# frozen_string_literal: true RSpec.describe Search do fab!(:admin) { Fabricate(:admin) } fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic) } before do SearchIndexer.enable Jobs.run_immediately! end describe "#ts_config" do it "maps locales to correct Postgres dictionaries" do expect(Search.ts_config).to eq("english") expect(Search.ts_config("en")).to eq("english") expect(Search.ts_config("en_GB")).to eq("english") expect(Search.ts_config("pt_BR")).to eq("portuguese") expect(Search.ts_config("tr")).to eq("turkish") expect(Search.ts_config("xx")).to eq("simple") end end describe "#GroupedSearchResults.blurb_for" do it "strips audio and video URLs from search blurb" do cooked = <<~RAW link to an external page: https://google.com/?u=bar link to an audio file: https://somesite.com/content/file123.m4a link to a video file: https://somesite.com/content/somethingelse.MOV RAW result = Search::GroupedSearchResults.blurb_for(cooked: cooked) expect(result).to eq( "link to an external page: https://google.com/?u=bar link to an audio file: #{I18n.t("search.audio")} link to a video file: #{I18n.t("search.video")}", ) end it "strips URLs correctly when blurb is longer than limit" do cooked = <<~RAW Here goes a test cooked with enough characters to hit the blurb limit. Something is very interesting about this audio file. http://localhost/uploads/default/original/1X/90adc0092b30c04b761541bc0322d0dce3d896e7.m4a RAW result = Search::GroupedSearchResults.blurb_for(cooked: cooked) expect(result).to eq( "Here goes a test cooked with enough characters to hit the blurb limit. Something is very interesting about this audio file. #{I18n.t("search.audio")}", ) end it "does not fail on bad URLs" do cooked = <<~RAW invalid URL: http:error] should not trip up blurb generation. RAW result = Search::GroupedSearchResults.blurb_for(cooked: cooked) expect(result).to eq("invalid URL: http:error] should not trip up blurb generation.") end end describe "#execute" do before { SiteSetting.tagging_enabled = true } context "with staff tags" do fab!(:hidden_tag) { Fabricate(:tag) } let!(:staff_tag_group) do Fabricate(:tag_group, permissions: { "staff" => 1 }, tag_names: [hidden_tag.name]) end fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, tags: [hidden_tag]) } fab!(:post) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) } before do SiteSetting.tagging_enabled = true SearchIndexer.enable SearchIndexer.index(hidden_tag, force: true) SearchIndexer.index(topic, force: true) end it "are visible to staff users" do result = Search.execute(hidden_tag.name, guardian: Guardian.new(Fabricate(:admin))) expect(result.tags).to contain_exactly(hidden_tag) end it "are hidden to regular users" do result = Search.execute(hidden_tag.name, guardian: Guardian.new(Fabricate(:user))) expect(result.tags).to contain_exactly() end end context "with accents" do fab!(:post_1) { Fabricate(:post, raw: "Cette ****** d'art n'est pas une œuvre") } fab!(:post_2) { Fabricate(:post, raw: "Cette oeuvre d'art n'est pas une *****") } before { SearchIndexer.enable } after { SearchIndexer.disable } it "removes them if search_ignore_accents" do SiteSetting.search_ignore_accents = true [post_1, post_2].each { |post| SearchIndexer.index(post.topic, force: true) } expect(Search.execute("oeuvre").posts).to contain_exactly(post_1, post_2) expect(Search.execute("œuvre").posts).to contain_exactly(post_1, post_2) end it "does not remove them if not search_ignore_accents" do SiteSetting.search_ignore_accents = false [post_1, post_2].each { |post| SearchIndexer.index(post.topic, force: true) } expect(Search.execute("œuvre").posts).to contain_exactly(post_1) expect(Search.execute("oeuvre").posts).to contain_exactly(post_2) end end context "when search_ranking_weights site setting has been configured" do fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, title: "Some random topic title start") } fab!(:topic2) { Fabricate(:topic, title: "Some random topic title") } fab!(:post1) { Fabricate(:post, raw: "start", topic: topic) } fab!(:post2) { Fabricate(:post, raw: "#{"start " * 100}", topic: topic2) } before do SearchIndexer.enable SiteSetting.max_duplicate_search_index_terms = -1 SiteSetting.prioritize_exact_search_title_match = false [post1, post2].each { |post| SearchIndexer.index(post, force: true) } end after { SearchIndexer.disable } it "should apply the custom ranking weights correctly" do expect(Search.execute("start").posts).to eq([post2, post1]) SiteSetting.search_ranking_weights = "{0.00001,0.2,0.4,1.0}" expect(Search.execute("start").posts).to eq([post1, post2]) end end end describe "custom_eager_load" do fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic) } fab!(:post) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) } before do SearchIndexer.enable SearchIndexer.index(topic, force: true) end it "includes custom tables" do begin SiteSetting.tagging_enabled = false expect(Search.execute("test").posts[0].topic.association(:category).loaded?).to be true expect(Search.execute("test").posts[0].topic.association(:tags).loaded?).to be false SiteSetting.tagging_enabled = true Search.custom_topic_eager_load([:topic_users]) Search.custom_topic_eager_load() { [:bookmarks] } expect(Search.execute("test").posts[0].topic.association(:tags).loaded?).to be true expect(Search.execute("test").posts[0].topic.association(:topic_users).loaded?).to be true expect(Search.execute("test").posts[0].topic.association(:bookmarks).loaded?).to be true ensure SiteSetting.tagging_enabled = false Search.instance_variable_set(:@custom_topic_eager_loads, []) end end end describe "users" do fab!(:user) { Fabricate(:user, username: "DonaldDuck") } fab!(:user2) { Fabricate(:user) } before do SearchIndexer.enable SearchIndexer.index(user, force: true) end it "finds users by their names or custom fields" do result = Search.execute("donaldduck", guardian: Guardian.new(user2)) expect(result.users).to contain_exactly(user) user_field = Fabricate(:user_field, name: "custom field") UserCustomField.create!(user: user, value: "test", name: "user_field_#{user_field.id}") Jobs::ReindexSearch.new.execute({}) result = Search.execute("test", guardian: Guardian.new(user2)) expect(result.users).to be_empty user_field.update!(searchable: true) Jobs::ReindexSearch.new.execute({}) result = Search.execute("test", guardian: Guardian.new(user2)) expect(result.users).to contain_exactly(user) user_field2 = Fabricate(:user_field, name: "another custom field", searchable: true) UserCustomField.create!( user: user, value: "longer test", name: "user_field_#{user_field2.id}", ) UserCustomField.create!( user: user2, value: "second user test", name: "user_field_#{user_field2.id}", ) SearchIndexer.index(user, force: true) SearchIndexer.index(user2, force: true) result = Search.execute("test", guardian: Guardian.new(user2)) expect(result.users.find { |u| u.id == user.id }.custom_data).to eq( [ { name: "custom field", value: "test" }, { name: "another custom field", value: "longer test" }, ], ) expect(result.users.find { |u| u.id == user2.id }.custom_data).to eq( [{ name: "another custom field", value: "second user test" }], ) end context "when using SiteSetting.enable_listing_suspended_users_on_search" do fab!(:suspended_user) do Fabricate( :user, username: "revolver_ocelot", suspended_at: Time.now, suspended_till: 5.days.from_now, ) end before { SearchIndexer.index(suspended_user, force: true) } it "should list suspended users to regular users if the setting is enabled" do SiteSetting.enable_listing_suspended_users_on_search = true result = Search.execute("revolver_ocelot", guardian: Guardian.new(user)) expect(result.users).to contain_exactly(suspended_user) end it "shouldn't list suspended users to regular users if the setting is disabled" do SiteSetting.enable_listing_suspended_users_on_search = false result = Search.execute("revolver_ocelot", guardian: Guardian.new(user)) expect(result.users).to be_empty end it "should list suspended users to admins regardless of the setting" do SiteSetting.enable_listing_suspended_users_on_search = false result = Search.execute("revolver_ocelot", guardian: Guardian.new(Fabricate(:admin))) expect(result.users).to contain_exactly(suspended_user) end end end describe "categories" do it "finds topics in sub-sub-categories" do SiteSetting.max_category_nesting = 3 category = Fabricate(:category_with_definition) subcategory = Fabricate(:category_with_definition, parent_category_id: category.id) subsubcategory = Fabricate(:category_with_definition, parent_category_id: subcategory.id) topic = Fabricate(:topic, category: subsubcategory) post = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) SearchIndexer.enable SearchIndexer.index(post, force: true) expect(Search.execute("test ##{category.slug}").posts).to contain_exactly(post) expect(Search.execute("test ##{category.slug}:#{subcategory.slug}").posts).to contain_exactly( post, ) expect(Search.execute("test ##{subcategory.slug}").posts).to contain_exactly(post) expect( Search.execute("test ##{subcategory.slug}:#{subsubcategory.slug}").posts, ).to contain_exactly(post) expect(Search.execute("test ##{subsubcategory.slug}").posts).to contain_exactly(post) expect(Search.execute("test #=#{category.slug}").posts).to be_empty expect(Search.execute("test #=#{category.slug}:#{subcategory.slug}").posts).to be_empty expect(Search.execute("test #=#{subcategory.slug}").posts).to be_empty expect( Search.execute("test #=#{subcategory.slug}:#{subsubcategory.slug}").posts, ).to contain_exactly(post) expect(Search.execute("test #=#{subsubcategory.slug}").posts).to contain_exactly(post) end end describe "post indexing" do fab!(:category) { Fabricate(:category_with_definition, name: "america") } fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, title: "sam saffron test topic", category: category) } let!(:post) do Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, raw: 'this fun test ') end let!(:post2) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) } it "should index correctly" do search_data = post.post_search_data.search_data expect(search_data).to match(/fun/) expect(search_data).to match(/sam/) expect(search_data).to match(/america/) expect do topic.update!(title: "harpi is the new title") end.to change { post2.reload.post_search_data.version }.from(SearchIndexer::POST_INDEX_VERSION).to(SearchIndexer::REINDEX_VERSION) expect(post.post_search_data.reload.search_data).to match(/harpi/) end it "should update posts index when topic category changes" do expect do topic.update!