class ExcerptParser < Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Document attr_reader :excerpt SPAN_REGEX = /<\s*span[^>]*class\s*=\s*['|"]excerpt['|"][^>]*>/ def initialize(length, options = nil) @length = length @excerpt = "" @current_length = 0 options || {} @strip_links = options[:strip_links] == true @strip_images = options[:strip_images] == true @text_entities = options[:text_entities] == true @markdown_images = options[:markdown_images] == true @keep_newlines = options[:keep_newlines] == true @keep_emoji_images = options[:keep_emoji_images] == true @keep_onebox_source = options[:keep_onebox_source] == true @remap_emoji = options[:remap_emoji] == true @start_excerpt = false end def self.get_excerpt(html, length, options) html ||= '' length = html.length if html.include?('excerpt') && SPAN_REGEX === html me =, options) parser = catch(:done) do parser.parse(html) end excerpt = me.excerpt.strip excerpt = excerpt.gsub(/\s*\n+\s*/, "\n\n") if options[:keep_onebox_source] excerpt = CGI.unescapeHTML(excerpt) if options[:text_entities] == true excerpt end def escape_attribute(v) return "" unless v v = v.dup v.gsub!("&", "&") v.gsub!("\"", """) v.gsub!("<", "<") v.gsub!(">", ">") v end def include_tag(name, attributes) characters("<#{name} #{ { |k, v| "#{k}=\"#{escape_attribute(v)}\"" }.join(' ')}>", false, false, false) end def start_element(name, attributes = []) case name when "img" attributes = Hash[*attributes.flatten] if attributes["class"]&.include?('emoji') if @remap_emoji title = (attributes["alt"] || "").gsub(":", "") title = Emoji.lookup_unicode(title) || attributes["alt"] return characters(title) elsif @keep_emoji_images return include_tag(name, attributes) else return characters(attributes["alt"]) end end unless @strip_images # If include_images is set, include the image in markdown characters("!") if @markdown_images if !attributes["alt"].blank? characters("[#{attributes["alt"]}]") elsif !attributes["title"].blank? characters("[#{attributes["title"]}]") else characters("[#{I18n.t 'excerpt_image'}]") end characters("(#{attributes['src']})") if @markdown_images end when "a" unless @strip_links include_tag(name, attributes) @in_a = true end when "aside" attributes = Hash[*attributes.flatten] unless @keep_onebox_source && attributes['class'].include?('onebox') @in_quote = true end when 'article' if @keep_onebox_source && attributes.include?(['class', 'onebox-body']) @in_quote = true end when "div", "span" if attributes.include?(["class", "excerpt"]) @excerpt = "" @current_length = 0 @start_excerpt = true end # Preserve spoilers if attributes.include?(["class", "spoiler"]) include_tag("span", attributes) @in_spoiler = true end end end def end_element(name) case name when "a" unless @strip_links characters("", false, false, false) @in_a = false end when "p", "br" if @keep_newlines characters("
", false, false, false) else characters(" ") end when "aside" @in_quote = false when "div", "span" throw :done if @start_excerpt characters("", false, false, false) if @in_spoiler @in_spoiler = false end end def characters(string, truncate = true, count_it = true, encode = true) return if @in_quote # we call length on this so might as well ensure we have a string string = string.to_s encode = encode ? lambda { |s| ERB::Util.html_escape(s) } : lambda { |s| s } if count_it && @current_length + string.length > @length length = [0, @length - @current_length - 1].max @excerpt <<[0..length]) if truncate @excerpt << (@text_entities ? "..." : "…") @excerpt << "" if @in_a throw :done end @excerpt << @current_length += string.length if count_it end end