# frozen_string_literal: true class SearchIndexer POST_INDEX_VERSION = 4 MIN_POST_REINDEX_VERSION = 3 TOPIC_INDEX_VERSION = 3 CATEGORY_INDEX_VERSION = 3 USER_INDEX_VERSION = 3 TAG_INDEX_VERSION = 3 REINDEX_VERSION = 0 def self.disable @disabled = true end def self.enable @disabled = false end def self.scrub_html_for_search(html, strip_diacritics: SiteSetting.search_ignore_accents) HtmlScrubber.scrub(html, strip_diacritics: strip_diacritics) end def self.update_index(table: , id: , raw_data:) search_data = raw_data.map do |data| Search.prepare_data(data || "", :index) end table_name = "#{table}_search_data" foreign_key = "#{table}_id" # for user login and name use "simple" lowercase stemmer stemmer = table == "user" ? "simple" : Search.ts_config ranked_index = <<~SQL setweight(to_tsvector('#{stemmer}', coalesce(:a,'')), 'A') || setweight(to_tsvector('#{stemmer}', coalesce(:b,'')), 'B') || setweight(to_tsvector('#{stemmer}', coalesce(:c,'')), 'C') || setweight(to_tsvector('#{stemmer}', coalesce(:d,'')), 'D') SQL ranked_params = { a: search_data[0], b: search_data[1], c: search_data[2], d: search_data[3], } indexed_data = if table.to_s == "post" ranked_params[:d] else search_data.select { |d| d.length > 0 }.join(' ') end tsvector = DB.query_single("SELECT #{ranked_index}", ranked_params)[0] additional_lexemes = [] tsvector.scan(/'(([a-zA-Z0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z0-9]+)'\:([\w+,]+)/).reduce(additional_lexemes) do |array, (lexeme, _, positions)| count = 0 loop do count += 1 break if count >= 10 # Safeguard here to prevent infinite loop when a term has many dots term, _, remaining = lexeme.partition(".") break if remaining.blank? array << "'#{term}':#{positions} '#{remaining}':#{positions}" lexeme = remaining end array end tsvector = "#{tsvector} #{additional_lexemes.join(' ')}" params = { raw_data: indexed_data, id: id, locale: SiteSetting.default_locale, version: const_get("#{table.upcase}_INDEX_VERSION"), tsvector: tsvector, } # Would be nice to use AR here but not sure how to execut Postgres functions # when inserting data like this. rows = DB.exec(<<~SQL, params) UPDATE #{table_name} SET raw_data = :raw_data, locale = :locale, search_data = (:tsvector)::tsvector, version = :version WHERE #{foreign_key} = :id SQL if rows == 0 DB.exec(<<~SQL, params) INSERT INTO #{table_name} (#{foreign_key}, search_data, locale, raw_data, version) VALUES (:id, (:tsvector)::tsvector, :locale, :raw_data, :version) SQL end rescue # TODO is there any way we can safely avoid this? # best way is probably pushing search indexer into a dedicated process so it no longer happens on save # instead in the post processor end def self.update_topics_index(topic_id, title, cooked) scrubbed_cooked = scrub_html_for_search(cooked)[0...Topic::MAX_SIMILAR_BODY_LENGTH] # a bit inconsitent that we use title as A and body as B when in # the post index body is D update_index(table: 'topic', id: topic_id, raw_data: [title, scrubbed_cooked]) end def self.update_posts_index(post_id, topic_title, category_name, topic_tags, cooked) update_index(table: 'post', id: post_id, raw_data: [topic_title, category_name, topic_tags, scrub_html_for_search(cooked)]) end def self.update_users_index(user_id, username, name) update_index(table: 'user', id: user_id, raw_data: [username, name]) end def self.update_categories_index(category_id, name) update_index(table: 'category', id: category_id, raw_data: [name]) end def self.update_tags_index(tag_id, name) update_index(table: 'tag', id: tag_id, raw_data: [name.downcase]) end def