import componentTest from "helpers/component-test"; import { withPluginApi } from "discourse/lib/plugin-api"; moduleForComponent("d-editor", { integration: true }); componentTest("preview updates with markdown", { template: "{{d-editor value=value}}", test(assert) { assert.ok(this.$(".d-editor-button-bar").length); fillIn(".d-editor-input", "hello **world**"); andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.get("value"), "hello **world**"); assert.equal( this.$(".d-editor-preview") .html() .trim(), "

hello world

" ); }); } }); componentTest("preview sanitizes HTML", { template: "{{d-editor value=value}}", test(assert) { fillIn(".d-editor-input", `">`); andThen(() => { assert.equal( this.$(".d-editor-preview") .html() .trim(), '


' ); }); } }); componentTest("updating the value refreshes the preview", { template: "{{d-editor value=value}}", beforeEach() { this.set("value", "evil trout"); }, test(assert) { assert.equal( this.$(".d-editor-preview") .html() .trim(), "

evil trout

" ); andThen(() => this.set("value", "zogstrip")); andThen(() => assert.equal( this.$(".d-editor-preview") .html() .trim(), "


" ) ); } }); function jumpEnd(textarea) { textarea.selectionStart = textarea.value.length; textarea.selectionEnd = textarea.value.length; return textarea; } function testCase(title, testFunc) { componentTest(title, { template: "{{d-editor value=value}}", beforeEach() { this.set("value", "hello world."); }, test(assert) { const textarea = jumpEnd(this.$("textarea.d-editor-input")[0]);, assert, textarea); } }); } function composerTestCase(title, testFunc) { componentTest(title, { template: "{{d-editor value=value composerEvents=true}}", beforeEach() { this.set("value", "hello world."); }, test(assert) { const textarea = jumpEnd(this.$("textarea.d-editor-input")[0]);, assert, textarea); } }); } testCase(`selecting the space before a word`, function(assert, textarea) { textarea.selectionStart = 5; textarea.selectionEnd = 7; click(`button.bold`); andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.get("value"), `hello **w**orld.`); assert.equal(textarea.selectionStart, 8); assert.equal(textarea.selectionEnd, 9); }); }); testCase(`selecting the space after a word`, function(assert, textarea) { textarea.selectionStart = 0; textarea.selectionEnd = 6; click(`button.bold`); andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.get("value"), `**hello** world.`); assert.equal(textarea.selectionStart, 2); assert.equal(textarea.selectionEnd, 7); }); }); testCase(`bold button with no selection`, function(assert, textarea) { click(`button.bold`); andThen(() => { const example = I18n.t(`composer.bold_text`); assert.equal(this.get("value"), `hello world.**${example}**`); assert.equal(textarea.selectionStart, 14); assert.equal(textarea.selectionEnd, 14 + example.length); }); }); testCase(`bold button with a selection`, function(assert, textarea) { textarea.selectionStart = 6; textarea.selectionEnd = 11; click(`button.bold`); andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.get("value"), `hello **world**.`); assert.equal(textarea.selectionStart, 8); assert.equal(textarea.selectionEnd, 13); }); click(`button.bold`); andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.get("value"), "hello world."); assert.equal(textarea.selectionStart, 6); assert.equal(textarea.selectionEnd, 11); }); }); testCase(`bold with a multiline selection`, function(assert, textarea) { this.set("value", "hello\n\nworld\n\ntest."); andThen(() => { textarea.selectionStart = 0; textarea.selectionEnd = 12; }); click(`button.bold`); andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.get("value"), `**hello**\n\n**world**\n\ntest.`); assert.equal(textarea.selectionStart, 0); assert.equal(textarea.selectionEnd, 20); }); click(`button.bold`); andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.get("value"), `hello\n\nworld\n\ntest.`); assert.equal(textarea.selectionStart, 0); assert.equal(textarea.selectionEnd, 12); }); }); testCase(`italic button with no selection`, function(assert, textarea) { click(`button.italic`); andThen(() => { const example = I18n.t(`composer.italic_text`); assert.equal(this.get("value"), `hello world._${example}_`); assert.equal(textarea.selectionStart, 13); assert.equal(textarea.selectionEnd, 13 + example.length); }); }); testCase(`italic button with a selection`, function(assert, textarea) { textarea.selectionStart = 6; textarea.selectionEnd = 11; click(`button.italic`); andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.get("value"), `hello _world_.