# encoding: utf-8 require 'rails_helper' require_dependency 'search' describe Search do class TextHelper extend ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper end before do SearchIndexer.enable end context 'post indexing observer' do before do @category = Fabricate(:category, name: 'america') @topic = Fabricate(:topic, title: 'sam saffron test topic', category: @category) @post = Fabricate(:post, topic: @topic, raw: 'this fun test ') @indexed = @post.post_search_data.search_data end it "should index correctly" do expect(@indexed).to match(/fun/) expect(@indexed).to match(/sam/) expect(@indexed).to match(/america/) @topic.title = "harpi is the new title" @topic.save! @post.post_search_data.reload @indexed = @post.post_search_data.search_data expect(@indexed).to match(/harpi/) end end context 'user indexing observer' do before do @user = Fabricate(:user, username: 'fred', name: 'bob jones') @indexed = @user.user_search_data.search_data end it "should pick up on data" do expect(@indexed).to match(/fred/) expect(@indexed).to match(/jone/) end end context 'category indexing observer' do before do @category = Fabricate(:category, name: 'america') @indexed = @category.category_search_data.search_data end it "should pick up on name" do expect(@indexed).to match(/america/) end end it 'strips zero-width characters from search terms' do term = "\u0063\u0061\u0070\u0079\u200b\u200c\u200d\ufeff\u0062\u0061\u0072\u0061".encode("UTF-8") expect(term == 'capybara').to eq(false) search = Search.new(term) expect(search.valid?).to eq(true) expect(search.term).to eq('capybara') expect(search.clean_term).to eq('capybara') end it 'replaces curly quotes to regular quotes in search terms' do term = '“discourse”' expect(term == '"discourse"').to eq(false) search = Search.new(term) expect(search.valid?).to eq(true) expect(search.term).to eq('"discourse"') expect(search.clean_term).to eq('"discourse"') end it 'does not search when the search term is too small' do search = Search.new('evil', min_search_term_length: 5) search.execute expect(search.valid?).to eq(false) expect(search.term).to eq('') end it 'needs at least one term that hits the length' do search = Search.new('a b c d', min_search_term_length: 5) search.execute expect(search.valid?).to eq(false) expect(search.term).to eq('') end it 'searches for quoted short terms' do search = Search.new('"a b c d"', min_search_term_length: 5) search.execute expect(search.valid?).to eq(true) expect(search.term).to eq('"a b c d"') end it 'searches for short terms if one hits the length' do search = Search.new('a b c okaylength', min_search_term_length: 5) search.execute expect(search.valid?).to eq(true) expect(search.term).to eq('a b c okaylength') end it 'escapes non alphanumeric characters' do expect(Search.execute('foo :!$);}]>@\#\"\'').posts.length).to eq(0) # There are at least three levels of sanitation for Search.query! end it "doesn't raise an error when single quotes are present" do expect(Search.execute("'hello' world").posts.length).to eq(0) # There are at least three levels of sanitation for Search.query! end it 'works when given two terms with spaces' do expect { Search.execute('evil trout') }.not_to raise_error end context 'users' do let!(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } let(:result) { Search.execute('bruce', type_filter: 'user') } it 'returns a result' do expect(result.users.length).to eq(1) expect(result.users[0].id).to eq(user.id) end context 'hiding user profiles' do before { SiteSetting.hide_user_profiles_from_public = true } it 'returns no result for anon' do expect(result.users.length).to eq(0) end it 'returns a result for logged in users' do result = Search.execute('bruce', type_filter: 'user', guardian: Guardian.new(user)) expect(result.users.length).to eq(1) end end end context 'inactive users' do let!(:inactive_user) { Fabricate(:inactive_user, active: false) } let(:result) { Search.execute('bruce') } it 'does not return a result' do expect(result.users.length).to eq(0) end end context 'staged users' do let(:staged) { Fabricate(:staged) } let(:result) { Search.execute(staged.username) } it 'does not return a result' do expect(result.users.length).to eq(0) end end context 'private messages' do let(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, category_id: nil, archetype: 'private_message') } let(:post) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) } let(:reply) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, raw: 'hello from mars, we just landed') } it 'searches correctly' do expect do Search.execute('mars', type_filter: 'private_messages') end.to raise_error(Discourse::InvalidAccess) TopicAllowedUser.create!