# frozen_string_literal: true RSpec.describe Jobs::UserEmail do before { SiteSetting.email_time_window_mins = 10 } fab!(:user) { Fabricate(:user, last_seen_at: 11.minutes.ago) } fab!(:staged) { Fabricate(:user, staged: true, last_seen_at: 11.minutes.ago) } fab!(:suspended) do Fabricate( :user, last_seen_at: 10.minutes.ago, suspended_at: 5.minutes.ago, suspended_till: 7.days.from_now, ) end fab!(:anonymous) { Fabricate(:anonymous, last_seen_at: 11.minutes.ago) } it "raises an error when there is no user" do expect { Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute(type: :digest) }.to raise_error( Discourse::InvalidParameters, ) end it "raises an error when there is no type" do expect { Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute(user_id: user.id) }.to raise_error( Discourse::InvalidParameters, ) end it "raises an error when the type doesn't exist" do expect { Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute(type: :no_method, user_id: user.id) }.to raise_error( Discourse::InvalidParameters, ) end context "when digest can be generated" do fab!(:user) { Fabricate(:user, last_seen_at: 8.days.ago, last_emailed_at: 8.days.ago) } fab!(:popular_topic) { Fabricate(:topic, user: Fabricate(:admin), created_at: 1.hour.ago) } it "doesn't call the mailer when the user is missing" do Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute(type: :digest, user_id: User.last.id + 10_000) expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries).to eq([]) end it "doesn't call the mailer when the user is staged" do staged.update!(last_seen_at: 8.days.ago, last_emailed_at: 8.days.ago) Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute(type: :digest, user_id: staged.id) expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries).to eq([]) end context "when not emailed recently" do before do freeze_time user.update!(last_emailed_at: 8.days.ago) end it "calls the mailer when the user exists" do Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute(type: :digest, user_id: user.id) expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries).to_not be_empty expect(user.user_stat.reload.digest_attempted_at).to eq_time(Time.zone.now) end end context "when recently emailed" do before do freeze_time user.update!(last_emailed_at: 2.hours.ago) user.user_option.update!(digest_after_minutes: 1.day.to_i / 60) end it "skips sending digest email" do Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute(type: :digest, user_id: user.id) expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries).to eq([]) expect(user.user_stat.reload.digest_attempted_at).to eq_time(Time.zone.now) end end end context "with bounce score" do it "always sends critical emails when bounce score threshold has been reached" do email_token = Fabricate(:email_token) user.user_stat.update(bounce_score: SiteSetting.bounce_score_threshold + 1) Jobs::CriticalUserEmail.new.execute( type: "signup", user_id: user.id, email_token: email_token.token, ) email_log = EmailLog.where(user_id: user.id).last expect(email_log.email_type).to eq("signup") expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first.to).to contain_exactly(user.email) end end context "with to_address" do it "overwrites a to_address when present" do Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute( type: :confirm_new_email, user_id: user.id, to_address: "jake@adventuretime.ooo", ) expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first.to).to contain_exactly("jake@adventuretime.ooo") end end context "with disable_emails setting" do it "sends when no" do SiteSetting.disable_emails = "no" Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute(type: :confirm_new_email, user_id: user.id) expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first.to).to contain_exactly(user.email) end it "does not send an email when yes" do SiteSetting.disable_emails = "yes" Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute(type: :confirm_new_email, user_id: user.id) expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries).to eq([]) end end context "when recently seen" do fab!(:post) { Fabricate(:post, user: user) } fab!(:notification) do Fabricate( :notification, user: user, topic: post.topic, post_number: post.post_number, data: { original_post_id: post.id }.to_json, ) end before { user.update_column(:last_seen_at, 9.minutes.ago) } it "doesn't send an email to a user that's been recently seen" do Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute(type: :user_replied, user_id: user.id, post_id: post.id) expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries).to eq([]) end it "does send an email to a user that's been recently seen but has email_level set to always" do user.user_option.update(email_level: UserOption.email_level_types[:always]) PostTiming.create!( topic_id: post.topic_id, post_number: post.post_number, user_id: user.id, msecs: 100, ) Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute( type: :user_replied, user_id: user.id, post_id: post.id, notification_id: notification.id, ) expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first.to).to contain_exactly(user.email) end it "doesn't send an email even if email_level is set to always if `force_respect_seen_recently` arg is true" do user.user_option.update(email_level: UserOption.email_level_types[:always]) PostTiming.create!