require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../config/environment") require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/base.rb") # Edit the constants and initialize method for your import data. class ImportScripts::Ning < ImportScripts::Base JSON_FILES_DIR = "/path/to/json/archive/json/files" ATTACHMENT_PREFIXES = ["discussions", "pages", "blogs", "members", "photos"] EXTRA_AUTHORIZED_EXTENSIONS = ["bmp", "ico", "txt", "pdf"] def initialize super @system_user = Discourse.system_user @users_json = load_ning_json("ning-members-local.json") @discussions_json = load_ning_json("ning-discussions-local.json") @blogs_json = load_ning_json("ning-blogs-local.json") @pages_json = load_ning_json("ning-pages-local.json") #SiteSetting.max_image_size_kb = 3072 #SiteSetting.max_attachment_size_kb = 1024 SiteSetting.authorized_extensions = (SiteSetting.authorized_extensions.split("|") + EXTRA_AUTHORIZED_EXTENSIONS).uniq.join("|") end def execute puts "", "Importing from Ning..." import_users import_categories import_discussions import_blogs import_pages suspend_users puts "", "Done" end def load_ning_json(arg) filename = File.join(JSON_FILES_DIR, arg) raise"File #{filename} not found!") if !File.exists?(filename) JSON.parse(repair_json( end def repair_json(arg) arg.gsub!(/^\(/, "") # content of file is surround by ( ) arg.gsub!(/\)$/, "") arg.gsub!(/\}\{/, "},{") # missing commas sometimes! arg end def import_users puts '', "Importing users" staff_levels = ["admin", "moderator", "owner"] create_users(@users_json) do |u| { id: u["contributorName"], name: u["fullName"], email: u["email"], created_at:["createdDate"]), date_of_birth: u["birthdate"] ?["birthdate"]) : nil, location: "#{u["location"]} #{u["country"]}", avatar_url: u["profilePhoto"], bio_raw: u["profileQuestions"].is_a?(Hash) ? u["profileQuestions"]["About Me"] : nil, post_create_action: proc do |newuser| if staff_levels.include?(u["level"].downcase) if u["level"].downcase == "admin" || u["level"].downcase == "owner" newuser.admin = true else newuser.moderator = true end end if u["profilePhoto"] photo_path = file_full_path(u["profilePhoto"]) if File.exists?(photo_path) begin upload = create_upload(, photo_path, File.basename(photo_path)) if upload.persisted? newuser.import_mode = false newuser.create_user_avatar newuser.import_mode = true newuser.user_avatar.update(custom_upload_id: newuser.update(uploaded_avatar_id: else puts "Error: Upload did not persist for #{photo_path}!" end rescue SystemCallError => err puts "Could not import avatar #{photo_path}: #{err.message}" end else puts "avatar file not found at #{photo_path}" end end end } end end def suspend_users puts '', "Updating suspended users" count = 0 suspended = 0 total = @users_json.size @users_json.each do |u| if u["state"].downcase == "suspended" if user = find_user_by_import_id(u["contributorName"]) user.suspended_at = user.suspended_till = 200.years.from_now if, "Import data indicates account is suspended.") suspended += 1 else puts "Failed to suspend user #{user.username}. #{user.errors.try(:full_messages).try(:inspect)}" end end end count += 1 print_status count, total end puts "", "Marked #{suspended} users as suspended." end def import_categories puts "", "Importing categories" create_categories((["Blog", "Pages"] + { |d| d["category"] }).uniq.compact) do |name| if name.downcase == "uncategorized" nil else { id: name, # ning has no id for categories, so use the name name: name } end end end def import_discussions puts "", "Importing discussions" import_topics(@discussions_json) end def import_blogs puts "", "Importing blogs" import_topics(@blogs_json, "Blog") end def import_pages puts "", "Importing pages" import_topics(@pages_json, "Pages") end def import_topics(topics_json, default_category=nil) topics = 0 posts = 0 total = topics_json.size # number of topics. posts are embedded in the topic json, so we can't get total post count quickly. topics_json.each do |topic| if topic["title"].present? && topic["description"].present? @current_topic_title = topic["title"] # for debugging mapped = {} mapped[:id] = topic["id"] mapped[:user_id] = user_id_from_imported_user_id(topic["contributorName"]) || -1 mapped[:created_at] =["createdDate"]) unless topic["category"].nil? || topic["category"].downcase == "uncategorized" mapped[:category] = category_from_imported_category_id(topic["category"]).try(:name) end if topic["category"].nil? && default_category mapped[:category] = default_category end mapped[:title] = CGI.unescapeHTML(topic["title"]) mapped[:raw] = process_ning_post_body(topic["description"]) if topic["fileAttachments"] mapped[:raw] = add_file_attachments(mapped[:raw], topic["fileAttachments"]) end parent_post = create_post(mapped, mapped[:id]) unless parent_post.is_a?(Post) puts "Error creating topic #{mapped[:id]}. Skipping." puts parent_post.inspect end if topic["comments"].present? topic["comments"].reverse.each do |post| raw = process_ning_post_body(post["description"]) if post["fileAttachments"] raw = add_file_attachments(raw, post["fileAttachments"]) end new_post = create_post({ id: post["id"], topic_id: parent_post.topic_id, user_id: user_id_from_imported_user_id(post["contributorName"]) || -1, raw: raw, created_at:["createdDate"]) }, post["id"]) if new_post.is_a?(Post) posts += 1 else puts "Error creating post #{post["id"]}. Skipping." puts new_post.inspect end end end end topics += 1 print_status topics, total end puts "", "Imported #{topics} topics with #{topics + posts} posts." [topics, posts] end def file_full_path(relpath) File.join JSON_FILES_DIR, relpath.split("?").first end def attachment_regex @_attachment_regex ||=[]*)href="(?:#{ATTACHMENT_PREFIXES.join('|')})\/(?:[^"]+)"(?:[^>]*)>]*)src="([^"]+)"(?:[^>]*)><\/a>]) end def youtube_iframe_regex @_youtube_iframe_regex ||=[

]*)src="\/\/\/embed\/([^"]+)"(?:[^>]*)><\/iframe>(?:[^<]*)<\/p>]) end def process_ning_post_body(arg) raw = arg.gsub("

\n", "

") # youtube iframe raw.gsub!(youtube_iframe_regex) do |s| matches = youtube_iframe_regex.match(s) video_id = matches[1].split("?").first next s unless video_id "\n\n{video_id}\n" end # attachments raw.gsub!(attachment_regex) do |s| matches = attachment_regex.match(s) ning_filename = matches[1] filename = File.join(JSON_FILES_DIR, ning_filename.split("?").first) if !File.exists?(filename) puts "Attachment file doesn't exist: #{filename}" next s end upload = create_upload(, filename, File.basename(filename)) if upload.nil? || !upload.valid? puts "Upload not valid :( #{filename}" puts upload.errors.inspect if upload next s end html_for_upload(upload, File.basename(filename)) end raw end def add_file_attachments(arg, file_names) raw = arg file_names.each do |f| filename = File.join(JSON_FILES_DIR, f.split("?").first) if !File.exists?(filename) puts "Attachment file doesn't exist: #{filename}" next end upload = create_upload(, filename, File.basename(filename)) if upload.nil? || !upload.valid? puts "Upload not valid :( #{filename}" puts upload.errors.inspect if upload next end raw += "\n" + attachment_html(upload, File.basename(filename)) end raw end end if __FILE__==$0 end