# encoding: utf-8
# This file contains content for the server portion of Discourse used by Ruby
# To work with us on translations, see:
# https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/discourse-org/
# This is a "source" file, which is used by Transifex to get translations for other languages.
# After this file is changed, it needs to be pushed by a maintainer to Transifex:
# tx push -s
# Read more here: https://meta.discourse.org/t/contribute-a-translation-to-discourse/14882
# To validate this YAML file after you change it, please paste it into
# http://yamllint.com/
# Use Moment.js format string: https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/
short_date_no_year: "D MMM"
# Use Moment.js format string: https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/
short_date: "D MMM, YYYY"
# Use Moment.js format string: https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/
long_date: "MMMM D, YYYY h:mma"
datetime_formats: &datetime_formats
# Format directives: https://ruby-doc.org/core-2.3.1/Time.html#method-i-strftime
short: "%m-%d-%Y"
# Format directives: https://ruby-doc.org/core-2.3.1/Time.html#method-i-strftime
short_no_year: "%B %-d"
# Format directives: https://ruby-doc.org/core-2.3.1/Time.html#method-i-strftime
date_only: "%B %-d, %Y"
# Format directives: https://ruby-doc.org/core-2.3.1/Time.html#method-i-strftime
long: "%B %-d, %Y, %l:%M%P"
# Do not remove the brackets and commas and do not translate the first month name. It should be "null".
[~, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December]
<<: *datetime_formats
<<: *datetime_formats
am: "am"
pm: "pm"
title: "Discourse"
topics: "Topics"
posts: "posts"
loading: "Loading"
powered_by_html: 'Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled'
log_in: "Log In"
submit: "Submit"
purge_reason: "Automatically deleted as abandoned, deactivated account"
disable_remote_images_download_reason: "Remote images download was disabled because there wasn't enough disk space available."
anonymous: "Anonymous"
remove_posts_deleted_by_author: "Deleted by author"
redirect_warning: "We were unable to verify that the link you selected was actually posted to the forum. If you wish to proceed anyway, select the link below."
on_another_topic: "On another topic"
bad_color_scheme: "Can not update theme, invalid color scheme"
other_error: "Something went wrong updating theme"
error_importing: "Error cloning git repository, access is denied or repository is not found"
component_no_user_selectable: "Theme components can't be user-selectable"
component_no_default: "Theme components can't be default theme"
component_no_color_scheme: "Theme components can't have color scheme"
no_multilevels_components: "Themes with child themes can't be child themes themselves"
invalid_yaml: "Provided YAML is invalid."
data_type_not_a_number: "Setting `%{name}` type is unsupported. Supported types are `integer`, `bool`, `list` and `enum`"
name_too_long: "There is a setting with a too long name. Maximum length is 255"
default_value_missing: "Setting `%{name}` has no default value"
default_not_match_type: "Setting `%{name}` default value's type doesn't match with the setting type."
default_out_range: "Setting `%{name}` default value isn't in the specified range."
enum_value_not_valid: "Selected value isn't one of the enum choices."
number_value_not_valid: "New value isn't within the allowed range."
number_value_not_valid_min_max: "It must be between %{min} and %{max}."
number_value_not_valid_min: "It must be larger than or equal to %{min}."
number_value_not_valid_max: "It must be smaller than or equal to %{max}."
string_value_not_valid: "New value length isn't within the allowed range."
string_value_not_valid_min_max: "It must be between %{min} and %{max} character long."
string_value_not_valid_min: "It must be at least %{min} characters long."
string_value_not_valid_max: "It must be at most %{max} characters long."
default_subject: "This topic needs a title"
show_trimmed_content: "Show trimmed content"
maximum_staged_user_per_email_reached: "Reached maximum number of staged users created per email."
no_subject: "(no subject)"
no_body: "(no body)"
missing_attachment: '(Attachment %{filename} is missing)'
empty_email_error: "Happens when the raw mail we received was blank."
no_message_id_error: "Happens when the mail has no 'Message-Id' header."
auto_generated_email_error: "Happens when the 'precedence' header is set to: list, junk, bulk or auto_reply, or when any other header contains: auto-submitted, auto-replied or auto-generated."
no_body_detected_error: "Happens when we couldn't extract a body and there were no attachments."
no_sender_detected_error: "Happens when we couldn't find a valid email address in the From header."
from_reply_by_address_error: "Happens when the From header matches the reply by email address."
inactive_user_error: "Happens when the sender is not active."
silenced_user_error: "Happens when the sender has been silenced."
bad_destination_address: "Happens when none of the email addresses in To/Cc/Bcc fields matched a configured incoming email address."
strangers_not_allowed_error: "Happens when a user tried to create a new topic in a category they're not a member of."
insufficient_trust_level_error: "Happens when a user tried to create a new topic in a category they don't have the required trust level for."
reply_user_not_matching_error: "Happens when a reply came in from a different email address the notification was sent to."
topic_not_found_error: "Happens when a reply came in but the related topic has been deleted."
topic_closed_error: "Happens when a reply came in but the related topic has been closed."
bounced_email_error: "Email is a bounced email report."
screened_email_error: "Happens when the sender's email address was already screened."
unsubscribe_not_allowed: "Happens when unsubscribing via email is not allowed for this user."
email_not_allowed: "Happens when the email address is not on the whitelist or is on the blacklist."
unrecognized_error: "Unrecognized Error"
errors: &errors
format: ! '%{attribute} %{message}'
format_with_full_message: '%{attribute}: %{message}'
too_long_validation: "is limited to %{max} characters; you entered %{length}."
invalid_boolean: "Invalid boolean."
taken: "has already been taken"
accepted: must be accepted
blank: can't be blank
present: must be blank
confirmation: ! "doesn't match %{attribute}"
empty: can't be empty
equal_to: must be equal to %{count}
even: must be even
exclusion: is reserved
greater_than: must be greater than %{count}
greater_than_or_equal_to: must be greater than or equal to %{count}
has_already_been_used: "has already been used"
inclusion: is not included in the list
invalid: is invalid
is_invalid: "seems unclear, is it a complete sentence?"
contains_censored_words: "contains the following censored words: %{censored_words}"
less_than: must be less than %{count}
less_than_or_equal_to: must be less than or equal to %{count}
not_a_number: is not a number
not_an_integer: must be an integer
odd: must be odd
record_invalid: ! 'Validation failed: %{errors}'
max_emojis: "can't have more than %{max_emojis_count} emoji"
emojis_disabled: "can't have emoji"
ip_address_already_screened: "is already included in an existing rule"
one: "Cannot delete record because a dependent %{record} exists"
many: "Cannot delete record because dependent %{record} exist"
one: is too long (maximum is 1 character)
other: is too long (maximum is %{count} characters)
one: is too short (minimum is 1 character)
other: is too short (minimum is %{count} characters)
one: is the wrong length (should be 1 character)
other: is the wrong length (should be %{count} characters)
other_than: "must be other than %{count}"
body: ! 'There were problems with the following fields:'
one: 1 error prohibited this %{model} from being saved
other: ! '%{count} errors prohibited this %{model} from being saved'
load_from_remote: "There was an error loading that post."
one: 'You specified the invalid choice %{name}'
other: 'You specified the invalid choices %{name}'
default_categories_already_selected: "You cannot select a category used in another list."
s3_upload_bucket_is_required: "You cannot enable uploads to S3 unless you've provided the 's3_upload_bucket'."
s3_backup_requires_s3_settings: "You cannot use S3 as backup location unless you've provided the '%{setting_name}'."
s3_bucket_reused: "You cannot use the same bucket for 's3_upload_bucket' and 's3_backup_bucket'. Choose a different bucket or use a different path for each bucket."
conflicting_google_user_id: 'The Google Account ID for this account has changed; staff intervention is required for security reasons. Please contact staff and point them to
<<: *errors
not_found: "Your invite token is invalid. Please contact the site's administrator."
not_found_template: |
Your invite to %{site_name} has already been redeemed.
If you remember your password you can Login.
Otherwise please Reset Password.
user_exists: "There's no need to invite %{email}, they already have an account!" confirm_email: "You’re almost done! We sent an activation mail to your email address. Please follow the instructions in the mail to activate your account.
If it doesn’t arrive, check your spam folder.
