module Jobs # if locale changes or search algorithm changes we may want to reindex stuff class ReindexSearch < Jobs::Scheduled every def execute(args) rebuild_problem_topics rebuild_problem_posts rebuild_problem_categories rebuild_problem_users end def rebuild_problem_categories(limit = 10000) categories = load_problem_categories(limit) categories.each do |category| SearchIndexer.index(category, force: true) end end def rebuild_problem_users(limit = 10000) users = load_problem_users(limit) users.each do |user| SearchIndexer.index(user, force: true) end end def rebuild_problem_topics(limit = 10000) topics = load_problem_topics(limit) topics.each do |topic| SearchIndexer.index(topic, force: true) end end def rebuild_problem_posts(limit = 10000) posts = load_problem_posts(limit) posts.each do |post| SearchIndexer.index(post, force: true) end end private def load_problem_posts(limit) Post.joins(:topic) .where(' IN ( SELECT FROM posts p2 LEFT JOIN post_search_data pd ON pd.locale = ? AND pd.version = ? AND = pd.post_id WHERE pd.post_id IS NULL )', SiteSetting.default_locale, Search::INDEX_VERSION) .limit(limit) end def load_problem_categories(limit) Category.joins(:category_search_data) .where('category_search_data.locale != ? OR category_search_data.version != ?', SiteSetting.default_locale, Search::INDEX_VERSION) .limit(limit) end def load_problem_topics(limit) Topic.joins(:topic_search_data) .where('topic_search_data.locale != ? OR topic_search_data.version != ?', SiteSetting.default_locale, Search::INDEX_VERSION) .limit(limit) end def load_problem_users(limit) User.joins(:user_search_data) .where('user_search_data.locale != ? OR user_search_data.version != ?', SiteSetting.default_locale, Search::INDEX_VERSION) .limit(limit) end end end