(category: Fabricate(:category)) end.to change { post.reload.post_search_data.version }.from(SearchIndexer::POST_INDEX_VERSION).to(SearchIndexer::REINDEX_VERSION).and change { post2.reload.post_search_data.version }.from(SearchIndexer::POST_INDEX_VERSION).to(SearchIndexer::REINDEX_VERSION) end it "should update posts index when topic tags changes" do SiteSetting.tagging_enabled = true tag = Fabricate(:tag) expect do DiscourseTagging.tag_topic_by_names(topic, Guardian.new(admin), [tag.name]) topic.save! end.to change { post.reload.post_search_data.version }.from( SearchIndexer::POST_INDEX_VERSION, ).to(SearchIndexer::REINDEX_VERSION).and change { post2.reload.post_search_data.version }.from(SearchIndexer::POST_INDEX_VERSION).to(SearchIndexer::REINDEX_VERSION) expect(topic.tags).to eq([tag]) end end describe "user indexing" do before do @user = Fabricate(:user, username: "fred", name: "bob jones") @indexed = @user.user_search_data.search_data end it "should pick up on data" do expect(@indexed).to match(/fred/) expect(@indexed).to match(/jone/) end end describe "category indexing" do let!(:category) { Fabricate(:category_with_definition, name: "america") } let!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, category: category) } let!(:post) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) } let!(:post2) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) } let!(:post3) { Fabricate(:post) } it "should index correctly" do expect(category.category_search_data.search_data).to match(/america/) end it "should update posts index when category name changes" do expect do category.update!(name: "some new name") end.to change { post.reload.post_search_data.version }.from(SearchIndexer::POST_INDEX_VERSION).to(SearchIndexer::REINDEX_VERSION).and change { post2.reload.post_search_data.version }.from(SearchIndexer::POST_INDEX_VERSION).to(SearchIndexer::REINDEX_VERSION) expect(post3.post_search_data.version).to eq(SearchIndexer::POST_INDEX_VERSION) end end it "strips zero-width characters from search terms" do term = "\u0063\u0061\u0070\u0079\u200b\u200c\u200d\ufeff\u0062\u0061\u0072\u0061".encode("UTF-8") expect(term == "capybara").to eq(false) search = Search.new(term) expect(search.valid?).to eq(true) expect(search.term).to eq("capybara") expect(search.clean_term).to eq("capybara") end it "replaces curly quotes to regular quotes in search terms" do term = "“discourse”" expect(term == '"discourse"').to eq(false) search = Search.new(term) expect(search.valid?).to eq(true) expect(search.term).to eq('"discourse"') expect(search.clean_term).to eq('"discourse"') end it "does not search when the search term is too small" do search = Search.new("evil", min_search_term_length: 5) search.execute expect(search.valid?).to eq(false) expect(search.term).to eq("") end it "needs at least one term that hits the length" do search = Search.new("a b c d", min_search_term_length: 5) search.execute expect(search.valid?).to eq(false) expect(search.term).to eq("") end it "searches for quoted short terms" do search = Search.new('"a b c d"', min_search_term_length: 5) search.execute expect(search.valid?).to eq(true) expect(search.term).to eq('"a b c d"') end it "searches for short terms if one hits the length" do search = Search.new("a b c okaylength", min_search_term_length: 5) search.execute expect(search.valid?).to eq(true) expect(search.term).to eq("a b c okaylength") end describe "query sanitization" do let!(:post) { Fabricate(:post, raw: "hello world") } it "escapes backslash" do expect(Search.execute('hello\\').posts).to contain_exactly(post) end it "escapes single quote" do expect(Search.execute("hello'").posts).to contain_exactly(post) end it "escapes non-alphanumeric characters" do expect(Search.execute('hello :!$);}]>@\#\"\'').posts).to contain_exactly(post) end end it "works when given two terms with spaces" do expect { Search.execute("evil trout") }.not_to raise_error end describe "users" do let!(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } let(:result) { Search.execute("bruce", type_filter: "user") } it "returns a result" do expect(result.users.length).to eq(1) expect(result.users[0].id).to eq(user.id) end context "when hiding user profiles" do before { SiteSetting.hide_user_profiles_from_public = true } it "returns no result for anon" do expect(result.users.length).to eq(0) end it "returns a result for logged in users" do result = Search.execute("bruce", type_filter: "user", guardian: Guardian.new(user)) expect(result.users.length).to eq(1) end end end describe "inactive users" do let!(:inactive_user) { Fabricate(:inactive_user, active: false) } let(:result) { Search.execute("bruce") } it "does not return a result" do expect(result.users.length).to eq(0) end end describe "staged users" do let(:staged) { Fabricate(:staged) } let(:result) { Search.execute(staged.username) } it "does not return a result" do expect(result.users.length).to eq(0) end end describe "private messages" do let!(:post) { Fabricate(:private_message_post) } let(:topic) { post.topic } let!(:reply) do Fabricate( :private_message_post, topic: post.topic, raw: "hello from mars, we just landed", user: post.user, ) end let!(:post2) { Fabricate(:private_message_post, raw: "another secret pm from mars, testing") } it "searches correctly as an admin" do results = Search.execute("mars", type_filter: "private_messages", guardian: Guardian.new(admin)) expect(results.posts).to eq([]) end it "searches correctly as an admin given another user's context" do results = Search.execute( "mars", type_filter: "private_messages", search_context: reply.user, guardian: Guardian.new(admin), ) expect(results.posts).to contain_exactly(reply) end it "raises the right error when a normal user searches for another user's context" do expect do Search.execute( "mars", search_context: reply.user, type_filter: "private_messages", guardian: Guardian.new(Fabricate(:user)), ) end.to raise_error(Discourse::InvalidAccess) end it "searches correctly as a user" do results = Search.execute("mars", type_filter: "private_messages", guardian: Guardian.new(reply.user)) expect(results.posts).to contain_exactly(reply) end it "searches correctly for a user with no private messages" do results = Search.execute( "mars", type_filter: "private_messages", guardian: Guardian.new(Fabricate(:user)), ) expect(results.posts).to eq([]) end it "searches correctly" do expect do Search.execute("mars", type_filter: "private_messages") end.to raise_error( Discourse::InvalidAccess, ) results = Search.execute("mars", type_filter: "private_messages", guardian: Guardian.new(reply.user)) expect(results.posts).to contain_exactly(reply) results = Search.execute("mars", search_context: topic, guardian: Guardian.new(reply.user)) expect(results.posts).to contain_exactly(reply) # can search group PMs as well as non admin user = Fabricate(:user) group = Fabricate.build(:group) group.add(user) group.save! TopicAllowedGroup.create!(group_id: group.id, topic_id: topic.id) [ "mars in:personal", "mars IN:PERSONAL", "in:messages mars", "IN:MESSAGES mars", ].each do |query| results = Search.execute(query, guardian: Guardian.new(user)) expect(results.posts).to contain_exactly(reply) end end context "with personal_messages filter" do it "does not allow a normal user to search for personal messages of another user" do expect do Search.execute( "mars personal_messages:#{post.user.username}", guardian: Guardian.new(Fabricate(:user)), ) end.to raise_error(Discourse::InvalidAccess) end it "searches correctly for the PM of the given user" do results = Search.execute( "mars personal_messages:#{post.user.username}", guardian: Guardian.new(admin), ) expect(results.posts).to contain_exactly(reply) end it "returns the right results if username is invalid" do results = Search.execute("mars personal_messages:random_username", guardian: Guardian.new(admin)) expect(results.posts).to eq([]) end end context "with all-pms flag" do it "returns matching PMs if the user is an admin" do results = Search.execute("mars in:all-pms", guardian: Guardian.new(admin)) expect(results.posts).to include(reply, post2) end it "returns nothing if the user is not an admin" do results = Search.execute("mars in:all-pms", guardian: Guardian.new(Fabricate(:user))) expect(results.posts).to be_empty end it "returns nothing if the user is a moderator" do results = Search.execute("mars in:all-pms", guardian: Guardian.new(Fabricate(:moderator))) expect(results.posts).to be_empty end end context "with personal-direct and group_messages flags" do let!(:current) { Fabricate(:user, admin: true, username: "current_user") } let!(:participant) { Fabricate(:user, username: "participant_1") } let!(:participant_2) { Fabricate(:user, username: "participant_2") } let!(:non_participant) { Fabricate(:user, username: "non_participant") } let(:group) do group = Fabricate(:group, has_messages: true) group.add(current) group.add(participant) group end def create_pm(users:, group: nil) Group.refresh_automatic_groups! pm = Fabricate(:private_message_post_one_user, user: users.first).topic users[1..-1].each do |u| pm.invite(users.first, u.username) Fabricate(:post, user: u, topic: pm) end if group pm.invite_group(users.first, group) group.users.each { |u| Fabricate(:post, user: u, topic: pm) } end pm.reload end context "with personal-direct flag" do it "can find all direct PMs of the current user" do pm = create_pm(users: [current, participant]) _pm_2 = create_pm(users: [participant_2, participant]) pm_3 = create_pm(users: [participant, current]) pm_4 = create_pm(users: [participant_2, current]) %w[in:personal-direct In:PeRsOnAl-DiReCt].each do |query| results = Search.execute(query, guardian: Guardian.new(current)) expect(results.posts.size).to eq(3) expect(results.posts.map(&:topic_id)).to eq([pm_4.id, pm_3.id, pm.id]) end end it "can filter direct PMs by @username" do pm = create_pm(users: [current, participant]) pm_2 = create_pm(users: [participant, current]) pm_3 = create_pm(users: [participant_2, current]) [ "@#{participant.username} in:personal-direct", "@#{participant.username} iN:pErSoNaL-dIrEcT", ].each do |query| results = Search.execute(query, guardian: Guardian.new(current)) expect(results.posts.size).to eq(2) expect(results.posts.map(&:topic_id)).to contain_exactly(pm_2.id, pm.id) expect(results.posts.map(&:user_id).uniq).to eq([participant.id]) end results = Search.execute("@me in:personal-direct", guardian: Guardian.new(current)) expect(results.posts.size).to eq(3) expect(results.posts.map(&:topic_id)).to contain_exactly(pm_3.id, pm_2.id, pm.id) expect(results.posts.map(&:user_id).uniq).to eq([current.id]) end it "doesn't include PMs that have more than 2 participants" do _pm = create_pm(users: [current, participant, participant_2]) results = Search.execute( "@#{participant.username} in:personal-direct", guardian: Guardian.new(current), ) expect(results.posts.size).to eq(0) end it "doesn't include PMs that have groups" do _pm = create_pm(users: [current, participant], group: group) results = Search.execute( "@#{participant.username} in:personal-direct", guardian: Guardian.new(current), ) expect(results.posts.size).to eq(0) end end context "with group_messages flag" do it "returns results correctly for a PM in a given group" do pm = create_pm(users: [participant, participant_2], group: group) results = Search.execute("group_messages:#{group.name}", guardian: Guardian.new(current)) expect(results.posts).to contain_exactly(pm.first_post) results = Search.execute("secret group_messages:#{group.name}", guardian: Guardian.new(current)) expect(results.posts).to contain_exactly(pm.first_post) end it "returns nothing if user is not a group member" do _pm = create_pm(users: [current, participant], group: group) results = Search.execute("group_messages:#{group.name}", guardian: Guardian.new(non_participant)) expect(results.posts.size).to eq(0) # even for admins results = Search.execute("group_messages:#{group.name}", guardian: Guardian.new(admin)) expect(results.posts.size).to eq(0) end it "returns nothing if group has messages disabled" do _pm = create_pm(users: [current, participant], group: group) group.update!