# frozen_string_literal: true # rubocop:disable Style/GlobalVars require 'cache' require 'open3' require_dependency 'route_format' require_dependency 'plugin/instance' require_dependency 'auth/default_current_user_provider' require_dependency 'version' require 'digest/sha1' module Discourse DB_POST_MIGRATE_PATH ||= "db/post_migrate" REQUESTED_HOSTNAME ||= "REQUESTED_HOSTNAME" require 'sidekiq/exception_handler' class SidekiqExceptionHandler extend Sidekiq::ExceptionHandler end class Utils URI_REGEXP ||= URI.regexp(%w{http https}) # Usage: # Discourse::Utils.execute_command("pwd", chdir: 'mydirectory') # or with a block # Discourse::Utils.execute_command(chdir: 'mydirectory') do |runner| # runner.exec("pwd") # end def self.execute_command(*command, **args) runner = CommandRunner.new(**args) if block_given? raise RuntimeError.new("Cannot pass command and block to execute_command") if command.present? yield runner else runner.exec(*command) end end def self.pretty_logs(logs) logs.join("\n") end def self.logs_markdown(logs, user:, filename: 'log.txt') # Reserve 250 characters for the rest of the text max_logs_length = SiteSetting.max_post_length - 250 pretty_logs = Discourse::Utils.pretty_logs(logs) # If logs are short, try to inline them if pretty_logs.size < max_logs_length return <<~TEXT ```text #{pretty_logs} ``` TEXT end # Try to create an upload for the logs upload = Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| File.write(File.join(dir, filename), pretty_logs) zipfile = Compression::Zip.new.compress(dir, filename) File.open(zipfile) do |file| UploadCreator.new( file, File.basename(zipfile), type: 'backup_logs', for_export: 'true' ).create_for(user.id) end end if upload.persisted? return UploadMarkdown.new(upload).attachment_markdown else Rails.logger.warn("Failed to upload the backup logs file: #{upload.errors.full_messages}") end # If logs are long and upload cannot be created, show trimmed logs <<~TEXT ```text ... #{pretty_logs.last(max_logs_length)} ``` TEXT end def self.atomic_write_file(destination, contents) begin return if File.read(destination) == contents rescue Errno::ENOENT end FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(Rails.root, 'tmp')) temp_destination = File.join(Rails.root, 'tmp', SecureRandom.hex) File.open(temp_destination, "w") do |fd| fd.write(contents) fd.fsync() end FileUtils.mv(temp_destination, destination) nil end def self.atomic_ln_s(source, destination) begin return if File.readlink(destination) == source rescue Errno::ENOENT, Errno::EINVAL end FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(Rails.root, 'tmp')) temp_destination = File.join(Rails.root, 'tmp', SecureRandom.hex) execute_command('ln', '-s', source, temp_destination) FileUtils.mv(temp_destination, destination) nil end private class CommandRunner def initialize(**init_params) @init_params = init_params end def exec(*command, **exec_params) raise RuntimeError.new("Cannot specify same parameters at block and command level") if (@init_params.keys & exec_params.keys).present? execute_command(*command, **@init_params.merge(exec_params)) end private def execute_command(*command, timeout: nil, failure_message: "", success_status_codes: [0], chdir: ".", unsafe_shell: false) env = nil env = command.shift if command[0].is_a?(Hash) if !unsafe_shell && (command.length == 1) && command[0].include?(" ") # Sending a single string to Process.spawn will launch a shell # This means various things (e.g. subshells) are possible, and could present injection risk raise "Arguments should be provided as separate strings" end if timeout # will send a TERM after timeout # will send a KILL after timeout * 2 command = ["timeout", "-k", "#{timeout.to_f * 2}", timeout.to_s] + command end args = command args = [env] + command if env stdout, stderr, status = Open3.capture3(*args, chdir: chdir) if !status.exited? || !success_status_codes.include?