( topic_id: post.topic_id, post_number: post.post_number, user_id: user.id, msecs: 100, ) Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute( type: :user_replied, user_id: user.id, post_id: post.id, notification_id: notification.id, force_respect_seen_recently: true, ) expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries).to eq([]) end it "sends an email with no gsub substitution bugs" do upload = Fabricate(:upload) post.update!(raw: <<~RAW) This is a test post With a \\0 \\1 \\2 in it RAW Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute( type: :user_private_message, user_id: user.id, post_id: post.id, notification_id: notification.id, ) email = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first expect(email.to).to contain_exactly(user.email) html_part = email.parts.find { |x| x.content_type.include? "html" } expect(html_part.body.to_s).to_not include("%{email_content}") expect(html_part.body.to_s).to include('\0') end it "sends an email by default for a PM to a user that's been recently seen" do upload = Fabricate(:upload) post.update!(raw: <<~RAW) This is a test post test RAW Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute( type: :user_private_message, user_id: user.id, post_id: post.id, notification_id: notification.id, ) email = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first expect(email.to).to contain_exactly(user.email) expect(email.parts[0].body.to_s).to include(<<~MD) This is a test post [test|attachment](#{Discourse.base_url}#{upload.url}) ![](#{Discourse.base_url}#{upload.url}) MD end it "sends a PM email to a user that's been recently seen and has email_messages_level set to always" do user.user_option.update(email_messages_level: UserOption.email_level_types[:always]) user.user_option.update(email_level: UserOption.email_level_types[:never]) Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute( type: :user_private_message, user_id: user.id, post_id: post.id, notification_id: notification.id, ) expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first.to).to contain_exactly(user.email) end it "doesn't send a PM email to a user that's been recently seen and has email_messages_level set to never" do user.user_option.update(email_messages_level: UserOption.email_level_types[:never]) user.user_option.update(email_level: UserOption.email_level_types[:always]) Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute(type: :user_private_message, user_id: user.id, post_id: post.id) expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries).to eq([]) end it "doesn't send a regular post email to a user that's been recently seen and has email_level set to never" do user.user_option.update(email_messages_level: UserOption.email_level_types[:always]) user.user_option.update(email_level: UserOption.email_level_types[:never]) Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute(type: :user_replied, user_id: user.id, post_id: post.id) expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries).to eq([]) end end context "with email_log" do fab!(:post) { Fabricate(:post, created_at: 30.seconds.ago) } before { SiteSetting.editing_grace_period = 0 } it "creates an email log when the mail is sent (via Email::Sender)" do freeze_time last_emailed_at = 7.days.ago user.update!(last_emailed_at: last_emailed_at) Topic.last.update(created_at: 1.minute.ago) expect do Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute(type: :digest, user_id: user.id) end.to change { EmailLog.count }.by(1) email_log = EmailLog.last expect(email_log.user).to eq(user) expect(email_log.post).to eq(nil) # last_emailed_at should have changed expect(email_log.user.last_emailed_at).to_not eq_time(last_emailed_at) end it "creates a skipped email log when the mail is skipped" do freeze_time last_emailed_at = 7.days.ago user.update!(last_emailed_at: last_emailed_at, suspended_till: 1.year.from_now) expect do Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute(type: :digest, user_id: user.id) end.to change { SkippedEmailLog.count }.by(1) expect( SkippedEmailLog.exists?( email_type: "digest", user: user, post: nil, to_address: user.email, reason_type: SkippedEmailLog.reason_types[:user_email_user_suspended_not_pm], ), ).to eq(true) # last_emailed_at doesn't change expect(user.last_emailed_at).to eq_time(last_emailed_at) end it "creates a skipped email log when the user isn't allowed to see the post" do user.user_option.update(email_level: UserOption.email_level_types[:always]) post.topic.convert_to_private_message(Discourse.system_user) expect do Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute(type: :user_posted, user_id: user.id, post_id: post.id) end.to change { SkippedEmailLog.count }.by(1) expect( SkippedEmailLog.exists?( email_type: "user_posted", user: user, post: post, to_address: user.email, reason_type: SkippedEmailLog.reason_types[:user_email_access_denied], ), ).to eq(true) expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries).to eq([]) end end context "with args" do it "passes a token as an argument when a token is present" do Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute(type: :forgot_password, user_id: user.id, email_token: "asdfasdf") mail = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first expect(mail.to).to contain_exactly(user.email) expect(mail.body).to include("asdfasdf") end context "with confirm_new_email" do let(:email_token) { Fabricate(:email_token, user: user) } before do EmailChangeRequest.create!