require "drb/drb" require "thread" require "fileutils" require "autospec/reload_css" module Autospec; end class Autospec::Runner MATCHERS = {} def, &blk) MATCHERS[pattern] = blk end watch(%r{^spec/.+_spec\.rb$}) watch(%r{^lib/(.+)\.rb$}) { |m| "spec/components/#{m[1]}_spec.rb" } # Rails example watch(%r{^app/(.+)\.rb$}) { |m| "spec/#{m[1]}_spec.rb" } watch(%r{^app/(.*)(\.erb|\.haml)$}) { |m| "spec/#{m[1]}#{m[2]}_spec.rb" } watch(%r{^app/controllers/(.+)_(controller)\.rb$}) { |m| "spec/#{m[2]}s/#{m[1]}_#{m[2]}_spec.rb" } watch(%r{^spec/support/(.+)\.rb$}) { "spec" } watch("app/controllers/application_controller.rb") { "spec/controllers" } # Capybara request specs watch(%r{^app/views/(.+)/.*\.(erb|haml)$}) { |m| "spec/requests/#{m[1]}_spec.rb" } # Fabrication watch(%r{^spec/fabricators/(.+)_fabricator\.rb$}) { "spec" } RELOAD_MATCHERS = def self.watch_reload(pattern) RELOAD_MATCHERS << pattern end watch_reload('spec/spec_helper.rb') watch_reload('config/(.*).rb') watch_reload(%r{app/helpers/(.*).rb}) def{}) end def initialize @queue = [] @mutex = @signal = start_service_queue end def run(opts = {}) if already_running?(pid_file) puts "autospec appears to be running, it is possible the pid file is old" puts "if you are sure it is not running, delete #{pid_file}" return end write_pid_file(pid_file, start_spork Signal.trap("HUP") {stop_spork; exit } Signal.trap("SIGINT") {stop_spork; exit } puts "Forced polling (slower) - inotify does not work on network filesystems, use local filesystem to avoid" if opts[:force_polling] options = {filter: /^app|^spec|^lib/, relative_paths: true} if opts[:force_polling] options[:force_polling] = true options[:latency] = opts[:latency] || 3 end Thread.start do'.', options ) do |modified, added, removed| process_change([modified, added].flatten.compact) end end @mutex.synchronize do @queue << ['spec', 'spec'] @signal.signal end spork_running = true do Process.wait(@spork_pid) spork_running = false end while spork_running process_queue end puts "Spork has been terminated, exiting" rescue => e puts e puts e.backtrace stop_spork end def process_queue STDIN.gets if @queue.length == 0 @queue << ['spec', 'spec'] @signal.signal else specs = failed_specs(:delete => false) puts puts if specs.length == 0 puts "No specs have failed yet!" puts else puts "The following specs have failed: " specs.each do |s| puts s end puts queue_specs( specs) end end end def wait_for(timeout_milliseconds) timeout = (timeout_milliseconds + 0.0) / 1000 finish = + timeout t = do while < finish && !yield sleep(0.001) end end t.join rescue nil end def force_polling? works = false begin require 'rb-inotify' require 'fileutils' n = FileUtils.touch('./tmp/test_polling')"./tmp", :modify, :attrib){ works = true } quit = false do while !works && !quit if[n.to_io], [], [], 0.1) n.process end end end sleep 0.01 FileUtils.touch('./tmp/test_polling') wait_for(100) { works } File.unlink('./tmp/test_polling') n.stop quit = true rescue LoadError #assume it works (mac) works = true end !works end def process_change(files) return unless files.length > 0 specs = [] hit = false files.each do |file| RELOAD_MATCHERS.each do |k| if k.match(file) spork_service.abort stop_spork sleep 1 start_spork return end end MATCHERS.each do |k,v| if m = k.match(file) hit = true spec = v ? ( v.arity == 1 ? : ) : file if File.exists?(spec) || Dir.exists?(spec) specs << [file, spec] end end end Autospec::ReloadCss::MATCHERS.each do |k,v| matches = [] if k.match(file) matches << file end Autospec::ReloadCss.run_on_change(matches) if matches.present? end end queue_specs(specs) if hit rescue => e p "failed in watcher" p e p e.backtrace end def queue_specs(specs) if specs.length == 0 locked = @mutex.try_lock if locked @signal.signal @mutex.unlock end return else spork_service.abort end @mutex.synchronize do specs.each do |c,spec| @queue.delete([c,spec]) if @queue.last && @queue.last[0] == "focus" focus = @queue.pop @queue << [c,spec] if focus[1].include?(spec) || c != spec @queue << focus end else @queue << [c,spec] end end @signal.signal end end def thread_loop @mutex.synchronize do last_failed = false current = @queue.last if current last_failed = process_spec(current[1]) end wait = @queue.length == 0 || last_failed @signal.wait(@mutex) if wait end rescue => e p "DISASTA PASTA" puts e puts e.backtrace end def process_spec(spec) last_failed = false result = run_spec(spec) if result == 0 @queue.pop else last_failed = true if result.to_i > 0 focus_on_failed_tests ensure_all_specs_will_run end end last_failed end def start_service_queue @worker ||= do while true thread_loop end end end def focus_on_failed_tests current = @queue.last specs = failed_specs[0..10] if current[0] == "focus" @queue.pop end @queue << ["focus", specs.join(" ")] end def ensure_all_specs_will_run unless @queue.any?{|s,t| t == 'spec'} @queue.unshift(['spec','spec']) end end def failed_specs(opts={:delete => true}) specs = [] path = './tmp/rspec_result' if File.exist?(path) specs = { |file|"\n") } File.delete(path) if opts[:delete] end specs end def run_spec(specs) File.delete("tmp/rspec_result") if File.exists?("tmp/rspec_result") args = ["-f", "progress", specs.split(" "), "-r", "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/formatter.rb", "-f", "Autospec::Formatter"].flatten,$stderr,$stdout) end def spork_pid_file Rails.root + "tmp/pids/" end def pid_file Rails.root + "tmp/pids/" end def already_running?(pid_file) if File.exists? pid_file pid = Process.getpgid(pid) rescue nil end end def write_pid_file(file,pid) FileUtils.mkdir_p(Rails.root + "tmp/pids"),'w') do |f| f.write(pid) end end def spork_running? spork_service.port rescue nil end def spork_service unless @drb_listener_running begin DRb.start_service("druby://") rescue SocketError, Errno::EADDRNOTAVAIL DRb.start_service("druby://:0") end @drb_listener_running = true end @spork_service ||= DRbObject.new_with_uri("druby://") end def stop_spork pid = Process.kill("SIGTERM",pid) end def start_spork if already_running?(spork_pid_file) puts "Killing old orphan spork instance" stop_spork sleep 1 end @spork_pid = Process.spawn({'RAILS_ENV' => 'test'}, "bundle exec spork") write_pid_file(spork_pid_file, @spork_pid) running = false while !running running = spork_running? sleep 0.1 end end end