(has_messages: false) results = Search.execute("group_messages:#{group.name}", guardian: Guardian.new(current)) expect(results.posts.size).to eq(0) end it "is correctly scoped to a given group" do wrong_group = Fabricate(:group, has_messages: true) pm = create_pm(users: [current, participant], group: group) results = Search.execute("group_messages:#{group.name}", guardian: Guardian.new(current)) expect(results.posts).to contain_exactly(pm.first_post) results = Search.execute("group_messages:#{wrong_group.name}", guardian: Guardian.new(current)) expect(results.posts.size).to eq(0) end end end context "with all topics" do let!(:u1) { Fabricate(:user, username: "fred", name: "bob jones", email: "foo+1@bar.baz") } let!(:u2) { Fabricate(:user, username: "bob", name: "fred jones", email: "foo+2@bar.baz") } let!(:u3) { Fabricate(:user, username: "jones", name: "bob fred", email: "foo+3@bar.baz") } let!(:u4) do Fabricate(:user, username: "alice", name: "bob fred", email: "foo+4@bar.baz", admin: true) end let!(:public_topic) { Fabricate(:topic, user: u1) } let!(:public_post1) do Fabricate( :post, topic: public_topic, raw: "what do you want for breakfast? ham and eggs?", user: u1, ) end let!(:public_post2) { Fabricate(:post, topic: public_topic, raw: "ham and spam", user: u2) } let!(:private_topic) do Fabricate(:topic, user: u1, category_id: nil, archetype: "private_message") end let!(:private_post1) do Fabricate( :post, topic: private_topic, raw: "what do you want for lunch? ham and cheese?", user: u1, ) end let!(:private_post2) do Fabricate(:post, topic: private_topic, raw: "cheese and spam", user: u2) end it "finds private messages" do TopicAllowedUser.create!(user_id: u1.id, topic_id: private_topic.id) TopicAllowedUser.create!(user_id: u2.id, topic_id: private_topic.id) # case insensitive only results = Search.execute("iN:aLL cheese", guardian: Guardian.new(u1)) expect(results.posts).to contain_exactly(private_post1) # private only results = Search.execute("in:all cheese", guardian: Guardian.new(u1)) expect(results.posts).to contain_exactly(private_post1) # public only results = Search.execute("in:all eggs", guardian: Guardian.new(u1)) expect(results.posts).to contain_exactly(public_post1) # both results = Search.execute("in:all spam", guardian: Guardian.new(u1)) expect(results.posts).to contain_exactly(public_post2, private_post2) # for anon results = Search.execute("in:all spam", guardian: Guardian.new) expect(results.posts).to contain_exactly(public_post2) # nonparticipatory user results = Search.execute("in:all cheese", guardian: Guardian.new(u3)) expect(results.posts.empty?).to eq(true) results = Search.execute("in:all eggs", guardian: Guardian.new(u3)) expect(results.posts).to contain_exactly(public_post1) results = Search.execute("in:all spam", guardian: Guardian.new(u3)) expect(results.posts).to contain_exactly(public_post2) # Admin doesn't see private topic results = Search.execute("in:all spam", guardian: Guardian.new(u4)) expect(results.posts).to contain_exactly(public_post2) # same keyword for different users results = Search.execute("in:all ham", guardian: Guardian.new(u1)) expect(results.posts).to contain_exactly(public_post1, private_post1) results = Search.execute("in:all ham", guardian: Guardian.new(u2)) expect(results.posts).to contain_exactly(public_post1, private_post1) results = Search.execute("in:all ham", guardian: Guardian.new(u3)) expect(results.posts).to contain_exactly(public_post1) end end end context "with posts" do fab!(:post) do SearchIndexer.enable Fabricate(:post) end let(:topic) { post.topic } let!(:reply) do Fabricate(:post_with_long_raw_content, topic: topic, user: topic.user).tap do |post| post.update!(raw: "#{post.raw} elephant") end end let(:expected_blurb) do "#{Search::GroupedSearchResults::OMISSION}hundred characters to satisfy any test conditions that require content longer than the typical test post raw content. It really is some long content, folks. elephant" end it "returns the post" do SiteSetting.use_pg_headlines_for_excerpt = true result = Search.execute("elephant", type_filter: "topic", include_blurbs: true) expect(result.posts.map(&:id)).to contain_exactly(reply.id) post = result.posts.first expect(result.blurb(post)).to eq(expected_blurb) expect(post.topic_title_headline).to eq(topic.fancy_title) end it "only applies highlighting to the first #{Search::MAX_LENGTH_FOR_HEADLINE} characters" do SiteSetting.use_pg_headlines_for_excerpt = true reply.update!(raw: "#{"a" * Search::MAX_LENGTH_FOR_HEADLINE} #{reply.raw}") result = Search.execute("elephant") expect(result.posts.map(&:id)).to contain_exactly(reply.id) post = result.posts.first expect(post.headline.include?("elephant")).to eq(false) end it "does not truncate topic title when applying highlights" do SiteSetting.use_pg_headlines_for_excerpt = true topic = reply.topic topic.update!( title: "#{"very " * 7}long topic title with our search term in the middle of the title", ) result = Search.execute("search term") expect(result.posts.first.topic_title_headline).to eq(<<~HTML.chomp) Very very very very very very very long topic title with our search term in the middle of the title HTML end it "limits the search headline to #{Search::GroupedSearchResults::BLURB_LENGTH} characters" do SiteSetting.use_pg_headlines_for_excerpt = true reply.update!(raw: "#{"a" * Search::GroupedSearchResults::BLURB_LENGTH} elephant") result = Search.execute("elephant") expect(result.posts.map(&:id)).to contain_exactly(reply.id) post = result.posts.first expect(result.blurb(post)).to eq( "#{"a" * Search::GroupedSearchResults::BLURB_LENGTH}#{Search::GroupedSearchResults::OMISSION}", ) end it "returns the right post and blurb for searches with phrase" do SiteSetting.use_pg_headlines_for_excerpt = true result = Search.execute('"elephant"', type_filter: "topic", include_blurbs: true) expect(result.posts.map(&:id)).to contain_exactly(reply.id) expect(result.blurb(result.posts.first)).to eq(expected_blurb) end it "applies a small penalty to closed topics and archived topics when ranking" do archived_post = Fabricate( :post, raw: "My weekly update", topic: Fabricate(:topic, title: "A topic that will be archived", archived: true, closed: true), ) closed_post = Fabricate( :post, raw: "My weekly update", topic: Fabricate(:topic, title: "A topic that will be closed", closed: true), ) open_post = Fabricate( :post, raw: "My weekly update", topic: Fabricate(:topic, title: "A topic that will be open"), ) result = Search.execute("weekly update") expect(result.posts.pluck(:id)).to eq([open_post.id, closed_post.id, archived_post.id]) end it "can find posts by searching for a url prefix" do post = Fabricate(:post, raw: "checkout the amazing domain https://happy.sappy.com") results = Search.execute("happy") expect(results.posts.count).to eq(1) expect(results.posts.first.id).to eq(post.id) results = Search.execute("sappy") expect(results.posts.count).to eq(1) expect(results.posts.first.id).to eq(post.id) end it "aggregates searches in a topic by returning the post with the lowest post number" do post = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, raw: "this is a play post") _post2 = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, raw: "play play playing played play") post3 = Fabricate(:post, raw: "this is a play post") 5.times { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, raw: "play playing played") } results = Search.execute("play") expect(results.posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post.id, post3.id]) end it "is able to search with an offset when configured" do post_1 = Fabricate(:post, raw: "this is a play post") SiteSetting.search_recent_regular_posts_offset_post_id = post_1.id + 1 results = Search.execute("play post") expect(results.posts).to eq([post_1]) post_2 = Fabricate(:post, raw: "this is another play post") SiteSetting.search_recent_regular_posts_offset_post_id = post_2.id results = Search.execute("play post") expect(results.posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post_2.id, post_1.id]) end it "allows staff and members of whisperers group to search for whispers" do whisperers_group = Fabricate(:group) user = Fabricate(:user) SiteSetting.whispers_allowed_groups = "#{Group::AUTO_GROUPS[:staff]}|#{whisperers_group.id}" post.update!(post_type: Post.types[:whisper], raw: "this is a tiger") results = Search.execute("tiger") expect(results.posts).to eq([]) results = Search.execute("tiger", guardian: Guardian.new(admin)) expect(results.posts).to eq([post]) results = Search.execute("tiger", guardian: Guardian.new(user)) expect(results.posts).to eq([]) user.groups << whisperers_group results = Search.execute("tiger", guardian: Guardian.new(user)) expect(results.posts).to eq([post]) end end describe "topics" do let(:post) { Fabricate(:post) } let(:topic) { post.topic } context "with search within topic" do def new_post(raw, topic = nil, created_at: nil) topic ||= Fabricate(:topic) Fabricate( :post, topic: topic, topic_id: topic.id, user: topic.user, raw: raw, created_at: created_at, ) end it "works in Chinese" do SiteSetting.search_tokenize_chinese_japanese_korean = true post = new_post("I am not in English 何点になると思いますか") results = Search.execute("何点になると思", search_context: post.topic) expect(results.posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post.id]) end it "displays multiple results within a topic" do topic2 = Fabricate(:topic) new_post("this is the other post I am posting", topic2, created_at: 6.minutes.ago) new_post("this is my fifth post I am posting", topic2, created_at: 5.minutes.ago) post1 = new_post("this is the other post I am posting", topic, created_at: 4.minutes.ago) post2 = new_post("this is my first post I am posting", topic, created_at: 3.minutes.ago) post3 = new_post( "this is a real long and complicated bla this is my second post I am Posting birds with more stuff bla bla", topic, created_at: 2.minutes.ago, ) post4 = new_post("this is my fourth post I am posting", topic, created_at: 1.minute.ago) # update posts_count topic.reload results = Search.execute("posting", search_context: post1.topic) expect(results.posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post1.id, post2.id, post3.id, post4.id]) results = Search.execute("posting l", search_context: post1.topic) expect(results.posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post4.id, post3.id, post2.id, post1.id]) # stop words should work results = Search.execute("this", search_context: post1.topic) expect(results.posts.length).to eq(4) # phrase search works as expected results = Search.execute('"fourth post I am posting"', search_context: post1.topic) expect(results.posts.length).to eq(1) end it "works for unlisted topics" do topic.update(visible: false) _post = new_post("discourse is awesome", topic) results = Search.execute("discourse", search_context: topic) expect(results.posts.length).to eq(1) end end context "when searching the OP" do let!