( user: user, requested_by: requested_by, new_email_token: email_token, new_email: "testnew@test.com", change_state: EmailChangeRequest.states[:authorizing_new], ) end context "when the change was requested by admin" do let(:requested_by) { Fabricate(:admin) } it "passes along true for the requested_by_admin param which changes the wording in the email" do Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute( type: :confirm_new_email, user_id: user.id, email_token: email_token.token, ) mail = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first expect(mail.body).to include("This email change was requested by a site admin.") end end context "when the change was requested by the user" do let(:requested_by) { user } it "passes along false for the requested_by_admin param which changes the wording in the email" do Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute( type: :confirm_new_email, user_id: user.id, email_token: email_token.token, ) mail = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first expect(mail.body).not_to include("This email change was requested by a site admin.") end end context "when requested_by record is not present" do let(:requested_by) { nil } it "passes along false for the requested_by_admin param which changes the wording in the email" do Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute( type: :confirm_new_email, user_id: user.id, email_token: email_token.token, ) mail = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first expect(mail.body).not_to include("This email change was requested by a site admin.") end end end context "with post" do fab!(:post) { Fabricate(:post, user: user) } it "doesn't send the email if you've seen the post" do PostTiming.record_timing( topic_id: post.topic_id, user_id: user.id, post_number: post.post_number, msecs: 6666, ) Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute(type: :user_private_message, user_id: user.id, post_id: post.id) expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries).to eq([]) end it "doesn't send the email if the user deleted the post" do post.update_column(:user_deleted, true) Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute(type: :user_private_message, user_id: user.id, post_id: post.id) expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries).to eq([]) end it "doesn't send the email if user of the post has been deleted" do post.update!(user_id: nil) Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute(type: :user_replied, user_id: user.id, post_id: post.id) expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries).to eq([]) end context "when user is suspended" do context "when topic is a private message" do subject(:send_email) do described_class.new.execute( type: :user_private_message, user_id: suspended.id, post_id: post.id, notification_id: pm_notification.id, ) end let(:pm_notification) do Fabricate( :notification, user: suspended, topic: post.topic, post_number: post.post_number, data: { original_post_id: post.id }.to_json, ) end fab!(:moderator) { Fabricate(:moderator) } fab!(:regular_user) { Fabricate(:user) } context "when this is not a group PM" do let(:post) { Fabricate(:private_message_post, user: user, recipient: suspended) } context "when post is from a staff user" do let(:user) { moderator } it "does send an email" do send_email expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first.to).to contain_exactly(suspended.email) end end context "when post is from a regular user" do let(:user) { regular_user } it "doesn't send email" do send_email expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries).to be_empty end end end context "when this is a group PM" do fab!(:group) { Fabricate(:group) } fab!(:users) { Fabricate.times(2, :user) } let(:post) { Fabricate(:group_private_message_post, user: user, recipients: group) } before { group.users << [suspended, *users] } context "when post is from a staff user" do let(:user) { moderator } it "does not send an email" do send_email expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries).to be_empty end end context "when post is from a regular user" do let(:user) { regular_user } it "does not send an email" do send_email expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries).to be_empty end end end end it "doesn't send PM from system user" do pm_from_system = SystemMessage.create(suspended, :unsilenced) system_pm_notification = Fabricate( :notification, user: suspended, topic: pm_from_system.topic, post_number: pm_from_system.post_number, data: { original_post_id: pm_from_system.id }.to_json, ) Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute( type: :user_private_message, user_id: suspended.id, post_id: pm_from_system.id, notification_id: system_pm_notification.id, ) expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries).to eq([]) end end context "when user is anonymous" do before { SiteSetting.allow_anonymous_posting = true } it "doesn't send email for a pm from a regular user" do Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute( type: :user_private_message, user_id: anonymous.id, post_id: post.id, ) expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries).to eq([]) end it "doesn't send email for a pm from a staff user" do pm_from_staff = Fabricate(:post, user: Fabricate(:moderator)) pm_from_staff.topic.topic_allowed_users.create!