# frozen_string_literal: true class Auth::ManagedAuthenticator < Auth::Authenticator def is_managed? # Tells core that it can safely assume this authenticator # uses UserAssociatedAccount true end def description_for_user(user) associated_account = UserAssociatedAccount.find_by(provider_name: name, user_id: user.id) return "" if associated_account.nil? description_for_auth_hash(associated_account) || I18n.t("associated_accounts.connected") end def description_for_auth_hash(auth_token) return if auth_token&.info.nil? info = auth_token.info info["email"] || info["nickname"] || info["name"] end # These three methods are designed to be overridden by child classes def match_by_email true end def primary_email_verified?(auth_token) # Omniauth providers should only provide verified emails in the :info hash. # This method allows additional checks to be added true end def can_revoke? true end def can_connect_existing_user? true end def always_update_user_email? false end def revoke(user, skip_remote: false) association = UserAssociatedAccount.find_by(provider_name: name, user_id: user.id) raise Discourse::NotFound if association.nil? association.destroy! true end def after_authenticate(auth_token, existing_account: nil) # Try and find an association for this account association = UserAssociatedAccount.find_or_initialize_by(provider_name: auth_token[:provider], provider_uid: auth_token[:uid]) # Reconnecting to existing account if can_connect_existing_user? && existing_account && (association.user.nil? || existing_account.id != association.user_id) association.user = existing_account end # Matching an account by email if match_by_email && association.user.nil? && (user = find_user_by_email(auth_token)) UserAssociatedAccount.where(user: user, provider_name: auth_token[:provider]).destroy_all # Destroy existing associations for the new user association.user = user end # Update all the metadata in the association: association.info = auth_token[:info] || {} association.credentials = auth_token[:credentials] || {} association.extra = auth_token[:extra] || {} association.last_used = Time.zone.now # Save to the DB. Do this even if we don't have a user - it might be linked up later in after_create_account association.save! # Update the user's email address from the auth payload if association.user && (always_update_user_email? || association.user.email.end_with?(".invalid")) && primary_email_verified?(auth_token) && (email = auth_token.dig(:info, :email)) && (email != association.user.email) && !User.find_by_email(email) association.user.update!(email: email) end # Update avatar/profile retrieve_avatar(association.user, association.info["image"]) retrieve_profile(association.user, association.info) # Build the Auth::Result object result = Auth::Result.new info = auth_token[:info] result.email = info[:email] result.name = (info[:first_name] && info[:last_name]) ? "#{info[:first_name]} #{info[:last_name]}" : info[:name] if result.name.present? && result.name == result.email # Some IDPs send the email address in the name parameter (e.g. Auth0 with default configuration) # We add some generic protection here, so that users don't accidently make their email addresses public result.name = nil end result.username = info[:nickname] result.email_valid = primary_email_verified?(auth_token) if result.email.present? result.extra_data = { provider: auth_token[:provider], uid: auth_token[:uid] } result.user = association.user result end def after_create_account(user, auth) auth_token = auth[:extra_data] association = UserAssociatedAccount.find_or_initialize_by(provider_name: auth_token[:provider], provider_uid: auth_token[:uid]) association.user = user association.save! retrieve_avatar(user, association.info["image"]) retrieve_profile(user, association.info) end def find_user_by_email(auth_token) email = auth_token.dig(:info, :email) if email && primary_email_verified?(auth_token) User.find_by_email(email) end end def retrieve_avatar(user, url) return unless user && url return if user.user_avatar.try(:custom_upload_id).present? Jobs.enqueue(:download_avatar_from_url, url: url, user_id: user.id, override_gravatar: false) end def retrieve_profile(user, info) return unless user bio = info["description"] location = info["location"] if bio || location profile = user.user_profile profile.bio_raw = bio unless profile.bio_raw.present? profile.location = location unless profile.location.present? profile.save end end end