self.queue_category_posts_reindex(category_id) return if @disabled DB.exec(<<~SQL, category_id: category_id, version: REINDEX_VERSION) UPDATE post_search_data SET version = :version FROM posts INNER JOIN topics ON posts.topic_id = topics.id INNER JOIN categories ON topics.category_id = categories.id WHERE post_search_data.post_id = posts.id AND categories.id = :category_id SQL end def self.queue_post_reindex(topic_id) return if @disabled DB.exec(<<~SQL, topic_id: topic_id, version: REINDEX_VERSION) UPDATE post_search_data SET version = :version FROM posts WHERE post_search_data.post_id = posts.id AND posts.topic_id = :topic_id SQL end def self.index(obj, force: false) return if @disabled category_name = nil tag_names = nil topic = nil if Topic === obj topic = obj elsif Post === obj topic = obj.topic end category_name = topic.category&.name if topic if topic tags = topic.tags.select(:id, :name).to_a if tags.present? tag_names = (tags.map(&:name) + Tag.where(target_tag_id: tags.map(&:id)).pluck(:name)).join(' ') end end if Post === obj && obj.raw.present? && ( obj.saved_change_to_cooked? || obj.saved_change_to_topic_id? || force ) if topic SearchIndexer.update_posts_index(obj.id, topic.title, category_name, tag_names, obj.cooked) SearchIndexer.update_topics_index(topic.id, topic.title, obj.cooked) if obj.is_first_post? end end if User === obj && (obj.saved_change_to_username? || obj.saved_change_to_name? || force) SearchIndexer.update_users_index(obj.id, obj.username_lower || '', obj.name ? obj.name.downcase : '') end if Topic === obj && (obj.saved_change_to_title? || force) if obj.posts if post = obj.posts.find_by(post_number: 1) SearchIndexer.update_posts_index(post.id, obj.title, category_name, tag_names, post.cooked) SearchIndexer.update_topics_index(obj.id, obj.title, post.cooked) end end end if Category === obj && (obj.saved_change_to_name? || force) SearchIndexer.update_categories_index(obj.id, obj.name) end if Tag === obj && (obj.saved_change_to_name? || force) SearchIndexer.update_tags_index(obj.id, obj.name) end end class HtmlScrubber < Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Document attr_reader :scrubbed def initialize(strip_diacritics: false) @scrubbed = +"" @strip_diacritics = strip_diacritics end def self.scrub(html, strip_diacritics: false) return +"" if html.blank? document = Nokogiri::HTML5("
", nil, Encoding::UTF_8.to_s) nodes = document.css( "div.#{CookedPostProcessor::LIGHTBOX_WRAPPER_CSS_CLASS}" ) if nodes.present? nodes.each do |node| node.traverse do |child_node| next if child_node == node if %w{a img}.exclude?(child_node.name) child_node.remove elsif child_node.name == "a" ATTRIBUTES.each do |attribute| child_node.remove_attribute(attribute) end end end end end document.css("img[class='emoji']").each do |node| node.remove_attribute("alt") end document.css("a[href]").each do |node| if node["href"] == node.text || MENTION_CLASSES.include?(node["class"]) node.remove_attribute("href") end end me = new(strip_diacritics: strip_diacritics) Nokogiri::HTML::SAX::Parser.new(me).parse(document.to_html) me.scrubbed.squish end MENTION_CLASSES ||= %w{mention mention-group} ATTRIBUTES ||= %w{alt title href data-youtube-title} def start_element(_name, attributes = []) attributes = Hash[*attributes.flatten] ATTRIBUTES.each do |attribute_name| if attributes[attribute_name].present? && !( attribute_name == "href" && UrlHelper.is_local(attributes[attribute_name]) ) characters(attributes[attribute_name]) end end end def characters(str) str = Search.strip_diacritics(str) if @strip_diacritics scrubbed << " #{str} " end end end