" bulk_invite: file_should_be_csv: "The uploaded file should be of csv format." error: "There was an error uploading that file. Please try again later." topic_invite: failed_to_invite: "The user cannot be invited into this topic without a group membership in either one of the following groups: %{group_names}." user_exists: "Sorry, that user has already been invited. You may only invite a user to a topic once." backup: operation_already_running: "An operation is currently running. Can't start a new job right now." backup_file_should_be_tar_gz: "The backup file should be a .tar.gz archive." not_enough_space_on_disk: "There is not enough space on disk to upload this backup." invalid_filename: "The backup filename contains invalid characters. Valid characters are a-z 0-9 . - _." file_exists: "The file you are trying to upload already exists." location: local: "Local" s3: "Amazon S3" invalid_params: "You supplied invalid parameters to the request: %{message}" not_logged_in: "You need to be logged in to do that." not_found: "The requested URL or resource could not be found." invalid_access: "You are not permitted to view the requested resource." authenticator_not_found: "Authentication method does not exist, or has been disabled." invalid_api_credentials: "You are not permitted to view the requested resource. The API username or key is invalid." provider_not_enabled: "You are not permitted to view the requested resource. The authentication provider is not enabled." provider_not_found: "You are not permitted to view the requested resource. The authentication provider does not exist." read_only_mode_enabled: "The site is in read only mode. Interactions are disabled." invalid_grant_badge_reason_link: "External or invalid discourse link is not allowed in badge reason" reading_time: "Reading time" likes: "Likes" too_many_replies: one: "We're sorry, but new users are temporarily limited to 1 reply in the same topic." other: "We're sorry, but new users are temporarily limited to %{count} replies in the same topic." max_consecutive_replies: one: "No consecutive replies are allowed. Please edit your previous reply, or wait for someone to reply to you." other: "No more than %{count} consecutive replies are allowed. Please edit your previous reply, or wait for someone to reply to you." embed: start_discussion: "Start Discussion" continue: "Continue Discussion" error: "Error Embedding" referer: "Referer:" mismatch: "The referer was either not sent, or did not match any of the following hosts:" no_hosts: "No hosts were set up for embedding." configure: "Configure Embedding" more_replies: one: "1 more reply" other: "%{count} more replies" loading: "Loading Discussion..." permalink: "Permalink" imported_from: "This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at %{link}" in_reply_to: "▶ %{username}" replies: one: "%{count} reply" other: "%{count} replies" no_mentions_allowed: "Sorry, you can't mention other users." too_many_mentions: one: "Sorry, you can only mention one other user in a post." other: "Sorry, you can only mention %{count} users in a post." no_mentions_allowed_newuser: "Sorry, new users can't mention other users." too_many_mentions_newuser: one: "Sorry, new users can only mention one other user in a post." other: "Sorry, new users can only mention %{count} users in a post." no_images_allowed_trust: "Sorry, you can't put images in a post" no_images_allowed: "Sorry, new users can't put images in posts." too_many_images: one: "Sorry, new users can only put one image in a post." other: "Sorry, new users can only put %{count} images in a post." no_attachments_allowed: "Sorry, new users can't put attachments in posts." too_many_attachments: one: "Sorry, new users can only put one attachment in a post." other: "Sorry, new users can only put %{count} attachments in a post." no_links_allowed: "Sorry, new users can't put links in posts." links_require_trust: "Sorry, you can't include links in your posts." too_many_links: one: "Sorry, new users can only put one link in a post." other: "Sorry, new users can only put %{count} links in a post." contains_blocked_words: "Your post contains a word that's not allowed: %{word}" spamming_host: "Sorry you cannot post a link to that host." user_is_suspended: "Suspended users are not allowed to post." topic_not_found: "Something has gone wrong. Perhaps this topic was closed or deleted while you were looking at it?" not_accepting_pms: "Sorry, %{username} is not accepting messages at the moment." max_pm_recepients: "Sorry, you can send a message to maximum %{recipients_limit} recipients." pm_reached_recipients_limit: "Sorry, you can't have more than %{recipients_limit} recipients in a message." removed_direct_reply_full_quotes: "Automatically removed quote of whole previous post." just_posted_that: "is too similar to what you recently posted" invalid_characters: "contains invalid characters" is_invalid: "seems unclear, is it a complete sentence?" next_page: "next page →" prev_page: "← previous page" page_num: "Page %{num}" home_title: "Home" topics_in_category: "Topics in the '%{category}' category" rss_posts_in_topic: "RSS feed of '%{topic}'" rss_topics_in_category: "RSS feed of topics in the '%{category}' category" author_wrote: "%{author} wrote:" num_posts: "Posts:" num_participants: "Participants:" read_full_topic: "Read full topic" private_message_abbrev: "Msg" rss_description: latest: "Latest topics" hot: "Hot topics" top: "Top topics" top_all: "All time top topics" top_yearly: "Yearly top topics" top_quarterly: "Quarterly top topics" top_monthly: "Monthly top topics" top_weekly: "Weekly top topics" top_daily: "Daily top topics" posts: "Latest posts" private_posts: "Latest personal messages" group_posts: "Latest posts from %{group_name}" group_mentions: "Latest mentions from %{group_name}" user_posts: "Latest posts by @%{username}" user_topics: "Latest topics by @%{username}" tag: "Tagged topics" badge: "%{display_name} badge on %{site_title}" too_late_to_edit: "That post was created too long ago. It can no longer be edited or deleted." edit_conflict: "That post was edited by another user and your changes can no longer be saved." revert_version_same: "The current version is same as the version you are trying to revert to." excerpt_image: "image" queue: delete_reason: "Deleted via post moderation queue" not_found: "Post not found or already updated." groups: success: bulk_add: one: "%{count} user have been added to the group." other: "%{count} users have been added to the group." errors: grant_trust_level_not_valid: "'%{trust_level}' is not a valid trust level." can_not_modify_automatic: "You cannot modify an automatic group" member_already_exist: one: "'%{username}' is already a member of this group." other: "The following users are already members of this group: %{username}" invalid_domain: "'%{domain}' is not a valid domain." invalid_incoming_email: "'%{email}' is not a valid email address." email_already_used_in_group: "'%{email}' is already used by the group '%{group_name}'." email_already_used_in_category: "'%{email}' is already used by the category '%{category_name}'." cant_allow_membership_requests: "You cannot allow membership requests for a group without any owners." default_names: everyone: "everyone" admins: "admins" moderators: "moderators" staff: "staff" trust_level_0: "trust_level_0" trust_level_1: "trust_level_1" trust_level_2: "trust_level_2" trust_level_3: "trust_level_3" trust_level_4: "trust_level_4" request_membership_pm: title: "Membership Request for @%{group_name}" education: until_posts: one: "1 post" other: "%{count} posts" 'new-topic': | Welcome to %{site_name} — **thanks for starting a new conversation!** - Does the title sound interesting if you read it out loud? Is it a good summary? - Who would be interested in this? Why does it matter? What kind of responses do you want? - Include commonly used words in your topic so others can *find* it. To group your topic with related topics, select a category. For more, [see our community guidelines](%{base_path}/guidelines). This panel will only appear for your first %{education_posts_text}. 'new-reply': | Welcome to %{site_name} — **thanks for contributing!** - Does your reply improve the conversation in some way? - Be kind to your fellow community members. - Constructive criticism is welcome, but criticize *ideas*, not people. For more, [see our community guidelines](%{base_path}/guidelines). This panel will only appear for your first %{education_posts_text}. avatar: | ### How about a picture for your account? You’ve posted a few topics and replies, but your profile picture isn’t as unique as you are – it’s just a letter. Have you considered **[visiting your user profile](%{profile_path})** and uploading a picture that represents you? It’s easier to follow discussions and find interesting people in conversations when everyone has a unique profile picture! sequential_replies: | ### Consider replying to several posts at once Rather than several replies to a topic in a row, please consider a single reply that includes quotes from previous posts or @name references. You can edit your previous reply to add a quote by highlighting text and selecting the quote reply button that appears. It’s easier for everyone to read topics that have fewer in-depth replies versus lots of small, individual replies. dominating_topic: | ### Let others join the conversation This topic is clearly important to you – you've posted more than %{percent}% of the replies here. Are you sure you’re providing adequate time for other people to share their points of view, too? get_a_room: | ### Consider replying to more people You’ve already replied %{count} times to @%{reply_username} in this particular topic. Have you considered replying to *other* people in the discussion, too? A great discussion involves many voices and perspectives. If you’d like to continue your conversation with this particular user at length, [send them a personal message](%{base_path}/u/%{reply_username}). too_many_replies: | ### You have reached the reply limit for this topic We’re sorry, but new users are temporarily limited to %{newuser_max_replies_per_topic} replies in the same topic. Instead of adding another reply, please consider editing your previous replies, or visiting other topics. reviving_old_topic: | ### Revive this topic? The last reply to this topic was **%{time_ago}**. Your reply will bump the topic to the top of its list and notify anyone previously involved in the conversation. Are you sure you want to continue this old conversation? activerecord: attributes: category: name: "Category Name" topic: title: 'Title' featured_link: 'Featured Link' post: raw: "Body" user_profile: bio_raw: "About Me" user: ip_address: "" errors: <<: *errors models: topic: attributes: base: warning_requires_pm: "You can only attach warnings to personal messages." too_many_users: "You can only send warnings to one user at a time." cant_send_pm: "Sorry, you cannot send a personal message to that user." no_user_selected: "You must select a valid user." reply_by_email_disabled: "Reply by email has been disabled." target_user_not_found: "One of the users you are sending this message to could not be found." featured_link: invalid: "is invalid. URL should include http:// or https://." invalid_category: "can't be edited in this category." user: attributes: password: common: "is one of the 10000 most common passwords. Please use a more secure password." same_as_username: "is the same as your username. Please use a more secure password." same_as_email: "is the same as your email. Please use a more secure password." same_as_current: "is the same as your current password." unique_characters: "has too many repeated characters. Please use a more secure password." ip_address: signup_not_allowed: "Signup is not allowed from this account." user_email: attributes: user_id: reassigning_primary_email: "Reassigning a primary email to another user is not allowed." color_scheme_color: attributes: hex: invalid: "is not a valid color" post_reply: base: different_topic: "Post and reply must belong to the same topic." web_hook: attributes: payload_url: invalid: "URL is invalid. URL should includes http:// or https://. And no blank is allowed." custom_emoji: attributes: name: taken: is already in use by another emoji topic_timer: attributes: execute_at: in_the_past: "must be in the future." translation_overrides: attributes: value: invalid_interpolation_keys: 'The following interpolation key(s) are invalid: "%{keys}"' watched_word: attributes: word: too_many: "Too many words for that action" vip_category_name: "Lounge" vip_category_description: "A category exclusive to members with trust level 3 and higher." meta_category_name: "Site Feedback" meta_category_description: "Discussion about this site, its organization, how it works, and how we can improve it." staff_category_name: "Staff" staff_category_description: "Private category for staff discussions. Topics are only visible to admins and moderators." discourse_welcome_topic: title: "Welcome to Discourse" body: | The first paragraph of this pinned topic will be visible as a welcome message to all new visitors on your homepage. It's important! **Edit this** into a brief description of your community: - Who is it for? - What can they find here? - Why should they come here? - Where can they read more (links, resources, etc)?Your post was flagged by the community. Please see your messages.
' user_must_edit: 'This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.
