require 'rails_helper' describe UsernameChanger do describe '#change' do let(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } context 'success' do let(:new_username) { "#{user.username}1234" } before do @result = UsernameChanger.change(user, new_username) end it 'returns true' do expect(@result).to eq(true) end it 'should change the username' do user.reload expect(user.username).to eq(new_username) end it 'should change the username_lower' do user.reload expect(user.username_lower).to eq(new_username.downcase) end end context 'failure' do let(:wrong_username) { "" } let(:username_before_change) { user.username } let(:username_lower_before_change) { user.username_lower } before do @result = UsernameChanger.change(user, wrong_username) end it 'returns false' do expect(@result).to eq(false) end it 'should not change the username' do user.reload expect(user.username).to eq(username_before_change) end it 'should not change the username_lower' do user.reload expect(user.username_lower).to eq(username_lower_before_change) end end describe 'change the case of my username' do let!(:myself) { Fabricate(:user, username: 'hansolo') } it 'should return true' do expect(UsernameChanger.change(myself, "HanSolo")).to eq(true) end it 'should change the username' do UsernameChanger.change(myself, "HanSolo") expect(myself.reload.username).to eq('HanSolo') end it "logs the action" do expect { UsernameChanger.change(myself, "HanSolo", myself) }.to change { UserHistory.count }.by(1) expect { UsernameChanger.change(myself, "HanSolo", myself) }.to change { UserHistory.count }.by(0) # make sure it does not log a dupe end end describe 'allow custom minimum username length from site settings' do before do @custom_min = 2 SiteSetting.min_username_length = @custom_min end it 'should allow a shorter username than default' do result = UsernameChanger.change(user, 'a' * @custom_min) expect(result).not_to eq(false) end it 'should not allow a shorter username than limit' do result = UsernameChanger.change(user, 'a' * (@custom_min - 1)) expect(result).to eq(false) end it 'should not allow a longer username than limit' do result = UsernameChanger.change(user, 'a' * (User.username_length.end + 1)) expect(result).to eq(false) end end context 'posts and revisions' do let(:user) { Fabricate(:user, username: 'foo') } let(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, user: user) } before { UserActionCreator.enable } after { UserActionCreator.disable } def create_post_and_change_username(args = {}) post = create_post(args.merge(topic_id: args.delete(:revisions)&.each do |revision| post.revise(post.user, revision, force_new_version: true) end UsernameChanger.change(user, 'bar') post.reload end context 'mentions' do it 'rewrites cooked correctly' do post = create_post_and_change_username(raw: "Hello @foo") expect(post.cooked).to eq(%Q(
Hello @bar
)) post.rebake! expect(post.cooked).to eq(%Q(Hello @bar
)) end it 'ignores case when replacing mentions' do post = create_post_and_change_username(raw: "There's no difference between @foo and @Foo") expect(post.raw).to eq("There's no difference between @bar and @bar") expect(post.cooked).to eq(%Q(There’s no difference between @bar and @bar
)) end it 'replaces mentions when there are leading symbols' do post = create_post_and_change_username(raw: ".@foo -@foo %@foo _@foo ,@foo ;@foo @@foo") expect(post.raw).to eq(".@bar -@bar %@bar _@bar ,@bar ;@bar @@bar") expect(post.cooked).to match_html(<<~HTML).@bar -@bar %@bar _@bar ,@bar ;@bar @@bar
