require "rails_helper" describe UserNotifications do let(:user) { Fabricate(:admin) } describe "#get_context_posts" do it "does not include hidden/deleted/user_deleted posts in context" do post1 = create_post _post2 = Fabricate(:post, topic: post1.topic, deleted_at: _post3 = Fabricate(:post, topic: post1.topic, user_deleted: true) _post4 = Fabricate(:post, topic: post1.topic, hidden: true) _post5 = Fabricate(:post, topic: post1.topic, post_type: Post.types[:moderator_action]) _post6 = Fabricate(:post, topic: post1.topic, post_type: Post.types[:small_action]) _post7 = Fabricate(:post, topic: post1.topic, post_type: Post.types[:whisper]) last = Fabricate(:post, topic: post1.topic) post1.user.user_option.email_previous_replies = UserOption.previous_replies_type[:always] # default is only post #1 expect(UserNotifications.get_context_posts(last, nil, post1.user).count).to eq(1) # staff members can also see the whisper moderator = build(:moderator) moderator.user_option = moderator.user_option.email_previous_replies = UserOption.previous_replies_type[:always] tu = post1.topic, user: moderator) expect(UserNotifications.get_context_posts(last, tu, tu.user).count).to eq(2) end it "allows users to control context" do post1 = create_post _post2 = Fabricate(:post, topic: post1.topic) post3 = Fabricate(:post, topic: post1.topic) user = Fabricate(:user) TopicUser.change(, post1.topic_id, last_emailed_post_number: 1) topic_user = TopicUser.find_by(user_id:, topic_id: post1.topic_id) # to avoid reloads after update_columns user = topic_user.user user.user_option.update_columns(email_previous_replies: UserOption.previous_replies_type[:unless_emailed]) expect(UserNotifications.get_context_posts(post3, topic_user, user).count).to eq(1) user.user_option.update_columns(email_previous_replies: UserOption.previous_replies_type[:never]) expect(UserNotifications.get_context_posts(post3, topic_user, user).count).to eq(0) user.user_option.update_columns(email_previous_replies: UserOption.previous_replies_type[:always]) expect(UserNotifications.get_context_posts(post3, topic_user, user).count).to eq(2) SiteSetting.private_email = true expect(UserNotifications.get_context_posts(post3, topic_user, user).count).to eq(0) end end describe ".signup" do subject { UserNotifications.signup(user) } it "works" do expect( eq([]) expect(subject.subject).to be_present expect(subject.from).to eq([SiteSetting.notification_email]) expect(subject.body).to be_present end end describe ".forgot_password" do subject { UserNotifications.forgot_password(user) } it "works" do expect( eq([]) expect(subject.subject).to be_present expect(subject.from).to eq([SiteSetting.notification_email]) expect(subject.body).to be_present end end describe '.email_login' do let(:email_token) { user.email_tokens.create!(email: } subject { UserNotifications.email_login(user, email_token: email_token) } it "generates the right email" do expect( eq([]) expect(subject.from).to eq([SiteSetting.notification_email]) expect(subject.subject).to eq(I18n.t( 'user_notifications.email_login.subject_template', email_prefix: SiteSetting.title )) expect(subject.body.to_s).to match(I18n.t( 'user_notifications.email_login.text_body_template', site_name: SiteSetting.title, base_url: Discourse.base_url, email_token: email_token )) end end describe '.digest' do subject { UserNotifications.digest(user) } context "without new topics" do it "doesn't send the email" do expect( be_blank end end context "with topics only from new users" do let!(:new_today) { Fabricate(:topic, user: Fabricate(:user, trust_level: TrustLevel[0], created_at: 10.minutes.ago), title: "Hey everyone look at me") } let!