluck_first(:id) if group_id posts.where( "posts.user_id IN (select gu.user_id from group_users gu where gu.group_id = ?)", group_id, ) else posts.where("1 = 0") end end advanced_filter(/\Agroup_messages:(.+)\z/i) do |posts, match| group_id = Group .visible_groups(@guardian.user) .members_visible_groups(@guardian.user) .where(has_messages: true) .where("name ilike ? OR (id = ? AND id > 0)", match, match.to_i) .pluck_first(:id) if group_id posts.where( "posts.topic_id IN (SELECT topic_id FROM topic_allowed_groups WHERE group_id = ?)", group_id, ) else posts.where("1 = 0") end end advanced_filter(/\Auser:(.+)\z/i) do |posts, match| user_id = User .where(staged: false) .where("username_lower = ? OR id = ?", match.downcase, match.to_i) .pluck_first(:id) if user_id posts.where("posts.user_id = ?", user_id) else posts.where("1 = 0") end end advanced_filter(/\A\@(\S+)\z/i) do |posts, match| username = User.normalize_username(match) user_id = User.not_staged.where(username_lower: username).pluck_first(:id) user_id = @guardian.user&.id if !user_id && username == "me" if user_id posts.where("posts.user_id = ?", user_id) else posts.where("1 = 0") end end advanced_filter(/\Abefore:(.*)\z/i) do |posts, match| if date = Search.word_to_date(match) posts.where("posts.created_at < ?", date) else posts end end advanced_filter(/\Aafter:(.*)\z/i) do |posts, match| if date = Search.word_to_date(match) posts.where("posts.created_at > ?", date) else posts end end advanced_filter(/\Atags?:([\p{L}\p{M}0-9,\-_+]+)\z/i) do |posts, match| search_tags(posts, match, positive: true) end advanced_filter(/\A\-tags?:([\p{L}\p{M}0-9,\-_+]+)\z/i) do |posts, match| search_tags(posts, match, positive: false) end advanced_filter(/\Afiletypes?:([a-zA-Z0-9,\-_]+)\z/i) do |posts, match| file_extensions = match.split(",").map(&:downcase) posts.where( "posts.id IN ( SELECT post_id FROM topic_links WHERE extension IN (:file_extensions) UNION SELECT upload_references.target_id FROM uploads JOIN upload_references ON upload_references.target_type = 'Post' AND upload_references.upload_id = uploads.id WHERE lower(uploads.extension) IN (:file_extensions) )", file_extensions: file_extensions, ) end advanced_filter(/\Amin_views:(\d+)\z/i) do |posts, match| posts.where("topics.views >= ?", match.to_i) end advanced_filter(/\Amax_views:(\d+)\z/i) do |posts, match| posts.where("topics.views <= ?", match.to_i) end private def search_tags(posts, match, positive:) return if match.nil? match.downcase! modifier = positive ? "" : "NOT" if match.include?("+") tags = match.split("+") posts.where( "topics.id #{modifier} IN ( SELECT tt.topic_id FROM topic_tags tt, tags WHERE tt.tag_id = tags.id GROUP BY tt.topic_id HAVING to_tsvector(#{default_ts_config}, #{Search.wrap_unaccent("array_to_string(array_agg(lower(tags.name)), ' ')")}) @@ to_tsquery(#{default_ts_config}, #{Search.wrap_unaccent("?")}) )", tags.join("&"), ) else tags = match.split(",") posts.where( "topics.id #{modifier} IN ( SELECT DISTINCT(tt.topic_id) FROM topic_tags tt, tags WHERE tt.tag_id = tags.id AND lower(tags.name) IN (?) )", tags, ) end end def process_advanced_search!(term) term .to_s .scan(/(([^" \t\n\x0B\f\r]+)?(("[^"]+")?))/) .to_a .map do |(word, _)| next if word.blank? found = false Search.advanced_filters.each do |matcher, block| cleaned = word.gsub(/["']/, "") if cleaned =~ matcher (@filters ||= []) << [block, $1] found = true end end if word == "l" @order = :latest nil elsif word =~ /\Aorder:\w+\z/i @order = word.downcase.gsub("order:", "").to_sym nil elsif word =~ /\Ain:title\z/i || word == "t" @in_title = true nil elsif word =~ /\Atopic:(\d+)\z/i topic_id = $1.to_i if topic_id > 1 topic = Topic.find_by(id: topic_id) @search_context = topic if @guardian.can_see?(topic) end nil elsif word =~ /\Ain:all\z/i @search_all_topics = true nil elsif word =~ /\Ain:personal\z/i @search_pms = true nil elsif word =~ /\Ain:messages\z/i @search_pms = true nil elsif word =~ /\Ain:personal-direct\z/i @search_pms = true nil elsif word =~ /\Ain:all-pms\z/i @search_all_pms = true nil elsif word =~ /\Agroup_messages:(.