' archetypes: regular: title: "Regular Topic" banner: title: "Banner Topic" message: make: "This topic is now a banner. It will appear at the top of every page until it is dismissed by the user." remove: "This topic is no longer a banner. It will no longer appear at the top of every page." unsubscribed: title: "Unsubscribed!" description: "%{email} has been unsubscribed. To change your email settings visit your user preferences." topic_description: "To re-subscribe to %{link}, use the notification control at the bottom or right of the topic." private_topic_description: "To re-subscribe, use the notification control at the bottom or right of the topic." unsubscribe: title: "Unsubscribe" stop_watching_topic: "Stop watching this topic, %{link}" mute_topic: "Mute all notifications for this topic, %{link}" unwatch_category: "Stop watching all topics in %{category}" mailing_list_mode: "Turn off mailing list mode" disable_digest_emails: "Stop sending me summary emails" all: "Don't send me any mail from %{sitename}" different_user_description: "You are currently logged in as a different user than the one we emailed. Please log out, or enter anonymous mode, and try again." not_found_description: "Sorry, we couldn't find this unsubscribe. It's possible the link in your email has expired?" log_out: "Log Out" user_api_key: title: "Authorize application access" authorize: "Authorize" read: "read" read_write: "read/write" description: "\"%{application_name}\" is requesting the following access to your account:" instructions: "We just generated a new user API key for you to use with \"%{application_name}\", please paste the following key into your application:" no_trust_level: "Sorry, you do not have the required trust level to access the user API" generic_error: "Sorry, we are unable to issue user API keys, this feature may be disabled by the site admin" scopes: message_bus: "Live updates" notifications: "Read and clear notifications" push: "Push notifications to external services" session_info: "Read user session info" read: "Read all" write: "Write all" flags: errors: already_handled: "Flag was already handled" reports: default: labels: count: Count percent: Percent day: Day post_edits: title: "Post Edits" labels: post: Post editor: Editor author: Author edit_reason: Reason description: "Number of new post edits." user_flagging_ratio: title: "User Flagging Ratio" labels: user: User agreed_flags: Agreed flags disagreed_flags: Disagreed flags ignored_flags: Ignored flags score: Score description: "List of users ordered by ratio of staff response to their flags (disagreed to agreed)." moderators_activity: title: "Moderator Activity" labels: moderator: Moderator flag_count: Flags reviewed time_read: Time reading topic_count: Topics created post_count: Posts created pm_count: PMs created revision_count: Revisions description: List of moderator activity including flags reviewed, reading time, topics created, posts created, private messages created, and revisions. flags_status: title: "Flags Status" values: agreed: Agreed disagreed: Disagreed deferred: Deferred no_action: No action labels: flag: Type assigned: Assigned poster: Poster flagger: Flagger time_to_resolution: Resolution time description: "List of flags' statuses including type of flag, poster, flagger, and time to resolution." visits: title: "User Visits" xaxis: "Day" yaxis: "Number of visits" description: "Number of all unique user visits." signups: title: "Signups" xaxis: "Day" yaxis: "Number of signups" description: "New account registrations for this period." new_contributors: title: "New Contributors" xaxis: "Day" yaxis: "Number of new contributors" description: "Number of users who made their first post during this period." dau_by_mau: title: "DAU/MAU" xaxis: "Day" yaxis: "DAU/MAU" description: "Number of members that logged in in the last day divided by number of members that logged in in the last month – returns a % which indicates community 'stickiness'. Aim for >30%." daily_engaged_users: title: "Daily Engaged Users" xaxis: "Day" yaxis: "Engaged Users" description: "Number of users that have liked or posted in the last day." profile_views: title: "User Profile Views" xaxis: "Day" yaxis: "Number of user profiles viewed" description: "Total new views of user profiles." topics: title: "Topics" xaxis: "Day" yaxis: "Number of new topics" description: "New topics created during this period." posts: title: "Posts" xaxis: "Day" yaxis: "Number of new posts" description: "New posts created during this period" likes: title: "Likes" xaxis: "Day" yaxis: "Number of new likes" description: "Number of new likes." flags: title: "Flags" xaxis: "Day" yaxis: "Number of flags" description: "Number of new flags." bookmarks: title: "Bookmarks" xaxis: "Day" yaxis: "Number of new bookmarks" description: "Number of new topics and posts bookmarked." users_by_trust_level: title: "Users per Trust Level" xaxis: "Trust Level" yaxis: "Number of Users" labels: level: Level description: "Number of users grouped by trust level." users_by_type: title: "Users per Type" xaxis: "Type" yaxis: "Number of Users" labels: type: Type xaxis_labels: admin: Admin moderator: Moderator suspended: Suspended silenced: Silenced description: "Number of users grouped by admin, moderator, suspended, and silenced." trending_search: title: Trending Search Terms labels: term: Term searches: Searches click_through: CTR description: "Most popular search terms with their click-through rates." emails: title: "Emails Sent" xaxis: "Day" yaxis: "Number of Emails" description: "Number of new emails sent." user_to_user_private_messages: title: "User-to-User (excluding replies)" xaxis: "Day" yaxis: "Number of messages" description: "Number of newly initiated private messages." user_to_user_private_messages_with_replies: title: "User-to-User (with replies)" xaxis: "Day" yaxis: "Number of messages" description: "Number of all new private messages and responses." system_private_messages: title: "System" xaxis: "Day" yaxis: "Number of messages" description: "Number of private messages sent automatically by the System." moderator_warning_private_messages: title: "Moderator Warning" xaxis: "Day" yaxis: "Number of messages" description: "Number of warnings sent by private messages from moderators." notify_moderators_private_messages: title: "Notify Moderators" xaxis: "Day" yaxis: "Number of messages" description: "Number of times moderators have been privately notified by a flag." notify_user_private_messages: title: "Notify User" xaxis: "Day" yaxis: "Number of messages" description: "Number of times users have been privately notified by a flag." top_referrers: title: "Top Referrers" xaxis: "User" num_clicks: "Clicks" num_topics: "Topics" labels: user: "User" num_clicks: "Clicks" num_topics: "Topics" description: "Users listed by number of clicks on links they have shared." top_traffic_sources: title: "Top Traffic Sources" xaxis: "Domain" num_clicks: "Clicks" num_topics: "Topics" num_users: "Users" labels: domain: Domain num_clicks: Clicks num_topics: Topics description: "External sources that have linked to this site the most." top_referred_topics: title: "Top Referred Topics" labels: num_clicks: "Clicks" topic: "Topic" description: "Topics that have received the most clicks from external sources." page_view_anon_reqs: title: "Anonymous" xaxis: "Day" yaxis: "Anonymous Pageviews" description: "Number of new page views by visitors not logged in to an account." page_view_logged_in_reqs: title: "Logged In" xaxis: "Day" yaxis: "Logged In Pageviews" description: "Number of new pageviews from logged in users." page_view_crawler_reqs: title: "Web Crawlers" xaxis: "Day" yaxis: "Web Crawler Pageviews" description: "Webcrawlers listed by number of new pageviews they have generated." page_view_total_reqs: title: "Pageviews" xaxis: "Day" yaxis: "Total Pageviews" description: "Number of new pageviews from all visitors." page_view_logged_in_mobile_reqs: title: "Logged In Pageviews" xaxis: "Day" yaxis: "Mobile Logged In Pageviews" description: "Number of new pageviews from users on mobile devices and logged in to an account." page_view_anon_mobile_reqs: title: "Anon Pageviews" xaxis: "Day" yaxis: "Mobile Anon Pageviews" description: "Number of new pageviews from visitors on a mobile device who are not logged in." http_background_reqs: title: "Background" xaxis: "Day" yaxis: "Requests used for live update and tracking" http_2xx_reqs: title: "Status 2xx (OK)" xaxis: "Day" yaxis: "Successful requests (Status 2xx)" http_3xx_reqs: title: "HTTP 3xx (Redirect)" xaxis: "Day" yaxis: "Redirect requests (Status 3xx)" http_4xx_reqs: title: "HTTP 4xx (Client Error)" xaxis: "Day" yaxis: "Client Errors (Status 4xx)" http_5xx_reqs: title: "HTTP 5xx (Server Error)" xaxis: "Day" yaxis: "Server Errors (Status 5xx)" http_total_reqs: title: "Total" xaxis: "Day" yaxis: "Total requests" time_to_first_response: title: "Time to first response" xaxis: "Day" yaxis: "Average time (hours)" description: "Average time (in hours) of the first response to new topics." topics_with_no_response: title: "Topics with no response" xaxis: "Day" yaxis: "Total" description: "Number of new topics created that did not receive a response." mobile_visits: title: "User Visits (mobile)" xaxis: "Day" yaxis: "Number of visits" description: "Number of unique users who visited using a mobile device." web_crawlers: title: "Web Crawler Requests" labels: user_agent: "User Agent" page_views: "Pageviews" description: "Number of new pageviews generated by all webcrawlers." suspicious_logins: title: "Suspicious Logins" labels: user: User client_ip: Client IP location: Location browser: Browser device: Device os: Operating System login_time: Login Time description: "Details of new logins that differ suspiciously from previous logins." staff_logins: title: "Staff Logins" labels: user: User location: Location login_at: Login at description: "List of admin and moderator login times with locations." top_uploads: title: "Top Uploads" labels: filename: Filename extension: Extension author: Author filesize: File size description: "List all uploads by extension, filesize and author." dashboard: rails_env_warning: "Your server is running in %{env} mode." host_names_warning: "Your config/database.yml file is using the default localhost hostname. Update it to use your site's hostname." gc_warning: 'Your server is using default ruby garbage collection parameters, which will not give you the best performance. Read this topic on performance tuning: Tuning Ruby and Rails for Discourse.' sidekiq_warning: 'Sidekiq is not running. Many tasks, like sending emails, are executed asynchronously by sidekiq. Please ensure at least one sidekiq process is running. Learn about Sidekiq here.' queue_size_warning: 'The number of queued jobs is %{queue_size}, which is high. This could indicate a problem with the Sidekiq process(es), or you may need to add more Sidekiq workers.' memory_warning: 'Your server is running with less than 1 GB of total memory. At least 1 GB of memory is recommended.' google_oauth2_config_warning: 'The server is configured to allow signup and log in with Google OAuth2 (enable_google_oauth2_logins), but the client id and client secret values are not set. Go to the Site Settings and update the settings. See this guide to learn more.' facebook_config_warning: 'The server is configured to allow signup and log in with Facebook (enable_facebook_logins), but the app id and app secret values are not set. Go to the Site Settings and update the settings. See this guide to learn more.' twitter_config_warning: 'The server is configured to allow signup and log in with Twitter (enable_twitter_logins), but the key and secret values are not set. Go to the Site Settings and update the settings. See this guide to learn more.' github_config_warning: 'The server is configured to allow signup and log in with GitHub (enable_github_logins), but the client id and secret values are not set. Go to the Site Settings and update the settings. See this guide to learn more.' pwa_config_icon_warning: 'The server is missing a proper large icon which allows users to add a homescreen shortcut to this site on Android devices. Go to the Site Settings and upload an icon of the recommended size.' pwa_config_title_warning: 'The server is missing a short title which allows users to add a homescreen shortcut to this site on Android devices. Go to the Site Settings and configure a title of the recommended length.' s3_config_warning: 'The server is configured to upload files to S3, but at least one the following setting is not set: s3_access_key_id, s3_secret_access_key, s3_use_iam_profile, or s3_upload_bucket. Go to the Site Settings and update the settings. See "How to set up image uploads to S3?" to learn more.' s3_backup_config_warning: 'The server is configured to upload backups to S3, but at least one the following setting is not set: s3_access_key_id, s3_secret_access_key, s3_use_iam_profile, or s3_backup_bucket. Go to the Site Settings and update the settings. See "How to set up image uploads to S3?" to learn more.' image_magick_warning: 'The server is configured to create thumbnails of large images, but ImageMagick is not installed. Install ImageMagick using your favorite package manager or download the latest release.' failing_emails_warning: 'There are %{num_failed_jobs} email jobs that failed. Check your app.yml and ensure that the mail server settings are correct. See the failed jobs in Sidekiq.' subfolder_ends_in_slash: "Your subfolder setup is incorrect; the DISCOURSE_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT ends in a slash." email_polling_errored_recently: one: "Email polling has generated an error in the past 24 hours. Look at the logs for more details." other: "Email polling has generated %{count} errors in the past 24 hours. Look at the logs for more details." missing_mailgun_api_key: "The server is configured to send emails via Mailgun but you haven't provided an API key used to verify the webhook messages." bad_favicon_url: "The favicon is failing to load. Check your favicon setting in Site Settings." poll_pop3_timeout: "Connection to the POP3 server is timing out. Incoming email could not be retrieved. Please check your POP3 settings and service