(:post) { Fabricate(:post_with_long_raw_content) } let(:result) { Search.execute("hundred", type_filter: "topic") } it "returns a result correctly" do expect(result.posts.length).to eq(1) expect(result.posts[0].id).to eq(post.id) end end context "when searching for quoted title" do it "can find quoted title" do create_post(raw: "this is the raw body", title: "I am a title yeah") result = Search.execute('"a title yeah"') expect(result.posts.length).to eq(1) end end context "when searching for a topic by id" do let(:result) do Search.execute( topic.id, type_filter: "topic", search_for_id: true, min_search_term_length: 1, ) end it "returns the topic" do expect(result.posts.length).to eq(1) expect(result.posts.first.id).to eq(post.id) end end context "when searching for a topic by url" do it "returns the topic" do result = Search.execute(topic.relative_url, search_for_id: true, type_filter: "topic") expect(result.posts.length).to eq(1) expect(result.posts.first.id).to eq(post.id) end context "with restrict_to_archetype" do let(:personal_message) { Fabricate(:private_message_topic) } let!(:p1) { Fabricate(:post, topic: personal_message, post_number: 1) } it "restricts result to topics" do result = Search.execute( personal_message.relative_url, search_for_id: true, type_filter: "topic", restrict_to_archetype: Archetype.default, ) expect(result.posts.length).to eq(0) result = Search.execute( topic.relative_url, search_for_id: true, type_filter: "topic", restrict_to_archetype: Archetype.default, ) expect(result.posts.length).to eq(1) end it "restricts result to messages" do result = Search.execute( topic.relative_url, search_for_id: true, type_filter: "private_messages", guardian: Guardian.new(admin), restrict_to_archetype: Archetype.private_message, ) expect(result.posts.length).to eq(0) result = Search.execute( personal_message.relative_url, search_for_id: true, type_filter: "private_messages", guardian: Guardian.new(admin), restrict_to_archetype: Archetype.private_message, ) expect(result.posts.length).to eq(1) end end end context "with security" do def result(current_user) Search.execute("hello", guardian: Guardian.new(current_user)) end it "secures results correctly" do category = Fabricate(:category_with_definition) topic.category_id = category.id topic.save category.set_permissions(staff: :full) category.save expect(result(nil).posts).not_to be_present expect(result(Fabricate(:user)).posts).not_to be_present expect(result(admin).posts).to be_present end end end describe "cyrillic topic" do let!(:cyrillic_topic) do Fabricate(:topic) do user title { sequence(:title) { |i| "Тестовая запись #{i}" } } end end let!(:post) { Fabricate(:post, topic: cyrillic_topic, user: cyrillic_topic.user) } let(:result) { Search.execute("запись") } it "finds something when given cyrillic query" do expect(result.posts).to contain_exactly(post) end end it "does not tokenize search term" do Fabricate(:post, raw: "thing is canned should still be found!") expect(Search.execute("canned").posts).to be_present end describe "categories" do let(:category) { Fabricate(:category_with_definition, name: "monkey Category 2") } let(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, category: category) } let!(:post) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, raw: "snow monkey") } let!(:ignored_category) do Fabricate( :category_with_definition, name: "monkey Category 1", slug: "test", search_priority: Searchable::PRIORITIES[:ignore], ) end it "should return the right categories" do search = Search.execute("monkey") expect(search.categories).to contain_exactly(category, ignored_category) expect(search.posts).to eq([category.topic.first_post, post]) search = Search.execute("monkey #test") expect(search.posts).to eq([ignored_category.topic.first_post]) end describe "with child categories" do let!(:child_of_ignored_category) do Fabricate( :category_with_definition, name: "monkey Category 3", parent_category: ignored_category, ) end let!(:post2) do Fabricate( :post, topic: Fabricate(:topic, category: child_of_ignored_category), raw: "snow monkey park", ) end it "returns the right results" do search = Search.execute("monkey") expect(search.categories).to contain_exactly( category, ignored_category, child_of_ignored_category, ) expect(search.posts.map(&:id)).to eq( [child_of_ignored_category.topic.first_post, category.topic.first_post, post2, post].map( &:id ), ) search = Search.execute("snow") expect(search.posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post2.id, post.id]) category.set_permissions({}) category.save! search = Search.execute("monkey") expect(search.categories).to contain_exactly(ignored_category, child_of_ignored_category) expect(search.posts.map(&:id)).to eq( [child_of_ignored_category.topic.first_post, post2].map(&:id), ) end end describe "categories with different priorities" do let(:category2) { Fabricate(:category_with_definition) } it "should return posts in the right order" do raw = "The pure genuine evian" post = Fabricate(:post, topic: category.topic, raw: raw) post2 = Fabricate(:post, topic: category2.topic, raw: raw) post2.topic.update!(bumped_at: 10.seconds.from_now) search = Search.execute(raw) expect(search.posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post2.id, post.id]) category.update!(search_priority: Searchable::PRIORITIES[:high]) search = Search.execute(raw) expect(search.posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post.id, post2.id]) end end end describe "groups" do def search(user = Fabricate(:user)) Search.execute(group.name, guardian: Guardian.new(user)) end let!(:group) { Group[:trust_level_0] } it "shows group" do expect(search.groups.map(&:name)).to eq([group.name]) end context "with group visibility" do let!(:group) { Fabricate(:group) } before { group.update!(visibility_level: 3) } context "with staff logged in" do it "shows group" do expect(search(admin).groups.map(&:name)).to eq([group.name]) end end context "with non staff logged in" do fab!(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } it "shows doesn't show group" do expect(search(user).groups.map(&:name)).to eq([]) end end end context "with registered plugin callbacks" do let!(:group) { Fabricate(:group, name: "plugin-special") } context "when :search_groups_set_query_callback is registered" do it "changes the search results" do # initial result (without applying the plugin callback ) expect(search.groups.map(&:name).include?("plugin-special")).to eq(true) DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_search_groups_set_query_callback( Proc.new { |query, term, guardian| query.where.not(name: "plugin-special") }, Plugin::Instance.new, ) # after using the callback we expect the search result to be changed because the # query was altered expect(search.groups.map(&:name).include?("plugin-special")).to eq(false) DiscoursePluginRegistry.reset_register!(:search_groups_set_query_callbacks) end end end end describe "tags" do def search Search.execute(tag.name) end let!(:tag) { Fabricate(:tag) } let!(:uppercase_tag) { Fabricate(:tag, name: "HeLlO") } let(:tag_group) { Fabricate(:tag_group) } let(:category) { Fabricate(:category_with_definition) } context "with post searching" do before do SiteSetting.tagging_enabled = true DiscourseTagging.tag_topic_by_names( post.topic, Guardian.new(Fabricate.build(:admin)), [tag.name, uppercase_tag.name], ) post.topic.save end let(:post) { Fabricate(:post, raw: "I am special post") } it "can find posts with tags" do # we got to make this index (it is deferred) Jobs::ReindexSearch.new.rebuild_posts result = Search.execute(tag.name) expect(result.posts.length).to eq(1) result = Search.execute("hElLo") expect(result.posts.length).to eq(1) SiteSetting.tagging_enabled = false result = Search.execute(tag.name) expect(result.posts.length).to eq(0) end it "can find posts with tag synonyms" do synonym = Fabricate(:tag, name: "synonym", target_tag: tag) Jobs::ReindexSearch.new.rebuild_posts result = Search.execute(synonym.name) expect(result.posts.length).to eq(1) end end context "when tagging is disabled" do before { SiteSetting.tagging_enabled = false } it "does not include tags" do expect(search.tags).to_not be_present end end context "when tagging is enabled" do before { SiteSetting.tagging_enabled = true } it "returns the tag in the result" do expect(search.tags).to eq([tag]) end it "shows staff tags" do create_staff_only_tags(["#{tag.name}9"]) expect(Search.execute(tag.name, guardian: Guardian.new(admin)).tags.map(&:name)).to eq( [tag.name, "#{tag.name}9"], ) expect(search.tags.map(&:name)).to eq([tag.name, "#{tag.name}9"]) end it "includes category-restricted tags" do category_tag = Fabricate(:tag, name: "#{tag.name}9") tag_group.tags = [category_tag] category.set_permissions(admins: :full) category.allowed_tag_groups = [tag_group.name] category.save! expect(Search.execute(tag.name, guardian: Guardian.new(admin)).tags).to eq( [tag, category_tag], ) expect(search.tags).to eq([tag, category_tag]) end end end describe "type_filter" do let!(:user) { Fabricate(:user, username: "amazing", email: "amazing@amazing.com") } let!