+)\z/i @search_pms = true nil elsif word =~ /\Apersonal_messages:(.+)\z/i if user = User.find_by_username($1) @search_pms = true @search_context = user end nil else found ? nil : word end end .compact .join(" ") end def find_grouped_results if @results.type_filter.present? unless Search.facets.include?(@results.type_filter) raise Discourse::InvalidAccess.new("invalid type filter") end # calling protected methods send("#{@results.type_filter}_search") else if @term.present? && !@search_context user_search category_search tags_search groups_search end topic_search end @results rescue ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid # In the event of a PG:Error return nothing, it is likely they used a foreign language whose # locale is not supported by postgres end # If we're searching for a single topic def single_topic(id) if @opts[:restrict_to_archetype].present? archetype = ( if @opts[:restrict_to_archetype] == Archetype.default Archetype.default else Archetype.private_message end ) post = posts_scope.joins(:topic).find_by( "topics.id = :id AND topics.archetype = :archetype AND posts.post_number = 1", id: id, archetype: archetype, ) else post = posts_scope.find_by(topic_id: id, post_number: 1) end return nil unless @guardian.can_see?(post) @results.add(post) @results end def secure_category_ids return @secure_category_ids unless @secure_category_ids.nil? @secure_category_ids = @guardian.secure_category_ids end def category_search # scope is leaking onto Category, this is not good and probably a bug in Rails # the secure_category_ids will invoke the same method on User, it calls Category.where # however the scope from the query below is leaking in to Category, this works around # the issue while we figure out what is up in Rails secure_category_ids categories = Category .includes(:category_search_data) .where("category_search_data.search_data @@ #{ts_query}") .references(:category_search_data) .order("topics_month DESC") .secured(@guardian) .limit(limit) categories.each { |category| @results.add(category) } end def user_search return if SiteSetting.hide_user_profiles_from_public && !@guardian.user users = User .includes(:user_search_data) .references(:user_search_data) .where(active: true) .where(staged: false) .where("user_search_data.search_data @@ #{ts_query("simple")}") .order("CASE WHEN username_lower = '#{@original_term.downcase}' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END") .order("last_posted_at DESC") .limit(limit) if !SiteSetting.enable_listing_suspended_users_on_search && !@guardian.user&.admin users = users.where(suspended_at: nil) end users_custom_data_query = DB.query(<<~SQL, user_ids: users.pluck(:id), term: "%#{@original_term.downcase}%") SELECT user_custom_fields.user_id, user_fields.name, user_custom_fields.value FROM user_custom_fields INNER JOIN user_fields ON user_fields.id = REPLACE(user_custom_fields.name, 'user_field_', '')::INTEGER AND user_fields.searchable IS TRUE WHERE user_id IN (:user_ids) AND user_custom_fields.name LIKE 'user_field_%' AND user_custom_fields.value ILIKE :term SQL users_custom_data = users_custom_data_query.reduce({}) do |acc, row| acc[row.user_id] = Array.wrap(acc[row.user_id]) << { name: row.name, value: row.value } acc end users.each do |user| user.custom_data = users_custom_data[user.id] || [] @results.add(user) end end def groups_search group_query = Group.visible_groups(@guardian.user, "groups.name ASC", include_everyone: false).where( "groups.name ILIKE :term OR groups.full_name ILIKE :term", term: "%#{@term}%", ) DiscoursePluginRegistry.search_groups_set_query_callbacks.each do |cb| group_query = cb.call(group_query, @term, @guardian) end groups = group_query.limit(limit) groups.each { |group| @results.add(group) } end def tags_search return unless SiteSetting.tagging_enabled tags = Tag .includes(:tag_search_data) .where("tag_search_data.search_data @@ #{ts_query}") .references(:tag_search_data) .order("name asc") .limit(limit) hidden_tag_names = DiscourseTagging.hidden_tag_names(@guardian) tags.each { |tag| @results.add(tag) if !hidden_tag_names.include?