(user_id: reply.user_id, topic_id: topic.id) TopicAllowedUser.create!(user_id: post.user_id, topic_id: topic.id) results = Search.execute('mars', type_filter: 'private_messages', guardian: Guardian.new(reply.user)) expect(results.posts.length).to eq(1) results = Search.execute('mars', search_context: topic, guardian: Guardian.new(reply.user)) expect(results.posts.length).to eq(1) # does not leak out results = Search.execute('mars', type_filter: 'private_messages', guardian: Guardian.new(Fabricate(:user))) expect(results.posts.length).to eq(0) Fabricate(:topic, category_id: nil, archetype: 'private_message') Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, raw: 'another secret pm from mars, testing') # admin can search everything with correct context results = Search.execute('mars', type_filter: 'private_messages', search_context: post.user, guardian: Guardian.new(Fabricate(:admin))) expect(results.posts.length).to eq(1) results = Search.execute('mars in:private', search_context: post.user, guardian: Guardian.new(post.user)) expect(results.posts.length).to eq(1) # can search group PMs as well as non admin # user = Fabricate(:user) group = Fabricate.build(:group) group.add(user) group.save! TopicAllowedGroup.create!(group_id: group.id, topic_id: topic.id) results = Search.execute('mars in:private', guardian: Guardian.new(user)) expect(results.posts.length).to eq(1) end end context 'topics' do let(:post) { Fabricate(:post) } let(:topic) { post.topic } context 'search within topic' do def new_post(raw, topic) Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, topic_id: topic.id, user: topic.user, raw: raw) end it 'displays multiple results within a topic' do topic = Fabricate(:topic) topic2 = Fabricate(:topic) new_post('this is the other post I am posting', topic2) new_post('this is my fifth post I am posting', topic2) post1 = new_post('this is the other post I am posting', topic) post2 = new_post('this is my first post I am posting', topic) post3 = new_post('this is a real long and complicated bla this is my second post I am Posting birds with more stuff bla bla', topic) post4 = new_post('this is my fourth post I am posting', topic) # update posts_count topic.reload results = Search.execute('posting', search_context: post1.topic) expect(results.posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post1.id, post2.id, post3.id, post4.id]) results = Search.execute('posting l', search_context: post1.topic) expect(results.posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post4.id, post3.id, post2.id, post1.id]) # stop words should work results = Search.execute('this', search_context: post1.topic) expect(results.posts.length).to eq(4) # phrase search works as expected results = Search.execute('"fourth post I am posting"', search_context: post1.topic) expect(results.posts.length).to eq(1) end it "works for unlisted topics" do topic.update_attributes(visible: false) _post = new_post('discourse is awesome', topic) results = Search.execute('discourse', search_context: topic) expect(results.posts.length).to eq(1) end end context 'searching the OP' do let!(:post) { Fabricate(:post_with_long_raw_content) } let(:result) { Search.execute('hundred', type_filter: 'topic', include_blurbs: true) } it 'returns a result correctly' do expect(result.posts.length).to eq(1) expect(result.posts[0].id).to eq(post.id) end end context 'searching for a post' do let!(:reply) { Fabricate(:basic_reply, topic: topic, user: topic.user) } let(:result) { Search.execute('quotes', type_filter: 'topic', include_blurbs: true) } it 'returns the post' do expect(result).to be_present expect(result.posts.length).to eq(1) p = result.posts[0] expect(p.topic.id).to eq(topic.id) expect(p.id).to eq(reply.id) expect(result.blurb(p)).to eq("this reply has no quotes") end end context 'searching for quoted title' do it "can find quoted title" do create_post(raw: "this is the raw body", title: "I am a title yeah") result = Search.execute('"a title yeah"') expect(result.posts.length).to eq(1) end end context "search for a topic by id" do let(:result) { Search.execute(topic.id, type_filter: 'topic', search_for_id: true, min_search_term_length: 1) } it 'returns the topic' do expect(result.posts.length).to eq(1) expect(result.posts.first.id).to eq(post.id) end end context "search for a topic by url" do let(:result) { Search.execute(topic.relative_url, search_for_id: true, type_filter: 'topic') } it 'returns the topic' do expect(result.posts.length).to eq(1) expect(result.posts.first.id).to eq(post.id) end end context 'security' do def result(current_user) Search.execute('hello', guardian: Guardian.new(current_user)) end it 'secures results correctly' do category = Fabricate(:category) topic.category_id = category.id topic.save category.set_permissions(staff: :full) category.save expect(result(nil).posts).not_to be_present expect(result(Fabricate(:user)).posts).not_to be_present expect(result(Fabricate(:admin)).posts).to be_present end end end context 'cyrillic topic' do let!