(:new_yesterday) { Fabricate(:topic, user: Fabricate(:user, trust_level: TrustLevel[0], created_at: 25.hours.ago), created_at: 25.hours.ago, title: "This topic is of interest to you") } it "returns topics from new users if they're more than 24 hours old" do expect( eq([]) html = subject.html_part.body.to_s expect(html).to include(new_yesterday.title) expect(html).to_not include(new_today.title) end end context "with new topics" do before do Fabricate(:topic, user: Fabricate(:coding_horror), created_at: 1.hour.ago) end it "works" do expect( eq([]) expect(subject.subject).to be_present expect(subject.from).to eq([SiteSetting.notification_email]) expect(subject.html_part.body.to_s).to be_present expect(subject.text_part.body.to_s).to be_present expect(subject.header["List-Unsubscribe"].to_s).to match(/\/email\/unsubscribe\/\h{64}/) end it "includes email_prefix in email subject instead of site title" do SiteSetting.email_prefix = "Try Discourse" SiteSetting.title = "Discourse Meta" expect(subject.subject).to match(/Try Discourse/) expect(subject.subject).not_to match(/Discourse Meta/) end it "excludes deleted topics and their posts" do deleted = Fabricate(:topic, user: Fabricate(:user), title: "Delete this topic plz", created_at: 1.hour.ago) post = Fabricate(:post, topic: deleted, score: 100.0, post_number: 2, raw: "Your wish is my command", created_at: 1.hour.ago) deleted.trash! html = subject.html_part.body.to_s expect(html).to_not include deleted.title expect(html).to_not include post.raw end it "excludes whispers and other post types that don't belong" do t = Fabricate(:topic, user: Fabricate(:user), title: "Who likes the same stuff I like?", created_at: 1.hour.ago) whisper = Fabricate(:post, topic: t, score: 100.0, post_number: 2, raw: "You like weird stuff", post_type: Post.types[:whisper], created_at: 1.hour.ago) mod_action = Fabricate(:post, topic: t, score: 100.0, post_number: 3, raw: "This topic unlisted", post_type: Post.types[:moderator_action], created_at: 1.hour.ago) small_action = Fabricate(:post, topic: t, score: 100.0, post_number: 4, raw: "A small action", post_type: Post.types[:small_action], created_at: 1.hour.ago) html = subject.html_part.body.to_s expect(html).to_not include whisper.raw expect(html).to_not include mod_action.raw expect(html).to_not include small_action.raw end it "excludes deleted and hidden posts" do t = Fabricate(:topic, user: Fabricate(:user), title: "Post objectionable stuff here", created_at: 1.hour.ago) deleted = Fabricate(:post, topic: t, score: 100.0, post_number: 2, raw: "This post is uncalled for", deleted_at: 5.minutes.ago, created_at: 1.hour.ago) hidden = Fabricate(:post, topic: t, score: 100.0, post_number: 3, raw: "Try to find this post", hidden: true, hidden_at: 5.minutes.ago, hidden_reason_id: Post.hidden_reasons[:flagged_by_tl3_user], created_at: 1.hour.ago) user_deleted = Fabricate(:post, topic: t, score: 100.0, post_number: 4, raw: "I regret this post", user_deleted: true, created_at: 1.hour.ago) html = subject.html_part.body.to_s expect(html).to_not include deleted.raw expect(html).to_not include hidden.raw expect(html).to_not include user_deleted.raw end it "excludes posts that are newer than editing grace period" do SiteSetting.editing_grace_period = 5.minutes too_new = Fabricate(:topic, user: Fabricate(:user), title: "Oops I need to edit this", created_at: 1.minute.ago) too_new_post = Fabricate(:post, user: too_new.user, topic: too_new, score: 100.0, post_number: 1, created_at: 1.minute.ago) html = subject.html_part.body.to_s expect(html).to_not include too_new.title end it "uses theme color" do cs = Fabricate(:color_scheme, name: 'Fancy', color_scheme_colors: [ Fabricate(:color_scheme_color, name: 'header_primary', hex: 'F0F0F0'), Fabricate(:color_scheme_color, name: 'header_background', hex: '1E1E1E'), Fabricate(:color_scheme_color, name: 'tertiary', hex: '858585') ]) theme = Theme.create!( name: 'my name', user_id: Fabricate(:admin).id, user_selectable: true, color_scheme_id: ) theme.set_default! html = subject.html_part.body.to_s expect(html).to include 'F0F0F0' expect(html).to include '1E1E1E' expect(html).to include '858585' end end end describe '.user_replied' do let(:response_by_user) { Fabricate(:user, name: "John Doe") } let(:category) { Fabricate(:category, name: 'India') } let(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, category: category) } let(:post) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, raw: 'This is My super duper cool topic') } let(:response) { Fabricate(:post, reply_to_post_number: 1, topic: post.topic, user: response_by_user) } let(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } let(:notification) { Fabricate(:notification, user: user) } it 'generates a correct email' do # Fabricator is not fabricating this ... SiteSetting.enable_names = true SiteSetting.display_name_on_posts = true mail = UserNotifications.user_replied(response.user, post: response, notification_type: notification.notification_type, notification_data_hash: notification.data_hash ) # from should include full user name expect(mail[:from].display_names).to eql(['John Doe']) # subject should include category name expect(mail.subject).to match(/India/) mail_html = mail.html_part.to_s expect(mail_html.scan(/My super duper cool topic/).count).to eq(1) expect(mail_html.scan(/In Reply To/).count).to eq(1) # 2 "visit topic" link expect(mail_html.scan(/Visit Topic/).count).to eq(2) # 2 respond to links cause we have 1 context post expect(mail_html.scan(/to respond/).count).to eq(2) # 1 unsubscribe expect(mail_html.scan(/To unsubscribe/).count).to eq(1) # side effect, topic user is updated with post number tu = TopicUser.get(post.topic_id, response.user) expect(tu.last_emailed_post_number).to eq(response.post_number) # no In Reply To if user opts out response.user.user_option.email_in_reply_to = false mail = UserNotifications.user_replied(response.user, post: response, notification_type: notification.notification_type, notification_data_hash: notification.data_hash ) expect(mail.html_part.to_s.scan(/In Reply To/).count).to eq(0) SiteSetting.enable_names = true SiteSetting.display_name_on_posts = true SiteSetting.prioritize_username_in_ux = false response.user.username = "bobmarley" = "Bob Marley" mail = UserNotifications.user_replied(response.user, post: response, notification_type: notification.notification_type, notification_data_hash: notification.data_hash ) mail_html = mail.html_part.to_s expect(mail_html.scan(/>Bob Marley/).count).to eq(1) expect(mail_html.scan(/>bobmarley/).count).to eq(0) SiteSetting.prioritize_username_in_ux = true mail = UserNotifications.user_replied(response.user, post: response, notification_type: notification.notification_type, notification_data_hash: notification.data_hash ) mail_html = mail.html_part.to_s expect(mail_html.scan(/>Bob Marley/).count).to eq(0) expect(mail_html.scan(/>bobmarley/).count).to eq(1) end it "doesn't include details when private_email is enabled" do SiteSetting.private_email = true mail = UserNotifications.user_replied( response.user, post: response, notification_type: notification.notification_type, notification_data_hash: notification.data_hash ) expect(mail.html_part.to_s).to_not include(response.raw) expect(mail.html_part.to_s).to_not include(topic.url) expect(mail.text_part.to_s).to_not include(response.raw) expect(mail.text_part.to_s).to_not include(topic.url) end end describe '.user_posted' do let(:response_by_user) { Fabricate(:user, name: "John Doe", username: "john") } let(:post) { Fabricate(:post) } let(:response) { Fabricate(:post, topic: post.topic, user: response_by_user) } let(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } let(:notification) { Fabricate(:notification, user: user, data: { original_username: response_by_user.username }.to_json) } it 'generates a correct email' do SiteSetting.enable_names = false mail = UserNotifications.user_posted(response.user, post: response, notification_type: notification.notification_type, notification_data_hash: notification.data_hash ) # from should not include full user name if "show user full names" is disabled expect(mail[:from].display_names).to_not eql(['John Doe']) # from should include username if "show user full names" is disabled expect(mail[:from].display_names).to eql(['john']) # subject should not include category name expect(mail.subject).not_to match(/Uncategorized/) # 1 respond to links as no context by default expect(mail.html_part.to_s.scan(/to respond/).count).to eq(1) # 1 unsubscribe link expect(mail.html_part.to_s.scan(/To unsubscribe/).count).to eq(1) # side effect, topic user is updated with post number tu = TopicUser.get(post.topic_id, response.user) expect(tu.last_emailed_post_number).to eq(response.post_number) end it "doesn't include details when