(status.exitstatus) failure_message = "#{failure_message}\n" if !failure_message.blank? raise "#{caller[0]}: #{failure_message}#{stderr}" end stdout end end end # Log an exception. # # If your code is in a scheduled job, it is recommended to use the # error_context() method in Jobs::Base to pass the job arguments and any # other desired context. # See app/jobs/base.rb for the error_context function. def self.handle_job_exception(ex, context = {}, parent_logger = nil) return if ex.class == Jobs::HandledExceptionWrapper context ||= {} parent_logger ||= SidekiqExceptionHandler cm = RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement parent_logger.handle_exception(ex, { current_db: cm.current_db, current_hostname: cm.current_hostname }.merge(context)) raise ex if Rails.env.test? end # Expected less matches than what we got in a find class TooManyMatches < StandardError; end # When they try to do something they should be logged in for class NotLoggedIn < StandardError; end # When the input is somehow bad class InvalidParameters < StandardError; end # When they don't have permission to do something class InvalidAccess < StandardError attr_reader :obj attr_reader :opts attr_reader :custom_message attr_reader :custom_message_params attr_reader :group def initialize(msg = nil, obj = nil, opts = nil) super(msg) @opts = opts || {} @obj = obj @custom_message = opts[:custom_message] if @opts[:custom_message] @custom_message_params = opts[:custom_message_params] if @opts[:custom_message_params] @group = opts[:group] if @opts[:group] end end # When something they want is not found class NotFound < StandardError attr_reader :status attr_reader :check_permalinks attr_reader :original_path attr_reader :custom_message def initialize(msg = nil, status: 404, check_permalinks: false, original_path: nil, custom_message: nil) super(msg) @status = status @check_permalinks = check_permalinks @original_path = original_path @custom_message = custom_message end end # When a setting is missing class SiteSettingMissing < StandardError; end # When ImageMagick is missing class ImageMagickMissing < StandardError; end # When read-only mode is enabled class ReadOnly < StandardError; end # Cross site request forgery class CSRF < StandardError; end class Deprecation < StandardError; end class ScssError < StandardError; end def self.filters @filters ||= [:latest, :unread, :new, :unseen, :top, :read, :posted, :bookmarks] end def self.anonymous_filters @anonymous_filters ||= [:latest, :top, :categories] end def self.top_menu_items @top_menu_items ||= Discourse.filters + [:categories] end def self.anonymous_top_menu_items @anonymous_top_menu_items ||= Discourse.anonymous_filters + [:categories, :top] end PIXEL_RATIOS ||= [1, 1.5, 2, 3] def self.avatar_sizes # TODO: should cache these when we get a notification system for site settings set = Set.new SiteSetting.avatar_sizes.split("|").map(&:to_i).each do |size| PIXEL_RATIOS.each do |pixel_ratio| set << (size * pixel_ratio).to_i end end set end def self.activate_plugins! @plugins = [] Plugin::Instance.find_all("#{Rails.root}/plugins").each do |p| v = p.metadata.required_version || Discourse::VERSION::STRING if Discourse.has_needed_version?(Discourse::VERSION::STRING, v) p.activate! @plugins << p else STDERR.puts "Could not activate #{p.metadata.name}, discourse does not meet required version (#{v})" end end DiscourseEvent.trigger(:after_plugin_activation) end def self.disabled_plugin_names plugins.select { |p| !p.enabled? }.map(&:name) end def self.plugins @plugins ||= [] end def self.hidden_plugins @hidden_plugins ||= [] end def self.visible_plugins self.plugins - self.hidden_plugins end def self.plugin_themes @plugin_themes ||= plugins.map(&:themes).flatten end def self.official_plugins plugins.find_all { |p| p.metadata.official? } end def self.unofficial_plugins plugins.find_all { |p| !p.metadata.official? } end def self.find_plugins(args) plugins.select do |plugin| next if args[:include_official] == false && plugin.metadata.official? next if args[:include_unofficial] == false && !plugin.metadata.official? next if !args[:include_disabled] && !plugin.enabled? true end end def self.apply_asset_filters(plugins, type, request) filter_opts = asset_filter_options(type, request) plugins.select do |plugin| plugin.asset_filters.all? { |b| b.call(type, request, filter_opts) } end end def self.asset_filter_options(type, request) result = {} return result if request.blank? path = request.fullpath result[:path] = path if path.present? # When we bootstrap using the JSON method, we want to be able to filter assets on # the path we're bootstrapping for. asset_path = request.headers["HTTP_X_DISCOURSE_ASSET_PATH"] result[:path] = asset_path if asset_path.present? result end def self.find_plugin_css_assets(args) plugins = apply_asset_filters(self.find_plugins(args), :css, args[:request]) assets = [] targets = [nil] targets << :mobile if args[:mobile_view] targets << :desktop if args[:desktop_view] targets.each do |target| assets += plugins.find_all do |plugin| plugin.css_asset_exists?