# bespoke importer for a customer, feel free to borrow ideas require 'csv' require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/base.rb") # Call it like this: # RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec ruby script/import_scripts/bespoke_1.rb class ImportScripts::Bespoke < ImportScripts::Base BATCH_SIZE = 1000 def initialize(path) @path = path super() @bbcode_to_md = true puts "loading post mappings..." @post_number_map = {} Post.pluck(:id, :post_number).each do |post_id, post_number| @post_number_map[post_id] = post_number end end def created_post(post) @post_number_map[post.id] = post.post_number super end def execute import_users import_categories import_posts end class RowResolver def load(row) @row = row end def self.create(cols) Class.new(RowResolver).new(cols) end def initialize(cols) cols.each_with_index do |col,idx| self.class.send(:define_method, col) do @row[idx] end end end end def load_user_batch!(users, offset, total) if users.length > 0 create_users(users, offset: offset, total: total) do |user| user end users.clear end end def csv_parse(name) filename = "#{@path}/#{name}.csv" first = true row = nil current_row = ""; double_quote_count = 0 File.open(filename).each_line do |line| # escaping is mental here line.gsub!(/\\(.{1})/){|m| m[-1] == '"'? '""': m[-1]} line.strip! current_row << "\n" unless current_row.empty? current_row << line double_quote_count += line.scan('"').count if double_quote_count % 2 == 1 next end raw = begin CSV.parse(current_row) rescue CSV::MalformedCSVError => e puts e.message puts "*" * 100 puts "Bad row skipped, line is: #{line}" puts puts current_row puts puts "double quote count is : #{double_quote_count}" puts "*" * 100 current_row = "" double_quote_count = 0 next end[0] if first row = RowResolver.create(raw) current_row = "" double_quote_count = 0 first = false next end row.load(raw) yield row current_row = "" double_quote_count = 0 end end def total_rows(table) File.foreach("#{@path}/#{table}.csv").inject(0) {|c, line| c+1} - 1 end def import_users puts "", "creating users" count = 0 users = [] total = total_rows("users") csv_parse("users") do |row| id = row.id email = row.email # fake it if row.email.blank? || row.email !~ /@/ email = SecureRandom.hex << "@domain.com" end name = row.display_name username = row.key_custom created_at = DateTime.parse(row.dcreate) username = name if username == "NULL" username = email.split("@")[0] if username.blank? name = email.split("@")[0] if name.blank? users << { id: id, email: email, name: name, username: username, created_at: created_at } count += 1 if count % BATCH_SIZE == 0 load_user_batch! users, count - users.length, total end end load_user_batch! users, count, total end def import_categories rows = [] csv_parse("categories") do |row| rows << {id: row.id, name: row.name, description: row.description} end create_categories(rows) do |row| row end end def normalize_raw!(raw) # purple and #1223f3 raw.gsub!(/\[color=[#a-z0-9]+\]/i, "") raw.gsub!(/\[\/color\]/i, "") raw.gsub!(/\[signature\].+\[\/signature\]/im,"") raw end def import_post_batch!(posts, topics, offset, total) create_posts(posts, total: total, offset: offset) do |post| mapped = {} mapped[:id] = post[:id] mapped[:user_id] = user_id_from_imported_user_id(post[:user_id]) || -1 mapped[:raw] = post[:body] mapped[:created_at] = post[:created_at] topic = topics[post[:topic_id]] unless topic[:post_id] mapped[:category] = category_id_from_imported_category_id(topic[:category_id]) mapped[:title] = post[:title] topic[:post_id] = post[:id] else parent = topic_lookup_from_imported_post_id(topic[:post_id]) next unless parent mapped[:topic_id] = parent[:topic_id] reply_to_post_id = post_id_from_imported_post_id(post[:reply_id]) if reply_to_post_id reply_to_post_number = @post_number_map[reply_to_post_id] if reply_to_post_number && reply_to_post_number > 1 mapped[:reply_to_post_number] = reply_to_post_number end end end next if topic[:deleted] or post[:deleted] mapped end posts.clear end def import_posts puts "", "creating topics and posts" topic_map = {} csv_parse("topics") do |topic| topic_map[topic.id] = { id: topic.id, category_id: topic.forum_category_id, deleted: topic.is_deleted.to_i == 1, locked: topic.is_locked.to_i == 1, pinned: topic.is_pinned.to_i == 1 } end total = total_rows("posts") posts = [] count = 0 csv_parse("posts") do |row| unless row.dcreate puts "NO CREATION DATE FOR POST" p row next end row = { id: row.id, topic_id: row.forum_topic_id, reply_id: row.reply_id, user_id: row.user_id, title: row.title, body: normalize_raw!(row.body), deleted: row.is_deleted.to_i == 1, created_at: DateTime.parse(row.dcreate) } posts << row count+=1 if posts.length > 0 && posts.length % BATCH_SIZE == 0 import_post_batch!(posts, topic_map, count - posts.length, total) end end import_post_batch!(posts, topic_map, count - posts.length, total) if posts.length > 0 exit end end unless ARGV[0] && Dir.exist?(ARGV[0]) puts "", "Usage:", "", "bundle exec ruby script/import_scripts/bespoke_1.rb DIRNAME", "" exit 1 end ImportScripts::Bespoke.new(ARGV[0]).perform