(:cyrillic_topic) { Fabricate(:topic) do user title { sequence(:title) { |i| "Тестовая запись #{i}" } } end } let!(:post) { Fabricate(:post, topic: cyrillic_topic, user: cyrillic_topic.user) } let(:result) { Search.execute('запись') } it 'finds something when given cyrillic query' do expect(result.posts).to be_present end end it 'does not tokenize search term' do Fabricate(:post, raw: 'thing is canned should still be found!') expect(Search.execute('canned').posts).to be_present end context 'categories' do let!(:category) { Fabricate(:category) } def search Search.execute(category.name) end it 'returns the correct result' do expect(search.categories).to be_present category.set_permissions({}) category.save expect(search.categories).not_to be_present end end context 'tags' do def search Search.execute(tag.name) end let!(:tag) { Fabricate(:tag) } let(:tag_group) { Fabricate(:tag_group) } let(:category) { Fabricate(:category) } context 'post searching' do it 'can find posts with tags' do SiteSetting.tagging_enabled = true post = Fabricate(:post, raw: 'I am special post') DiscourseTagging.tag_topic_by_names(post.topic, Guardian.new(Fabricate.build(:admin)), [tag.name]) post.topic.save # we got to make this index (it is deferred) Jobs::ReindexSearch.new.rebuild_problem_posts result = Search.execute(tag.name) expect(result.posts.length).to eq(1) SiteSetting.tagging_enabled = false result = Search.execute(tag.name) expect(result.posts.length).to eq(0) end end context 'tagging is disabled' do before { SiteSetting.tagging_enabled = false } it 'does not include tags' do expect(search.tags).to_not be_present end end context 'tagging is enabled' do before { SiteSetting.tagging_enabled = true } it 'returns the tag in the result' do expect(search.tags).to eq([tag]) end it 'shows staff tags' do create_staff_tags(["#{tag.name}9"]) expect(Search.execute(tag.name, guardian: Guardian.new(Fabricate(:admin))).tags.map(&:name)).to contain_exactly(tag.name, "#{tag.name}9") expect(search.tags.map(&:name)).to contain_exactly(tag.name, "#{tag.name}9") end it 'includes category-restricted tags' do category_tag = Fabricate(:tag, name: "#{tag.name}9") tag_group.tags = [category_tag] category.set_permissions(admins: :full) category.allowed_tag_groups = [tag_group.name] category.save! expect(Search.execute(tag.name, guardian: Guardian.new(Fabricate(:admin))).tags).to contain_exactly(tag, category_tag) expect(search.tags).to contain_exactly(tag, category_tag) end end end context 'type_filter' do let!(:user) { Fabricate(:user, username: 'amazing', email: 'amazing@amazing.com') } let!(:category) { Fabricate(:category, name: 'amazing category', user: user) } context 'user filter' do let(:results) { Search.execute('amazing', type_filter: 'user') } it "returns a user result" do expect(results.categories.length).to eq(0) expect(results.posts.length).to eq(0) expect(results.users.length).to eq(1) end end context 'category filter' do let(:results) { Search.execute('amazing', type_filter: 'category') } it "returns a category result" do expect(results.categories.length).to eq(1) expect(results.posts.length).to eq(0) expect(results.users.length).to eq(0) end end end context 'search_context' do it 'can find a user when using search context' do coding_horror = Fabricate(:coding_horror) post = Fabricate(:post) Fabricate(:post, user: coding_horror) result = Search.execute('hello', search_context: post.user) result.posts.first.topic_id = post.topic_id expect(result.posts.length).to eq(1) end it 'can use category as a search context' do category = Fabricate(:category) topic = Fabricate(:topic, category: category) topic_no_cat = Fabricate(:topic) # includes subcategory in search subcategory = Fabricate(:category, parent_category_id: category.id) sub_topic = Fabricate(:topic, category: subcategory) post = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, user: topic.user) _another_post = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic_no_cat, user: topic.user) sub_post = Fabricate(:post, raw: 'I am saying hello from a