(tag.name) } end def exclude_topics_search if @term.present? user_search category_search tags_search groups_search end end PHRASE_MATCH_REGEXP_PATTERN = '"([^"]+)"' def posts_query(limit, type_filter: nil, aggregate_search: false) posts = Post.where(post_type: Topic.visible_post_types(@guardian.user)).joins( :post_search_data, :topic, ) if type_filter != "private_messages" posts = posts.joins("LEFT JOIN categories ON categories.id = topics.category_id") end is_topic_search = @search_context.present? && @search_context.is_a?(Topic) posts = posts.where("topics.visible") unless is_topic_search if type_filter == "private_messages" || (is_topic_search && @search_context.private_message?) posts = posts.where( "topics.archetype = ? AND post_search_data.private_message", Archetype.private_message, ) posts = posts.private_posts_for_user(@guardian.user) unless @guardian.is_admin? elsif type_filter == "all_topics" private_posts = posts.where( "topics.archetype = ? AND post_search_data.private_message", Archetype.private_message, ).private_posts_for_user(@guardian.user) posts = posts.where( "topics.archetype <> ? AND NOT post_search_data.private_message", Archetype.private_message, ).or(private_posts) else posts = posts.where( "topics.archetype <> ? AND NOT post_search_data.private_message", Archetype.private_message, ) end if @term.present? if is_topic_search term_without_quote = @term term_without_quote = $1 if @term =~ /"(.+)"/ term_without_quote = $1 if @term =~ /'(.+)'/ posts = posts.joins("JOIN users u ON u.id = posts.user_id") posts = posts.where( "posts.raw || ' ' || u.username || ' ' || COALESCE(u.name, '') ilike ?", "%#{term_without_quote}%", ) else # A is for title # B is for category # C is for tags # D is for cooked weights = @in_title ? "A" : (SiteSetting.tagging_enabled ? "ABCD" : "ABD") posts = posts.where(post_number: 1) if @in_title posts = posts.where("post_search_data.search_data @@ #{ts_query(weight_filter: weights)}") exact_terms = @term.scan(Regexp.new(PHRASE_MATCH_REGEXP_PATTERN)).flatten exact_terms.each do |exact| posts = posts.where("posts.raw ilike :exact OR topics.title ilike :exact", exact: "%#{exact}%") end end end @filters.each do |block, match| if block.arity == 1 posts = instance_exec(posts, &block) || posts else posts = instance_exec(posts, match, &block) || posts end end if @filters # If we have a search context, prioritize those posts first posts = if @search_context.present? if @search_context.is_a?(User) if type_filter == "private_messages" if @guardian.is_admin? && !@search_all_pms posts.private_posts_for_user(@search_context) else posts end else posts.where("posts.user_id = #{@search_context.id}") end elsif @search_context.is_a?(Category) category_ids = Category .where(parent_category_id: @search_context.id) .pluck(:id) .push(@search_context.id) posts.where("topics.category_id in (?)", category_ids) elsif is_topic_search posts.where("topics.id = ?", @search_context.id).order( "posts.post_number #{@order == :latest ? "DESC" : ""}", ) elsif @search_context.is_a?(Tag) posts = posts.joins("LEFT JOIN topic_tags ON topic_tags.topic_id = topics.id").joins( "LEFT JOIN tags ON tags.id = topic_tags.tag_id", ) posts.where("tags.id = ?", @search_context.id) end else posts = categories_ignored(posts) unless @category_filter_matched posts end if @order == :latest if aggregate_search posts = posts.order("MAX(posts.created_at) DESC") else posts = posts.reorder("posts.created_at DESC") end elsif @order == :latest_topic if aggregate_search posts = posts.order("MAX(topics.created_at) DESC") else posts = posts.order("topics.created_at DESC") end elsif @order == :views if aggregate_search posts = posts.order("MAX(topics.views) DESC") else posts = posts.order("topics.views DESC") end elsif @order == :likes if aggregate_search posts = posts.order("MAX(posts.like_count) DESC") else posts = posts.order("posts.like_count DESC") end elsif !is_topic_search exact_rank = nil if SiteSetting.prioritize_exact_search_title_match