(target) end.map do |plugin| target.nil? ? plugin.directory_name : "#{plugin.directory_name}_#{target}" end end assets end def self.find_plugin_js_assets(args) plugins = self.find_plugins(args).select do |plugin| plugin.js_asset_exists? end plugins = apply_asset_filters(plugins, :js, args[:request]) plugins.map { |plugin| "plugins/#{plugin.directory_name}" } end def self.assets_digest @assets_digest ||= begin digest = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(ActionView::Base.assets_manifest.assets.values.sort.join) channel = "/global/asset-version" message = MessageBus.last_message(channel) unless message && message.data == digest MessageBus.publish channel, digest end digest end end BUILTIN_AUTH ||= [ Auth::AuthProvider.new(authenticator: Auth::FacebookAuthenticator.new, frame_width: 580, frame_height: 400, icon: "fab-facebook"), Auth::AuthProvider.new(authenticator: Auth::GoogleOAuth2Authenticator.new, frame_width: 850, frame_height: 500), # Custom icon implemented in client Auth::AuthProvider.new(authenticator: Auth::GithubAuthenticator.new, icon: "fab-github"), Auth::AuthProvider.new(authenticator: Auth::TwitterAuthenticator.new, icon: "fab-twitter"), Auth::AuthProvider.new(authenticator: Auth::DiscordAuthenticator.new, icon: "fab-discord") ] def self.auth_providers BUILTIN_AUTH + DiscoursePluginRegistry.auth_providers.to_a end def self.enabled_auth_providers auth_providers.select { |provider| provider.authenticator.enabled? } end def self.authenticators # NOTE: this bypasses the site settings and gives a list of everything, we need to register every middleware # for the cases of multisite auth_providers.map(&:authenticator) end def self.enabled_authenticators authenticators.select { |authenticator| authenticator.enabled? } end def self.cache @cache ||= begin if GlobalSetting.skip_redis? ActiveSupport::Cache::MemoryStore.new else Cache.new end end end # hostname of the server, operating system level # called os_hostname so we do no confuse it with current_hostname def self.os_hostname @os_hostname ||= begin require 'socket' Socket.gethostname rescue => e warn_exception(e, message: 'Socket.gethostname is not working') begin `hostname`.strip rescue => e warn_exception(e, message: 'hostname command is not working') 'unknown_host' end end end # Get the current base URL for the current site def self.current_hostname SiteSetting.force_hostname.presence || RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.current_hostname end def self.base_path(default_value = "") ActionController::Base.config.relative_url_root.presence || default_value end def self.base_uri(default_value = "") deprecate("Discourse.base_uri is deprecated, use Discourse.base_path instead") base_path(default_value) end def self.base_protocol SiteSetting.force_https? ? "https" : "http" end def self.base_url_no_prefix default_port = SiteSetting.force_https? ? 443 : 80 url = +"#{base_protocol}://#{current_hostname}" url << ":#{SiteSetting.port}" if SiteSetting.port.to_i > 0 && SiteSetting.port.to_i != default_port if Rails.env.development? && SiteSetting.port.blank? url << ":#{ENV["UNICORN_PORT"] || 3000}" end url end def self.base_url base_url_no_prefix + base_path end def self.route_for(uri) unless uri.is_a?(URI) uri = begin URI(uri) rescue ArgumentError, URI::Error end end return unless uri path = +(uri.path || "") if !uri.host || (uri.host == Discourse.current_hostname && path.start_with?(Discourse.base_path)) path.slice!(Discourse.base_path) return Rails.application.routes.recognize_path(path) end nil rescue ActionController::RoutingError nil end class << self alias_method :base_url_no_path, :base_url_no_prefix end READONLY_MODE_KEY_TTL ||= 60 READONLY_MODE_KEY ||= 'readonly_mode' PG_READONLY_MODE_KEY ||= 'readonly_mode:postgres' PG_READONLY_MODE_KEY_TTL ||= 300 USER_READONLY_MODE_KEY ||= 'readonly_mode:user' PG_FORCE_READONLY_MODE_KEY ||= 'readonly_mode:postgres_force' READONLY_KEYS ||= [ READONLY_MODE_KEY, PG_READONLY_MODE_KEY, USER_READONLY_MODE_KEY, PG_FORCE_READONLY_MODE_KEY ] def self.enable_readonly_mode(key = READONLY_MODE_KEY) if key == PG_READONLY_MODE_KEY || key == PG_FORCE_READONLY_MODE_KEY Sidekiq.pause!