subcategory', topic: sub_topic, user: topic.user) search = Search.execute('hello', search_context: category) expect(search.posts.map(&:id).sort).to eq([post.id, sub_post.id].sort) expect(search.posts.length).to eq(2) end end describe 'Chinese search' do let(:sentence) { 'Discourse中国的基础设施网络正在组装' } let(:sentence_t) { 'Discourse太平山森林遊樂區' } it 'splits English / Chinese and filter out stop words' do SiteSetting.default_locale = 'zh_CN' data = Search.prepare_data(sentence).split(' ') expect(data).to eq(["Discourse", "中国", "基础", "设施", "基础设施", "网络", "正在", "组装"]) end it 'splits for indexing and filter out stop words' do SiteSetting.default_locale = 'zh_CN' data = Search.prepare_data(sentence, :index).split(' ') expect(data).to eq(["Discourse", "中国", "基础设施", "网络", "正在", "组装"]) end it 'splits English / Traditional Chinese and filter out stop words' do SiteSetting.default_locale = 'zh_TW' data = Search.prepare_data(sentence_t).split(' ') expect(data).to eq(["Discourse", "太平", "平山", "太平山", "森林", "遊樂區"]) end it 'splits for indexing and filter out stop words' do SiteSetting.default_locale = 'zh_TW' data = Search.prepare_data(sentence_t, :index).split(' ') expect(data).to eq(["Discourse", "太平山", "森林", "遊樂區"]) end it 'finds chinese topic based on title' do skip("skipped until pg app installs the db correctly") if RbConfig::CONFIG["arch"] =~ /darwin/ SiteSetting.default_locale = 'zh_TW' SiteSetting.min_search_term_length = 1 topic = Fabricate(:topic, title: 'My Title Discourse社區指南') post = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) expect(Search.execute('社區指南').posts.first.id).to eq(post.id) expect(Search.execute('指南').posts.first.id).to eq(post.id) end it 'finds chinese topic based on title if tokenization is forced' do skip("skipped until pg app installs the db correctly") if RbConfig::CONFIG["arch"] =~ /darwin/ SiteSetting.search_tokenize_chinese_japanese_korean = true SiteSetting.min_search_term_length = 1 topic = Fabricate(:topic, title: 'My Title Discourse社區指南') post = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) expect(Search.execute('社區指南').posts.first.id).to eq(post.id) expect(Search.execute('指南').posts.first.id).to eq(post.id) end end describe 'Advanced search' do it 'supports pinned and unpinned' do topic = Fabricate(:topic) Fabricate(:post, raw: 'hi this is a test 123 123', topic: topic) _post = Fabricate(:post, raw: 'boom boom shake the room', topic: topic) topic.update_pinned(true) user = Fabricate(:user) guardian = Guardian.new(user) expect(Search.execute('boom in:pinned').posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute('boom in:unpinned', guardian: guardian).posts.length).to eq(0) topic.clear_pin_for(user) expect(Search.execute('boom in:unpinned', guardian: guardian).posts.length).to eq(1) end it 'supports wiki' do topic = Fabricate(:topic) topic_2 = Fabricate(:topic) post = Fabricate(:post, raw: 'this is a test 248', wiki: true, topic: topic) Fabricate(:post, raw: 'this is a test 248', wiki: false, topic: topic_2) expect(Search.execute('test 248').posts.length).to eq(2) expect(Search.execute('test 248 in:wiki').posts.first).to eq(post) end it 'supports searching for posts that the user has seen/unseen' do topic = Fabricate(:topic) topic_2 = Fabricate(:topic) post = Fabricate(:post, raw: 'logan is longan', topic: topic) post_2 = Fabricate(:post, raw: 'longan is logan', topic: topic_2) [post.user, topic.user].each do |user| PostTiming.create!( post_number: post.post_number, topic: topic, user: user, msecs: 1 ) end expect(post.seen?(post.user)).to eq(true) expect(Search.execute('longan').posts.sort).to eq([post, post_2]) expect(Search.execute('longan in:seen', guardian: Guardian.new(post.user)).posts) .to eq([post]) expect(Search.execute('longan in:seen').posts.sort).to eq([post, post_2]) expect(Search.execute('longan in:seen', guardian: Guardian.new(post_2.user)).posts) .to eq([]) expect(Search.execute('longan', guardian: Guardian.new(post_2.user)).posts.sort) .to eq([post, post_2]) expect(Search.execute('longan in:unseen', guardian: Guardian.new(post_2.user)).posts.sort) .to eq([post, post_2]) expect(Search.execute('longan in:unseen', guardian: Guardian.new(post.user)).posts) .to eq([post_2]) end it 'supports before and after, in:first, user:, @username' do time = Time.zone.parse('2001-05-20 2:55') freeze_time(time) topic = Fabricate(:topic) Fabricate(:post, raw: 'hi this is a test 123 123', topic: topic, created_at: time.months_ago(2)) _post = Fabricate(:post, raw: 'boom boom shake the room', topic: topic) expect(Search.execute('test before:1').posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute('test