(user_id: anonymous.id) Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute( type: :user_private_message, user_id: anonymous.id, post_id: pm_from_staff.id, ) expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries).to eq([]) end end end context "with notification" do fab!(:post) { Fabricate(:post, user: user) } fab!(:notification) do Fabricate( :notification, user: user, topic: post.topic, post_number: post.post_number, data: { original_post_id: post.id }.to_json, ) end it "doesn't send the email if the notification has been seen" do notification.update_column(:read, true) message, err = Jobs::UserEmail.new.message_for_email( user, post, "user_mentioned", notification, notification_type: notification.notification_type, notification_data_hash: notification.data_hash, ) expect(message).to eq(nil) expect( SkippedEmailLog.exists?( email_type: "user_mentioned", user: user, post: post, to_address: user.email, reason_type: SkippedEmailLog.reason_types[:user_email_notification_already_read], ), ).to eq(true) end it "does send the email if the notification has been seen but user has email_level set to always" do notification.update_column(:read, true) user.user_option.update_column(:email_level, UserOption.email_level_types[:always]) Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute( type: :user_mentioned, user_id: user.id, post_id: post.id, notification_id: notification.id, ) expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first.to).to contain_exactly(user.email) end it "does send the email if the user is using daily mailing list mode" do user.user_option.update(mailing_list_mode: true, mailing_list_mode_frequency: 0) Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute( type: :user_mentioned, user_id: user.id, post_id: post.id, notification_id: notification.id, ) expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first.to).to contain_exactly(user.email) end it "sends the mail if the user enabled mailing list mode, but mailing list mode is disabled globally" do user.user_option.update(mailing_list_mode: true, mailing_list_mode_frequency: 1) Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute( type: :user_mentioned, user_id: user.id, post_id: post.id, notification_id: notification.id, ) expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first.to).to contain_exactly(user.email) end context "when recently seen" do it "doesn't send an email to a user that's been recently seen" do user.update!(last_seen_at: 9.minutes.ago) Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute( type: :user_replied, user_id: user.id, post_id: post.id, notification_id: notification.id, ) expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries).to eq([]) end it "does send an email to a user that's been recently seen but has email_level set to always" do user.update!(last_seen_at: 9.minutes.ago) user.user_option.update!(email_level: UserOption.email_level_types[:always]) Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute( type: :user_replied, user_id: user.id, post_id: post.id, notification_id: notification.id, ) expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first.to).to contain_exactly(user.email) end end context "when max_emails_per_day_per_user limit is reached" do before do SiteSetting.max_emails_per_day_per_user = 2 2.times { Fabricate(:email_log, user: user, email_type: "blah", to_address: user.email) } end it "does not send notification if limit is reached" do expect do 2.times do Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute( type: :user_mentioned, user_id: user.id, notification_id: notification.id, post_id: post.id, ) end end.to change { SkippedEmailLog.count }.by(1) expect( SkippedEmailLog.exists?( email_type: "user_mentioned", user: user, post: post, to_address: user.email, reason_type: SkippedEmailLog.reason_types[:exceeded_emails_limit], ), ).to eq(true) freeze_time(Time.zone.now.tomorrow + 1.second) expect do Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute( type: :user_mentioned, user_id: user.id, notification_id: notification.id, post_id: post.id, ) end.not_to change { SkippedEmailLog.count } end it "sends critical email" do expect do Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute( type: :forgot_password, user_id: user.id, notification_id: notification.id, ) end.to change { EmailLog.count }.by(1) expect(EmailLog.exists?