HTML end it 'replaces mentions within double and single quotes' do post = create_post_and_change_username(raw: %Q("@foo" '@foo')) expect(post.raw).to eq(%Q("@bar" '@bar')) expect(post.cooked).to eq(%Q()) end it 'replaces mentions when there are trailing symbols' do post = create_post_and_change_username(raw: "@foo. @foo, @foo: @foo; @foo-") expect(post.raw).to eq("@bar. @bar, @bar: @bar; @bar-") expect(post.cooked).to match_html(<<~HTML) HTML end it 'does not replace mention when followed by an underscore' do post = create_post_and_change_username(raw: "@foo_") expect(post.raw).to eq("@foo_") expect(post.cooked).to eq(%Q(@foo_
)) end it 'does not replace mentions when there are leading alphanumeric chars' do post = create_post_and_change_username(raw: "a@foo 2@foo") expect(post.raw).to eq("a@foo 2@foo") expect(post.cooked).to eq(%Q(a@foo 2@foo
)) end it 'does not replace username within email address' do post = create_post_and_change_username(raw: "") expect(post.raw).to eq("") expect(post.cooked).to eq(%Q()) end it 'does not replace username in a mention of a similar username' do Fabricate(:user, username: 'foobar') Fabricate(:user, username: 'foo-bar') Fabricate(:user, username: 'foo_bar') Fabricate(:user, username: 'foo1') post = create_post_and_change_username(raw: "@foo @foobar @foo-bar @foo_bar @foo1") expect(post.raw).to eq("@bar @foobar @foo-bar @foo_bar @foo1") expect(post.cooked).to match_html(<<~HTML)@bar @foobar @foo-bar @foo_bar @foo1
HTML end it 'updates the path to the user even when it links to /user instead of /u' do post = create_post_and_change_username(raw: "Hello @foo") post.update_column(:cooked, post.cooked.gsub("/u/foo", "/users/foo")) expect(post.raw).to eq("Hello @bar") expect(post.cooked).to eq(%Q(Hello @bar
)) end it 'replaces mentions within revisions' do revisions = [{ raw: "Hello Foo" }, { raw: "Hello @foo!" }, { raw: "Hello @foo!!" }] post = create_post_and_change_username(raw: "Hello @foo", revisions: revisions) expect(post.raw).to eq("Hello @bar!!") expect(post.cooked).to eq(%Q(Hello @bar!!
)) expect(post.revisions.count).to eq(3) expect(post.revisions[0].modifications["raw"][0]).to eq("Hello @bar") expect(post.revisions[0].modifications["raw"][1]).to eq("Hello Foo") expect(post.revisions[0].modifications["cooked"][0]).to eq(%Q(Hello @bar
)) expect(post.revisions[0].modifications["cooked"][1]).to eq(%Q(Hello Foo
)) expect(post.revisions[1].modifications["raw"][0]).to eq("Hello Foo") expect(post.revisions[1].modifications["raw"][1]).to eq("Hello @bar!") expect(post.revisions[1].modifications["cooked"][0]).to eq(%Q(Hello Foo
)) expect(post.revisions[1].modifications["cooked"][1]).to eq(%Q(Hello @bar!
)) expect(post.revisions[2].modifications["raw"][0]).to eq("Hello @bar!") expect(post.revisions[2].modifications["raw"][1]).to eq("Hello @bar!!") expect(post.revisions[2].modifications["cooked"][0]).to eq(%Q(Hello @bar!
)) expect(post.revisions[2].modifications["cooked"][1]).to eq(%Q(Hello @bar!!
)) end end context 'quotes' do let(:quoted_post) { create_post(user: user, topic: topic, post_number: 1, raw: "quoted post") } it 'replaces the username in quote tags' do avatar_url = user.avatar_template_url.gsub("{size}", "40") post = create_post_and_change_username(raw: <<~RAW) Lorem ipsum [quote="foo, post:1, topic:#{}"] quoted post [/quote] [quote='foo'] quoted post [/quote] [quote=foo, post:1, topic:#{}] quoted post [/quote] dolor sit amet RAW expect(post.raw).to eq(<<~RAW.strip) Lorem ipsum [quote="bar, post:1, topic:#{}"] quoted post [/quote] [quote='bar'] quoted post [/quote] [quote=bar, post:1, topic:#{}] quoted post [/quote] dolor sit amet RAW expect(post.cooked).to match_html(<<~HTML)Lorem ipsum
dolor sit amet
HTML end # TODO spec for quotes in revisions end end end end