integration("Header (Anonymous)"); test("header", function() { visit("/"); andThen(function() { ok(exists("header"), "is rendered"); ok(exists(".logo-big"), "it renders the large logo by default"); not(exists("#notifications-dropdown li"), "no notifications at first"); not(exists('#site-map-dropdown'), "no site map by default"); not(exists("#user-dropdown:visible"), "initially user dropdown is closed"); not(exists("#search-dropdown:visible"), "initially search box is closed"); }); // Logo changing andThen(function() { controllerFor('header').set("showExtraInfo", true); }); andThen(function() { ok(exists(".logo-small"), "it shows the small logo when `showExtraInfo` is enabled"); }); // Site Map click("#site-map"); andThen(function() { ok(exists('#site-map-dropdown'), "is rendered after user opens it"); ok(exists("#site-map-dropdown .faq-link"), "it shows the faq link"); ok(exists("#site-map-dropdown .category-links"), "has categories correctly bound"); }); // Search click("#search-button"); andThen(function() { ok(exists("#search-dropdown:visible"), "after clicking a button search box opens"); not(exists("#search-dropdown .heading"), "initially, immediately after opening, search box is empty"); }); // Perform Search fillIn("#search-term", "hello"); andThen(function() { ok(exists("#search-dropdown .heading"), "when user completes a search, search box shows search results"); equal(find("#search-dropdown .selected a").attr("href"), "some-url", "the first search result is selected"); }); });