class PlainTextToMarkdown SIGNATURE_SEPARATOR ||= "-- ".freeze URL_REGEX ||= /((?:https?:(?:\/{1,3}|[a-z0-9%])|www\d{0,3}[.])(?:[^\s()<>]+|\([^\s()<>]+\))+(?:\([^\s()<>]+\)|[^`!()\[\]{};:'".,<>?«»“”‘’\s]))/i def initialize(plaintext, opts = {}) @plaintext = plaintext @lines = [] @format_flowed = opts[:format_flowed] || false @delete_flowed_space = opts[:delete_flowed_space] || false end def to_markdown prepare_lines classify_lines markdown = "" last_quote_level = 0 last_line_blank = false @lines.each do |line| current_line_blank = line.text.blank? unless last_line_blank && current_line_blank if line.quote_level > 0 quote_identifiers = ">" * line.quote_level markdown << quote_identifiers << "\n" unless line.quote_level >= last_quote_level || current_line_blank markdown << quote_identifiers markdown << " " unless current_line_blank else markdown << "\n" unless last_quote_level == 0 || current_line_blank end markdown << convert_text(line) markdown << "\n" end last_line_blank = current_line_blank last_quote_level = line.quote_level end markdown.rstrip! markdown end private class CodeBlock <, :end_line) def initialize(start_line, end_line = nil) super end def valid? start_line.present? && end_line.present? end end class Line <, :quote_level, :code_block) def initialize(text, quote_level = 0, code_block = nil) super end def valid_code_block? code_block&.valid? end end def prepare_lines previous_line = nil @plaintext.each_line do |text| text.chomp! line = remove_quote_level_indicators!(line) if @format_flowed line = merge_lines(line, previous_line) @lines << line unless line == previous_line else @lines << line end previous_line = line end end def classify_lines previous_line = nil @lines.each do |line| classify_line_as_code!(line, previous_line) previous_line = line end end # @param line [Line] def remove_quote_level_indicators!(line) match_data = line.text.match(/^(?>+)\s?(?.*)/) if match_data line.text = match_data[:text] line.quote_level = match_data[:indicators].length end end # @param line [Line] # @param previous_line [Line] # @return [Line] def merge_lines(line, previous_line) return line if previous_line.nil? || line.text.blank? return line if line.text == SIGNATURE_SEPARATOR || previous_line.text == SIGNATURE_SEPARATOR return line unless line.quote_level == previous_line.quote_level && previous_line.text.end_with?(" ") previous_line.text = previous_line.text[0...-1] if @delete_flowed_space previous_line.text += line.text previous_line end # @param line [Line] # @param previous_line [Line] def classify_line_as_code!(line, previous_line) line.code_block = previous_line.code_block unless previous_line.nil? || previous_line.valid_code_block? return unless line.text =~ /^\s{0,3}```/ if line.code_block.present? line.code_block.end_line = line else line.code_block = end end # @param line [Line] # @return [string] def convert_text(line) text = line.text if line.valid_code_block? code_block = line.code_block return code_block.start_line == line || code_block.end_line == line ? text.lstrip : text end converted_text = replace_duplicate_links(text) converted_text = escape_special_characters(converted_text) converted_text = indent_with_non_breaking_spaces(converted_text) converted_text end def replace_duplicate_links(text) text.to_enum(:scan, URL_REGEX) .map { $& } .group_by { |url| url } .keep_if { |_, urls | urls.length > 1 } .keys.each do |url| text.gsub!(|#{url}(\s*[()\\[\\]<>«»'"“”‘’]?#{url}[()\\[\\]<>«»'"“”‘’]?)|, Regexp::IGNORECASE), url) end text end def indent_with_non_breaking_spaces(text) text.sub(/^\s+/) do |s| # replace tabs with 2 spaces s.gsub!("\t", " ") # replace indentation with non-breaking spaces s.length > 1 ? " " * s.length : s end end def escape_special_characters(text) escaped_text = "" text.split(URL_REGEX).each do |text_part| if text_part =~ URL_REGEX # no escaping withing URLs escaped_text << text_part else # escape Markdown and HTML text_part.gsub!(/[\\`*_{}\[\]()#+\-.!~]/) { |c| "\\#{c}" } escaped_text << CGI.escapeHTML(text_part) end end escaped_text end end