("pg_failover") if !Sidekiq.paused? end if key == USER_READONLY_MODE_KEY || key == PG_FORCE_READONLY_MODE_KEY Discourse.redis.set(key, 1) else ttl = case key when PG_READONLY_MODE_KEY PG_READONLY_MODE_KEY_TTL else READONLY_MODE_KEY_TTL end Discourse.redis.setex(key, ttl, 1) keep_readonly_mode(key, ttl: ttl) if !Rails.env.test? end MessageBus.publish(readonly_channel, true) true end def self.keep_readonly_mode(key, ttl:) # extend the expiry by ttl minute every ttl/2 seconds @mutex ||= Mutex.new @mutex.synchronize do @dbs ||= Set.new @dbs << RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.current_db @threads ||= {} unless @threads[key]&.alive? @threads[key] = Thread.new do while @dbs.size > 0 do sleep ttl / 2 @mutex.synchronize do @dbs.each do |db| RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.with_connection(db) do if !Discourse.redis.expire(key, ttl) @dbs.delete(db) end end end end end end end end end def self.disable_readonly_mode(key = READONLY_MODE_KEY) if key == PG_READONLY_MODE_KEY || key == PG_FORCE_READONLY_MODE_KEY Sidekiq.unpause! if Sidekiq.paused? end Discourse.redis.del(key) MessageBus.publish(readonly_channel, false) true end def self.enable_pg_force_readonly_mode RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.each_connection do enable_readonly_mode(PG_FORCE_READONLY_MODE_KEY) end true end def self.disable_pg_force_readonly_mode RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.each_connection do disable_readonly_mode(PG_FORCE_READONLY_MODE_KEY) end true end def self.readonly_mode?(keys = READONLY_KEYS) recently_readonly? || Discourse.redis.exists?(*keys) end def self.pg_readonly_mode? Discourse.redis.get(PG_READONLY_MODE_KEY).present? end # Shared between processes def self.postgres_last_read_only @postgres_last_read_only ||= DistributedCache.new('postgres_last_read_only', namespace: false) end # Per-process def self.redis_last_read_only @redis_last_read_only ||= {} end def self.recently_readonly? postgres_read_only = postgres_last_read_only[Discourse.redis.namespace] redis_read_only = redis_last_read_only[Discourse.redis.namespace] (redis_read_only.present? && redis_read_only > 15.seconds.ago) || (postgres_read_only.present? && postgres_read_only > 15.seconds.ago) end def self.received_postgres_readonly! postgres_last_read_only[Discourse.redis.namespace] = Time.zone.now end def self.clear_postgres_readonly! postgres_last_read_only[Discourse.redis.namespace] = nil end def self.received_redis_readonly! redis_last_read_only[Discourse.redis.namespace] = Time.zone.now end def self.clear_redis_readonly! redis_last_read_only[Discourse.redis.namespace] = nil end def self.clear_readonly! clear_redis_readonly! clear_postgres_readonly! Site.clear_anon_cache! true end def self.request_refresh!(user_ids: nil) # Causes refresh on next click for all clients # # This is better than `MessageBus.publish "/file-change", ["refresh"]` because # it spreads the refreshes out over a time period if user_ids MessageBus.publish("/refresh_client", 'clobber', user_ids: user_ids) else MessageBus.publish('/global/asset-version', 'clobber') end end def self.ensure_version_file_loaded unless @version_file_loaded version_file = "#{Rails.root}/config/version.rb" require version_file if File.exists?(version_file) @version_file_loaded = true end end def self.git_version ensure_version_file_loaded $git_version ||= begin git_cmd = 'git rev-parse HEAD' self.try_git(git_cmd, Discourse::VERSION::STRING) end # rubocop:disable Style/GlobalVars end def self.git_branch ensure_version_file_loaded $git_branch ||= begin git_cmd = 'git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD' self.try_git(git_cmd, 'unknown') end end def self.full_version ensure_version_file_loaded $full_version ||= begin git_cmd = 'git describe --dirty --match "v[0-9]*"' self.try_git(git_cmd, 'unknown') end end def self.last_commit_date ensure_version_file_loaded $last_commit_date ||= begin git_cmd = 'git log -1 --format="%ct"' seconds = self.try_git(git_cmd, nil) seconds.nil? ? nil : DateTime.strptime(seconds, '%s') end end def self.try_git(git_cmd, default_value) version_value = false begin version_value = `#{git_cmd}`.strip rescue version_value = default_value end if version_value.empty? version_value = default_value end version_value end # Either returns the site_contact_username user or the first