provider." poll_pop3_auth_error: "Connection to the POP3 server is failing with an authentication error. Please check your POP3 settings." force_https_warning: "Your website is using SSL. But `force_https` is not yet enabled in your site settings." out_of_date_themes: "Updates are available for the following themes:" unreachable_themes: "We were unable to check for updates on the following themes:" site_settings: censored_words: "Words that will be automatically replaced with ■■■■" delete_old_hidden_posts: "Auto-delete any hidden posts that stay hidden for more than 30 days." default_locale: "The default language of this Discourse instance" allow_user_locale: "Allow users to choose their own language interface preference" set_locale_from_accept_language_header: "set interface language for anonymous users from their web browser's language headers. (EXPERIMENTAL, does not work with anonymous cache)" support_mixed_text_direction: "Support mixed left-to-right and right-to-left text directions." min_post_length: "Minimum allowed post length in characters" min_first_post_length: "Minimum allowed first post (topic body) length in characters" min_personal_message_post_length: "Minimum allowed post length in characters for messages" max_post_length: "Maximum allowed post length in characters" topic_featured_link_enabled: "Enable posting a link with topics." show_topic_featured_link_in_digest: "Show the topic featured link in the digest email." min_topic_title_length: "Minimum allowed topic title length in characters" max_topic_title_length: "Maximum allowed topic title length in characters" min_personal_message_title_length: "Minimum allowed title length for a message in characters" max_emojis_in_title: "Maximum allowed emojis in topic title" min_search_term_length: "Minimum valid search term length in characters" search_tokenize_chinese_japanese_korean: "Force search to tokenize Chinese/Japanese/Korean even on non CJK sites" search_prefer_recent_posts: "If searching your large forum is slow, this option tries an index of more recent posts first" search_recent_posts_size: "How many recent posts to keep in the index" log_search_queries: "Log search queries performed by users" search_query_log_max_size: "Maximum amount of search queries to keep" search_query_log_max_retention_days: "Maximum amount of time to keep search queries, in days." search_ignore_accents: "Ignore accents when searching for text." allow_uncategorized_topics: "Allow topics to be created without a category. WARNING: If there are any uncategorized topics, you must recategorize them before turning this off." allow_duplicate_topic_titles: "Allow topics with identical, duplicate titles." unique_posts_mins: "How many minutes before a user can make a post with the same content again" educate_until_posts: "When the user starts typing their first (n) new posts, show the pop-up new user education panel in the composer." title: "The name of this site, as used in the title tag." site_description: "Describe this site in one sentence, as used in the meta description tag." short_site_description: "Short description, as used in the title tag on homepage." contact_email: "Email address of key contact responsible for this site. Used for critical notifications, as well as on the /about contact form for urgent matters." contact_url: "Contact URL for this site. Used on the /about contact form for urgent matters." crawl_images: "Retrieve images from remote URLs to insert the correct width and height dimensions." download_remote_images_to_local: "Convert remote images to local images by downloading them; this prevents broken images." download_remote_images_threshold: "Minimum disk space necessary to download remote images locally (in percent)" download_remote_images_max_days_old: "Don't download remote images for posts that are more than n days old." disabled_image_download_domains: "Remote images will never be downloaded from these domains. Pipe-delimited list." editing_grace_period: "For (n) seconds after posting, editing will not create a new version in the post history." editing_grace_period_max_diff: "Maximum number of character changes allowed in editing grace period, if more changed store another post revision (trust level 0 and 1)" editing_grace_period_max_diff_high_trust: "Maximum number of character changes allowed in editing grace period, if more changed store another post revision (trust level 2 and up)" staff_edit_locks_post: "Posts will be locked from editing if they are edited by staff members" post_edit_time_limit: "The author can edit their post for (n) minutes after posting. Set to 0 for forever." edit_history_visible_to_public: "Allow everyone to see previous versions of an edited post. When disabled, only staff members can view." delete_removed_posts_after: "Posts removed by the author will be automatically deleted after (n) hours. If set to 0, posts will be deleted immediately." max_image_width: "Maximum thumbnail width of images in a post" max_image_height: "Maximum thumbnail height of images in a post" responsive_post_image_sizes: "Resize lightbox preview images to allow for high DPI screens of the following pixel ratios. Remove all values to disable responsive images." fixed_category_positions: "If checked, you will be able to arrange categories into a fixed order. If unchecked, categories are listed in order of activity." fixed_category_positions_on_create: "If checked, category ordering will be maintained on topic creation dialog (requires fixed_category_positions)." add_rel_nofollow_to_user_content: "Add rel nofollow to all submitted user content, except for internal links (including parent domains). If you change this, you must rebake all posts with: \"rake posts:rebake\"" exclude_rel_nofollow_domains: "A list of domains where nofollow should not be added to links. example.com will automatically allow sub.example.com as well. As a minimum, you should add the domain of this site to help web crawlers find all content. If other parts of your website are at other domains, add those too." post_excerpt_maxlength: "Maximum length of a post excerpt / summary." show_pinned_excerpt_mobile: "Show excerpt on pinned topics in mobile view." show_pinned_excerpt_desktop: "Show excerpt on pinned topics in desktop view." post_onebox_maxlength: "Maximum length of a oneboxed Discourse post in characters." onebox_domains_blacklist: "A list of domains that will never be oneboxed." inline_onebox_domains_whitelist: "A list of domains that will be oneboxed in miniature form if linked without a title" enable_inline_onebox_on_all_domains: "Ignore inline_onebox_domain_whitelist site setting and allow inline onebox on all domains." max_oneboxes_per_post: "Maximum number of oneboxes in a post." logo: "The logo image at the top left of your site. Use a wide rectangular image with a height of 120px and an aspect ratio greater than 3:1. If left blank, the site title text will be shown." logo_small: "The small logo image at the top left of your site, seen when scrolling down. Use a square image. The recommended size is 120px by 120px. If left blank, a home glyph will be shown." digest_logo: "The alternate logo image used at the top of your site's email summary. Use a wide rectangle image. Don't use an SVG image. If left blank, the image from the `logo` setting will be used." mobile_logo: "The logo used on mobile version of your site. Use a wide rectangular image with a height of 120px and an aspect ratio greater than 3:1. If left blank, the image from the `logo` setting will be used." large_icon: "Image used as logo/splash image on Android. Recommended size is 512px by 512px." favicon: "A favicon for your site, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Favicon. To work correctly over a CDN it must be a png." apple_touch_icon: "Icon used for Apple touch devices. Recommended size is 144px by 144px." opengraph_image: "Default opengraph image, used when the page has no other suitable image or site logo." twitter_summary_large_image: "Default Twitter summary card image (should be at least 280px in width, and at least 150px in height)." notification_email: "The from: email address used when sending all essential system emails. The domain specified here must have SPF, DKIM and reverse PTR records set correctly for email to arrive." email_custom_headers: "A pipe-delimited list of custom email headers" email_subject: "Customizable subject format for standard emails. See https://meta.discourse.org/t/customize-subject-format-for-standard-emails/20801" force_https: "Force your site to use HTTPS only. WARNING: do NOT enable this until you verify HTTPS is fully set up and working absolutely everywhere! Did you check your CDN, all social logins, and any external logos / dependencies to make sure they are all HTTPS compatible, too?" same_site_cookies: "Use same site cookies, they eliminate all vectors Cross Site Request Forgery on supported browsers (Lax or Strict). Warning: Strict will only work on sites that force login and use SSO." summary_score_threshold: "The minimum score required for a post to be included in 'Summarize This Topic'" summary_posts_required: "Minimum posts in a topic before 'Summarize This Topic' is enabled" summary_likes_required: "Minimum likes in a topic before 'Summarize This Topic' is enabled" summary_percent_filter: "When a user clicks 'Summarize This Topic', show the top % of posts" summary_max_results: "Maximum posts returned by 'Summary This Topic'" enable_personal_messages: "Allow trust level 1 (configurable via min trust level to send messages) users to create messages and reply to messages. Note that staff can always send messages no matter what." enable_system_message_replies: "Allows users to reply to system messages, even if personal messages are disabled" enable_long_polling: "Message bus used for notification can use long polling" long_polling_base_url: "Base URL used for long polling (when a CDN is serving dynamic content, be sure to set this to origin pull) eg: http://origin.site.com" long_polling_interval: "Amount of time the server should wait before responding to clients when there is no data to send (logged on users only)" polling_interval: "When not long polling, how often should logged on clients poll in milliseconds" anon_polling_interval: "How often should anonymous clients poll in milliseconds" background_polling_interval: "How often should the clients poll in milliseconds (when the window is in the background)" flags_required_to_hide_post: "Number of flags that cause a post to be automatically hidden and message sent to the user (0 for never)" cooldown_minutes_after_hiding_posts: "Number of minutes a user must wait before they can edit a post hidden via community flagging" max_topics_in_first_day: "The maximum number of topics a user is allowed to create in the 24 hour period after creating their first post" max_replies_in_first_day: "The maximum number of replies a user is allowed to create in the 24 hour period after creating their first post" tl2_additional_likes_per_day_multiplier: "Increase limit of likes per day for tl2 (member) by multiplying with this number" tl3_additional_likes_per_day_multiplier: "Increase limit of likes per day for tl3 (regular) by multiplying with this number" tl4_additional_likes_per_day_multiplier: "Increase limit of likes per day for tl4 (leader) by multiplying with this number" num_spam_flags_to_silence_new_user: "If a new user's posts get this many spam flags from num_users_to_silence_new_user different users, hide all their posts and prevent future posting. 0 to disable." num_users_to_silence_new_user: "If a new user's posts get num_spam_flags_to_silence_new_user spam flags from this many different users, hide all their posts and prevent future posting. 0 to disable." num_tl3_flags_to_silence_new_user: "If a new user's posts get this many flags from num_tl3_users_to_silence_new_user different trust level 3 users, hide all their posts and prevent future posting. 0 to disable." num_tl3_users_to_silence_new_user: "If a new user's posts get num_tl3_flags_to_silence_new_user flags from this many different trust level 3 users, hide all their posts and prevent future posting. 0 to disable." notify_mods_when_user_silenced: "If a user is automatically silenced, send a message to all moderators." flag_sockpuppets: "If a new user replies to a topic from the same IP address as the user who started the topic, flag both of their posts as potential spam." traditional_markdown_linebreaks: "Use traditional linebreaks in Markdown, which require two trailing spaces for a linebreak." enable_markdown_typographer: "Use typography rules to improve readability of text: replace straight quotes ' with curly quotes ’, (c) (tm) with symbols, -- with emdash –, etc" enable_markdown_linkify: "Automatically treat text that looks like a link as a link: www.example.com and https://example.com will be automatically linked" markdown_linkify_tlds: "List of top level domains that get automatically treated as links" post_undo_action_window_mins: "Number of minutes users are allowed to undo recent actions on a post (like, flag, etc)." must_approve_users: "Staff must approve all new user accounts before they are allowed to access the site. WARNING: enabling this for a live site will revoke access for existing non-staff users!" pending_users_reminder_delay: "Notify moderators if new users have been waiting for approval for longer than this many hours. Set to -1 to disable notifications." maximum_session_age: "User will remain logged in for n hours since last visit" ga_universal_tracking_code: "Google Universal Analytics (analytics.js) tracking code code, eg: UA-12345678-9; see https://google.com/analytics" ga_universal_domain_name: "Google Universal Analytics (analytics.js) domain name, eg: mysite.com; see https://google.com/analytics" ga_universal_auto_link_domains: "Enable Google Universal Analytics (analytics.js) cross-domain tracking. Outgoing links to these domains will have the client id added to them. See Google's Cross-Domain Tracking guide." gtm_container_id: "Google Tag Manager container id. eg: GTM-ABCDEF.You’re almost done! We sent an activation mail to %{email}. Please follow the instructions in the mail to activate your account.
If it doesn’t arrive, check your spam folder.