exact_rank = ts_rank_cd(weight_filter: "A", prefix_match: false) end rank = ts_rank_cd(weight_filter: weights) if type_filter != "private_messages" category_search_priority = <<~SQL ( CASE categories.search_priority WHEN #{Searchable::PRIORITIES[:very_high]} THEN 3 WHEN #{Searchable::PRIORITIES[:very_low]} THEN 1 ELSE 2 END ) SQL category_priority_weights = <<~SQL ( CASE categories.search_priority WHEN #{Searchable::PRIORITIES[:low]} THEN #{SiteSetting.category_search_priority_low_weight} WHEN #{Searchable::PRIORITIES[:high]} THEN #{SiteSetting.category_search_priority_high_weight} ELSE CASE WHEN topics.closed THEN 0.9 ELSE 1 END END ) SQL posts = if aggregate_search posts.order("MAX(#{category_search_priority}) DESC") else posts.order("#{category_search_priority} DESC") end if @term.present? && exact_rank posts = if aggregate_search posts.order("MAX(#{exact_rank} * #{category_priority_weights}) DESC") else posts.order("#{exact_rank} * #{category_priority_weights} DESC") end end data_ranking = if @term.blank? "(#{category_priority_weights})" else "(#{rank} * #{category_priority_weights})" end posts = if aggregate_search posts.order("MAX(#{data_ranking}) DESC") else posts.order("#{data_ranking} DESC") end end posts = posts.order("topics.bumped_at DESC") end if type_filter != "private_messages" posts = if secure_category_ids.present? posts.where( "(categories.id IS NULL) OR (NOT categories.read_restricted) OR (categories.id IN (?))", secure_category_ids, ).references(:categories) else posts.where("(categories.id IS NULL) OR (NOT categories.read_restricted)").references( :categories, ) end end if @order advanced_order = Search.advanced_orders&.fetch(@order, nil) posts = advanced_order.call(posts) if advanced_order end posts = posts.offset(offset) posts.limit(limit) end def ts_rank_cd(weight_filter:, prefix_match: true) <<~SQL TS_RANK_CD( #{SiteSetting.search_ranking_weights.present? ? "'#{SiteSetting.search_ranking_weights}'," : ""} post_search_data.search_data, #{@term.blank? ? "" : ts_query(weight_filter: weight_filter, prefix_match: prefix_match)}, #{SiteSetting.search_ranking_normalization}|32 ) SQL end def categories_ignored(posts) posts.where(<<~SQL, Searchable::PRIORITIES[:ignore]) (categories.search_priority IS NULL OR categories.search_priority IS NOT NULL AND categories.search_priority <> ?) SQL end def self.default_ts_config "'#{Search.ts_config}'" end def default_ts_config self.class.default_ts_config end def self.ts_query(term:, ts_config: nil, joiner: nil, weight_filter: nil, prefix_match: true) to_tsquery( ts_config: ts_config, term: set_tsquery_weight_filter(term, weight_filter, prefix_match: prefix_match), ) end def self.to_tsquery(ts_config: nil, term:, joiner: nil) ts_config = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.quote(ts_config) if ts_config escaped_term = wrap_unaccent("'#{escape_string(term)}'") tsquery = "TO_TSQUERY(#{ts_config || default_ts_config}, #{escaped_term})" tsquery = "REPLACE(#{tsquery}::text, '&', '#{escape_string(joiner)}')::tsquery" if joiner tsquery end def self.set_tsquery_weight_filter(term, weight_filter, prefix_match: true) "'#{self.escape_string(term)}':#{prefix_match ? "*" : ""}#{weight_filter}" end def self.escape_string(term) # HACK: The ’ and other similar characters have to be "unaccented" before # it is escaped or the resulting tsqueries will be invalid if SiteSetting.search_ignore_accents term = term.gsub(/[\u02b9\u02bb\u02bc\u02bd\u02c8\u2018\u2019\u201b\u2032\uff07]/, "'") end PG::Connection.escape_string(term).gsub('\\', '\\\\\\') end def ts_query(ts_config = nil, weight_filter: nil, prefix_match: true) @ts_query_cache ||= {} @ts_query_cache[ "#{ts_config || default_ts_config} #{@term} #{weight_filter} #{prefix_match}" ] ||= Search.ts_query( term: @term, ts_config: ts_config, weight_filter: weight_filter, prefix_match: prefix_match, ) end def wrap_rows(query) "SELECT *, row_number() over() row_number FROM (#{query.to_sql}) xxx" end def aggregate_post_sql(opts) default_opts = { type_filter: opts[:type_filter] } min_id = if SiteSetting.search_recent_regular_posts_offset_post_id > 0 if %w[all_topics private_message].include?