admin. def self.site_contact_user user = User.find_by(username_lower: SiteSetting.site_contact_username.downcase) if SiteSetting.site_contact_username.present? user ||= (system_user || User.admins.real.order(:id).first) end SYSTEM_USER_ID ||= -1 def self.system_user @system_users ||= {} current_db = RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.current_db @system_users[current_db] ||= User.find_by(id: SYSTEM_USER_ID) end def self.store if SiteSetting.Upload.enable_s3_uploads @s3_store_loaded ||= require 'file_store/s3_store' FileStore::S3Store.new else @local_store_loaded ||= require 'file_store/local_store' FileStore::LocalStore.new end end def self.stats PluginStore.new("stats") end def self.current_user_provider @current_user_provider || Auth::DefaultCurrentUserProvider end def self.current_user_provider=(val) @current_user_provider = val end def self.asset_host Rails.configuration.action_controller.asset_host end def self.readonly_channel "/site/read-only" end # all forking servers must call this # after fork, otherwise Discourse will be # in a bad state def self.after_fork # note: some of this reconnecting may no longer be needed per https://github.com/redis/redis-rb/pull/414 MessageBus.after_fork SiteSetting.after_fork Discourse.redis.reconnect Rails.cache.reconnect Discourse.cache.reconnect Logster.store.redis.reconnect # shuts down all connections in the pool Sidekiq.redis_pool.shutdown { |conn| conn.disconnect! } # re-establish Sidekiq.redis = sidekiq_redis_config # in case v8 was initialized we want to make sure it is nil PrettyText.reset_context DiscourseJsProcessor::Transpiler.reset_context if defined? DiscourseJsProcessor::Transpiler JsLocaleHelper.reset_context if defined? JsLocaleHelper # warm up v8 after fork, that way we do not fork a v8 context # it may cause issues if bg threads in a v8 isolate randomly stop # working due to fork begin # Skip warmup in development mode - it makes boot take ~2s longer PrettyText.cook("warm up **pretty text**") if !Rails.env.development? rescue => e Rails.logger.error("Failed to warm up pretty text: #{e}") end nil end # you can use Discourse.warn when you want to report custom environment # with the error, this helps with grouping def self.warn(message, env = nil) append = env ? (+" ") << env.map { |k, v|"#{k}: #{v}" }.join(" ") : "" if !(Logster::Logger === Rails.logger) Rails.logger.warn("#{message}#{append}") return end loggers = [Rails.logger] if Rails.logger.chained loggers.concat(Rails.logger.chained) end logster_env = env if old_env = Thread.current[Logster::Logger::LOGSTER_ENV] logster_env = Logster::Message.populate_from_env(old_env) # a bit awkward by try to keep the new params env.each do |k, v| logster_env[k] = v end end loggers.each do |logger| if !(Logster::Logger === logger) logger.warn("#{message} #{append}") next end logger.store.report( ::Logger::Severity::WARN, "discourse", message, env: logster_env ) end if old_env env.each do |k, v| # do not leak state logster_env.delete(k) end end nil end # report a warning maintaining backtrack for logster def self.warn_exception(e, message: "", env: nil) if Rails.logger.respond_to? :add_with_opts env ||= {} env[:current_db] ||= RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.current_db # logster Rails.logger.add_with_opts( ::Logger::Severity::WARN, "#{message} : #{e}", "discourse-exception", backtrace: e.backtrace.join("\n"), env: env ) else # no logster ... fallback Rails.logger.warn("#{message} #{e}\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}") end rescue STDERR.puts "Failed to report exception #{e} #{message}" end def self.deprecate(warning, drop_from: nil, since: nil, raise_error: false, output_in_test: false) location = caller_locations[1].yield_self { |l| "#{l.path}:#{l.lineno}:in \`#{l.label}\`" } warning = ["Deprecation notice:", warning] warning << "(deprecated since Discourse #{since})" if since warning << "(removal in Discourse #{drop_from})" if drop_from warning << "\nAt #{location}" warning = warning.join(" ") if raise_error raise Deprecation.new(warning) end if Rails.env == "development" STDERR.puts(warning) end if output_in_test && Rails.env == "test" STDERR.puts(warning) end digest = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(warning) redis_key = "deprecate-notice-#{digest}" if !Discourse.redis.without_namespace.get(redis_key) Rails.logger.warn(warning) begin