" not_activated: "You can't log in yet. We sent an activation email to you. Please follow the instructions in the email to activate your account." not_allowed_from_ip_address: "You can't log in as %{username} from that IP address." admin_not_allowed_from_ip_address: "You can't log in as admin from that IP address." suspended: "You can't log in until %{date}." suspended_with_reason: "Account suspended until %{date}: %{reason}" errors: "%{errors}" not_available: "Not available. Try %{suggestion}?" something_already_taken: "Something went wrong, perhaps the username or email is already registered. Try the forgot password link." omniauth_error: "Sorry, there was an error authorizing your account. Perhaps you did not approve authorization?" omniauth_error_unknown: "Something went wrong processing your log in, please try again." authenticator_error_no_valid_email: "No email addresses associated with %{account} are allowed. You may need to configure your account with a different email address." new_registrations_disabled: "New account registrations are not allowed at this time." password_too_long: "Passwords are limited to 200 characters." email_too_long: "The email you provided is too long. Mailbox names must be no more than 254 characters, and domain names must be no more than 253 characters." reserved_username: "That username is not allowed." missing_user_field: "You have not completed all the user fields" auth_complete: "Authentication is complete." click_to_continue: "Click here to continue." already_logged_in: "Oops, looks like you are attempting to accept an invitation for another user. If you are not %{current_user}, please log out and try again." second_factor_title: "Two Factor Authentication" second_factor_description: "Please enter the required authentication code from your app:" second_factor_backup_description: "Please enter one of your backup codes:" second_factor_backup_title: "Two Factor Backup Code" invalid_second_factor_code: "Invalid authentication code. Each code can only be used once." second_factor_toggle: totp: "Use an authenticator app instead" backup_code: "Use a backup code instead" admin: email: sent_test: "sent!" sent_test_disabled: "cannot send because emails are disabled" user: deactivated: "Was deactivated due to too many bounced emails to '%{email}'." deactivated_by_staff: "Deactivated by staff" activated_by_staff: "Activated by staff" new_user_typed_too_fast: "New user typed too fast" content_matches_auto_block_regex: "Content matches auto block regex" username: short: "must be at least %{min} characters" long: "must be no more than %{max} characters" characters: "must only include numbers, letters, dashes, and underscores" unique: "must be unique" blank: "must be present" must_begin_with_alphanumeric_or_underscore: "must begin with a letter, a number or an underscore" must_end_with_alphanumeric: "must end with a letter or a number" must_not_contain_two_special_chars_in_seq: "must not contain a sequence of 2 or more special chars (.-_)" must_not_end_with_confusing_suffix: "must not end with a confusing suffix like .json or .png etc." email: not_allowed: "is not allowed from that email provider. Please use another email address." blocked: "is not allowed." revoked: "Won't be sending emails to '%{email}' until %{date}." ip_address: blocked: "New registrations are not allowed from your IP address." max_new_accounts_per_registration_ip: "New registrations are not allowed from your IP address (maximum limit reached). Contact a staff member." website: domain_not_allowed: "Website is invalid. Allowed domains are: %{domains}" auto_rejected: "Rejected automatically due to age. See auto_handle_queued_age site setting." destroy_reasons: unused_staged_user: "Unused staged user" fixed_primary_email: "Fixed primary email for staged user" same_ip_address: "Same IP address (%{ip_address}) as other users" flags_reminder: flags_were_submitted: one: "Flags were submitted over 1 hour ago. [Please review them](%{base_path}/admin/flags)." other: "Flags were submitted over %{count} hours ago. [Please review them](%{base_path}/admin/flags)." subject_template: one: "1 flag waiting to be handled" other: "%{count} flags waiting to be handled" unsubscribe_mailer: title: "Unsubscribe Mailer" subject_template: "Confirm you no longer want to receive email updates from %{site_title}" text_body_template: | Someone (possibly you?) requested to no longer send email updates from %{site_domain_name} to this address. If you wish to confirm this, please click this link: %{confirm_unsubscribe_link} If you want to continue receiving email updates, you may ignore this email. invite_mailer: title: "Invite Mailer" subject_template: "%{inviter_name} invited you to '%{topic_title}' on %{site_domain_name}" text_body_template: | %{inviter_name} invited you to a discussion > **%{topic_title}** > > %{topic_excerpt} at > %{site_title} -- %{site_description} If you're interested, click the link below: %{invite_link} custom_invite_mailer: title: "Custom Invite Mailer" subject_template: "%{inviter_name} invited you to '%{topic_title}' on %{site_domain_name}" text_body_template: | %{inviter_name} invited you to a discussion > **%{topic_title}** > > %{topic_excerpt} at > %{site_title} -- %{site_description} With this note > %{user_custom_message} If you're interested, click the link below: %{invite_link} invite_forum_mailer: title: "Invite Forum Mailer" subject_template: "%{inviter_name} invited you to join %{site_domain_name}" text_body_template: | %{inviter_name} invited you to join > **%{site_title}** > > %{site_description} If you're interested, click the link below: %{invite_link} custom_invite_forum_mailer: title: "Custom Invite Forum Mailer" subject_template: "%{inviter_name} invited you to join %{site_domain_name}" text_body_template: | %{inviter_name} invited you to join > **%{site_title}** > > %{site_description} With this note > %{user_custom_message} If you're interested, click the link below: %{invite_link} invite_password_instructions: title: "Invite Password Instructions" subject_template: "Set password for your %{site_name} account" text_body_template: | Thanks for accepting your invitation to %{site_name} -- welcome! Click this link to choose a password now: %{base_url}/u/password-reset/%{email_token} (If the link above has expired, choose "I forgot my password" when logging in with your email address.) download_backup_mailer: title: "Download Backup Mailer" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] Site Backup Download" text_body_template: | Here's the [site backup download](%{backup_file_path}) you requested. We sent this download link to your validated email address for security reasons. (If you *didn't* request this download, you should be seriously concerned -- someone has admin access to your site.) no_token: | Sorry, this backup download link has already been used or has expired. admin_confirmation_mailer: title: "Admin Confirmation" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] Confirm new Admin Account" text_body_template: | Please confirm that you'd like to add **%{target_username}** as an administrator for your forum. [Confirm Administrator Account](%{admin_confirm_url}) test_mailer: title: "Test Mailer" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] Email Deliverability Test" text_body_template: | This is a test email from [**%{base_url}**][0] Email deliverability is complicated. Here are a few important things you should check first: - Be *sure* to set the `notification email` from: address correctly in your site settings. **The domain specified in the "from" address of the emails you send is the domain your email will be validated against**. - Know how to view the raw source of the email in your mail client, so you can examine email headers for important clues. In Gmail, it is the "show original" option in the drop-down menu at the top right of each mail. - **IMPORTANT:** Does your ISP have a reverse DNS record entered to associate the domain names and IP addresses you send mail from? [Test your Reverse PTR record][2] here. If your ISP does not enter the proper reverse DNS pointer record, it's very unlikely any of your email will be delivered. - Is your domain's [SPF record][8] correct? [Test your SPF record][1] here. Note that TXT is the correct official record type for SPF. - Is your domain's [DKIM record][3] correct? This will significantly improve email deliverability. [Test your DKIM record][7] here. - If you run your own mail server, check to make sure the IPs of your mail server are [not on any email blacklists][4]. Also verify that it is definitely sending a fully-qualified hostname that resolves in DNS in its HELO message. If not, this will cause your email to be rejected by many mail services. - We highly recommend you **send a test email to [mail-tester.com][mt]** to verify that all the above is working correctly. (The *easy* way is to create a free account on [SendGrid][sg], [SparkPost][sp], [Mailgun][mg] or [Mailjet][mj], which have generous free mailing plans and will be fine for small communities. You'll still need to set up the SPF and DKIM records in your DNS, though!) We hope you received this email deliverability test OK! Good luck, Your friends at [Discourse](https://www.discourse.org) [0]: %{base_url} [1]: https://www.kitterman.com/spf/validate.html [2]: https://mxtoolbox.com/ReverseLookup.aspx [3]: http://www.dkim.org/ [4]: https://whatismyipaddress.com/blacklist-check [7]: https://www.mail-tester.com/spf-dkim-check [8]: http://www.openspf.org/SPF_Record_Syntax [sg]: https://goo.gl/r1WMF6 [sp]: https://www.sparkpost.com/ [mg]: https://www.mailgun.com/ [mj]: https://www.mailjet.com/pricing/ [mt]: https://www.mail-tester.com/ new_version_mailer: title: "New Version Mailer" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] New Discourse version, update available" text_body_template: | Hooray, a new version of [Discourse](https://www.discourse.org) is available! Your version: %{installed_version} New version: **%{new_version}** - Upgrade using our easy **[one-click browser upgrade](%{base_url}/admin/upgrade)** - See what's new in the [release notes](https://meta.discourse.org/tags/release-notes) or view the [raw GitHub changelog](https://github.com/discourse/discourse/commits/master) - Visit [meta.discourse.org](https://meta.discourse.org) for news, discussion, and support for Discourse new_version_mailer_with_notes: title: "New Version Mailer with Notes" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] update available" text_body_template: | Hooray, a new version of [Discourse](https://www.discourse.org) is available! Your version: %{installed_version} New version: **%{new_version}** - Upgrade using our easy **[one-click browser upgrade](%{base_url}/admin/upgrade)** - See what's new in the [release notes](https://meta.discourse.org/tags/release-notes) or view the [raw GitHub changelog](https://github.com/discourse/discourse/commits/master) - Visit [meta.discourse.org](https://meta.discourse.org) for news, discussion, and support for Discourse ### Release notes %{notes} flag_reasons: off_topic: "Your post was flagged as **off-topic**: the community feels it is not a good fit for the topic, as currently defined by the title and the first post." inappropriate: "Your post was flagged as **inappropriate**: the community feels it is offensive, abusive, or a violation of [our community guidelines](%{base_path}/guidelines)." spam: "Your post was flagged as **spam**: the community feels it is an advertisement, something that is overly promotional in nature instead of being useful or relevant to the topic as expected." notify_moderators: "Your post was flagged **for moderator attention**: the community feels something about the post requires manual intervention by a staff member." flags_dispositions: agreed: "Thanks for letting us know. We agree there is an issue and we're looking into it." agreed_and_deleted: "Thanks for letting us know. We agree there is an issue and we've removed the post." disagreed: "Thanks for letting us know. We're looking into it." deferred: "Thanks for letting us know. We're looking into it." deferred_and_deleted: "Thanks for letting us know. We've removed the post." temporarily_closed_due_to_flags: one: "This topic is temporarily closed for at least 1 hour due to a large number of community flags." other: "This topic is temporarily closed for at least %{count} hours due to a large number of community flags." system_messages: private_topic_title: "Topic #%{id}" contents_hidden: "Please visit the post to see its contents." post_hidden: title: "Post Hidden" subject_template: "Post hidden by community flags" text_body_template: | Hello, This is an automated message from %{site_name} to let you know that your post was hidden. <%{base_url}%{url}> %{flag_reason} Multiple community members flagged this post before it was hidden, so please consider how you might revise your post to reflect their feedback. **You can edit your post after %{edit_delay} minutes, and it will be automatically unhidden.** However, if the post is hidden by the community a second time, it will remain hidden until handled by staff. For additional guidance, please refer to our [community guidelines](%{base_url}/guidelines). post_hidden_again: title: "Post Hidden again" subject_template: "Post hidden by community flags, staff notified" text_body_template: | Hello, This is an automated message from %{site_name} to let you know that your post was hidden again. <%{base_url}%{url}> %{flag_reason} Multiple community members flagged this post before it was hidden. **Because this post has been hidden more than once, your post will now remain hidden until it is handled by a staff member.