import createStore from 'helpers/create-store'; QUnit.module("lib:category-link"); import parseHTML from 'discourse/helpers/parse-html'; import { categoryBadgeHTML } from "discourse/helpers/category-link"; QUnit.test("categoryBadge without a category", assert => { assert.blank(categoryBadgeHTML(), "it returns no HTML"); }); QUnit.test("Regular categoryBadge", assert => { const store = createStore(); const category = store.createRecord('category', { name: 'hello', id: 123, description_text: 'cool description', color: 'ff0', text_color: 'f00' }); const tag = parseHTML(categoryBadgeHTML(category))[0]; assert.equal(, 'a', 'it creates a `a` wrapper tag'); assert.equal(tag.attributes['class'].trim(), 'badge-wrapper', 'it has the correct class'); const label = tag.children[1]; assert.equal(label.attributes.title, 'cool description', 'it has the correct title'); assert.equal(label.children[0].children[0].data, 'hello', 'it has the category name'); }); QUnit.test("undefined color", assert => { const store = createStore(); const noColor = store.createRecord('category', { name: 'hello', id: 123 }); const tag = parseHTML(categoryBadgeHTML(noColor))[0]; assert.blank(, "it has no color style because there are no colors"); }); QUnit.test("allowUncategorized", assert => { const store = createStore(); const uncategorized = store.createRecord('category', {name: 'uncategorized', id: 345}); sandbox.stub(Discourse.Site, 'currentProp').withArgs('uncategorized_category_id').returns(345); assert.blank(categoryBadgeHTML(uncategorized), "it doesn't return HTML for uncategorized by default"); assert.present(categoryBadgeHTML(uncategorized, {allowUncategorized: true}), "it returns HTML"); }); QUnit.test("category names are wrapped in dir-spans", assert => { Discourse.SiteSettings.support_mixed_text_direction = true; const store = createStore(); const rtlCategory = store.createRecord('category', { name: 'תכנות עם Ruby', id: 123, description_text: 'cool description', color: 'ff0', text_color: 'f00' }); const ltrCategory = store.createRecord('category', { name: 'Programming in Ruby', id: 234 }); let tag = parseHTML(categoryBadgeHTML(rtlCategory))[0]; let dirSpan = tag.children[1].children[0]; assert.equal(dirSpan.attributes.dir, 'rtl'); tag = parseHTML(categoryBadgeHTML(ltrCategory))[0]; dirSpan = tag.children[1].children[0]; assert.equal(dirSpan.attributes.dir, 'ltr'); });