module ImportScripts::PhpBB3 class DatabaseBase # @param database_client [Mysql2::Client] # @param database_settings [ImportScripts::PhpBB3::DatabaseSettings] def initialize(database_client, database_settings) @database_client = database_client @batch_size = database_settings.batch_size @table_prefix = database_settings.table_prefix end protected # Executes a database query. def query(sql, *last_columns) rows = @database_client.query(sql, cache_rows: true, symbolize_keys: true) return rows if last_columns.length == 0 result = [rows] last_row = find_last_row(rows) last_columns.each { |column| result.push(last_row ? last_row[column] : nil) } result end # Executes a database query and returns the value of the 'count' column. def count(sql) query(sql).first[:count] end def escape(value) @database_client.escape(value) end private def find_last_row(rows) last_index = rows.size - 1 rows.each_with_index do |row, index| return row if index == last_index end nil end end end