require_dependency 'guardian/category_guardian' require_dependency 'guardian/ensure_magic' require_dependency 'guardian/post_guardian' require_dependency 'guardian/topic_guardian' require_dependency 'guardian/user_guardian' require_dependency 'guardian/post_revision_guardian' require_dependency 'guardian/group_guardian' require_dependency 'guardian/tag_guardian' # The guardian is responsible for confirming access to various site resources and operations class Guardian include EnsureMagic include CategoryGuardian include PostGuardian include TopicGuardian include UserGuardian include PostRevisionGuardian include GroupGuardian include TagGuardian class AnonymousUser def blank? true end def admin? false end def staff? false end def moderator? false end def approved? false end def staged? false end def silenced? false end def secure_category_ids [] end def topic_create_allowed_category_ids [] end def has_trust_level?(level) false end def email nil end end attr_reader :request def initialize(user = nil, request = nil) @user = user.presence || @request = request end def user @user.presence end alias :current_user :user def anonymous? !authenticated? end def authenticated? @user.present? end def is_admin? @user.admin? end def is_staff? @user.staff? end def is_moderator? @user.moderator? end def is_silenced? @user.silenced? end def is_developer? @user && is_admin? && ( Rails.env.development? || Developer.user_ids.include?( || ( Rails.configuration.respond_to?(:developer_emails) && Rails.configuration.developer_emails.include?( ) ) end def is_staged? @user.staged? end # Can the user see the object? def can_see?(obj) if obj see_method = method_name_for :see, obj return (see_method ? send(see_method, obj) : true) end end def can_create?(klass, parent = nil) return false unless authenticated? && klass # If no parent is provided, we look for a can_create_klass? # custom method. # # If a parent is provided, we look for a method called # can_create_klass_on_parent? target = if parent.present? return false unless can_see?(parent) target << "_on_#{}" end create_method = :"can_create_#{target}?" return send(create_method, parent) if respond_to?(create_method) true end def can_enable_safe_mode? SiteSetting.enable_safe_mode? || is_staff? end # Can the user edit the obj def can_edit?(obj) can_do?(:edit, obj) end # Can we delete the object def can_delete?(obj) can_do?(:delete, obj) end def can_moderate?(obj) obj && authenticated? && !is_silenced? && (is_staff? || (obj.is_a?(Topic) && @user.has_trust_level?(TrustLevel[4]))) end alias :can_move_posts? :can_moderate? alias :can_see_flags? :can_moderate? alias :can_close? :can_moderate? def can_tag?(topic) return false if topic.blank? topic.private_message? ? can_tag_pms? : can_tag_topics? end def can_see_tags?(topic) SiteSetting.tagging_enabled && topic.present? && (!topic.private_message? || can_tag_pms?) end def can_send_activation_email?(user) user && is_staff? && !SiteSetting.must_approve_users? end def can_grant_badges?(_user) SiteSetting.enable_badges && is_staff? end def can_see_group?(group) return false if group.blank? return true if group.visibility_level == Group.visibility_levels[:public] return true if is_admin? return true if is_staff? && group.visibility_level == Group.visibility_levels[:staff] return false if user.blank? membership = GroupUser.find_by(group_id:, user_id: return false unless membership if !membership.owner return false if group.visibility_level == Group.visibility_levels[:owners] return false if group.visibility_level == Group.visibility_levels[:staff] end true end # Can we impersonate this user? def can_impersonate?(target) target && # You must be an admin to impersonate is_admin? && # You may not impersonate other admins unless you are a dev (!target.admin? || is_developer?) # Additionally, you may not impersonate yourself; # but the two tests for different admin statuses # make it impossible to be the same user. end def can_view_action_logs?(target) target.present? && is_staff? end # Can we approve it? def can_approve?(target) is_staff? && target && && not(target.approved?) end def can_activate?(target) is_staff? && target && not( end def can_suspend?(user) user && is_staff? && user.regular? end alias :can_deactivate? :can_suspend? def can_revoke_admin?(admin) can_administer_user?(admin) && admin.admin? end def can_grant_admin?(user) can_administer_user?(user) && !user.admin? end def can_revoke_moderation?(moderator) can_administer?(moderator) && moderator.moderator? end def can_grant_moderation?(user) can_administer?(user) && !user.moderator? end def can_grant_title?(user, title = nil) return true if user && is_staff? return false if title.nil? return true if title.empty? # A title set to '(none)' in the UI is an empty string return false if user != @user return true if user.badges.where(name: title, allow_title: true).exists? user.groups.where(title: title).exists? end def can_change_primary_group?(user) user && is_staff? end def can_change_trust_level?