** For additional guidance, please refer to our [community guidelines](%{base_url}/guidelines). flags_agreed_and_post_deleted: title: "Flagged post removed by staff" subject_template: "Flagged post removed by staff" text_body_template: | Hello, This is an automated message from %{site_name} to let you know that your post was removed. <%{base_url}%{url}> %{flag_reason} This post was flagged by the community and a staff member opted to remove it. Please review our [community guidelines](%{base_url}/guidelines) for details. usage_tips: text_body_template: | For a few quick tips on getting started as a new user, [check out this blog post](https://blog.discourse.org/2016/12/discourse-new-user-tips-and-tricks/). As you participate here, we’ll get to know you, and temporary new user limitations will be lifted. Over time you’ll gain [trust levels](https://blog.discourse.org/2018/06/understanding-discourse-trust-levels/) that include special abilities to help us manage our community together. welcome_user: title: "Welcome User" subject_template: "Welcome to %{site_name}!" text_body_template: | Thanks for joining %{site_name}, and welcome! %{new_user_tips} We believe in [civilized community behavior](%{base_url}/guidelines) at all times. Enjoy your stay! welcome_tl1_user: title: "Welcome TL1 User" subject_template: "Thanks for spending time with us" text_body_template: | Hey there. We see you’ve been busy reading, which is fantastic, so we’ve promoted you up a [trust level!](https://blog.discourse.org/2018/06/understanding-discourse-trust-levels/) We’re really glad you’re spending time with us and we’d love to know more about you. Take a moment to [fill out your profile](%{base_url}/my/preferences/profile), or feel free to [start a new topic](%{base_url}/categories). welcome_invite: title: "Welcome Invite" subject_template: "Welcome to %{site_name}!" text_body_template: | Thanks for accepting your invitation to %{site_name} -- welcome! - We've created this new account **%{username}** for you. Change your name or password by visiting [your user profile][prefs]. - When you log in, please **use the same email address from your original invitation** — otherwise we won't be able to tell it's you! %{new_user_tips} We believe in [civilized community behavior](%{base_url}/guidelines) at all times. Enjoy your stay! [prefs]: %{user_preferences_url} backup_succeeded: title: "Backup Succeeded" subject_template: "Backup completed successfully" text_body_template: | The backup was successful. Visit the [admin > backup section](%{base_url}/admin/backups) to download your new backup. Here's the log: ```text %{logs} ``` backup_failed: title: "Backup Failed" subject_template: "Backup failed" text_body_template: | The backup has failed. Here's the log: ```text %{logs} ``` restore_succeeded: title: "Restore Succeeded" subject_template: "Restore completed successfully" text_body_template: | The restore was successful. Here's the log: ```text %{logs} ``` restore_failed: title: "Restore Failed" subject_template: "Restore failed" text_body_template: | The restore has failed. Here's the log: ```text %{logs} ``` bulk_invite_succeeded: title: "Bulk Invite Succeeded" subject_template: "Bulk user invite processed successfully" text_body_template: "Your bulk user invite file was processed, %{sent} invites mailed." bulk_invite_failed: title: "Bulk Invite Failed" subject_template: "Bulk user invite processed with errors" text_body_template: | Your bulk user invite file was processed, %{sent} invites mailed with %{failed} error(s). Here's the log: ```text %{logs} ``` csv_export_succeeded: title: "CSV Export Succeeded" subject_template: "[%{export_title}] Data export complete" text_body_template: | Your data export was successful! :dvd: %{file_name} (%{file_size}) The above download link will be valid for 48 hours. The data is compressed as a gzip archive. If the archive does not extract itself when you open it, use the tools recommended here: https://www.gzip.org/#faq4 csv_export_failed: title: "CSV Export Failed" subject_template: "Data export failed" text_body_template: "We're sorry, but your data export failed. Please check the logs or [contact a staff member](%{base_url}/about)." email_reject_insufficient_trust_level: title: "Email Reject insufficient Trust Level" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] Email issue -- Insufficient Trust Level" text_body_template: | We're sorry, but your email message to %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) didn't work. Your account does not have the required trust level to post new topics to this email address. If you believe this is an error, [contact a staff member](%{base_url}/about). email_reject_user_not_found: title: "Email Reject User Not Found" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] Email issue -- User Not Found" text_body_template: | We're sorry, but your email message to %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) didn't work. Your reply was sent from an unknown email address. Try sending from another email address, or [contact a staff member](%{base_url}/about). email_reject_screened_email: title: "Email Reject Screened Email" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] Email issue -- Blocked Email" text_body_template: | We're sorry, but your email message to %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) didn't work. Your reply was sent from a blocked email address. Try sending from another email address, or [contact a staff member](%{base_url}/about). email_reject_not_allowed_email: title: "Email Reject Not Allowed Email" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] Email issue -- Blocked Email" text_body_template: | We're sorry, but your email message to %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) didn't work. Your reply was sent from a blocked email address. Try sending from another email address, or [contact a staff member](%{base_url}/about). email_reject_inactive_user: title: "Email Reject Inactive User" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] Email issue -- Inactive User" text_body_template: | We're sorry, but your email message to %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) didn't work. Your account associated with this email address is not activated. Please activate your account before sending emails in. email_reject_silenced_user: title: "Email Reject Silenced User" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] Email issue -- Silenced User" text_body_template: | We're sorry, but your email message to %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) didn't work. Your account associated with this email address has been silenced. email_reject_reply_user_not_matching: title: "Email Reject User Not Matching" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] Email issue -- Unexpected Reply Address" text_body_template: | We're sorry, but your email message to %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) didn't work. Your reply was sent from a different email address than the one we expected, so we're not sure if this is the same person. Try sending from another email address, or [contact a staff member](%{base_url}/about). email_reject_no_account: title: "Email Reject No Account" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] Email issue -- Unknown Account" text_body_template: | We're sorry, but your email message to %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) didn't work. We can't find any accounts that match your email address. Try sending from a different email address, or [contact a staff member](%{base_url}/about). email_reject_empty: title: "Email Reject Empty" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] Email issue -- No Content" text_body_template: | We're sorry, but your email message to %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) didn't work. We couldn't find any reply content in your email. If you're getting this and you _did_ include a reply, try again with simpler formatting. email_reject_parsing: title: "Email Reject Parsing" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] Email issue -- Content Unrecognized" text_body_template: | We're sorry, but your email message to %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) didn't work. We couldn't find your reply in the email. **Make sure your reply is at the top of the email** -- we can't process inline replies. email_reject_invalid_access: title: "Email Reject Invalid Access" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] Email issue -- Invalid Access" text_body_template: | We're sorry, but your email message to %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) didn't work. Your account does not have the privileges to post new topics in that category. If you believe this is an error, [contact a staff member](%{base_url}/about). email_reject_strangers_not_allowed: title: "Email Reject Strangers Not Allowed" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] Email issue -- Invalid Access" text_body_template: | We're sorry, but your email message to %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) didn't work. The category you sent this email to only allows replies from users with valid accounts and known email addresses. If you believe this is an error, [contact a staff member](%{base_url}/about). email_reject_invalid_post: title: "Email Reject Invalid Post" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] Email issue -- Posting error" text_body_template: | We're sorry, but your email message to %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) didn't work. Some possible causes are: complex formatting, message too large, message too small. Please try again, or post via the website if this continues. email_reject_invalid_post_specified: title: "Email Reject Invalid Post Specified" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] Email issue -- Posting error" text_body_template: | We're sorry, but your email message to %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) didn't work. Reason: %{post_error} If you can correct the problem, please try again. email_reject_post_too_short: title: "Email Reject Post Too Short" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] Email issue -- Post too short" text_body_template: | We're sorry, but your email message to %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) didn't work. To promote more in depth conversations, very short replies are not allowed. Can you please reply with at least %{count} characters? Alternatively, you can like a post via email by replying with "+1". email_reject_invalid_post_action: title: "Email Reject Invalid Post Action" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] Email issue -- Invalid Post Action" text_body_template: | We're sorry, but your email message to %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) didn't work. The Post Action was not recognized. Please try again, or post via the website if this continues. email_reject_reply_key: title: "Email Reject Reply Key" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] Email issue -- Unknown Reply Key" text_body_template: | We're sorry, but your email message to %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) didn't work. The reply key in the email is invalid or unknown, so we can't figure out what this email is in reply to. [Contact a staff member](%{base_url}/about). email_reject_bad_destination_address: title: "Email Reject Bad Destination Address" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] Email issue -- Unknown To: Address" text_body_template: | We're sorry, but your email message to %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) didn't work. None of the destination email addresses are recognized, or the Message-ID header in the email has been modified. Please make sure that you are sending to the correct email address provided by staff. email_reject_old_destination: title: "Email Reject Old Destination" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] Email issue -- You are trying to reply to an old notification" text_body_template: | We're sorry, but your email message to %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) didn't work. We only accept replies to original notifications for %{number_of_days} days. Please [visit the topic](%{short_url}) to continue the conversation. email_reject_topic_not_found: title: "Email Reject Topic Not Found" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] Email issue -- Topic Not Found" text_body_template: | We're sorry, but your email message to %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) didn't work. The topic you are replying to no longer exists -- perhaps it was deleted? If you believe this is an error, [contact a staff member](%{base_url}/about). email_reject_topic_closed: title: "Email Reject Topic Closed" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] Email issue -- Topic Closed" text_body_template: | We're sorry, but your email message to %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) didn't work. The topic you are replying to is currently closed and no longer accepting replies. If you believe this is an error, [contact a staff member](%{base_url}/about). email_reject_auto_generated: title: "Email Reject Auto Generated" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] Email issue -- Auto Generated Reply" text_body_template: | We're sorry, but your email message to %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) didn't work. Your email was marked as "auto generated", which means it was automatically created by a computer instead of being typed by a human; we can't accept those kinds of emails. If you believe this is an error, [contact a staff member](%{base_url}/about). email_reject_unrecognized_error: title: "Email Reject Unrecognized Error" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] Email issue -- Unrecognized Error" text_body_template: | We're sorry, but your email message to %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) didn't work. There was an unrecognized error while processing your email and it wasn't posted. You should try again, or [contact a staff member](%{base_url}/about). email_reject_attachment: title: "Email Attachment Rejected" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] Email issue -- Attachment Rejected" text_body_template: | Unfortunately some attachments in your email message to %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) were rejected. Details: %{rejected_errors} If you believe this is an error, [contact a staff member](%{base_url}/about). email_error_notification: title: "Email Error Notification" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] Email issue -- POP authentication error" text_body_template: | Unfortunately, there