`); assert.equal(textarea.selectionStart, 7); assert.equal(textarea.selectionEnd, 12); }); click(`button.italic`); andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.get("value"), "hello world."); assert.equal(textarea.selectionStart, 6); assert.equal(textarea.selectionEnd, 11); }); }); testCase(`italic with a multiline selection`, function(assert, textarea) { this.set("value", "hello\n\nworld\n\ntest."); andThen(() => { textarea.selectionStart = 0; textarea.selectionEnd = 12; }); click(`button.italic`); andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.get("value"), `_hello_\n\n_world_\n\ntest.`); assert.equal(textarea.selectionStart, 0); assert.equal(textarea.selectionEnd, 16); }); click(`button.italic`); andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.get("value"), `hello\n\nworld\n\ntest.`); assert.equal(textarea.selectionStart, 0); assert.equal(textarea.selectionEnd, 12); }); }); testCase("link modal (cancel)", function(assert) { assert.equal(this.$(".insert-link.hidden").length, 1); click(""); andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.$(".insert-link.hidden").length, 0); }); click(".insert-link button.btn-danger"); andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.$(".insert-link.hidden").length, 1); assert.equal(this.get("value"), "hello world."); }); }); testCase("link modal (simple link)", function(assert, textarea) { click(""); const url = ""; fillIn(".insert-link", url); click(".insert-link button.btn-primary"); andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.$(".insert-link.hidden").length, 1); assert.equal(this.get("value"), `hello world.[${url}](${url})`); assert.equal(textarea.selectionStart, 13); assert.equal(textarea.selectionEnd, 13 + url.length); }); }); testCase("link modal auto http addition", function(assert) { click(""); fillIn(".insert-link", ""); click(".insert-link button.btn-primary"); andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.get("value"), `hello world.[](`); }); }); testCase("link modal (simple link) with selected text", function( assert, textarea ) { textarea.selectionStart = 0; textarea.selectionEnd = 12; click(""); andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.$("")[0].value, "hello world."); }); fillIn(".insert-link", ""); click(".insert-link button.btn-primary"); andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.$(".insert-link.hidden").length, 1); assert.equal(this.get("value"), "[hello world.]("); }); }); testCase("link modal (link with description)", function(assert) { click(""); fillIn(".insert-link", ""); fillIn(".insert-link", "evil trout"); click(".insert-link button.btn-primary"); andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.$(".insert-link.hidden").length, 1); assert.equal( this.get("value"), "hello world.[evil trout](" ); }); }); componentTest("advanced code", { template: "{{d-editor value=value}}", beforeEach() { this.siteSettings.code_formatting_style = "4-spaces-indent"; this.set( "value", ` function xyz(x, y, z) { if (y === z) { return true; } } ` ); }, test(assert) { const textarea = this.$("textarea.d-editor-input")[0]; textarea.selectionStart = 0; textarea.selectionEnd = textarea.value.length; click("button.code"); andThen(() => { assert.equal( this.get("value"), ` function xyz(x, y, z) { if (y === z) { return true; } } ` ); }); } }); componentTest("code button", { template: "{{d-editor value=value}}", beforeEach() { this.siteSettings.code_formatting_style = "4-spaces-indent"; }, test(assert) { const textarea = jumpEnd(this.$("textarea.d-editor-input")[0]); click("button.code"); andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.get("value"), ` ${I18n.t("composer.code_text")}`); this.set("value", "first line\n\nsecond line\n\nthird line"); textarea.selectionStart = 11; textarea.selectionEnd = 11; }); click("button.code"); andThen(() => { assert.equal( this.get("value"), `first line ${I18n.t("composer.code_text")} second line third line` ); this.set("value", "first line\n\nsecond line\n\nthird line"); }); click("button.code"); andThen(() => { assert.equal( this.get("value"), `first line second line third line\`${I18n.t("composer.code_title")}\`` ); this.set("value", "first line\n\nsecond line\n\nthird line"); }); andThen(() => { textarea.selectionStart = 5; textarea.selectionEnd = 5; }); click("button.code"); andThen(() => { assert.equal( this.get("value"), `first\`${I18n.t("composer.code_title")}\` line