before:2001-04-20').posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute('test before:2001').posts.length).to eq(0) expect(Search.execute('test before:monday').posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute('test after:jan').posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute('test in:first').posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute('boom').posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute('boom in:first').posts.length).to eq(0) expect(Search.execute('user:nobody').posts.length).to eq(0) expect(Search.execute("user:#{_post.user.username}").posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute("user:#{_post.user_id}").posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute("@#{_post.user.username}").posts.length).to eq(1) end it 'supports group' do topic = Fabricate(:topic, created_at: 3.months.ago) post = Fabricate(:post, raw: 'hi this is a test 123 123', topic: topic) group = Group.create!(name: "Like_a_Boss") GroupUser.create!(user_id: post.user_id, group_id: group.id) expect(Search.execute('group:like_a_boss').posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute('group:"like a brick"').posts.length).to eq(0) end it 'supports badge' do topic = Fabricate(:topic, created_at: 3.months.ago) post = Fabricate(:post, raw: 'hi this is a test 123 123', topic: topic) badge = Badge.create!(name: "Like a Boss", badge_type_id: 1) UserBadge.create!(user_id: post.user_id, badge_id: badge.id, granted_at: 1.minute.ago, granted_by_id: -1) expect(Search.execute('badge:"like a boss"').posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute('badge:"test"').posts.length).to eq(0) end it 'can search numbers correctly, and match exact phrases' do topic = Fabricate(:topic, created_at: 3.months.ago) Fabricate(:post, raw: '3.0 eta is in 2 days horrah', topic: topic) expect(Search.execute('3.0 eta').posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute('"3.0, eta is"').posts.length).to eq(0) end it 'can find by status' do post = Fabricate(:post, raw: 'hi this is a test 123 123') topic = post.topic expect(Search.execute('test status:closed').posts.length).to eq(0) expect(Search.execute('test status:open').posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute('test posts_count:1').posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute('test min_post_count:1').posts.length).to eq(1) topic.closed = true topic.save expect(Search.execute('test status:closed').posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute('status:closed').posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute('test status:open').posts.length).to eq(0) topic.archived = true topic.closed = false topic.save expect(Search.execute('test status:archived').posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute('test status:open').posts.length).to eq(0) expect(Search.execute('test status:noreplies').posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute('test in:likes', guardian: Guardian.new(topic.user)).posts.length).to eq(0) expect(Search.execute('test in:posted', guardian: Guardian.new(topic.user)).posts.length).to eq(1) TopicUser.change(topic.user.id, topic.id, notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:tracking]) expect(Search.execute('test in:watching', guardian: Guardian.new(topic.user)).posts.length).to eq(0) expect(Search.execute('test in:tracking', guardian: Guardian.new(topic.user)).posts.length).to eq(1) end it 'can find posts with images' do post_uploaded = Fabricate(:post_with_uploaded_image) post_with_image_urls = Fabricate(:post_with_image_urls) Fabricate(:post) CookedPostProcessor.new(post_uploaded).update_post_image CookedPostProcessor.new(post_with_image_urls).update_post_image expect(Search.execute('with:images').posts.map(&:id)).to contain_exactly(post_uploaded.id, post_with_image_urls.id) end it 'can find by latest' do topic1 = Fabricate(:topic, title: 'I do not like that Sam I am') post1 = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic1) post2 = Fabricate(:post, raw: 'that Sam I am, that Sam I am') expect(Search.execute('sam').posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post1.id, post2.id]) expect(Search.execute('sam order:latest').posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post2.id, post1.id]) expect(Search.execute('sam l').posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post2.id, post1.id]) expect(Search.execute('l sam').posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post2.id, post1.id]) end it 'can order by topic creation' do today = Date.today