was an authentication error while polling mails from the POP server. Please make sure you have properly configured the POP credentials in [the site settings](%{base_url}/admin/site_settings/category/email). If there is a web UI for the POP email account, you may need to log in on the web and check your settings there. email_revoked: title: "Email Revoked" subject_template: "Is your email address correct?" text_body_template: | We’re sorry, but we’re having trouble reaching you via email. Our last few emails to you have all bounced back as undeliverable. Can you make sure [your email address](%{base_url}/my/preferences/email) is valid and working? You may also wish to add our email address to your address book / contact list to improve deliverability. email_bounced: | The message to %{email} bounced. ### Details ```text %{raw} ``` too_many_spam_flags: title: "Too Many Spam Flags" subject_template: "New account on hold" text_body_template: | Hello, This is an automated message from %{site_name} to let you know that your posts have been temporarily hidden because they were flagged by the community. As a precautionary measure, your new account has been silenced and will be unable to create replies or topics until a staff member can review your account. We apologize for the inconvenience. For additional guidance, please refer to our [community guidelines](%{base_url}/guidelines). too_many_tl3_flags: title: "Too Many TL3 Flags" subject_template: "New account on hold" text_body_template: | Hello, This is an automated message from %{site_name} to let you know you that your account has been placed on hold due to a large number of community flags. As a precautionary measure, your new account has been silenced from creating new replies or topics until a staff member can review your account. We apologize for the inconvenience. For additional guidance, please refer to our [community guidelines](%{base_url}/guidelines). silenced_by_staff: title: "Silenced by Staff" subject_template: "Account temporarily on hold" text_body_template: | Hello, This is an automated message from %{site_name} to let you know that your account has been temporarily placed on hold as a precautionary measure. Please do continue to browse, but you won't be able to reply or create topics until a [staff member](%{base_url}/about) reviews your most recent posts. We apologize for the inconvenience. For additional guidance, refer to our [community guidelines](%{base_url}/guidelines). user_automatically_silenced: title: "User Automatically Silenced" subject_template: "New user %{username} silenced by community flags" text_body_template: | This is an automated message. The new user [%{username}](%{user_url}) was automatically silenced because multiple users flagged %{username}'s post(s). Please [review the flags](%{base_url}/admin/flags). If %{username} was incorrectly silenced from posting, click the unsilence button on [the admin page for this user](%{user_url}). This threshold can be changed via the `silence_new_user` site settings. spam_post_blocked: title: "Spam Post Blocked" subject_template: "New user %{username} posts blocked due to repeated links" text_body_template: | This is an automated message. The new user [%{username}](%{user_url}) tried to create multiple posts with links to %{domains}, but those posts were blocked to avoid spam. The user is still able to create new posts that do not link to %{domains}. Please [review the user](%{user_url}). This can be modified via the `newuser_spam_host_threshold` and `white_listed_spam_host_domains` site settings. Consider adding %{domains} to the whitelist if they should be exempt. unsilenced: title: "Unsilenced" subject_template: "Account no longer on hold" text_body_template: | Hello, This is an automated message from %{site_name} to let you know that your account is no longer on hold after staff review. You can now create new replies and topics again. Thank you for your patience. pending_users_reminder: title: "Pending Users Reminder" subject_template: one: "1 user waiting for approval" other: "%{count} users waiting for approval" text_body_template: | There are new user signups waiting to be approved (or rejected) before they can access this forum. [Please review them in the admin section](%{base_url}/admin/users/list/pending). download_remote_images_disabled: title: "Download Remote Images Disabled" subject_template: "Downloading remote images disabled" text_body_template: "The `download_remote_images_to_local` setting was disabled because the disk space limit at `download_remote_images_threshold` was reached." dashboard_problems: title: "Dashboard Problems" subject_template: "Problems have been found" text_body_template: | Some problems are being reported on your admin dashboard. [Please review and fix them](%{base_url}/admin). new_user_of_the_month: title: "You're a New User of the Month!" subject_template: "You're a New User of the Month!" text_body_template: | Congratulations, you've earned the **New User of the Month award for %{month_year}**. :trophy: This award is only granted to two new users per month, and it will be permanently visible on [the badges page](%{url}). You've quickly become a valuable member of our community. Thanks for joining, and keep up the great work! queued_posts_reminder: title: "Queued Posts Reminder" subject_template: one: "1 post waiting to be reviewed" other: "%{count} posts waiting to be reviewed" text_body_template: | Hello, Posts from new users were held for moderation and are currently waiting to be reviewed. [Approve or reject them here](%{base_url}/queued-posts). unsubscribe_link: | To unsubscribe from these emails, [click here](%{unsubscribe_url}). unsubscribe_link_and_mail: | To unsubscribe from these emails, [click here](%{unsubscribe_url}). unsubscribe_mailing_list: | You are receiving this because you enabled mailing list mode. To unsubscribe from these emails, [click here](%{unsubscribe_url}). subject_re: "Re: " subject_pm: "[PM] " email_from: "%{user_name} via %{site_name}" user_notifications: previous_discussion: "Previous Replies" reached_limit: one: "Heads up: We send a maximum of 1 daily email. Check the site to see the ones that might be held back." other: "Heads up: We send a maximum of %{count} daily emails. Check the site to see the ones that might be held back. PS thanks for being popular!" in_reply_to: "In Reply To" unsubscribe: title: "Unsubscribe" description: "Not interested in getting these emails? No problem! Click below to unsubscribe instantly:" header_instructions: '' reply_by_email: "[Visit Topic](%{base_url}%{url}) or reply to this email to respond." reply_by_email_pm: "[Visit Message](%{base_url}%{url}) or reply to this email to respond to %{participants}." only_reply_by_email: "Reply to this email to respond." only_reply_by_email_pm: "Reply to this email to respond to %{participants}." visit_link_to_respond: "[Visit Topic](%{base_url}%{url}) to respond." visit_link_to_respond_pm: "[Visit Message](%{base_url}%{url}) to respond to %{participants}." posted_by: "Posted by %{username} on %{post_date}" pm_participants: "Participants: %{participants}" invited_group_to_private_message_body: | %{username} invited @%{group_name} to a message > **%{topic_title}** > > %{topic_excerpt} at > %{site_title} -- %{site_description} invited_to_private_message_body: | %{username} invited you to a message > **%{topic_title}** > > %{topic_excerpt} at > %{site_title} -- %{site_description} invited_to_topic_body: | %{username} invited you to a discussion > **%{topic_title}** > > %{topic_excerpt} at > %{site_title} -- %{site_description} user_invited_to_private_message_pm_group: title: "User Invited Group to PM" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] %{username} invited @%{group_name} to a message '%{topic_title}'" text_body_template: | %{header_instructions} %{message} %{respond_instructions} user_invited_to_private_message_pm: title: "User Invited to PM" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] %{username} invited you to a message '%{topic_title}'" text_body_template: | %{header_instructions} %{message} %{respond_instructions} user_invited_to_private_message_pm_staged: title: "User Invited to PM Staged" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] %{username} invited you to a message '%{topic_title}'" text_body_template: | %{header_instructions} %{message} %{respond_instructions} user_invited_to_topic: title: "User Invited to Topic" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] %{username} invited you to '%{topic_title}'" text_body_template: | %{header_instructions} %{message} %{respond_instructions} user_replied: title: "User Replied" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] %{topic_title}" text_body_template: | %{header_instructions} %{message} %{context} %{respond_instructions} user_replied_pm: title: "User Replied PM" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] [PM] %{topic_title}" text_body_template: | %{header_instructions} %{message} %{context} %{respond_instructions} user_quoted: title: "User Quoted" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] %{topic_title}" text_body_template: | %{header_instructions} %{message} %{context} %{respond_instructions} user_linked: title: "User Linked" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] %{topic_title}" text_body_template: | %{header_instructions} %{message} %{context} %{respond_instructions} user_mentioned: title: "User Mentioned" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] %{topic_title}" text_body_template: | %{header_instructions} %{message} %{context} %{respond_instructions} user_mentioned_pm: title: "User Mentioned PM" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] [PM] %{topic_title}" text_body_template: | %{header_instructions} %{message} %{context} %{respond_instructions} user_group_mentioned: title: "User Group Mentioned" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] %{topic_title}" text_body_template: | %{header_instructions} %{message} %{context} %{respond_instructions} user_posted: title: "User Posted" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] %{topic_title}" text_body_template: | %{header_instructions} %{message} %{context} %{respond_instructions} user_watching_first_post: title: "User Watching First Post" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] %{topic_title}" text_body_template: | %{header_instructions} %{message} %{context} %{respond_instructions} user_posted_pm: title: "User Posted PM" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] [PM] %{topic_title}" text_body_template: | %{header_instructions} %{message} %{context} %{respond_instructions} user_posted_pm_staged: title: "User Posted PM Staged" subject_template: "%{optional_re}%{topic_title}" text_body_template: | %{message} account_suspended: title: "Account Suspended" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] Your account has been suspended" text_body_template: | You have been suspended from the forum until %{suspended_till}. %{reason} %{message} account_silenced: title: "Account Silenced" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] Your account has been silenced" text_body_template: | You have been silenced from the forum until %{silenced_till}. %{reason} %{message} account_exists: title: "Account already exists" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] Account already exists" text_body_template: | You just tried to create an account at %{site_name}, or tried to change the email of an account to %{email}. However, an account already exists for %{email}. If you forgot your password, [reset it now](%{base_url}/password-reset). If you didn’t try to create an account for %{email} or change your email address, don’t worry – you can safely ignore this message. If you have any questions, [contact our friendly staff](%{base_url}/about). account_second_factor_disabled: title: "Two Factor Authentication disabled" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] Two Factor Authentication disabled" text_body_template: | Two factor authentication has been disabled on your account at %{site_name}. You can now log in with only your password; an additional authentication code is no longer required. If you did not choose to disable two factor authentication, someone may have compromised your account. If you have any questions, [contact our friendly staff](%{base_url}/about). digest: why: "A brief summary of %{site_link} since your last visit on %{last_seen_at}" since_last_visit: "Since your last visit" new_topics: "New Topics" unread_messages: "Unread Messages" unread_notifications: "Unread Notifications" liked_received: "Likes Received" new_posts: "New Posts" new_users: "New Users" popular_topics: "Popular Topics" follow_topic: "Follow this topic" join_the_discussion: "Read More" popular_posts: "Popular Posts" more_new: "New for you" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] Summary" unsubscribe: "This summary is sent from %{site_link} when we haven't seen you in a while. Change %{email_preferences_link}, or %{unsubscribe_link} to unsubscribe." your_email_settings: "your email settings" click_here: "click here" from: "%{site_name} summary" preheader: "A brief summary since your last visit on %{last_seen_at}" custom: html: header: '' below_post_1: '' below_post_2: '' below_post_3: '' below_post_4: '' below_post_5: '' above_popular_topics: '' below_popular_topics: '' above_footer: '' below_footer: '' text: below_post_1: '' below_post_2: '' below_post_3: '' below_post_4: '' below_post_5: '' above_popular_topics: '' below_popular_topics: '' above_footer: '' below_footer: '' forgot_password: title: "Forgot Password" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] Password reset" text_body_template: | Somebody asked to reset your password on [%{site_name}](%{base_url}). If it was not you, you can safely ignore this email. Click the following link to choose a new password: %{base_url}/u/password-reset/%{email_token} email_login: title: "Log in via link" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] Log in via link" text_body_template: | Here's your link to log in at [%{site_name}](%{base_url}). If you did not request this link, you can safely ignore this email. Click the following link to log in: %{base_url}/session/email-login/%{email_token} set_password: title: "Set Password" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] Set Password" text_body_template: | Somebody asked to add a password to your account on [%{site_name}](%{base_url}). Alternatively, you can log in using any supported online service (Google, Facebook, etc) that is associated with this validated email address. If you did not make this request, you can safely ignore this email. Click the following link to choose a password: %{base_url}/u/password-reset/%{email_token} admin_login: title: "Admin Login" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] Login" text_body_template: | Somebody asked to login to your account on [%{site_name}](%{base_url}). If you did not make this request, you can safely ignore this email. Click the following link to login: %{base_url}/u/admin-login/%{email_token} account_created: title: "Account Created" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] Your New Account" text_body_template: | A new account was created for you at %{site_name} Click the following link to choose a password for your new account: %{base_url}/u/password-reset/%{email_token} confirm_new_email: title: "Confirm New Email" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] Confirm your new email address" text_body_template: | Confirm your new email address for %{site_name} by clicking on the following link: %{base_url}/u/authorize-email/%{email_token} confirm_old_email: title: "Confirm Old Email" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] Confirm your current email address" text_body_template: | Before we can change your email address, we need you to confirm that you control the current email account. After you complete this step, we will have you confirm the new email address. Confirm your current email address for %{site_name} by clicking on the following link: %{base_url}/u/authorize-email/%{email_token} notify_old_email: title: "Notify Old Email" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] Your email address has been changed" text_body_template: | This is an automated message to let you know that your email address for %{site_name} has been changed. If this was done in error, please contact a site administrator. Your email address has been changed to: %{new_email} signup_after_approval: title: "Signup After Approval" subject_template: "You've been approved on %{site_name}!" text_body_template: | Welcome to %{site_name}! A staff member approved your account on %{site_name}. You can now access your new account by logging in at: %{base_url} If the above link is not clickable, try copying and pasting it into the address bar of your web browser. %{new_user_tips} We believe in [civilized community behavior](%{base_url}/guidelines) at all times. Enjoy your stay! signup: title: "Signup" subject_template: "[%{email_prefix}] Confirm your new account" text_body_template: | Welcome to %{site_name}! Click the following link to confirm and activate your new account: %{base_url}/u/activate-account/%{email_token} If the above link is not clickable, try copying and pasting it into the address bar of your web browser. suspicious_login: title: "New Login Alert" subject_template: "[%{site_name}] New Login from %{location}" text_body_template: | Hello, We noticed a login from a device or location you don’t usually use. Was this you? - Location: %{location} (%{client_ip}) - Browser: %{browser} - Device: %{device} – %{os} If this was you, great! There’s nothing else you need to do. If this was not you, please [review your existing sessions](%{base_url}/my/preferences/account) and consider changing your password. page_not_found: title: "Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private." popular_topics: "Popular" recent_topics: "Recent" see_more: "More" search_title: "Search this site" search_button: "Search" offline: title: "Cannot load app" offline_page_message: "It looks like you are offline! Please check your network connection and try again." login_required: welcome_message: | ## [Welcome to %{title}](#welcome) An account is required. Please create an account or log in to continue. welcome_message_invite_only: | ## [Welcome to %{title}](#welcome) An account is required. Please ask an existing member for an invite or log in to continue. terms_of_service: title: "Terms of Service" signup_form_message: 'I have read and accept the Terms of Service.' deleted: 'deleted' image: "image" upload: edit_reason: "downloaded local copies of images" unauthorized: "Sorry, the file you are trying to upload is not authorized (authorized extensions: %{authorized_extensions})." pasted_image_filename: "Pasted image" store_failure: "Failed to store upload #%{upload_id} for user #%{user_id}." file_missing: "Sorry, you must provide a file to upload." empty: "Sorry, but the file you provided is empty." png_to_jpg_conversion_failure_message: "An error happened when converting from PNG to JPG." attachments: too_large: "Sorry, the file you are trying to upload is too big (maximum size is %{max_size_kb}KB)." images: too_large: "Sorry, the image you are trying to upload is too big (maximum size is %{max_size_kb}KB), please resize it and try again." larger_than_x_megapixels: "Sorry, the image you are trying to upload is too large (maximum dimension is %{max_image_megapixels}-megapixels), please resize it and try again." size_not_found: "Sorry, but we couldn't determine the size of the image. Maybe your image is corrupted?" placeholders: too_large: "(image larger than %{max_size_kb}KB)" avatar: missing: "Sorry, we can't find any avatar associated with that email address. Can you try uploading it again?" flag_reason: sockpuppet: "A new user created a topic, and another new user at the same IP address (%{ip_address}) replied. See the `flag_sockpuppets` site setting." spam_hosts: "This new user tried to create multiple posts with links to the same domain (%{domain}). See the `newuser_spam_host_threshold` site setting." skipped_email_log: exceeded_emails_limit: "Exceeded max_emails_per_day_per_user" exceeded_bounces_limit: "Exceeded bounce_score_threshold" mailing_list_no_echo_mode: "Mailing list notifications disabled for user's own posts" user_email_no_user: "Can't find user with id %{user_id}" user_email_post_not_found: "Can't find a post with id %{post_id}" user_email_anonymous_user: "User is anonymous" user_email_user_suspended_not_pm: "User is suspended, not a message" user_email_seen_recently: "User was seen recently" user_email_notification_already_read: "The notification this email is about has already been read" user_email_notification_topic_nil: "post.topic is nil" user_email_post_user_deleted: "User of the post has been deleted." user_email_post_deleted: "post was deleted by the author" user_email_user_suspended: "user was suspended" user_email_already_read: "user has already read this post" sender_message_blank: "message is blank" sender_message_to_blank: "message.to is blank" sender_text_part_body_blank: "text_part.body is blank" sender_body_blank: "body is blank" sender_post_deleted: "post has been deleted" color_schemes: base_theme_name: "Base" light: "Light Scheme" dark: "Dark Scheme" neutral: "Neutral Scheme" grey_amber: "Grey Amber Scheme" shades_of_blue: "Shades of Blue Scheme" latte: "Latte Scheme" summer: "Summer Scheme" dark_rose: "Dark Rose Scheme" default_theme_name: "Light" light_theme_name: "Light" dark_theme_name: "Dark" neutral_theme_name: "Neutral" grey_amber_theme_name: "Grey Amber" shades_of_blue_theme_name: "Shades of Blue" latte_theme_name: "Latte" summer_theme_name: "Summer" dark_rose_theme_name: "Dark Rose" about: "About" guidelines: "Guidelines" privacy: "Privacy" edit_this_page: "Edit this page" csv_export: boolean_yes: "Yes" boolean_no: "No" static_topic_first_reply: | Edit the first post in this topic to change the contents of the %{page_name} page. guidelines_topic: title: "FAQ/Guidelines" body: | ## [This is a Civilized Place for Public Discussion](#civilized) Please treat this discussion forum with the same respect you would a public park. We, too, are a shared community resource — a place to share skills, knowledge and interests through ongoing conversation. These are not hard and fast rules, merely guidelines to aid the human judgment of our community and keep this a clean and well-lighted place for civilized public discourse. ## [Improve the Discussion](#improve) Help us make this a great place for discussion by always working to improve the discussion in some way, however small. If you are not sure your post adds to the conversation, think over what you want to say and try again later. The topics discussed here matter to us, and we want you to act as if they matter to you, too. Be respectful of the topics and the people discussing them, even if you disagree with some of what is being said. One way to improve the discussion is by discovering ones that are already happening. Spend time browsing the topics here before replying or starting your own, and you’ll have a better chance of meeting others who share your interests. ## [Be Agreeable, Even When You Disagree](#agreeable) You may wish to respond to something by disagreeing with it. That’s fine. But remember to _criticize ideas, not people_. Please avoid: * Name-calling * Ad hominem attacks * Responding to a post’s tone instead of its actual content * Knee-jerk contradiction Instead, provide reasoned counter-arguments that improve the conversation. ## [Your Participation Counts](#participate) The conversations we have here set the tone for every new arrival. Help us influence the future of this community by choosing to engage in discussions that make this forum an interesting place to be — and avoiding those that do not. Discourse provides tools that enable the community to collectively identify the best (and worst) contributions: bookmarks, likes, flags, replies, edits, and so forth. Use these tools to improve your own experience, and everyone else’s, too. Let’s leave our community better than we found it. ## [If You See a Problem, Flag It](#flag-problems) Moderators have special authority; they are responsible for this forum. But so are you. With your help, moderators can be community facilitators, not just janitors or police. When you see bad behavior, don’t reply. It encourages the bad behavior by acknowledging it, consumes your energy, and wastes everyone’s time. _Just flag it_. If enough flags accrue, action will be taken, either automatically or by moderator intervention. In order to maintain our community, moderators reserve the right to remove any content and any user account for any reason at any time. Moderators do not preview new posts; the moderators and site operators take no responsibility for any content posted by the community. ## [Always Be Civil](#be-civil) Nothing sabotages a healthy conversation like rudeness: * Be civil. Don’t post anything that a reasonable person would consider offensive, abusive, or hate speech. * Keep it clean. Don’t post anything obscene or sexually explicit. * Respect each other. Don’t harass or grief anyone, impersonate people, or expose their private information. * Respect our forum. Don’t post spam or otherwise vandalize the forum. These are not concrete terms with precise definitions — avoid even the _appearance_ of any of these things. If you’re unsure, ask yourself how you would feel if your post was featured on the front page of the New York Times. This is a public forum, and search engines index these discussions. Keep the language, links, and images safe for family and friends. ## [Keep It Tidy](#keep-tidy) Make the effort to put things in the right place, so that we can spend more time discussing and less cleaning up. So: * Don’t start a topic in the wrong category. * Don’t cross-post the same thing in multiple topics. * Don’t post no-content replies. * Don’t divert a topic by changing it midstream. * Don’t sign your posts — every post has your profile information attached to it. Rather than posting “+1” or “Agreed”, use the Like button. Rather than taking an existing topic in a radically different direction, use Reply as a Linked Topic. ## [Post Only Your Own Stuff](#stealing) You may not post anything digital that belongs to someone else without permission. You may not post descriptions of, links to, or methods for stealing someone’s intellectual property (software, video, audio, images), or for breaking any other law. ## [Powered by You](#power) This site is operated by your [friendly local staff](%{base_path}/about) and *you*, the community. If you have any further questions about how things should work here, open a new topic in the [site feedback category](%{base_path}/c/site-feedback) and let's discuss! If there's a critical or urgent issue that can't be handled by a meta topic or flag, contact us via the [staff page](%{base_path}/about). ## [Terms of Service](#tos) Yes, legalese is boring, but we must protect ourselves – and by extension, you and your data – against unfriendly folks. We have a [Terms of Service](%{base_path}/tos) describing your (and our) behavior and rights related to content, privacy, and laws. To use this service, you must agree to abide by our [TOS](%{base_path}/tos). tos_topic: title: "Terms of Service" body: | These terms govern use of the Internet forum at <%{base_url}>. To use the forum, you must agree to these terms with %{company_name}, the company that runs the forum. The company may offer other products and services, under different terms. These terms apply only to use of the forum. Skip to: - [Important Terms](#heading--important-terms) - [Your Permission to Use the Forum](#heading--permission) - [Conditions for Use of the Forum](#heading--conditions) - [Acceptable Use](#heading--acceptable-use) - [Content Standards](#heading--content-standards) - [Enforcement](#heading--enforcement) - [Your Account](#heading--your-account) - [Your Content](#heading--your-content) - [Your Responsibility](#heading--responsibility) - [Disclaimers](#heading--disclaimers) - [Limits on Liability](#heading--liability) - [Feedback](#heading--feedback) - [Termination](#heading--termination) - [Disputes](#heading--disputes) - [General Terms](#heading--general) - [Contact](#heading--contact) - [Changes](#heading--changes)