(email_type: "forgot_password", user: user)).to eq(true) end end it "erodes bounce score each time an email is sent" do SiteSetting.bounce_score_erode_on_send = 0.2 user.user_stat.update(bounce_score: 2.7) Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute( type: :user_mentioned, user_id: user.id, notification_id: notification.id, post_id: post.id, ) user.user_stat.reload expect(user.user_stat.bounce_score).to eq(2.5) user.user_stat.update(bounce_score: 0) Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute( type: :user_mentioned, user_id: user.id, notification_id: notification.id, post_id: post.id, ) user.user_stat.reload expect(user.user_stat.bounce_score).to eq(0) end it "does not send notification if bounce threshold is reached" do user.user_stat.update(bounce_score: SiteSetting.bounce_score_threshold) expect do Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute( type: :user_mentioned, user_id: user.id, notification_id: notification.id, post_id: post.id, ) end.to change { SkippedEmailLog.count }.by(1) expect( SkippedEmailLog.exists?( email_type: "user_mentioned", user: user, post: post, to_address: user.email, reason_type: SkippedEmailLog.reason_types[:exceeded_bounces_limit], ), ).to eq(true) end it "doesn't send the mail if the user is using individual mailing list mode" do SiteSetting.disable_mailing_list_mode = false user.user_option.update(mailing_list_mode: true, mailing_list_mode_frequency: 1) # sometimes, we pass the notification_id Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute( type: :user_mentioned, user_id: user.id, notification_id: notification.id, post_id: post.id, ) # other times, we only pass the type of notification Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute( type: :user_mentioned, user_id: user.id, notification_type: "posted", post_id: post.id, ) # When post is nil Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute( type: :user_mentioned, user_id: user.id, notification_type: "posted", ) # When post does not have a topic post = Fabricate(:post) post.topic.destroy Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute( type: :user_mentioned, user_id: user.id, notification_type: "posted", post_id: post.id, ) expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries).to eq([]) end it "doesn't send the mail if the user is using individual mailing list mode with no echo" do SiteSetting.disable_mailing_list_mode = false user.user_option.update(mailing_list_mode: true, mailing_list_mode_frequency: 2) # sometimes, we pass the notification_id Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute( type: :user_mentioned, user_id: user.id, notification_id: notification.id, post_id: post.id, ) # other times, we only pass the type of notification Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute( type: :user_mentioned, user_id: user.id, notification_type: "posted", post_id: post.id, ) # When post is nil Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute( type: :user_mentioned, user_id: user.id, notification_type: "posted", ) # When post does not have a topic post = Fabricate(:post) post.topic.destroy Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute( type: :user_mentioned, user_id: user.id, notification_type: "posted", post_id: post.id, ) expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries).to eq([]) end it "doesn't send the email if the post has been user deleted" do post.update_column(:user_deleted, true) Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute( type: :user_mentioned, user_id: user.id, notification_id: notification.id, post_id: post.id, ) expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries).to eq([]) end context "when user is suspended" do it "doesn't send email for a pm from a regular user" do msg, err = Jobs::UserEmail.new.message_for_email( suspended, Fabricate.build(:post), "user_private_message", notification, ) expect(msg).to eq(nil) expect(err).not_to eq(nil) end context "with pm from staff" do before do @pm_from_staff = Fabricate(:post, user: Fabricate(:moderator)) @pm_from_staff.topic.topic_allowed_users.create!(user_id: suspended.id) @pm_notification = Fabricate( :notification, user: suspended, topic: @pm_from_staff.topic, post_number: @pm_from_staff.post_number, data: { original_post_id: @pm_from_staff.id }.to_json, ) end let :sent_message do Jobs::UserEmail.new.message_for_email( suspended, @pm_from_staff, "user_private_message", @pm_notification, ) end it "sends an email" do msg, err = sent_message expect(msg).not_to be(nil) expect(err).to be(nil) end it "sends an email even if user was last seen recently" do suspended.update_column(:last_seen_at, 1.minute.ago) msg, err = sent_message expect(msg).not_to be(nil) expect(err).to be(nil) end end end context "when user is anonymous" do before { SiteSetting.allow_anonymous_posting = true } it "doesn't send email for a pm from a regular user" do Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute( type: :user_private_message, user_id: anonymous.id, post_id: post.id, notification_id: notification.id, ) expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries).to eq([]) end it "doesn't send email for a pm from staff" do pm_from_staff = Fabricate(:post, user: Fabricate(:moderator)) pm_from_staff.topic.topic_allowed_users.create!(user_id: anonymous.id) pm_notification = Fabricate( :notification, user: anonymous, topic: pm_from_staff.topic, post_number: pm_from_staff.post_number, data: { original_post_id: pm_from_staff.id }.to_json, ) Jobs::UserEmail.new.execute( type: :user_private_message, user_id: anonymous.id, post_id: pm_from_staff.id, notification_id: pm_notification.id, ) expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries).to eq([]) end end end end end