private_email is enabled" do SiteSetting.private_email = true mail = UserNotifications.user_posted( response.user, post: response, notification_type: notification.notification_type, notification_data_hash: notification.data_hash ) expect(mail.html_part.to_s).to_not include(response.raw) expect(mail.text_part.to_s).to_not include(response.raw) end end describe '.user_private_message' do let(:response_by_user) { Fabricate(:user, name: "", username: "john") } let(:topic) { Fabricate(:private_message_topic) } let(:response) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, user: response_by_user) } let(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } let(:notification) { Fabricate(:notification, user: user, data: { original_username: response_by_user.username }.to_json) } it 'generates a correct email' do SiteSetting.enable_names = true mail = UserNotifications.user_private_message( response.user, post: response, notification_type: notification.notification_type, notification_data_hash: notification.data_hash ) # from should include username if full user name is not provided expect(mail[:from].display_names).to eql(['john']) # subject should include "[PM]" expect(mail.subject).to include("[PM] ") # 1 "visit message" link expect(mail.html_part.to_s.scan(/Visit Message/).count).to eq(1) # 1 respond to link expect(mail.html_part.to_s.scan(/to respond/).count).to eq(1) # 1 unsubscribe link expect(mail.html_part.to_s.scan(/To unsubscribe/).count).to eq(1) # side effect, topic user is updated with post number tu = TopicUser.get(, response.user) expect(tu.last_emailed_post_number).to eq(response.post_number) end it "doesn't include details when private_email is enabled" do SiteSetting.private_email = true mail = UserNotifications.user_private_message( response.user, post: response, notification_type: notification.notification_type, notification_data_hash: notification.data_hash ) expect(mail.html_part.to_s).to_not include(response.raw) expect(mail.html_part.to_s).to_not include(topic.url) expect(mail.text_part.to_s).to_not include(response.raw) expect(mail.text_part.to_s).to_not include(topic.url) end it "doesn't include group name in subject" do group = Fabricate(:group) topic.allowed_groups = [ group ] mail = UserNotifications.user_private_message( response.user, post: response, notification_type: notification.notification_type, notification_data_hash: notification.data_hash ) expect(mail.subject).to include("[PM] ") end context "when SiteSetting.group_name_in_subject is true" do before do SiteSetting.group_in_subject = true end let(:group) { Fabricate(:group, name: "my_group") } let(:mail) { UserNotifications.user_private_message( response.user, post: response, notification_type: notification.notification_type, notification_data_hash: notification.data_hash ) } shared_examples "includes first group name" do it "includes first group name in subject" do expect(mail.subject).to include("[my_group] ") end context "when first group has full name" do it "includes full name in subject" do group.full_name = "My Group" expect(mail.subject).to include("[My Group] ") end end end context "one group in pm" do before do topic.allowed_groups = [ group ] end include_examples "includes first group name" end context "multiple groups in pm" do let(:group2) { Fabricate(:group) } before do topic.allowed_groups = [ group, group2 ] end include_examples "includes first group name" end context "no groups in pm" do it "includes %{optional_pm} in subject" do expect(mail.subject).to include("[PM] ") end end end end it 'adds a warning when mail limit is reached' do SiteSetting.max_emails_per_day_per_user = 2 user = Fabricate(:user) user.email_logs.create(email_type: 'blah', to_address:, user_id:, skipped: false) post = Fabricate(:post) reply = Fabricate(:post, topic_id: post.topic_id) notification = Fabricate(:notification, topic_id: post.topic_id, post_number: reply.post_number, user: post.user, data: { original_username: 'bob' }.to_json) mail = UserNotifications.user_replied( user, post: reply, notification_type: notification.notification_type, notification_data_hash: notification.data_hash ) # WARNING: you