(opts[:type_filter]) 0 else SiteSetting.search_recent_regular_posts_offset_post_id end else # This is kept around for backwards compatibility. # TODO: Drop this code path after Discourse 2.7 has been released. Search.min_post_id end min_or_max = @order == :latest ? "max" : "min" query = if @order == :likes # likes are a pain to aggregate so skip posts_query(limit, type_filter: opts[:type_filter]).select("topics.id", "posts.post_number") else posts_query(limit, aggregate_search: true, type_filter: opts[:type_filter]).select( "topics.id", "#{min_or_max}(posts.post_number) post_number", ).group("topics.id") end if min_id > 0 low_set = query.dup.where("post_search_data.post_id < ?", min_id) high_set = query.where("post_search_data.post_id >= ?", min_id) return { default: wrap_rows(high_set), remaining: wrap_rows(low_set) } end # double wrapping so we get correct row numbers { default: wrap_rows(query) } end def aggregate_posts(post_sql) return [] unless post_sql posts_scope(posts_eager_loads(Post)).joins( "JOIN (#{post_sql}) x ON x.id = posts.topic_id AND x.post_number = posts.post_number", ).order("row_number") end def aggregate_search(opts = {}) post_sql = aggregate_post_sql(opts) added = 0 aggregate_posts(post_sql[:default]).each do |p| @results.add(p) added += 1 end aggregate_posts(post_sql[:remaining]).each { |p| @results.add(p) } if added < limit end def private_messages_search raise Discourse::InvalidAccess.new("anonymous can not search PMs") unless @guardian.user aggregate_search(type_filter: "private_messages") end def all_topics_search aggregate_search(type_filter: "all_topics") end def topic_search if @search_context.is_a?(Topic) posts = posts_scope(posts_eager_loads(posts_query(limit))).where( "posts.topic_id = ?", @search_context.id, ) posts.each { |post| @results.add(post) } else aggregate_search end end def posts_eager_loads(query) query = query.includes(:user, :post_search_data) topic_eager_loads = [:category] topic_eager_loads << :tags if SiteSetting.tagging_enabled Search.custom_topic_eager_loads.each do |custom_loads| topic_eager_loads.concat( custom_loads.is_a?(Array) ? custom_loads : custom_loads.call(search_pms: @search_pms).to_a, ) end query.includes(topic: topic_eager_loads) end # Limited for performance reasons since `TS_HEADLINE` is slow when the text # document is too long. MAX_LENGTH_FOR_HEADLINE = 2500 def posts_scope(default_scope = Post.all) if SiteSetting.use_pg_headlines_for_excerpt search_term = @term.present? ? Search.escape_string(@term) : nil ts_config = default_ts_config default_scope .joins("INNER JOIN post_search_data pd ON pd.post_id = posts.id") .joins("INNER JOIN topics t1 ON t1.id = posts.topic_id") .select( "TS_HEADLINE( #{ts_config}, t1.fancy_title, PLAINTO_TSQUERY(#{ts_config}, '#{search_term}'), 'StartSel='''', StopSel='''', HighlightAll=true' ) AS topic_title_headline", "TS_HEADLINE( #{ts_config}, LEFT( TS_HEADLINE( #{ts_config}, LEFT(pd.raw_data, #{MAX_LENGTH_FOR_HEADLINE}), PLAINTO_TSQUERY(#{ts_config}, '#{search_term}'), 'ShortWord=0, MaxFragments=1, MinWords=50, MaxWords=51, StartSel='''', StopSel=''''' ), #{Search::GroupedSearchResults::BLURB_LENGTH} ), PLAINTO_TSQUERY(#{ts_config}, '#{search_term}'), 'HighlightAll=true, StartSel='''', StopSel=''''' ) AS headline", "LEFT(pd.raw_data, 50) AS leading_raw_data", "RIGHT(pd.raw_data, 50) AS trailing_raw_data", default_scope.arel.projections, ) else default_scope end end def log_query?(readonly_mode) SiteSetting.log_search_queries? && @opts[:search_type].present? && !readonly_mode && @opts[:type_filter] != "exclude_topics" end def min_search_term_length return @opts[:min_search_term_length] if @opts[:min_search_term_length] if SiteSetting.search_tokenize_chinese return SiteSetting.defaults.get("min_search_term_length", "zh_CN") end if SiteSetting.search_tokenize_japanese return SiteSetting.defaults.get("min_search_term_length", "ja") end SiteSetting.min_search_term_length end end