# # A helper class to send an email. It will also handle a nil message, which it considers # to be "do nothing". This is because some Mailers will decide not to do work for some # reason. For example, emailing a user too frequently. A nil to address is also considered # "do nothing" # # It also adds an HTML part for the plain text body # require_dependency 'email/renderer' require 'uri' require 'net/smtp' SMTP_CLIENT_ERRORS = [Net::SMTPFatalError, Net::SMTPSyntaxError] module Email class Sender def initialize(message, email_type, user = nil) @message = message @email_type = email_type @user = user end def send return if SiteSetting.disable_emails == "yes" && @email_type.to_s != "admin_login" return if ActionMailer::Base::NullMail === @message return if ActionMailer::Base::NullMail === (@message.message rescue nil) return skip(SkippedEmailLog.reason_types[:sender_message_blank]) if @message.blank? return skip(SkippedEmailLog.reason_types[:sender_message_to_blank]) if @message.to.blank? if @message.text_part if @message.text_part.body.to_s.blank? return skip(SkippedEmailLog.reason_types[:sender_text_part_body_blank]) end else if @message.body.to_s.blank? return skip(SkippedEmailLog.reason_types[:sender_body_blank]) end end @message.charset = 'UTF-8' opts = {} renderer = Email::Renderer.new(@message, opts) if @message.html_part @message.html_part.body = renderer.html else @message.html_part = Mail::Part.new do content_type 'text/html; charset=UTF-8' body renderer.html end end # Fix relative (ie upload) HTML links in markdown which do not work well in plain text emails. # These are the links we add when a user uploads a file or image. # Ideally we would parse general markdown into plain text, but that is almost an intractable problem. url_prefix = Discourse.base_url @message.parts[0].body = @message.parts[0].body.to_s.gsub(/([^<]*)<\/a>/, '[\2](' + url_prefix + '\1)') @message.parts[0].body = @message.parts[0].body.to_s.gsub(/]*)>/, '![](' + url_prefix + '\1)') @message.text_part.content_type = 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8' user_id = @user&.id # Set up the email log email_log = EmailLog.new( email_type: @email_type, to_address: to_address, user_id: user_id ) host = Email::Sender.host_for(Discourse.base_url) post_id = header_value('X-Discourse-Post-Id') topic_id = header_value('X-Discourse-Topic-Id') reply_key = set_reply_key(post_id, user_id) # always set a default Message ID from the host @message.header['Message-ID'] = "<#{SecureRandom.uuid}@#{host}>" if topic_id.present? && post_id.present? post = Post.find_by(id: post_id, topic_id: topic_id) # guards against deleted posts return skip(SkippedEmailLog.reason_types[:sender_post_deleted]) unless post topic = post.topic first_post = topic.ordered_posts.first topic_message_id = first_post.incoming_email&.message_id.present? ? "<#{first_post.incoming_email.message_id}>" : "" post_message_id = post.incoming_email&.message_id.present? ? "<#{post.incoming_email.message_id}>" : "" referenced_posts = Post.includes(:incoming_email) .where(id: PostReply.where(reply_id: post_id).select(:post_id)) .order(id: :desc) referenced_post_message_ids = referenced_posts.map do |referenced_post| if referenced_post.incoming_email&.message_id.present? "<#{referenced_post.incoming_email.message_id}>" else if referenced_post.post_number == 1 "" else "" end end end # https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2822.txt if post.post_number == 1 @message.header['Message-ID'] = topic_message_id else @message.header['Message-ID'] = post_message_id @message.header['In-Reply-To'] = referenced_post_message_ids[0] || topic_message_id @message.header['References'] = [topic_message_id, referenced_post_message_ids].flatten.compact.uniq end # https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2919.txt if topic&.category && !topic.category.uncategorized? list_id = "#{SiteSetting.title} | #{topic.category.name} <#{topic.category.name.downcase.tr(' ', '-')}.