reached the limit of 100 email notifications per day. Further emails will be suppressed. # Consider watching less topics or disabling mailing list mode. expect(mail.html_part.to_s).to match(I18n.t("user_notifications.reached_limit", count: 2)) expect(mail.body.to_s).to match(I18n.t("user_notifications.reached_limit", count: 2)) end def expects_build_with(condition) UserNotifications.any_instance.expects(:build_email).with(, condition) mailer = UserNotifications.send(mail_type, user, notification_type: Notification.types[notification.notification_type], notification_data_hash: notification.data_hash, post: mailer.message end shared_examples "supports reply by email" do context "reply_by_email" do it "should have allow_reply_by_email set when that feature is enabled" do expects_build_with(has_entry(:allow_reply_by_email, true)) end end end shared_examples "no reply by email" do context "reply_by_email" do it "doesn't support reply by email" do expects_build_with(Not(has_entry(:allow_reply_by_email, true))) end end end shared_examples "respect for private_email" do context "private_email" do it "doesn't support reply by email" do SiteSetting.private_email = true mailer = UserNotifications.send( mail_type, user, notification_type: Notification.types[notification.notification_type], notification_data_hash: notification.data_hash, post: ) message = mailer.message topic = expect(message.html_part.body.to_s).not_to include(topic.title) expect(message.html_part.body.to_s).not_to include(topic.slug) expect(message.text_part.body.to_s).not_to include(topic.title) expect(message.text_part.body.to_s).not_to include(topic.slug) end end end # The parts of emails that are derived from templates are translated shared_examples "sets user locale" do context "set locale for translating templates" do it "sets the locale" do expects_build_with(has_key(:locale)) end end end shared_examples "notification email building" do let(:post) { Fabricate(:post, user: user) } let(:mail_type) { "user_#{notification_type}" } let(:mail_template) { "user_notifications.#{mail_type}" } let(:username) { "walterwhite" } let(:notification) do Fabricate(:notification, user: user, topic: post.topic, notification_type: Notification.types[notification_type], post_number: post.post_number, data: { original_username: username }.to_json) end describe 'email building' do it "has a username" do expects_build_with(has_entry(:username, username)) end it "has a url" do expects_build_with(has_key(:url)) end it "has a template" do expects_build_with(has_entry(:template, mail_template)) end it "overrides the html part" do expects_build_with(has_key(:html_override)) end it "has a message" do expects_build_with(has_key(:message)) end it "has a context" do expects_build_with(has_key(:context)) end it "has an unsubscribe link" do expects_build_with(has_key(:add_unsubscribe_link)) end it "has an post_id" do expects_build_with(has_key(:post_id)) end it "has an topic_id" do expects_build_with(has_key(:topic_id)) end it "should have user name as from_alias" do SiteSetting.enable_names = true SiteSetting.display_name_on_posts = true expects_build_with(has_entry(:from_alias, "#{}")) end it "should not have user name as from_alias if display_name_on_posts is disabled" do SiteSetting.enable_names = false SiteSetting.display_name_on_posts = false expects_build_with(has_entry(:from_alias, "walterwhite")) end it "should explain how to respond" do expects_build_with(Not(has_entry(:include_respond_instructions, false))) end it "should not explain how to respond if the user is suspended" do User.any_instance.stubs(:suspended?).returns(true) expects_build_with(has_entry(:include_respond_instructions, false)) end context "when customized" do let(:custom_body) do body = <<~BODY You are now officially notified. %{header_instructions} %{message} %{respond_instructions} %{topic_title_url_encoded} %{site_title_url_encoded} BODY body << "%{context}" if notification_type != :invited_to_topic body end before do TranslationOverride.upsert!