# frozen_string_literal: true class ApplicationRequest < ActiveRecord::Base enum req_type: %i(http_total http_2xx http_background http_3xx http_4xx http_5xx page_view_crawler page_view_logged_in page_view_anon page_view_logged_in_mobile page_view_anon_mobile) cattr_accessor :autoflush, :autoflush_seconds, :last_flush # auto flush if backlog is larger than this self.autoflush = 2000 # auto flush if older than this self.autoflush_seconds = 5.minutes self.last_flush = Time.now.utc def self.increment!(type, opts = nil) key = redis_key(type) val = $redis.incr(key).to_i # readonly mode it is going to be 0, skip return if val == 0 # 3.days, see: https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/21296 $redis.expire(key, 259200) autoflush = (opts && opts[:autoflush]) || self.autoflush if autoflush > 0 && val >= autoflush write_cache! return end if (Time.now.utc - last_flush).to_i > autoflush_seconds write_cache! end end GET_AND_RESET = <<~LUA local val = redis.call('get', KEYS[1]) redis.call('set', KEYS[1], '0') return val LUA def self.write_cache!(date = nil) if date.nil? write_cache!(Time.now.utc) write_cache!(Time.now.utc.yesterday) return end self.last_flush = Time.now.utc date = date.to_date # this may seem a bit fancy but in so it allows # for concurrent calls without double counting req_types.each do |req_type, _| key = redis_key(req_type, date) namespaced_key = $redis.namespace_key(key) val = $redis.without_namespace.eval(GET_AND_RESET, keys: [namespaced_key]).to_i next if val == 0 id = req_id(date, req_type) where(id: id).update_all(["count = count + ?", val]) end rescue Redis::CommandError => e raise unless e.message =~ /READONLY/ nil end def self.clear_cache!(date = nil) if date.nil? clear_cache!(Time.now.utc) clear_cache!(Time.now.utc.yesterday) return end req_types.each do |req_type, _| key = redis_key(req_type, date) $redis.del key end end protected def self.req_id(date, req_type, retries = 0) req_type_id = req_types[req_type] # a poor man's upsert id = where(date: date, req_type: req_type_id).pluck(:id).first id ||= create!(date: date, req_type: req_type_id, count: 0).id rescue # primary key violation if retries == 0 req_id(date, req_type, 1) else raise end end def self.redis_key(req_type, time = Time.now.utc) "app_req_#{req_type}#{time.strftime('%Y%m%d')}" end def self.stats s = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new({}) self.req_types.each do |key, i| query = self.where(req_type: i) s["#{key}_total"] = query.sum(:count) s["#{key}_30_days"] = query.where("date > ?", 30.days.ago).sum(:count) s["#{key}_7_days"] = query.where("date > ?", 7.days.ago).sum(:count) end s end end # == Schema Information # # Table name: application_requests # # id :integer not null, primary key # date :date not null # req_type :integer not null # count :integer default(0), not null # # Indexes # # index_application_requests_on_date_and_req_type (date,req_type) UNIQUE #