// -------------------------------------------------- // Variables used throughout the theme // -------------------------------------------------- // Layout dimensions // -------------------------------------------------- $small-width: 800px !default; $medium-width: 995px !default; $large-width: 1110px !default; $input-padding: 4px 10px; $topic-body-width: 690px; $topic-body-width-padding: 11px; $topic-avatar-width: 45px; // Brand color variables // -------------------------------------------------- $google: #ffffff !default; $instagram: #e1306c !default; $facebook: #4267b2 !default; $cas: #70ba61 !default; $twitter: #1da1f2 !default; $github: #100e0f !default; // Badge color variables // -------------------------------------------------- $gold: rgb(231, 195, 0) !default; $silver: #c0c0c0 !default; $bronze: #cd7f32 !default; // Fonts // -------------------------------------------------- $base-font-size-smaller: 14px !default; $base-font-size: 15px !default; $base-font-size-larger: 17px !default; $base-font-size-largest: 19px !default; $base-font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif !default; // Font-size defintions, multiplier ^ (step / interval) $font-up-6: 2.296em; $font-up-5: 2em; $font-up-4: 1.7511em; $font-up-3: 1.5157em; $font-up-2: 1.3195em; $font-up-1: 1.1487em; // 2^(1/5) $font-0: 1em; $font-down-1: 0.8706em; // 2^(-1/5) $font-down-2: 0.7579em; // Smallest size we use based on the 1em base $font-down-3: 0.6599em; $font-down-4: 0.5745em; $font-down-5: 0.5em; $font-down-6: 0.4355em; // Common line-heights $line-height-small: 1; $line-height-medium: 1.2; // Headings or large text $line-height-large: 1.4; // Normal or small text // These files don't actually exist. They're injected by Stylesheet::Compiler. // -------------------------------------------------- @import "theme_colors"; @import "plugins_variables"; @import "common/foundation/math"; // Z-index // -------------------------------------------------- $z-layers: ( "max": 9999, "modal": ( "tooltip": 1600, "popover": 1500, "dropdown": 1400, "content": 1300, "overlay": 1200 ), "fullscreen": 1150, "footer-nav": 1140, "mobile-composer": 1100, "header": 1000, "tooltip": 600, "composer": ( "dropdown": 700, "tooltip": 600, "popover": 500, "content": 400 ), "dropdown": 300, "usercard": 200, "timeline": 100, "base": 1 ); @function map-has-nested-keys($map, $keys...) { @each $key in $keys { @if not map-has-key($map, $key) { @return false; } $map: map-get($map, $key); } @return true; } @function map-deep-get($map, $keys...) { @each $key in $keys { $map: map-get($map, $key); } @return $map; } @function z($layers...) { @if not map-has-nested-keys($z-layers, $layers...) { @warn "No layer defined for `#{inspect($layers...)}` in $z-layers map. Check variables.scss, property omitted."; } @return map-deep-get($z-layers, $layers...); } // Box-shadow // -------------------------------------------------- $box-shadow: ( "modal": 0 8px 60px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6), "composer": 0 -1px 40px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), "menu-panel": 0 12px 12px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15), "card": 0 4px 14px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15), "dropdown": 0 2px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), "header": 0 2px 4px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25), "footer-nav": 0 0 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25), "kbd": ( 0 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 0 0 1px dark-light-choose(#fff, #000) inset ), "focus": 0 0 6px 0 $tertiary, "focus-danger": 0 0 6px 0 $danger ); @function shadow($key) { @return map-get($box-shadow, $key); } // Color utilities // -------------------------------------------------- // w3c definition of color brightness https://www.w3.org/TR/AERT#color-contrast @function dc-color-brightness($color) { @return ( (red($color) * 0.299) + (green($color) * 0.587) + (blue($color) * 0.114) ); } // Uses an approximation of sRGB blending, GAMMA=2 instead of GAMMA=2.2 @function srgb-scale($foreground, $background, $percent) { $ratio: ($percent / 100%); $iratio: 1 - $ratio; $f_r2: red($foreground) * red($foreground); $f_g2: green($foreground) * green($foreground); $f_b2: blue($foreground) * blue($foreground); $b_r2: red($background) * red($background); $b_g2: green($background) * green($background); $b_b2: blue($background) * blue($background); $r_r2: $f_r2 * $ratio + $b_r2 * $iratio; $r_g2: $f_g2 * $ratio + $b_g2 * $iratio; $r_b2: $f_b2 * $ratio + $b_b2 * $iratio; $r_r: sqrt($r_r2); $r_g: sqrt($r_g2); $r_b: sqrt($r_b2); @return rgb($r_r, $r_g, $r_b); } // Replaces dark-light-diff($primary, $secondary, 50%, -50%) @function blend-primary-secondary($percent) { @return srgb-scale($primary, $secondary, $percent); } @function dark-light-diff( $adjusted-color, $comparison-color, $lightness, $darkness ) { @if dc-color-brightness($adjusted-color) < dc-color-brightness($comparison-color) { @return scale-color($adjusted-color, $lightness: $lightness); } @else { @return scale-color($adjusted-color, $lightness: $darkness); } } @function dark-light-choose($light-theme-result, $dark-theme-result) { @if dc-color-brightness($primary) < dc-color-brightness($secondary) { @return $light-theme-result; } @else { @return $dark-theme-result; } } // standard color transformations, use these if possible, and add any new dark-light-diffs here //primary $primary-very-low: dark-light-diff($primary, $secondary, 97%, -82%); $primary-low: dark-light-diff($primary, $secondary, 90%, -78%); $primary-low-mid: dark-light-diff($primary, $secondary, 70%, -45%); $primary-medium: dark-light-diff($primary, $secondary, 50%, -35%); $primary-high: dark-light-diff($primary, $secondary, 30%, -25%); $primary-very-high: dark-light-diff($primary, $secondary, 15%, -10%); //header_primary $header_primary-low: dark-light-diff( $header_primary, $header_background, 90%, -78% ); $header_primary-low-mid: dark-light-diff( $header_primary, $header_background, 70%, -45% ); $header_primary-medium: dark-light-diff( $header_primary, $header_background, 50%, -35% ); $header_primary-high: dark-light-diff( $header_primary, $header_background, 30%, -25% ); $header_primary-very-high: dark-light-diff( $header_primary, $header_background, 15%, -10% ); //secondary $secondary-low: dark-light-diff($secondary, $primary, 70%, -70%); $secondary-medium: dark-light-diff($secondary, $primary, 50%, -50%); $secondary-high: dark-light-diff($secondary, $primary, 30%, -35%); $secondary-very-high: dark-light-diff($secondary, $primary, 7%, -7%); //tertiary $tertiary-low: dark-light-diff($tertiary, $secondary, 85%, -65%); $tertiary-medium: dark-light-diff($tertiary, $secondary, 50%, -45%); $tertiary-high: dark-light-diff($tertiary, $secondary, 20%, -25%); //quaternary $quaternary-low: dark-light-diff($quaternary, $secondary, 70%, -70%); //highlight $highlight-low: dark-light-diff($highlight, $secondary, 70%, -80%); $highlight-medium: dark-light-diff($highlight, $secondary, 50%, -55%); $highlight-high: dark-light-diff($highlight, $secondary, -50%, -10%); //danger $danger-low: dark-light-diff($danger, $secondary, 85%, -64%); $danger-medium: dark-light-diff($danger, $secondary, 30%, -35%); //success $success-low: dark-light-diff($success, $secondary, 80%, -60%); $success-medium: dark-light-diff($success, $secondary, 50%, -40%); //love $love-low: dark-light-diff($love, $secondary, 85%, -60%); //wiki $wiki: green;