yesterday = 1.day.ago two_days_ago = 2.days.ago old_topic = Fabricate(:topic, title: 'First Topic, testing the created_at sort', created_at: two_days_ago) latest_topic = Fabricate(:topic, title: 'Second Topic, testing the created_at sort', created_at: yesterday) old_relevant_topic_post = Fabricate(:post, topic: old_topic, created_at: yesterday, raw: 'Relevant Topic') latest_irelevant_topic_post = Fabricate(:post, topic: latest_topic, created_at: today, raw: 'Not Relevant') # Expecting the default results expect(Search.execute('Topic').posts.map(&:id)).to eq([old_relevant_topic_post.id, latest_irelevant_topic_post.id]) # Expecting the ordered by topic creation results expect(Search.execute('Topic order:latest_topic').posts.map(&:id)).to eq([latest_irelevant_topic_post.id, old_relevant_topic_post.id]) end it 'can tokenize dots' do post = Fabricate(:post, raw: 'Will.2000 Will.Bob.Bill...') expect(Search.execute('bill').posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post.id]) end it 'can tokanize website names correctly' do post = Fabricate(:post, raw: 'i like http://wb.camra.org.uk/latest#test so yay') expect(Search.execute('http://wb.camra.org.uk/latest#test').posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post.id]) expect(Search.execute('camra').posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post.id]) end it 'supports category slug and tags' do # main category category = Fabricate(:category, name: 'category 24', slug: 'category-24') topic = Fabricate(:topic, created_at: 3.months.ago, category: category) post = Fabricate(:post, raw: 'Sams first post', topic: topic) expect(Search.execute('sams post #category-24').posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute("sams post category:#{category.id}").posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute('sams post #category-25').posts.length).to eq(0) sub_category = Fabricate(:category, name: 'sub category', slug: 'sub-category', parent_category_id: category.id) second_topic = Fabricate(:topic, created_at: 3.months.ago, category: sub_category) Fabricate(:post, raw: 'sams second post', topic: second_topic) expect(Search.execute("sams post category:category-24").posts.length).to eq(2) expect(Search.execute("sams post category:=category-24").posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute("sams post #category-24").posts.length).to eq(2) expect(Search.execute("sams post #=category-24").posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute("sams post #sub-category").posts.length).to eq(1) # tags topic.tags = [Fabricate(:tag, name: 'alpha')] expect(Search.execute('this is a test #alpha').posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post.id]) expect(Search.execute('this is a test #beta').posts.size).to eq(0) end it 'correctly handles #symbol when no tag or category match' do Fabricate(:post, raw: 'testing #1 #9998') results = Search.new('testing #1').execute expect(results.posts.length).to eq(1) results = Search.new('#9998').execute expect(results.posts.length).to eq(1) results = Search.new('#777').execute expect(results.posts.length).to eq(0) results = Search.new('xxx #:').execute expect(results.posts.length).to eq(0) end context 'tags' do let(:tag1) { Fabricate(:tag, name: 'lunch') } let(:tag2) { Fabricate(:tag, name: 'eggs') } let(:topic1) { Fabricate(:topic, tags: [tag2, Fabricate(:tag)]) } let(:topic2) { Fabricate(:topic, tags: [tag2]) } let(:topic3) { Fabricate(:topic, tags: [tag1, tag2]) } let!(:post1) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic1) } let!(:post2) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic2) } let!(:post3) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic3) } it 'can find posts with tag' do post4 = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic3, raw: "It probably doesn't help that they're green...") expect(Search.execute('green tags:eggs').posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post4.id]) expect(Search.execute('tags:plants').posts.size).to eq(0) end it 'can find posts with any tag from multiple tags' do Fabricate(:post) expect(Search.execute('tags:eggs,lunch').posts.map(&:id).sort).to eq([post1.id, post2.id, post3.id].sort) end it 'can find posts which contains all provided tags' do expect(Search.execute('tags:lunch+eggs').posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post3.id]) expect(Search.execute('tags:eggs+lunch').posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post3.id]) end end it "can find posts which contains filetypes" do post1 = Fabricate(:post, raw: "http://example.com/image.png") post2 = Fabricate(:post, raw: "Discourse logo\n"\ "http://example.com/logo.png\n"\ "http://example.com/vector_image.svg") post_with_upload = Fabricate(:post, uploads: [Fabricate(:upload)]) Fabricate(:post) TopicLink.extract_from(post1) TopicLink.extract_from(post2) expect(Search.execute('filetype:svg').posts).to eq([post2]) expect(Search.execute('filetype:png').posts.map(&:id)).to contain_exactly(post1.id, post2.id, post_with_upload.id) expect(Search.execute('logo filetype:png').posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post2.id]) end end it 'can parse complex strings using ts_query helper' do str = " grigio:babel deprecated? " str << "page page on Atmosphere](https://atmospherejs.com/grigio/babel)xxx: aaa.js:222 aaa'\"bbb" ts_query = Search.ts_query(term: str, ts_config: "simple") Post.exec_sql("SELECT to_tsvector('bbb') @@ " << ts_query) end context '#word_to_date' do it 'parses relative dates correctly' do time = Time.zone.parse('2001-02-20 2:55') freeze_time(time) expect(Search.word_to_date('yesterday')).to eq(time.beginning_of_day.yesterday) expect(Search.word_to_date('suNday')).to eq(Time.zone.parse('2001-02-18')) expect(Search.word_to_date('thursday')).to eq(Time.zone.parse('2001-02-15')) expect(Search.word_to_date('deCember')).to eq(Time.zone.parse('2000-12-01')) expect(Search.word_to_date('deC')).to eq(Time.zone.parse('2000-12-01')) expect(Search.word_to_date('january')).to eq(Time.zone.parse('2001-01-01')) expect(Search.word_to_date('jan')).to eq(Time.zone.parse('2001-01-01')) expect(Search.word_to_date('100')).to eq(time.beginning_of_day.days_ago(100)) expect(Search.word_to_date('invalid')).to eq(nil) end it 'parses absolute dates correctly' do expect(Search.word_to_date('2001-1-20')).to eq(Time.zone.parse('2001-01-20')) expect(Search.word_to_date('2030-10-2')).to eq(Time.zone.parse('2030-10-02')) expect(Search.word_to_date('2030-10')).to eq(Time.zone.parse('2030-10-01')) expect(Search.word_to_date('2030')).to eq(Time.zone.parse('2030-01-01')) expect(Search.word_to_date('2030-01-32')).to eq(nil) expect(Search.word_to_date('10000')).to eq(nil) end end context "#min_post_id" do it "returns 0 when prefer_recent_posts is disabled" do SiteSetting.search_prefer_recent_posts = false expect(Search.min_post_id_no_cache).to eq(0) end it "returns a value when prefer_recent_posts is enabled" do SiteSetting.search_prefer_recent_posts = true SiteSetting.search_recent_posts_size = 1 Fabricate(:post) p2 = Fabricate(:post) expect(Search.min_post_id_no_cache).to eq(p2.id) end end context "search_log_id" do it "returns an id when the search succeeds" do s = Search.new( 'indiana jones', search_type: :header, ip_address: '' ) results = s.execute expect(results.search_log_id).to be_present end it "does not log search if search_type is not present" do s = Search.new('foo bar', ip_address: '') results = s.execute expect(results.search_log_id).not_to be_present end end context 'in:title' do it 'allows for search in title' do topic = Fabricate(:topic, title: 'I am testing a title search') _post = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, raw: 'this is the first post') results = Search.execute('title in:title') expect(results.posts.length).to eq(1) results = Search.execute('first in:title') expect(results.posts.length).to eq(0) end end context 'pagination' do let(:number_of_results) { 2 } let!(:post1) { Fabricate(:post, raw: 'hello hello hello hello hello') } let!(:post2) { Fabricate(:post, raw: 'hello hello hello hello') } let!(:post3) { Fabricate(:post, raw: 'hello hello hello') } let!(:post4) { Fabricate(:post, raw: 'hello hello') } let!(:post5) { Fabricate(:post, raw: 'hello') } before do Search.stubs(:per_filter).returns(number_of_results) end it 'returns more results flag' do results = Search.execute('hello', type_filter: 'topic') results2 = Search.execute('hello', type_filter: 'topic', page: 2) expect(results.posts.length).to eq(number_of_results) expect(results.posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post1.id, post2.id]) expect(results.more_full_page_results).to eq(true) expect(results2.posts.length).to eq(number_of_results) expect(results2.posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post3.id, post4.id]) expect(results2.more_full_page_results).to eq(true) end it 'correctly search with page parameter' do search = Search.new('hello', type_filter: 'topic', page: 3) results = search.execute expect(search.offset).to eq(2 * number_of_results) expect(results.posts.length).to eq(1) expect(results.posts).to eq([post5]) expect(results.more_full_page_results).to eq(nil) end end end