(:category) { Fabricate(:category_with_definition, name: "amazing category", user: user) } context "with user filter" do let(:results) { Search.execute("amazing", type_filter: "user") } it "returns a user result" do expect(results.categories.length).to eq(0) expect(results.posts.length).to eq(0) expect(results.users.length).to eq(1) end end context "with category filter" do let(:results) { Search.execute("amazing", type_filter: "category") } it "returns a category result" do expect(results.categories.length).to eq(1) expect(results.posts.length).to eq(0) expect(results.users.length).to eq(0) end end end describe "search_context" do it "can find a user when using search context" do coding_horror = Fabricate(:coding_horror) post = Fabricate(:post) Fabricate(:post, user: coding_horror) result = Search.execute("hello", search_context: post.user) result.posts.first.topic_id = post.topic_id expect(result.posts.length).to eq(1) end it "can use category as a search context" do category = Fabricate(:category_with_definition, search_priority: Searchable::PRIORITIES[:ignore]) topic = Fabricate(:topic, category: category) topic_no_cat = Fabricate(:topic) # includes subcategory in search subcategory = Fabricate(:category_with_definition, parent_category_id: category.id) sub_topic = Fabricate(:topic, category: subcategory) post = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, user: topic.user) Fabricate(:post, topic: topic_no_cat, user: topic.user) sub_post = Fabricate( :post, raw: "I am saying hello from a subcategory", topic: sub_topic, user: topic.user, ) search = Search.execute("hello", search_context: category) expect(search.posts.map(&:id)).to match_array([post.id, sub_post.id]) expect(search.posts.length).to eq(2) end it "can use tag as a search context" do tag = Fabricate(:tag, name: "important-stuff") topic_no_tag = Fabricate(:topic) Fabricate(:topic_tag, tag: tag, topic: topic) post = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, user: topic.user, raw: "This is my hello") Fabricate(:post, topic: topic_no_tag, user: topic.user) search = Search.execute("hello", search_context: tag) expect(search.posts.map(&:id)).to contain_exactly(post.id) expect(search.posts.length).to eq(1) end end describe "Japanese search" do let!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic) } let!(:post) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, raw: "This is some japanese text 日本が大好きです。") } let!(:topic_2) { Fabricate(:topic, title: "日本の話題、 more japanese text") } let!(:post_2) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic_2) } describe ".prepare_data" do it "removes punctuations" do SiteSetting.search_tokenize_japanese = true expect(Search.prepare_data(post.raw)).to eq("This is some japanese text 日本 が 大好き です") end end describe ".execute" do before do @old_default = SiteSetting.defaults.get(:min_search_term_length) SiteSetting.defaults.set_regardless_of_locale(:min_search_term_length, 1) SiteSetting.refresh! end after do SiteSetting.defaults.set_regardless_of_locale(:min_search_term_length, @old_default) SiteSetting.refresh! end it "finds posts containing Japanese text if tokenization is forced" do SiteSetting.search_tokenize_japanese = true expect(Search.execute("日本").posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post_2.id, post.id]) expect(Search.execute("日").posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post_2.id, post.id]) end it "find posts containing search term when site's locale is set to Japanese" do SiteSetting.default_locale = "ja" expect(Search.execute("日本").posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post_2.id, post.id]) expect(Search.execute("日").posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post_2.id, post.id]) end it "does not include superfluous spaces in blurbs" do SiteSetting.default_locale = "ja" post.update!( raw: "場サアマネ織企ういかせ竹域ヱイマ穂基ホ神3予読ずねいぱ松査ス禁多サウ提懸イふ引小43改こょドめ。深とつぐ主思料農ぞかル者杯検める活分えほづぼ白犠", ) results = Search.execute("ういかせ竹域", type_filter: "topic") expect(results.posts.length).to eq(1) expect(results.blurb(results.posts.first)).to include("ういかせ竹域") end end end describe "Chinese search" do let(:sentence) { "Discourse is a software company 中国的基础设施网络正在组装。" } let(:sentence_t) { "Discourse is a software company 太平山森林遊樂區。" } it "splits English / Chinese and filter out Chinese stop words" do SiteSetting.default_locale = "zh_CN" data = Search.prepare_data(sentence) expect(data).to eq("Discourse is a software company 中国 基础设施 网络 正在 组装") end it "splits for indexing and filter out stop words" do SiteSetting.default_locale = "zh_CN" data = Search.prepare_data(sentence, :index) expect(data).to eq("Discourse is a software company 中国 基础设施 网络 正在 组装") end it "splits English / Traditional Chinese and filter out stop words" do SiteSetting.default_locale = "zh_TW" data = Search.prepare_data(sentence_t) expect(data).to eq("Discourse is a software company 太平山 森林 遊樂區") end it "does not split strings beginning with numeric chars into different segments" do SiteSetting.default_locale = "zh_TW" data = Search.prepare_data("#{sentence} 123abc") expect(data).to eq("Discourse is a software company 中国 基础设施 网络 正在 组装 123abc") end it "finds chinese topic based on title" do SiteSetting.default_locale = "zh_TW" SiteSetting.min_search_term_length = 1 topic = Fabricate(:topic, title: "My Title Discourse社區指南") post = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) expect(Search.execute("社區指南").posts.first.id).to eq(post.id) expect(Search.execute("指南").posts.first.id).to eq(post.id) end it "finds chinese topic based on title if tokenization is forced" do begin SiteSetting.search_tokenize_chinese = true default_min_search_term_length = SiteSetting.defaults.get(:min_search_term_length) SiteSetting.defaults.set_regardless_of_locale(:min_search_term_length, 1) SiteSetting.refresh! topic = Fabricate(:topic, title: "My Title Discourse社區指南") post = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) expect(Search.execute("社區指南").posts.first.id).to eq(post.id) expect(Search.execute("指南").posts.first.id).to eq(post.id) ensure if default_min_search_term_length SiteSetting.defaults.set_regardless_of_locale( :min_search_term_length, default_min_search_term_length, ) SiteSetting.refresh! end end end end describe "Advanced search" do describe "bookmarks" do fab!(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } let!(:bookmark_post1) { Fabricate(:post, raw: "boom this is a bookmarked post") } let!(:bookmark_post2) { Fabricate(:post, raw: "wow some other cool thing") } def search_with_bookmarks Search.execute("boom in:bookmarks", guardian: Guardian.new(user)) end it "can filter by posts in the user's bookmarks" do expect(search_with_bookmarks.posts.map(&:id)).to eq([]) Fabricate(:bookmark, user: user, bookmarkable: bookmark_post1) expect(search_with_bookmarks.posts.map(&:id)).to match_array([bookmark_post1.id]) end end it "supports pinned" do Fabricate(:post, raw: "hi this is a test 123 123", topic: topic) _post = Fabricate(:post, raw: "boom boom shake the room", topic: topic) topic.update_pinned(true) expect(Search.execute("boom in:pinned").posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute("boom IN:PINNED").posts.length).to eq(1) end it "supports wiki" do topic_2 = Fabricate(:topic) post = Fabricate(:post, raw: "this is a test 248", wiki: true, topic: topic) Fabricate(:post, raw: "this is a test 248", wiki: false, topic: topic_2) expect(Search.execute("test 248").posts.length).to eq(2) expect(Search.execute("test 248 in:wiki").posts.first).to eq(post) expect(Search.execute("test 248 IN:WIKI").posts.first).to eq(post) end it "supports searching for posts that the user has seen/unseen" do topic_2 = Fabricate(:topic) post = Fabricate(:post, raw: "logan is longan", topic: topic) post_2 = Fabricate(:post, raw: "longan is logan", topic: topic_2) [post.user, topic.user].each do |user| PostTiming.create!(post_number: post.post_number, topic: topic, user: user, msecs: 1) end expect(post.seen?(post.user)).to eq(true) expect(Search.execute("longan").posts.sort).to eq([post, post_2]) expect(Search.execute("longan in:seen", guardian: Guardian.new(post.user)).posts).to eq( [post], ) expect(Search.execute("longan IN:SEEN", guardian: Guardian.new(post.user)).posts).to eq( [post], ) expect(Search.execute("longan in:seen").posts.sort).to eq([post, post_2]) expect(Search.execute("longan in:seen", guardian: Guardian.new(post_2.user)).posts).to eq([]) expect(Search.execute("longan", guardian: Guardian.new(post_2.user)).posts.sort).to eq( [post, post_2], ) expect( Search.execute("longan in:unseen", guardian: Guardian.new(post_2.user)).posts.sort, ).to eq([post, post_2]) expect(Search.execute("longan in:unseen", guardian: Guardian.new(post.user)).posts).to eq( [post_2], ) expect(Search.execute("longan IN:UNSEEN", guardian: Guardian.new(post.user)).posts).to eq( [post_2], ) end it "supports before and after filters" do time = Time.zone.parse("2001-05-20 2:55") freeze_time(time) post_1 = Fabricate(:post, raw: "hi this is a test 123 123", created_at: time.months_ago(2)) post_2 = Fabricate(:post, raw: "boom boom shake the room test") expect(Search.execute("test before:1").posts).to contain_exactly(post_1) expect(Search.execute("test before:2001-04-20").posts).to contain_exactly(post_1) expect(Search.execute("test before:2001").posts).to eq([]) expect(Search.execute("test after:2001").posts).to contain_exactly(post_1, post_2) expect(Search.execute("test before:monday").posts).to contain_exactly(post_1) expect(Search.execute("test after:jan").posts).to contain_exactly(post_1, post_2) end it "supports in:first, user:, @username" do post_1 = Fabricate(:post, raw: "hi this is a test 123 123", topic: topic) post_2 = Fabricate(:post, raw: "boom boom shake the room test", topic: topic) expect(Search.execute("test in:first").posts).to contain_exactly(post_1) expect(Search.execute("test IN:FIRST").posts).to contain_exactly(post_1) expect(Search.execute("boom").posts).to contain_exactly(post_2) expect(Search.execute("boom in:first").posts).to eq([]) expect(Search.execute("boom f").posts).to eq([]) expect(Search.execute("123 in:first").posts).to contain_exactly(post_1) expect(Search.execute("123 f").posts).to contain_exactly(post_1) expect(Search.execute("user:nobody").posts).to eq([]) expect(Search.execute("user:#{post_1.user.username}").posts).to contain_exactly(post_1) expect(Search.execute("user:#{post_1.user_id}").posts).to contain_exactly(post_1) expect(Search.execute("@#{post_1.user.username}").posts).to contain_exactly(post_1) SiteSetting.unicode_usernames = true unicode_user = Fabricate(:unicode_user) post_3 = Fabricate(:post, user: unicode_user, raw: "post by a unicode user", topic: topic) expect(Search.execute("@#{post_3.user.username}").posts).to contain_exactly(post_3) end context "when searching for posts made by users of a group" do fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, created_at: 3.months.ago) } fab!(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } fab!(:user_2) { Fabricate(:user) } fab!(:user_3) { Fabricate(:user) } fab!(:group) { Fabricate(:group, name: "Like_a_Boss").tap { |g| g.add(user) } } fab!