Discourse.redis.without_namespace.setex(redis_key, 3600, "x") rescue Redis::CommandError => e raise unless e.message =~ /READONLY/ end end warning end SIDEKIQ_NAMESPACE ||= 'sidekiq' def self.sidekiq_redis_config conf = GlobalSetting.redis_config.dup conf[:namespace] = SIDEKIQ_NAMESPACE conf end def self.static_doc_topic_ids [SiteSetting.tos_topic_id, SiteSetting.guidelines_topic_id, SiteSetting.privacy_topic_id] end cattr_accessor :last_ar_cache_reset def self.reset_active_record_cache_if_needed(e) last_cache_reset = Discourse.last_ar_cache_reset if e && e.message =~ /UndefinedColumn/ && (last_cache_reset.nil? || last_cache_reset < 30.seconds.ago) Rails.logger.warn "Clearing Active Record cache, this can happen if schema changed while site is running or in a multisite various databases are running different schemas. Consider running rake multisite:migrate." Discourse.last_ar_cache_reset = Time.zone.now Discourse.reset_active_record_cache end end def self.reset_active_record_cache ActiveRecord::Base.connection.query_cache.clear (ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables - %w[schema_migrations versions]).each do |table| table.classify.constantize.reset_column_information rescue nil end nil end def self.running_in_rack? ENV["DISCOURSE_RUNNING_IN_RACK"] == "1" end def self.skip_post_deployment_migrations? ['1', 'true'].include?(ENV["SKIP_POST_DEPLOYMENT_MIGRATIONS"]&.to_s) end # this is used to preload as much stuff as possible prior to forking # in turn this can conserve large amounts of memory on forking servers def self.preload_rails! return if @preloaded_rails if !Rails.env.development? # Skipped in development because the schema cache gets reset on every code change anyway # Better to rely on the filesystem-based db:schema:cache:dump # load up all models and schema (ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables - %w[schema_migrations versions]).each do |table| table.classify.constantize.first rescue nil end # ensure we have a full schema cache in case we missed something above ActiveRecord::Base.connection.data_sources.each do |table| ActiveRecord::Base.connection.schema_cache.add(table) end end schema_cache = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.schema_cache RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.safe_each_connection do # load up schema cache for all multisite assuming all dbs have # an identical schema dup_cache = schema_cache.dup # this line is not really needed, but just in case the # underlying implementation changes lets give it a shot dup_cache.connection = nil ActiveRecord::Base.connection.schema_cache = dup_cache I18n.t(:posts) # this will force Cppjieba to preload if any site has it # enabled allowing it to be reused between all child processes Search.prepare_data("test") JsLocaleHelper.load_translations(SiteSetting.default_locale) Site.json_for(Guardian.new) SvgSprite.preload begin SiteSetting.client_settings_json rescue => e # Rescue from Redis related errors so that we can still boot the # application even if Redis is down. warn_exception(e, message: "Error while preloading client settings json") end end [ Thread.new { # router warm up Rails.application.routes.recognize_path('abc') rescue nil }, Thread.new { # preload discourse version Discourse.git_version Discourse.git_branch Discourse.full_version }, Thread.new { require 'actionview_precompiler' ActionviewPrecompiler.precompile }, Thread.new { LetterAvatar.image_magick_version }, Thread.new { SvgSprite.core_svgs } ].each(&:join) ensure @preloaded_rails = true end def self.redis $redis end def self.is_parallel_test? ENV['RAILS_ENV'] == "test" && ENV['TEST_ENV_NUMBER'] end CDN_REQUEST_METHODS ||= ["GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS"] def self.is_cdn_request?(env, request_method) return unless CDN_REQUEST_METHODS.include?(request_method) cdn_hostnames = GlobalSetting.cdn_hostnames return if cdn_hostnames.blank? requested_hostname = env[REQUESTED_HOSTNAME] || env[Rack::HTTP_HOST] cdn_hostnames.include?(requested_hostname) end def self.apply_cdn_headers(headers) headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*' headers['Access-Control-Allow-Methods'] = CDN_REQUEST_METHODS.join(", ") headers end def self.allow_dev_populate? Rails.env.development? || ENV["ALLOW_DEV_POPULATE"] == "1" end end # rubocop:enable Style/GlobalVars