second line third line` ); this.set("value", "first line\n\nsecond line\n\nthird line"); }); andThen(() => { textarea.selectionStart = 6; textarea.selectionEnd = 10; }); click("button.code"); andThen(() => { assert.equal( this.get("value"), "first `line`\n\nsecond line\n\nthird line" ); assert.equal(textarea.selectionStart, 7); assert.equal(textarea.selectionEnd, 11); }); click("button.code"); andThen(() => { assert.equal( this.get("value"), "first line\n\nsecond line\n\nthird line" ); assert.equal(textarea.selectionStart, 6); assert.equal(textarea.selectionEnd, 10); textarea.selectionStart = 0; textarea.selectionEnd = 23; }); click("button.code"); andThen(() => { assert.equal( this.get("value"), " first line\n\n second line\n\nthird line" ); assert.equal(textarea.selectionStart, 0); assert.equal(textarea.selectionEnd, 31); }); click("button.code"); andThen(() => { assert.equal( this.get("value"), "first line\n\nsecond line\n\nthird line" ); assert.equal(textarea.selectionStart, 0); assert.equal(textarea.selectionEnd, 23); }); } }); componentTest("code fences", { template: "{{d-editor value=value}}", beforeEach() { this.set("value", ""); }, test(assert) { const textarea = jumpEnd(this.$("textarea.d-editor-input")[0]); click("button.code"); andThen(() => { assert.equal( this.get("value"), `\`\`\` ${I18n.t("composer.paste_code_text")} \`\`\`` ); assert.equal(textarea.selectionStart, 4); assert.equal(textarea.selectionEnd, 27); this.set("value", "first line\nsecond line\nthird line"); textarea.selectionStart = 0; textarea.selectionEnd = textarea.value.length; }); click("button.code"); andThen(() => { assert.equal( this.get("value"), `\`\`\` first line second line third line \`\`\` ` ); assert.equal(textarea.selectionStart, textarea.value.length); assert.equal(textarea.selectionEnd, textarea.value.length); this.set("value", "first line\nsecond line\nthird line"); textarea.selectionStart = 0; textarea.selectionEnd = 0; }); click("button.code"); andThen(() => { assert.equal( this.get("value"), `\`${I18n.t("composer.code_title")}\`first line second line third line` ); assert.equal(textarea.selectionStart, 1); assert.equal( textarea.selectionEnd, I18n.t("composer.code_title").length + 1 ); this.set("value", "first line\nsecond line\nthird line"); textarea.selectionStart = 0; textarea.selectionEnd = 10; }); click("button.code"); andThen(() => { assert.equal( this.get("value"), `\`first line\` second line third line` ); assert.equal(textarea.selectionStart, 1); assert.equal(textarea.selectionEnd, 11); this.set("value", "first line\nsecond line\nthird line"); textarea.selectionStart = 0; textarea.selectionEnd = 23; }); click("button.code"); andThen(() => { assert.equal( this.get("value"), `\`\`\` first line second line \`\`\` third line` ); assert.equal(textarea.selectionStart, 30); assert.equal(textarea.selectionEnd, 30); this.set("value", "first line\nsecond line\nthird line"); textarea.selectionStart = 6; textarea.selectionEnd = 17; }); click("button.code"); andThen(() => { assert.equal( this.get("value"), `first \n\`\`\`\nline\nsecond\n\`\`\`\n line\nthird line` ); assert.equal(textarea.selectionStart, 27); assert.equal(textarea.selectionEnd, 27); }); } }); componentTest("quote button - empty lines", { template: "{{d-editor value=value composerEvents=true}}", beforeEach() { this.set("value", "one\n\ntwo\n\nthree"); }, test(assert) { const textarea = jumpEnd(this.$("textarea.d-editor-input")[0]); andThen(() => { textarea.selectionStart = 0; }); click("button.quote"); andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.get("value"), "> one\n> \n> two\n> \n> three"); assert.equal(textarea.selectionStart, 0); assert.equal(textarea.selectionEnd, 25); }); click("button.quote"); andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.get("value"), "one\n\ntwo\n\nthree"); }); } }); componentTest("quote button - selecting empty lines", { template: "{{d-editor value=value composerEvents=true}}", beforeEach() { this.set("value", "one\n\n\n\ntwo"); }, test(assert) { const textarea = jumpEnd(this.