# frozen_string_literal: true class BackfillPostUploadReverseIndex < ActiveRecord::Migration[4.2] def up # clean the reverse index execute "TRUNCATE TABLE post_uploads" # fill the reverse index up Post.select([:id, :cooked]).find_each do |post| doc = Nokogiri::HTML5::fragment(post.cooked) # images doc.search("img").each { |img| add_to_reverse_index(img['src'], post.id) } # thumbnails and/or attachments doc.search("a").each { |a| add_to_reverse_index(a['href'], post.id) } end end def add_to_reverse_index(url, post_id) # make sure we have a url to insert return unless url.present? # local uploads are relative if index = url.index(local_base_url) url = url[index..-1] end # filter out non-uploads return unless is_local?(url) || is_on_s3?(url) # update the reverse index execute "INSERT INTO post_uploads (upload_id, post_id) SELECT u.id, #{post_id} FROM uploads u WHERE u.url = '#{url}' AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM post_uploads WHERE upload_id = u.id AND post_id = #{post_id})" end def local_base_url @local_base_url ||= "/uploads/#{RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.current_db}" end def local_optimized_base_url @local_optimized_base_url ||= "#{local_base_url}/_optimized" end def local_avatar_base_url @local_avatar_base_url ||= "#{local_base_url}/avatars" end def s3_base_url @s3_base_url ||= "//#{SiteSetting.s3_upload_bucket.downcase}.s3.amazonaws.com" end def s3_avatar_base_url @s3_avatar_base_url ||= "#{s3_base_url}/avatars" end def is_local?(url) url.starts_with?(local_base_url) && !is_local_thumbnail?(url) && !is_local_avatar?(url) end def is_local_thumbnail?(url) url.starts_with?(local_optimized_base_url) end def is_local_avatar?(url) url.starts_with?(local_avatar_base_url) end def is_on_s3?(url) url.starts_with?(s3_base_url) && !is_s3_avatar?(url) end def is_s3_avatar?(url) url.starts_with?(s3_avatar_base_url) end end