(user) user && is_staff? end # Support sites that have to approve users def can_access_forum? return true unless SiteSetting.must_approve_users? return false unless @user # Staff can't lock themselves out of a site return true if is_staff? @user.approved? end def can_see_invite_details?(user) is_me?(user) end def can_invite_to_forum?(groups = nil) authenticated? && (SiteSetting.max_invites_per_day.to_i > 0 || is_staff?) && !SiteSetting.enable_sso && SiteSetting.enable_local_logins && ( (!SiteSetting.must_approve_users? && @user.has_trust_level?(TrustLevel[2])) || is_staff? ) && (groups.blank? || is_admin? || groups.all? { |g| can_edit_group?(g) }) end def can_invite_to?(object, groups = nil) return false unless authenticated? is_topic = object.is_a?(Topic) return true if is_admin? && !is_topic return false if (SiteSetting.max_invites_per_day.to_i == 0 && !is_staff?) return false unless can_see?(object) return false if groups.present? if is_topic if object.private_message? return true if is_admin? return false unless SiteSetting.enable_personal_messages? return false if object.reached_recipients_limit? && !is_staff? end if (category = object.category) && category.read_restricted if (groups = category.groups&.where(automatic: false))&.any? return groups.any? { |g| can_edit_group?(g) } ? true : false else return false end end end user.has_trust_level?(TrustLevel[2]) end def can_invite_via_email?(object) return false unless can_invite_to?(object) !SiteSetting.enable_sso && SiteSetting.enable_local_logins && (!SiteSetting.must_approve_users? || is_staff?) end def can_bulk_invite_to_forum?(user) user.admin? end def can_send_multiple_invites?(user) user.staff? end def can_resend_all_invites?(user) user.staff? end def can_rescind_all_invites?(user) user.staff? end def can_see_private_messages?(user_id) is_admin? || (authenticated? && == user_id) end def can_invite_group_to_private_message?(group, topic) can_see_topic?(topic) && can_send_private_message?(group) end def can_send_private_message?(target, notify_moderators: false) is_user = target.is_a?(User) is_group = target.is_a?(Group) (is_group || is_user) && # User is authenticated authenticated? && # Have to be a basic level at least (@user.has_trust_level?(SiteSetting.min_trust_to_send_messages) || notify_moderators) && # User disabled private message (is_staff? || is_group || target.user_option.allow_private_messages) && # PMs are enabled (is_staff? || SiteSetting.enable_personal_messages || notify_moderators) && # Can't send PMs to suspended users (is_staff? || is_group || !target.suspended?) && # Check group messageable level (is_staff? || is_user || Group.messageable(@user).where(id: && # Silenced users can only send PM to staff (!is_silenced? || target.staff?) end def can_send_private_messages_to_email? # Staged users must be enabled to create a temporary user. SiteSetting.enable_staged_users && # User is authenticated authenticated? && # User is trusted enough (is_staff? || ( # TODO: 2019 evaluate if we need this flexibility # perhaps we enable this unconditionally to TL4? @user.has_trust_level?(SiteSetting.min_trust_to_send_email_messages) && SiteSetting.enable_personal_email_messages ) ) end def can_export_entity?(entity) return false unless @user return true if is_admin? return entity != 'user_list' if is_moderator? # Regular users can only export their archives return false unless entity == "user_archive" UserExport.where(user_id:, created_at: ( == 0 end def can_mute_user?(user_id) can_mute_users? && != user_id && User.where(id: user_id, admin: false, moderator: false).exists? end def can_mute_users? return false if anonymous? @user.staff? || @user.trust_level >= TrustLevel.levels[:basic] end def can_ignore_user?(user_id) can_ignore_users? && != user_id && User.where(id: user_id, admin: false, moderator: false).exists? end def can_ignore_users? return false if anonymous? @user.staff? || @user.trust_level >= TrustLevel.levels[:member] end def allow_themes?(theme_ids, include_preview: false) return true if theme_ids.blank? if include_preview && is_staff? && (theme_ids - Theme.theme_ids).blank? return true end parent = theme_ids.first components = theme_ids[1..-1] || [] Theme.user_theme_ids.include?(parent) && (components - Theme.components_for(parent)).empty? end def auth_token if cookie = request&.cookies[Auth::DefaultCurrentUserProvider::TOKEN_COOKIE] UserAuthToken.hash_token(cookie) end end private def is_my_own?(obj) unless anonymous? return obj.user_id == if obj.respond_to?(:user_id) && obj.user_id && return obj.user == @user if obj.respond_to?(:user) end false end def is_me?(other) other && authenticated? && other.is_a?(User) && @user == other end def is_not_me?(other) @user.blank? || !is_me?(other) end def can_administer?(obj) is_admin? && obj.present? && end def can_administer_user?(other_user) can_administer?(other_user) && is_not_me?(other_user) end def method_name_for(action, obj) method_name = :"can_#{action}_#{}?" return method_name if respond_to?(method_name) end def can_do?(action, obj) if obj && authenticated? action_method = method_name_for action, obj return (action_method ? send(action_method, obj) : true) else false end end end