$("textarea.d-editor-input")[0]); andThen(() => { textarea.selectionStart = 6; textarea.selectionEnd = 10; }); click("button.quote"); andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.get("value"), "one\n\n\n> \n> two"); }); } }); testCase("quote button", function(assert, textarea) { andThen(() => { textarea.selectionStart = 6; textarea.selectionEnd = 9; }); click("button.quote"); andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.get("value"), "hello\n\n> wor\n\nld."); assert.equal(textarea.selectionStart, 7); assert.equal(textarea.selectionEnd, 12); }); click("button.quote"); andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.get("value"), "hello\n\nwor\n\nld."); assert.equal(textarea.selectionStart, 7); assert.equal(textarea.selectionEnd, 10); }); andThen(() => { textarea.selectionStart = 15; textarea.selectionEnd = 15; }); click("button.quote"); andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.get("value"), "hello\n\nwor\n\nld.\n\n> Blockquote"); }); }); testCase(`bullet button with no selection`, function(assert, textarea) { const example = I18n.t("composer.list_item"); click(`button.bullet`); andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.get("value"), `hello world.\n\n* ${example}`); assert.equal(textarea.selectionStart, 14); assert.equal(textarea.selectionEnd, 16 + example.length); }); click(`button.bullet`); andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.get("value"), `hello world.\n\n${example}`); }); }); testCase(`bullet button with a selection`, function(assert, textarea) { textarea.selectionStart = 6; textarea.selectionEnd = 11; click(`button.bullet`); andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.get("value"), `hello\n\n* world\n\n.`); assert.equal(textarea.selectionStart, 7); assert.equal(textarea.selectionEnd, 14); }); click(`button.bullet`); andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.get("value"), `hello\n\nworld\n\n.`); assert.equal(textarea.selectionStart, 7); assert.equal(textarea.selectionEnd, 12); }); }); testCase(`bullet button with a multiple line selection`, function( assert, textarea ) { this.set("value", "* Hello\n\nWorld\n\nEvil"); andThen(() => { textarea.selectionStart = 0; textarea.selectionEnd = 20; }); click(`button.bullet`); andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.get("value"), "Hello\n\nWorld\n\nEvil"); assert.equal(textarea.selectionStart, 0); assert.equal(textarea.selectionEnd, 18); }); click(`button.bullet`); andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.get("value"), "* Hello\n\n* World\n\n* Evil"); assert.equal(textarea.selectionStart, 0); assert.equal(textarea.selectionEnd, 24); }); }); testCase(`list button with no selection`, function(assert, textarea) { const example = I18n.t("composer.list_item"); click(`button.list`); andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.get("value"), `hello world.\n\n1. ${example}`); assert.equal(textarea.selectionStart, 14); assert.equal(textarea.selectionEnd, 17 + example.length); }); click(`button.list`); andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.get("value"), `hello world.\n\n${example}`); assert.equal(textarea.selectionStart, 14); assert.equal(textarea.selectionEnd, 14 + example.length); }); }); testCase(`list button with a selection`, function(assert, textarea) { textarea.selectionStart = 6; textarea.selectionEnd = 11; click(`button.list`); andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.get("value"), `hello\n\n1. world\n\n.`); assert.equal(textarea.selectionStart, 7); assert.equal(textarea.selectionEnd, 15); }); click(`button.list`); andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.get("value"), `hello\n\nworld\n\n.`); assert.equal(textarea.selectionStart, 7); assert.equal(textarea.selectionEnd, 12); }); }); testCase(`list button with line sequence`, function(assert, textarea) { this.set("value", "Hello\n\nWorld\n\nEvil"); andThen(() => { textarea.selectionStart = 0; textarea.selectionEnd = 18; }); click(`button.list`); andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.get("value"), "1. Hello\n\n2. World\n\n3. Evil"); assert.equal(textarea.selectionStart, 0); assert.equal(textarea.selectionEnd, 27); }); click(`button.list`); andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.get("value"), "Hello\n\nWorld\n\nEvil"); assert.equal(textarea.selectionStart, 0); assert.equal(textarea.selectionEnd, 18); }); }); componentTest("clicking the toggle-direction button toggles the direction", { template: "{{d-editor value=value}}", beforeEach() { this.siteSettings.support_mixed_text_direction = true; this.siteSettings.default_locale = "en"; }, test(assert) { const textarea = this.