#{host}>" # subcategory case if !topic.category.parent_category_id.nil? parent_category_name = Category.find_by(id: topic.category.parent_category_id).name list_id = "#{SiteSetting.title} | #{parent_category_name} #{topic.category.name} <#{topic.category.name.downcase.tr(' ', '-')}.#{parent_category_name.downcase.tr(' ', '-')}.#{host}>" end else list_id = "#{SiteSetting.title} <#{host}>" end # https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3834.txt @message.header['Precedence'] = 'list' @message.header['List-ID'] = list_id if topic if SiteSetting.private_email? @message.header['List-Archive'] = "#{Discourse.base_url}#{topic.slugless_url}" else @message.header['List-Archive'] = topic.url end end end if reply_key.present? && @message.header['Reply-To'] =~ /\<([^\>]+)\>/ email = Regexp.last_match[1] @message.header['List-Post'] = "" end if SiteSetting.reply_by_email_address.present? && SiteSetting.reply_by_email_address["+"] email_log.bounce_key = SecureRandom.hex # WARNING: RFC claims you can not set the Return Path header, this is 100% correct # however Rails has special handling for this header and ends up using this value # as the Envelope From address so stuff works as expected @message.header[:return_path] = SiteSetting.reply_by_email_address.sub("%{reply_key}", "verp-#{email_log.bounce_key}") end email_log.post_id = post_id if post_id.present? # Remove headers we don't need anymore @message.header['X-Discourse-Topic-Id'] = nil if topic_id.present? @message.header['X-Discourse-Post-Id'] = nil if post_id.present? if reply_key.present? @message.header[Email::MessageBuilder::ALLOW_REPLY_BY_EMAIL_HEADER] = nil end # pass the original message_id when using mailjet/mandrill/sparkpost case ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings[:address] when /\.mailjet\.com/ @message.header['X-MJ-CustomID'] = @message.message_id when "smtp.mandrillapp.com" merge_json_x_header('X-MC-Metadata', message_id: @message.message_id) when "smtp.sparkpostmail.com" merge_json_x_header('X-MSYS-API', metadata: { message_id: @message.message_id }) end # Suppress images from short emails if SiteSetting.strip_images_from_short_emails && @message.html_part.body.to_s.bytesize <= SiteSetting.short_email_length && @message.html_part.body =~ /]+>/ style = Email::Styles.new(@message.html_part.body.to_s) @message.html_part.body = style.strip_avatars_and_emojis end email_log.message_id = @message.message_id begin @message.deliver_now rescue *SMTP_CLIENT_ERRORS => e return skip(SkippedEmailLog.reason_types[:custom], custom_reason: e.message) end email_log.save! email_log end def to_address @to_address ||= begin to = @message.try(:to) to = to.first if Array === to to.presence || "no_email_found" end end def self.host_for(base_url) host = "localhost" if base_url.present? begin uri = URI.parse(base_url) host = uri.host.downcase if uri.host.present? rescue URI::Error end end host end private def header_value(name) header = @message.header[name] return nil unless header header.value end def skip(reason_type, custom_reason: nil) attributes = { email_type: @email_type, to_address: to_address, user_id: @user&.id, reason_type: reason_type } attributes[:custom_reason] = custom_reason if custom_reason SkippedEmailLog.create!(attributes) end def merge_json_x_header(name, value) data = JSON.parse(@message.header[name].to_s) rescue nil data ||= {} data.merge!(value) # /!\ @message.header is not a standard ruby hash. # It can have multiple values attached to the same key... # In order to remove all the previous keys, we have to "nil" it. # But for "nil" to work, there must already be a key... @message.header[name] = "" @message.header[name] = nil @message.header[name] = data.to_json end def set_reply_key(post_id, user_id) return unless user_id && post_id && header_value(Email::MessageBuilder::ALLOW_REPLY_BY_EMAIL_HEADER).present? # use safe variant here cause we tend to see concurrency issue reply_key = PostReplyKey.find_or_create_by_safe!( post_id: post_id, user_id: user_id ).reply_key @message.header['Reply-To'] = header_value('Reply-To').gsub!("%{reply_key}", reply_key) end end end