(:group_2) { Fabricate(:group).tap { |g| g.add(user_2) } } let!(:post) { Fabricate(:post, raw: "hi this is a test 123 123", topic: topic, user: user) } let!(:post_2) { Fabricate(:post, user: user_2) } it "should not return any posts if group does not exist" do group.update!( visibility_level: Group.visibility_levels[:public], members_visibility_level: Group.visibility_levels[:public], ) expect(Search.execute("group:99999").posts).to eq([]) end it "should return the right posts for a public group" do group.update!( visibility_level: Group.visibility_levels[:public], members_visibility_level: Group.visibility_levels[:public], ) expect(Search.execute("group:like_a_boss").posts).to contain_exactly(post) expect(Search.execute("group:#{group.id}").posts).to contain_exactly(post) end it "should return the right posts for a public group with members' visibility restricted to logged on users" do group.update!( visibility_level: Group.visibility_levels[:public], members_visibility_level: Group.visibility_levels[:logged_on_users], ) expect(Search.execute("group:#{group.id}").posts).to eq([]) expect( Search.execute("group:#{group.id}", guardian: Guardian.new(user_3)).posts, ).to contain_exactly(post) end it "should return the right posts for a group with visibility restricted to logged on users with members' visibility restricted to members" do group.update!( visibility_level: Group.visibility_levels[:logged_on_users], members_visibility_level: Group.visibility_levels[:members], ) expect(Search.execute("group:#{group.id}").posts).to eq([]) expect(Search.execute("group:#{group.id}", guardian: Guardian.new(user_3)).posts).to eq([]) expect( Search.execute("group:#{group.id}", guardian: Guardian.new(user)).posts, ).to contain_exactly(post) end context "with registered plugin callbacks" do context "when :search_groups_set_query_callback is registered" do it "changes the search results" do group.update!( visibility_level: Group.visibility_levels[:public], members_visibility_level: Group.visibility_levels[:public], ) # initial result (without applying the plugin callback ) expect(Search.execute("group:like_a_boss").posts).to contain_exactly(post) DiscoursePluginRegistry.register_search_groups_set_query_callback( Proc.new { |query, term, guardian| query.where.not(name: "Like_a_Boss") }, Plugin::Instance.new, ) # after using the callback we expect the search result to be changed because the # query was altered expect(Search.execute("group:like_a_boss").posts).to be_blank DiscoursePluginRegistry.reset_register!(:search_groups_set_query_callbacks) end end end end it "supports badge" do topic = Fabricate(:topic, created_at: 3.months.ago) post = Fabricate(:post, raw: "hi this is a test 123 123", topic: topic) badge = Badge.create!(name: "Like a Boss", badge_type_id: 1) UserBadge.create!( user_id: post.user_id, badge_id: badge.id, granted_at: 1.minute.ago, granted_by_id: -1, ) expect(Search.execute('badge:"like a boss"').posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute('BADGE:"LIKE A BOSS"').posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute('badge:"test"').posts.length).to eq(0) end it "can match exact phrases" do post = Fabricate( :post, raw: "this is a test post with 'a URL https://some.site.com/search?q=test.test.test some random text I have to add", ) post2 = Fabricate(:post, raw: "test URL post with") expect(Search.execute("test post URL l").posts).to eq([post2, post]) expect(Search.execute(%{"test post with 'a URL"}).posts).to eq([post]) expect(Search.execute(%{"https://some.site.com/search?q=test.test.test"}).posts).to eq([post]) expect( Search.execute(%{" with 'a URL https://some.site.com/search?q=test.test.test"}).posts, ).to eq([post]) end it "can search numbers correctly, and match exact phrases" do post = Fabricate(:post, raw: "3.0 eta is in 2 days horrah") post2 = Fabricate(:post, raw: "3.0 is eta in 2 days horrah") expect(Search.execute("3.0 eta").posts).to eq([post, post2]) expect(Search.execute("'3.0 eta'").posts).to eq([post, post2]) expect(Search.execute("\"3.0 eta\"").posts).to contain_exactly(post) expect(Search.execute('"3.0, eta is"').posts).to eq([]) end it "can find by status" do public_category = Fabricate(:category, read_restricted: false) post = Fabricate(:post, raw: "hi this is a test 123 123") topic = post.topic topic.update(category: public_category) private_category = Fabricate(:category, read_restricted: true) post2 = Fabricate(:post, raw: "hi this is another test 123 123") second_topic = post2.topic second_topic.update(category: private_category) _post3 = Fabricate(:post, raw: "another test!", user: topic.user, topic: second_topic) expect(Search.execute("test status:public").posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute("test status:closed").posts.length).to eq(0) expect(Search.execute("test status:open").posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute("test STATUS:OPEN").posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute("test posts_count:1").posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute("test min_post_count:1").posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute("test min_posts:1").posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute("test max_posts:2").posts.length).to eq(1) topic.update(closed: true) second_topic.update(category: public_category) expect(Search.execute("test status:public").posts.length).to eq(2) expect(Search.execute("test status:closed").posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute("status:closed").posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute("test status:open").posts.length).to eq(1) topic.update(archived: true, closed: false) second_topic.update(closed: true) expect(Search.execute("test status:archived").posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute("test status:open").posts.length).to eq(0) expect(Search.execute("test status:noreplies").posts.length).to eq(1) expect( Search.execute("test in:likes", guardian: Guardian.new(topic.user)).posts.length, ).to eq(0) expect( Search.execute("test in:posted", guardian: Guardian.new(topic.user)).posts.length, ).to eq(2) expect( Search.execute("test In:PoStEd", guardian: Guardian.new(topic.user)).posts.length, ).to eq(2) in_created = Search.execute("test in:created", guardian: Guardian.new(topic.user)).posts created_by_user = Search.execute( "test created:@#{topic.user.username}", guardian: Guardian.new(topic.user), ).posts expect(in_created.length).to eq(1) expect(created_by_user.length).to eq(1) expect(in_created).to eq(created_by_user) expect( Search .execute( "test created:@#{second_topic.user.username}", guardian: Guardian.new(topic.user), ) .posts .length, ).to eq(1) new_user = Fabricate(:user) expect( Search .execute("test created:@#{new_user.username}", guardian: Guardian.new(topic.user)) .posts .length, ).to eq(0) TopicUser.change( topic.user.id, topic.id, notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:tracking], ) expect( Search.execute("test in:watching", guardian: Guardian.new(topic.user)).posts.length, ).to eq(0) expect( Search.execute("test in:tracking", guardian: Guardian.new(topic.user)).posts.length, ).to eq(1) end it "can find posts with images" do post_uploaded = Fabricate(:post_with_uploaded_image) Fabricate(:post) CookedPostProcessor.new(post_uploaded).update_post_image expect(Search.execute("with:images").posts.map(&:id)).to contain_exactly(post_uploaded.id) end it "can find by latest" do topic1 = Fabricate(:topic, title: "I do not like that Sam I am") post1 = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic1, created_at: 10.minutes.ago) post2 = Fabricate(:post, raw: "that Sam I am, that Sam I am", created_at: 5.minutes.ago) expect(Search.execute("sam").posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post1.id, post2.id]) expect(Search.execute("sam ORDER:LATEST").posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post2.id, post1.id]) expect(Search.execute("sam l").posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post2.id, post1.id]) expect(Search.execute("l sam").posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post2.id, post1.id]) end it "can order by topic creation" do today = Date.today yesterday = 1.day.ago two_days_ago = 2.days.ago category = Fabricate(:category_with_definition) old_topic = Fabricate( :topic, title: "First Topic, testing the created_at sort", created_at: two_days_ago, category: category, ) latest_topic = Fabricate( :topic, title: "Second Topic, testing the created_at sort", created_at: yesterday, category: category, ) old_relevant_topic_post = Fabricate(:post, topic: old_topic, created_at: yesterday, raw: "Relevant Relevant Topic") latest_irrelevant_topic_post = Fabricate(:post, topic: latest_topic, created_at: today, raw: "Not Relevant") # Expecting the default results expect(Search.execute("Topic").posts.map(&:id)).to eq( [old_relevant_topic_post.id, latest_irrelevant_topic_post.id, category.topic.first_post.id], ) # Expecting the ordered by topic creation results expect(Search.execute("Topic order:latest_topic").posts.map(&:id)).to eq( [category.topic.first_post.id, latest_irrelevant_topic_post.id, old_relevant_topic_post.id], ) end it "can order by topic views" do topic = Fabricate(:topic, views: 1) topic2 = Fabricate(:topic, views: 2) post = Fabricate(:post, raw: "Topic", topic: topic) post2 = Fabricate(:post, raw: "Topic", topic: topic2) expect(Search.execute("Topic order:views").posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post2.id, post.id]) end it "can filter by topic views" do topic = Fabricate(:topic, views: 100) topic2 = Fabricate(:topic, views: 200) post = Fabricate(:post, raw: "Topic", topic: topic) post2 = Fabricate(:post, raw: "Topic", topic: topic2) expect(Search.execute("Topic min_views:150").posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post2.id]) expect(Search.execute("Topic max_views:150").posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post.id]) end it "can search for terms with dots" do post = Fabricate(:post, raw: "Will.2000 Will.Bob.Bill...") expect(Search.execute("bill").posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post.id]) expect(Search.execute("bob").posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post.id]) expect(Search.execute("2000").posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post.id]) end it "can search URLS correctly" do post = Fabricate(:post, raw: "i like http://wb.camra.org.uk/latest#test so