( "en", "#{mail_template}.text_body_template", custom_body ) end it "shouldn't use the default html_override" do expects_build_with(Not(has_key(:html_override))) end end end end describe "user mentioned email" do include_examples "notification email building" do let(:notification_type) { :mentioned } include_examples "respect for private_email" include_examples "supports reply by email" include_examples "sets user locale" end end describe "user replied" do include_examples "notification email building" do let(:notification_type) { :replied } include_examples "respect for private_email" include_examples "supports reply by email" include_examples "sets user locale" end end describe "user quoted" do include_examples "notification email building" do let(:notification_type) { :quoted } include_examples "respect for private_email" include_examples "supports reply by email" include_examples "sets user locale" end end describe "user posted" do include_examples "notification email building" do let(:notification_type) { :posted } include_examples "respect for private_email" include_examples "supports reply by email" include_examples "sets user locale" end end describe "user invited to a private message" do include_examples "notification email building" do let(:notification_type) { :invited_to_private_message } let(:post) { Fabricate(:private_message_post) } let(:user) { post.user } let(:mail_template) { "user_notifications.user_#{notification_type}_pm" } include_examples "respect for private_email" include_examples "no reply by email" include_examples "sets user locale" end end describe "group invited to a private message" do include_examples "notification email building" do let(:notification_type) { :invited_to_private_message } let(:post) { Fabricate(:private_message_post) } let(:user) { post.user } let(:group) { Fabricate(:group) } let(:mail_template) { "user_notifications.user_#{notification_type}_pm_group" } before do notification.data_hash[:group_id] =! end it "should include the group name" do expects_build_with(has_entry(:group_name, end include_examples "respect for private_email" include_examples "no reply by email" include_examples "sets user locale" end end describe "user invited to a topic" do include_examples "notification email building" do let(:notification_type) { :invited_to_topic } include_examples "respect for private_email" include_examples "no reply by email" include_examples "sets user locale" end end describe "watching first post" do include_examples "notification email building" do let(:notification_type) { :invited_to_topic } include_examples "respect for private_email" include_examples "no reply by email" include_examples "sets user locale" end end # notification emails derived from templates are translated into the user's locale shared_examples "notification derived from template" do let(:user) { Fabricate(:user, locale: locale) } let(:mail_type) { mail_type } let(:notification) { Fabricate(:notification, user: user) } end describe "notifications from template" do context "user locale has been set" do %w(signup signup_after_approval confirm_old_email notify_old_email confirm_new_email forgot_password admin_login account_created).each do |mail_type| include_examples "notification derived from template" do SiteSetting.default_locale = "en" let(:locale) { "fr" } let(:mail_type) { mail_type } it "sets the locale" do expects_build_with(has_entry(:locale, "fr")) end end end end context "user locale has not been set" do %w(signup signup_after_approval notify_old_email confirm_old_email confirm_new_email forgot_password admin_login account_created).each do |mail_type| include_examples "notification derived from template" do SiteSetting.default_locale = "en" let(:locale) { nil } let(:mail_type) { mail_type } it "sets the locale" do expects_build_with(has_entry(:locale, nil)) end end end end context "user locale is an empty string" do %w(signup signup_after_approval notify_old_email confirm_new_email confirm_old_email forgot_password admin_login account_created).each do |mail_type| include_examples "notification derived from template" do SiteSetting.default_locale = "en" let(:locale) { "" } let(:mail_type) { mail_type } it "sets the locale" do expects_build_with(has_entry(:locale, nil)) end end end end end end