require "edit_rate_limiter" class PostRevisor POST_TRACKED_FIELDS = %w{raw cooked edit_reason user_id wiki post_type} TOPIC_TRACKED_FIELDS = %w{title category_id} attr_reader :category_changed def initialize(post, topic=nil) @post = post @topic = topic || post.topic end # AVAILABLE OPTIONS: # - revised_at: changes the date of the revision # - force_new_version: bypass ninja-edit window # - bypass_rate_limiter: # - bypass_bump: do not bump the topic, even if last post # - skip_validations: ask ActiveRecord to skip validations def revise!(editor, fields, opts={}) @editor = editor @fields = fields.with_indifferent_access @opts = opts # some normalization @fields[:raw] = cleanup_whitespaces(@fields[:raw]) if @fields.has_key?(:raw) @fields[:user_id] = @fields[:user_id].to_i if @fields.has_key?(:user_id) @fields[:category_id] = @fields[:category_id].to_i if @fields.has_key?(:category_id) # always reset edit_reason unless provided @fields[:edit_reason] = nil unless @fields.has_key?(:edit_reason) return false unless should_revise? @post.acting_user = @editor @topic.acting_user = @editor @revised_at = @opts[:revised_at] || @last_version_at = @post.last_version_at || @version_changed = false @post_successfully_saved = true @topic_successfully_saved = true @validate_post = true @validate_post = @opts[:validate_post] if @opts.has_key?(:validate_post) @validate_post = !@opts[:skip_validations] if @opts.has_key?(:skip_validations) @validate_topic = true @validate_topic = @opts[:validate_topic] if @opts.has_key?(:validate_topic) @validate_topic = !@opts[:validate_topic] if @opts.has_key?(:skip_validations) Post.transaction do revise_post # TODO: these callbacks are being called in a transaction # it is kind of odd, because the callback is called "before_edit" # but the post is already edited at this point # Trouble is that much of the logic of should I edit? is deeper # down so yanking this in front of the transaction will lead to # false positive. plugin_callbacks revise_topic advance_draft_sequence end # WARNING: do not pull this into the transaction # it can fire events in sidekiq before the post is done saving # leading to corrupt state post_process_post update_topic_word_counts alert_users publish_changes grant_badge successfully_saved_post_and_topic end def cleanup_whitespaces(raw) TextCleaner.normalize_whitespaces(raw).gsub(/\s+\z/, "") end def should_revise? post_changed? || topic_changed? end def post_changed? POST_TRACKED_FIELDS.each do |field| return true if @fields.has_key?(field) && @fields[field] != @post.send(field) end false end def topic_changed? TOPIC_TRACKED_FIELDS.each do |field| return true if @fields.has_key?(field) && @fields[field] != @topic.send(field) end false end def revise_post should_create_new_version? ? revise_and_create_new_version : revise end def should_create_new_version? edited_by_another_user? || !ninja_edit? || owner_changed? || force_new_version? end def edited_by_another_user? @post.last_editor_id != end def ninja_edit? @revised_at - @last_version_at <= SiteSetting.ninja_edit_window.to_i end def owner_changed? @fields.has_key?(:user_id) && @fields[:user_id] != @post.user_id end def force_new_version? @opts[:force_new_version] == true end def revise_and_create_new_version @version_changed = true @post.version += 1 @post.public_version += 1 @post.last_version_at = @revised_at revise perform_edit bump_topic end def revise update_post update_topic if topic_changed? create_or_update_revision end def update_post POST_TRACKED_FIELDS.each do |field| @post.send("#{field}=", @fields[field]) if @fields.has_key?(field) end @post.last_editor_id = @post.word_count = @fields[:raw].scan(/\w+/).size if @fields.has_key?(:raw) @post.self_edits += 1 if self_edit? clear_flags_and_unhide_post @post.extract_quoted_post_numbers @post_successfully_saved = @validate_post) @post.save_reply_relationships end def self_edit? @editor == @post.user end def clear_flags_and_unhide_post return unless editing_a_flagged_and_hidden_post? PostAction.clear_flags!(@post, Discourse.system_user) @post.unhide! end def editing_a_flagged_and_hidden_post? self_edit? && @post.hidden && @post.hidden_reason_id == Post.hidden_reasons[:flag_threshold_reached] end def update_topic @topic.title = @fields[:title] if @fields.has_key?(:title) Topic.transaction do @topic_successfully_saved = @topic.change_category_to_id(@fields[:category_id]) if @fields.has_key?(:category_id) @topic_successfully_saved &&= @validate_topic) end end def create_or_update_revision # don't create an empty revision if something failed return unless successfully_saved_post_and_topic @version_changed ? create_revision : update_revision end def create_revision modifications = post_changes.merge(topic_changes) PostRevision.create!( user_id: @post.last_editor_id, post_id:, number: @post.version, modifications: modifications ) end def update_revision return unless revision = PostRevision.find_by(post_id:, number: @post.version) revision.user_id = @post.last_editor_id modifications = post_changes.merge(topic_changes) modifications.keys.each do |field| if revision.modifications.has_key?(field) old_value = revision.modifications[field][0] new_value = modifications[field][1] revision.modifications[field] = [old_value, new_value] else revision.modifications[field] = modifications[field] end end end def post_changes @post.previous_changes.slice(*POST_TRACKED_FIELDS) end def topic_changes @topic.previous_changes.slice(*TOPIC_TRACKED_FIELDS) end def perform_edit return if bypass_rate_limiter?! end def bypass_rate_limiter? @opts[:bypass_rate_limiter] == true end def bump_topic return if bypass_bump? || !is_last_post? @topic.update_column(:bumped_at, TopicTrackingState.publish_latest(@topic) end def bypass_bump? @opts[:bypass_bump] == true end def is_last_post? !Post.where(topic_id: .where("post_number > ?", @post.post_number) .exists? end def plugin_callbacks DiscourseEvent.trigger(:before_edit_post, @post) DiscourseEvent.trigger(:validate_post, @post) end def revise_topic return unless @post.post_number == 1 update_topic_excerpt update_category_description end def update_topic_excerpt excerpt = @post.excerpt(220, strip_links: true) @topic.update_column(:excerpt, excerpt) if @topic.archetype == "banner" ApplicationController.banner_json_cache.clear end end def update_category_description return unless category = Category.find_by(topic_id: body = @post.cooked matches = body.scan(/\(.*)\<\/p\>/) if matches && matches[0] && matches[0][0] new_description = matches[0][0] new_description = nil if new_description == I18n.t("category.replace_paragraph") category.update_column(:description, new_description) @category_changed = category end end def advance_draft_sequence @post.advance_draft_sequence end def post_process_post @post.invalidate_oneboxes = true @post.trigger_post_process end def update_topic_word_counts Topic.exec_sql("UPDATE topics SET word_count = ( SELECT SUM(COALESCE(posts.word_count, 0)) FROM posts WHERE posts.topic_id = :topic_id ) WHERE = :topic_id", topic_id: end def alert_users end def publish_changes @post.publish_change_to_clients!(:revised) end def grant_badge BadgeGranter.queue_badge_grant(Badge::Trigger::PostRevision, post: @post) end def successfully_saved_post_and_topic @post_successfully_saved && @topic_successfully_saved end end