yay") expect(Search.execute("http://wb.camra.org.uk/latest#test").posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post.id]) expect(Search.execute("camra").posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post.id]) expect(Search.execute("http://wb").posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post.id]) expect(Search.execute("wb.camra").posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post.id]) expect(Search.execute("wb.camra.org").posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post.id]) expect(Search.execute("org.uk").posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post.id]) expect(Search.execute("camra.org.uk").posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post.id]) expect(Search.execute("wb.camra.org.uk").posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post.id]) expect(Search.execute("wb.camra.org.uk/latest").posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post.id]) expect(Search.execute("/latest#test").posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post.id]) end it "supports category slug and tags" do # main category category = Fabricate(:category_with_definition, name: "category 24", slug: "cateGory-24") topic = Fabricate(:topic, created_at: 3.months.ago, category: category) post = Fabricate(:post, raw: "Sams first post", topic: topic) expect(Search.execute("sams post #categoRy-24").posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute("sams post category:#{category.id}").posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute("sams post #categoRy-25").posts.length).to eq(0) sub_category = Fabricate( :category_with_definition, name: "sub category", slug: "sub-category", parent_category_id: category.id, ) second_topic = Fabricate(:topic, created_at: 3.months.ago, category: sub_category) Fabricate(:post, raw: "sams second post", topic: second_topic) expect(Search.execute("sams post category:categoRY-24").posts.length).to eq(2) expect(Search.execute("sams post category:=cAtegory-24").posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute("sams post #category-24").posts.length).to eq(2) expect(Search.execute("sams post #=category-24").posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute("sams post #sub-category").posts.length).to eq(1) expect(Search.execute("sams post #categoRY-24:SUB-category").posts.length).to eq(1) # tags topic.tags = [ Fabricate(:tag, name: "alpha"), Fabricate(:tag, name: "привет"), Fabricate(:tag, name: "HeLlO"), ] expect(Search.execute("this is a test #alpha").posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post.id]) expect(Search.execute("this is a test #привет").posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post.id]) expect(Search.execute("this is a test #hElLo").posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post.id]) expect(Search.execute("this is a test #beta").posts.size).to eq(0) end it "supports sub-sub category slugs" do SiteSetting.max_category_nesting = 3 category = Fabricate(:category, name: "top", slug: "top") sub = Fabricate(:category, name: "middle", slug: "middle", parent_category_id: category.id) leaf = Fabricate(:category, name: "leaf", slug: "leaf", parent_category_id: sub.id) topic = Fabricate(:topic, created_at: 3.months.ago, category: leaf) _post = Fabricate(:post, raw: "Sams first post", topic: topic) expect(Search.execute("#Middle:leaf first post").posts.size).to eq(1) end it "correctly handles #symbol when no tag or category match" do Fabricate(:post, raw: "testing #1 #9998") results = Search.new("testing #1").execute expect(results.posts.length).to eq(1) results = Search.new("#9998").execute expect(results.posts.length).to eq(1) results = Search.new("#nonexistent").execute expect(results.posts.length).to eq(0) results = Search.new("xxx #:").execute expect(results.posts.length).to eq(0) end context "with tags" do fab!(:tag1) { Fabricate(:tag, name: "lunch") } fab!(:tag2) { Fabricate(:tag, name: "eggs") } fab!(:tag3) { Fabricate(:tag, name: "sandwiches") } fab!(:tag_group) do group = TagGroup.create!(name: "mid day") TagGroupMembership.create!(tag_id: tag1.id, tag_group_id: group.id) TagGroupMembership.create!(tag_id: tag3.id, tag_group_id: group.id) group end fab!(:topic1) { Fabricate(:topic, tags: [tag2, Fabricate(:tag)]) } fab!(:topic2) { Fabricate(:topic, tags: [tag2]) } fab!(:topic3) { Fabricate(:topic, tags: [tag1, tag2]) } fab!(:topic4) { Fabricate(:topic, tags: [tag1, tag2, tag3]) } fab!(:topic5) { Fabricate(:topic, tags: [tag2, tag3]) } def indexed_post(*args) SearchIndexer.enable Fabricate(:post, *args) end fab!(:post1) { indexed_post(topic: topic1) } fab!(:post2) { indexed_post(topic: topic2) } fab!(:post3) { indexed_post(topic: topic3) } fab!(:post4) { indexed_post(topic: topic4) } fab!(:post5) { indexed_post(topic: topic5) } it "can find posts by tag group" do expect(Search.execute("#mid-day").posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post5, post4, post3].map(&:id)) end it "can find posts with tag" do post4 = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic3, raw: "It probably doesn't help that they're green...") expect(Search.execute("green tags:eggs").posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post4.id]) expect(Search.execute("tags:plants").posts.size).to eq(0) end it "can find posts with non-latin tag" do topic.tags = [Fabricate(:tag, name: "さようなら")] post = Fabricate(:post, raw: "Testing post", topic: topic) expect(Search.execute("tags:さようなら").posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post.id]) end it "can find posts with thai tag" do topic.tags = [Fabricate(:tag, name: "เรซิ่น")] post = Fabricate(:post, raw: "Testing post", topic: topic) expect(Search.execute("tags:เรซิ่น").posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post.id]) end it "can find posts with any tag from multiple tags" do expect(Search.execute("tags:eggs,lunch").posts.map(&:id).sort).to eq( [post1.id, post2.id, post3.id, post4.id, post5.id].sort, ) end it "can find posts which contains all provided tags" do expect(Search.execute("tags:lunch+eggs+sandwiches").posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post4.id].sort) expect(Search.execute("tags:eggs+lunch+sandwiches").posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post4.id].sort) end it "can find posts which contains provided tags and does not contain selected ones" do expect(Search.execute("tags:eggs -tags:lunch").posts.map(&:id)).to eq( [post5, post2, post1].map(&:id), ) expect(Search.execute("tags:eggs -tags:lunch+sandwiches").posts.map(&:id)).to eq( [post5, post3, post2, post1].map(&:id), ) expect(Search.execute("tags:eggs -tags:lunch,sandwiches").posts.map(&:id)).to eq( [post2, post1].map(&:id), ) end it "orders posts correctly when combining tags with categories or terms" do cat1 = Fabricate(:category_with_definition, name: "food") topic6 = Fabricate(:topic, tags: [tag1, tag2], category: cat1) topic7 = Fabricate(:topic, tags: [tag1, tag2, tag3], category: cat1) post7 = Fabricate( :post, topic: topic6, raw: "Wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey.", like_count: 5, created_at: 2.minutes.ago, ) post8 = Fabricate( :post, topic: topic7, raw: "Bakey, bakey, eggs to makey.", like_count: 2, created_at: 1.minute.ago, ) expect(Search.execute("bakey tags:lunch order:latest").posts.map(&:id)).to eq( [post8.id, post7.id], ) expect(Search.execute("#food tags:lunch order:latest").posts.map(&:id)).to eq( [post8.id, post7.id], ) expect(Search.execute("#food tags:lunch order:likes").posts.map(&:id)).to eq( [post7.id, post8.id], ) end end it "can find posts which contains filetypes" do post1 = Fabricate(:post, raw: "http://example.com/image.png") post2 = Fabricate( :post, raw: "Discourse logo\n" \ "http://example.com/logo.png\n" \ "http://example.com/vector_image.svg", ) post_with_upload = Fabricate(:post, uploads: [Fabricate(:upload)]) Fabricate(:post) TopicLink.extract_from(post1) TopicLink.extract_from(post2) expect(Search.execute("filetype:svg").posts).to eq([post2]) expect(Search.execute("filetype:png").posts.map(&:id)).to eq( [post_with_upload, post2, post1].map(&:id), ) expect(Search.execute("logo filetype:png").posts).to eq([post2]) end end describe "#ts_query" do it "can parse complex strings using ts_query helper" do str = +" grigio:babel deprecated? " str << "page page on Atmosphere](https://atmospherejs.com/grigio/babel)xxx: aaa.js:222 aaa'\"bbb" ts_query = Search.ts_query(term: str, ts_config: "simple") expect { DB.exec(+"SELECT to_tsvector('bbb') @@ " << ts_query) }.to_not raise_error ts_query = Search.ts_query(term: "foo.bar/'&baz", ts_config: "simple") expect { DB.exec(+"SELECT to_tsvector('bbb') @@ " << ts_query) }.to_not raise_error expect(ts_query).to include("baz") end it "escapes the term correctly" do expect(Search.ts_query(term: 'Title with trailing backslash\\')).to eq( "REPLACE(TO_TSQUERY('english', '''Title with trailing backslash\\\\\\\\'':*')::text, '<->', '&')::tsquery", ) expect(Search.ts_query(term: "Title with trailing quote'")).to eq( "REPLACE(TO_TSQUERY('english', '''Title with trailing quote'''''':*')::text, '<->', '&')::tsquery", ) end end describe "#word_to_date" do it "parses relative dates correctly" do time = Time.zone.parse("2001-02-20 2:55") freeze_time(time) expect(Search.word_to_date("yesterday")).to eq(time.beginning_of_day.yesterday) expect(Search.word_to_date("suNday")).to eq(Time.zone.parse("2001-02-18")) expect(Search.word_to_date("thursday")).to eq(Time.zone.parse("2001-02-15")) expect(Search.word_to_date("deCember")).to eq(Time.zone.parse("2000-12-01")) expect(Search.word_to_date("deC")).to eq(Time.zone.parse("2000-12-01")) expect(Search.word_to_date("january")).to eq(Time.zone.parse("2001-01-01")) expect(Search.word_to_date("jan")).to eq(Time.zone.parse("2001-01-01")) expect(Search.word_to_date("100")).to eq(time.beginning_of_day.days_ago(100)) expect(Search.word_to_date("invalid")).to eq(nil) end it "parses absolute dates correctly" do expect(Search.word_to_date("2001-1-20")).to eq(Time.zone.parse("2001-01-20")) expect(Search.word_to_date("2030-10-2")).to eq(Time.zone.parse("2030-10-02")) expect(Search.word_to_date("2030-10")).to eq(Time.zone.parse("2030-10-01")) expect(Search.word_to_date("2030")).to eq(Time.zone.parse("2030-01-01")) expect(Search.word_to_date("2030-01-32")).to eq(nil) expect(Search.word_to_date("10000")).to eq(nil) end end describe "#min_post_id" do it "returns 0 when prefer_recent_posts is disabled" do SiteSetting.search_prefer_recent_posts = false expect(Search.min_post_id_no_cache).to eq(0) end it "returns a value when prefer_recent_posts is enabled" do SiteSetting.search_prefer_recent_posts = true SiteSetting.search_recent_posts_size = 1 Fabricate(:post) p2 = Fabricate(:post) expect(Search.min_post_id_no_cache).to eq(p2.id) end end describe "search_log_id" do it "returns an id when the search succeeds" do s = Search.new("indiana jones", search_type: :header, ip_address: "") results = s.execute expect(results.search_log_id).to be_present end it "does not log search if search_type is not present" do s = Search.new("foo bar", ip_address: "") results = s.execute expect(results.search_log_id).not_to be_present end end describe "in:title" do it "allows for search in title" do topic = Fabricate(:topic, title: "I am testing a title search") _post2 = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, raw: "this is the second post", post_number: 2) post = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, raw: "this is the first post", post_number: 1) results = Search.execute("title in:title") expect(results.posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post.id]) results = Search.execute("title iN:tItLe") expect(results.posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post.id]) results = Search.execute("first in:title") expect(results.posts).to eq([]) end it "works irrespective of the order" do topic = Fabricate(:topic, title: "A topic about Discourse") Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, raw: "This is another post") topic2 = Fabricate(:topic, title: "This is another topic") Fabricate(:post, topic: topic2, raw: "Discourse is awesome") results = Search.execute("Discourse in:title status:open") expect(results.posts.length).to eq(1) results = Search.execute("in:title status:open Discourse") expect(results.posts.length).to eq(1) end end describe "ignore_diacritics" do before { SiteSetting.search_ignore_accents = true } let!