$("textarea.d-editor-input"); click("button.toggle-direction"); andThen(() => { assert.equal(textarea.attr("dir"), "rtl"); }); click("button.toggle-direction"); andThen(() => { assert.equal(textarea.attr("dir"), "ltr"); }); } }); testCase(`doesn't jump to bottom with long text`, function(assert, textarea) { let longText = "hello world."; for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) { longText = longText + longText; } this.set("value", longText); andThen(() => { $(textarea).scrollTop(0); textarea.selectionStart = 3; textarea.selectionEnd = 3; }); click("button.bold"); andThen(() => { assert.equal($(textarea).scrollTop(), 0, "it stays scrolled up"); }); }); componentTest("emoji", { template: "{{d-editor value=value}}", beforeEach() { // Test adding a custom button withPluginApi("0.1", api => { api.onToolbarCreate(toolbar => { toolbar.addButton({ id: "emoji", group: "extras", icon: "smile-o", action: "emoji" }); }); }); this.set("value", "hello world."); }, test(assert) { jumpEnd(this.$("textarea.d-editor-input")[0]); click("button.emoji"); click( '.emoji-picker .section[data-section="people"] button.emoji[title="grinning"]' ); andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.get("value"), "hello world.:grinning:"); }); } }); testCase("replace-text event by default", function(assert) { this.set("value", "red green blue"); andThen(() => { this.container .lookup("app-events:main") .trigger("composer:replace-text", "green", "yellow"); }); andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.get("value"), "red green blue"); }); }); composerTestCase("replace-text event for composer", function(assert) { this.set("value", "red green blue"); andThen(() => { this.container .lookup("app-events:main") .trigger("composer:replace-text", "green", "yellow"); }); andThen(() => { assert.equal(this.get("value"), "red yellow blue"); }); }); (() => { // Tests to check cursor/selection after replace-text event. const BEFORE = "red green blue"; const NEEDLE = "green"; const REPLACE = "yellow"; const AFTER = BEFORE.replace(NEEDLE, REPLACE); const CASES = [ { description: "cursor at start remains there", before: [0, 0], after: [0, 0] }, { description: "cursor before needle becomes cursor before replacement", before: [BEFORE.indexOf(NEEDLE), 0], after: [AFTER.indexOf(REPLACE), 0] }, { description: "cursor at needle start + 1 moves behind replacement", before: [BEFORE.indexOf(NEEDLE) + 1, 0], after: [AFTER.indexOf(REPLACE) + REPLACE.length, 0] }, { description: "cursor at needle end - 1 stays behind replacement", before: [BEFORE.indexOf(NEEDLE) + NEEDLE.length - 1, 0], after: [AFTER.indexOf(REPLACE) + REPLACE.length, 0] }, { description: "cursor behind needle becomes cursor behind replacement", before: [BEFORE.indexOf(NEEDLE) + NEEDLE.length, 0], after: [AFTER.indexOf(REPLACE) + REPLACE.length, 0] }, { description: "cursor at end remains there", before: [BEFORE.length, 0], after: [AFTER.length, 0] }, { description: "selection spanning needle start becomes selection until replacement start", before: [BEFORE.indexOf(NEEDLE) - 1, 2], after: [AFTER.indexOf(REPLACE) - 1, 1] }, { description: "selection spanning needle end becomes selection from replacement end", before: [BEFORE.indexOf(NEEDLE) + NEEDLE.length - 1, 2], after: [AFTER.indexOf(REPLACE) + REPLACE.length, 1] }, { description: "selection spanning needle becomes selection spanning replacement", before: [BEFORE.indexOf(NEEDLE) - 1, NEEDLE.length + 2], after: [AFTER.indexOf(REPLACE) - 1, REPLACE.length + 2] }, { description: "complete selection remains complete", before: [0, BEFORE.length], after: [0, AFTER.length] } ]; function setSelection(textarea, [start, len]) { textarea.selectionStart = start; textarea.selectionEnd = start + len; } function getSelection(textarea) { const start = textarea.selectionStart; const end = textarea.selectionEnd; return [start, end - start]; } function formatTextWithSelection(text, [start, len]) { return [ '"', text.substr(0, start), "<", text.substr(start, len), ">", text.substr(start + len), '"' ].join(""); } for (let i = 0; i < CASES.length; i++) { const CASE = CASES[i]; composerTestCase(`replace-text event: ${CASE.description}`, function( assert, textarea ) { this.set("value", BEFORE); setSelection(textarea, CASE.before); andThen(() => { this.container .lookup("app-events:main") .trigger("composer:replace-text", "green", "yellow"); }); andThen(() => { let expect = formatTextWithSelection(AFTER, CASE.after); let actual = formatTextWithSelection( this.get("value"), getSelection(textarea) ); assert.equal(actual, expect); }); }); } })();