(:post1) { Fabricate(:post, raw: "สวัสดี Rágis hello") } it ("allows strips correctly") do results = Search.execute("hello", type_filter: "topic") expect(results.posts.length).to eq(1) results = Search.execute("ragis", type_filter: "topic") expect(results.posts.length).to eq(1) results = Search.execute("Rágis", type_filter: "topic") expect(results.posts.length).to eq(1) # TODO: this is a test we need to fix! # expect(results.blurb(results.posts.first)).to include('Rágis') results = Search.execute("สวัสดี", type_filter: "topic") expect(results.posts.length).to eq(1) end end describe "include_diacritics" do before { SiteSetting.search_ignore_accents = false } let!(:post1) { Fabricate(:post, raw: "สวัสดี Régis hello") } it ("allows strips correctly") do results = Search.execute("hello", type_filter: "topic") expect(results.posts.length).to eq(1) results = Search.execute("regis", type_filter: "topic") expect(results.posts.length).to eq(0) results = Search.execute("Régis", type_filter: "topic") expect(results.posts.length).to eq(1) expect(results.blurb(results.posts.first)).to include("Régis") results = Search.execute("สวัสดี", type_filter: "topic") expect(results.posts.length).to eq(1) end end describe "pagination" do let(:number_of_results) { 2 } let!(:post1) { Fabricate(:post, raw: "hello hello hello hello hello") } let!(:post2) { Fabricate(:post, raw: "hello hello hello hello") } let!(:post3) { Fabricate(:post, raw: "hello hello hello") } let!(:post4) { Fabricate(:post, raw: "hello hello") } let!(:post5) { Fabricate(:post, raw: "hello") } before { Search.stubs(:per_filter).returns(number_of_results) } it "returns more results flag" do results = Search.execute("hello", search_type: :full_page, type_filter: "topic") results2 = Search.execute("hello", search_type: :full_page, type_filter: "topic", page: 2) expect(results.posts.length).to eq(number_of_results) expect(results.posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post1.id, post2.id]) expect(results.more_full_page_results).to eq(true) expect(results2.posts.length).to eq(number_of_results) expect(results2.posts.map(&:id)).to eq([post3.id, post4.id]) expect(results2.more_full_page_results).to eq(true) end it "correctly search with page parameter" do search = Search.new("hello", search_type: :full_page, type_filter: "topic", page: 3) results = search.execute expect(search.offset).to eq(2 * number_of_results) expect(results.posts.length).to eq(1) expect(results.posts).to eq([post5]) expect(results.more_full_page_results).to eq(nil) end it "returns more results flag for header searches" do results = Search.execute("hello", search_type: :header) expect(results.posts.length).to eq(Search.per_facet) expect(results.more_posts).to eq(nil) # not 6 posts yet _post6 = Fabricate(:post, raw: "hello post #6") results = Search.execute("hello", search_type: :header) expect(results.posts.length).to eq(Search.per_facet) expect(results.more_posts).to eq(true) end end describe "header in-topic search" do let!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, title: "This is a topic with a bunch of posts") } let!(:post1) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, raw: "hola amiga") } let!(:post2) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, raw: "hola amigo") } let!(:post3) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, raw: "hola chica") } let!(:post4) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, raw: "hola chico") } let!(:post5) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, raw: "hola hermana") } let!(:post6) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, raw: "hola hermano") } let!(:post7) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, raw: "hola chiquito") } it "does not use per_facet pagination" do search = Search.new("hola", search_type: :header, search_context: topic) results = search.execute expect(results.posts.length).to eq(7) expect(results.more_posts).to eq(nil) end end describe "in:tagged" do it "allows for searching by presence of any tags" do topic = Fabricate(:topic, title: "I am testing a tagged search") _post = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, raw: "this is the first post") tag = Fabricate(:tag) _topic_tag = Fabricate(:topic_tag, topic: topic, tag: tag) results = Search.execute("in:untagged") expect(results.posts.length).to eq(0) results = Search.execute("in:tagged") expect(results.posts.length).to eq(1) results = Search.execute("In:TaGgEd") expect(results.posts.length).to eq(1) end end describe "in:untagged" do it "allows for searching by presence of no tags" do topic = Fabricate(:topic, title: "I am testing a untagged search") _post = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, raw: "this is the first post") results = Search.execute("iN:uNtAgGeD") expect(results.posts.length).to eq(1) results = Search.execute("in:tagged") expect(results.posts.length).to eq(0) end end describe "plugin extensions" do let!(:post0) do Fabricate( :post, raw: "this is the first post about advanced filter with length more than 50 chars", ) end let!(:post1) { Fabricate(:post, raw: "this is the second post about advanced filter") } it "allows to define custom filter" do expect(Search.new("advanced").execute.posts).to eq([post1, post0]) Search.advanced_filter(/^min_chars:(\d+)$/) do |posts, match| posts.where("(SELECT LENGTH(p2.raw) FROM posts p2 WHERE p2.id = posts.id) >= ?", match.to_i) end expect(Search.new("advanced min_chars:50").execute.posts).to eq([post0]) end it "allows to define custom order" do expect(Search.new("advanced").execute.posts).to eq([post1, post0]) Search.advanced_order(:chars) { |posts| posts.reorder("MAX(LENGTH(posts.raw)) DESC") } expect(Search.new("advanced order:chars").execute.posts).to eq([post0, post1]) end end describe "exclude_topics filter" do before { SiteSetting.tagging_enabled = true } let!(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } fab!(:group) { Fabricate(:group, name: "bruce-world-fans") } fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, title: "Bruce topic not a result") } it "works" do category = Fabricate(:category_with_definition, name: "bruceland", user: user) tag = Fabricate(:tag, name: "brucealicious") result = Search.execute("bruce", type_filter: "exclude_topics") expect(result.users.map(&:id)).to contain_exactly(user.id) expect(result.categories.map(&:id)).to contain_exactly(category.id) expect(result.groups.map(&:id)).to contain_exactly(group.id) expect(result.tags.map(&:id)).to contain_exactly(tag.id) expect(result.posts.length).to eq(0) end it "does not fail when parsed term is empty" do result = Search.execute("#cat ", type_filter: "exclude_topics") expect(result.categories.length).to eq(0) end end context "when prioritize_exact_search_match is enabled" do before { SearchIndexer.enable } after { SearchIndexer.disable } it "correctly ranks topics" do SiteSetting.prioritize_exact_search_title_match = true topic1 = Fabricate(:topic, title: "saml saml saml is the best") post1 = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic1, raw: "this topic is a story about saml") topic2 = Fabricate(:topic, title: "sam has ideas about lots of things") post2 = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic2, raw: "this topic is not about saml saml saml") topic3 = Fabricate(:topic, title: "jane has ideas about lots of things") post3 = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic3, raw: "sam sam sam sam lets add sams") SearchIndexer.index(post1, force: true) SearchIndexer.index(post2, force: true) SearchIndexer.index(post3, force: true) result = Search.execute("sam") expect(result.posts.length).to eq(3) # title match should win cause we limited duplication expect(result.posts.pluck(:id)).to eq([post2.id, post1.id, post3.id]) end end context "when plugin introduces a search_rank_sort_priorities modifier" do before do SearchIndexer.enable DiscoursePluginRegistry.clear_modifiers! end after do SearchIndexer.disable DiscoursePluginRegistry.clear_modifiers! end it "allow modifying the search rank" do plugin = Plugin::Instance.new plugin.register_modifier(:search_rank_sort_priorities) do |ranks, search| [["topics.closed", 77]] end closed_topic = Fabricate(:topic, title: "saml saml saml is the best", closed: true) closed_post = Fabricate(:post, topic: closed_topic, raw: "this topic is a story about saml") open_topic = Fabricate(:topic, title: "saml saml saml is the best2") open_post = Fabricate(:post, topic: open_topic, raw: "this topic is a story about saml") result = Search.execute("story") expect(result.posts.pluck(:id)).to eq([closed_post.id, open_post.id]) end end context "when max_duplicate_search_index_terms limits duplication" do before { SearchIndexer.enable } after { SearchIndexer.disable } it "correctly ranks topics" do SiteSetting.max_duplicate_search_index_terms = 5 topic1 = Fabricate(:topic, title: "this is a topic about sam") post1 = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic1, raw: "this topic is a story about some person") topic2 = Fabricate(:topic, title: "this is a topic about bob") post2 = Fabricate( :post, topic: topic2, raw: "this topic is a story about some person #{"sam " * 100}", ) SearchIndexer.index(post1, force: true) SearchIndexer.index(post2, force: true) result = Search.execute("sam") expect(result.posts.length).to eq(2) # title match should win cause we limited duplication expect(result.posts.pluck(:id)).to eq([post1.id, post2.id]) end end end