import I18n from "I18n"; import discourseComputed, { observes } from "discourse-common/utils/decorators"; import { reads } from "@ember/object/computed"; import Controller, { inject as controller } from "@ember/controller"; import { popupAjaxError } from "discourse/lib/ajax-error"; import { bufferedProperty } from "discourse/mixins/buffered-content"; import { propertyNotEqual } from "discourse/lib/computed"; import { run } from "@ember/runloop"; export default Controller.extend(bufferedProperty("model"), { adminBadges: controller(), saving: false, savingStatus: "", badgeTypes: reads("adminBadges.badgeTypes"), badgeGroupings: reads("adminBadges.badgeGroupings"), badgeTriggers: reads("adminBadges.badgeTriggers"), protectedSystemFields: reads("adminBadges.protectedSystemFields"), readOnly: reads("buffered.system"), showDisplayName: propertyNotEqual("name", "displayName"), init() { this._super(...arguments); // this is needed because the model doesnt have default values // and as we are using a bufferedProperty it's not accessible // in any other way => { if (this.model) { if (!this.model.badge_type_id) { this.model.set( "badge_type_id", this.get("") ); } if (!this.model.badge_grouping_id) { this.model.set( "badge_grouping_id", this.get("") ); } if (!this.model.trigger) { this.model.set("trigger", this.get("")); } } }); }, @discourseComputed("model.query", "buffered.query") hasQuery(modelQuery, bufferedQuery) { if (bufferedQuery) { return bufferedQuery.trim().length > 0; } return modelQuery && modelQuery.trim().length > 0; }, @observes("") _resetSaving: function() { this.set("saving", false); this.set("savingStatus", ""); }, actions: { save() { if (!this.saving) { let fields = [ "allow_title", "multiple_grant", "listable", "auto_revoke", "enabled", "show_posts", "target_posts", "name", "description", "long_description", "icon", "image", "query", "badge_grouping_id", "trigger", "badge_type_id" ]; if (this.get("buffered.system")) { var protectedFields = this.protectedSystemFields || []; fields = _.filter(fields, f => !protectedFields.includes(f)); } this.set("saving", true); this.set("savingStatus", I18n.t("saving")); const boolFields = [ "allow_title", "multiple_grant", "listable", "auto_revoke", "enabled", "show_posts", "target_posts" ]; const data = {}; const buffered = this.buffered; fields.forEach(function(field) { var d = buffered.get(field); if (boolFields.includes(field)) { d = !!d; } data[field] = d; }); const newBadge = !; const model = this.model; this.model .save(data) .then(() => { if (newBadge) { const adminBadges = this.get("adminBadges.model"); if (!adminBadges.includes(model)) { adminBadges.pushObject(model); } this.transitionToRoute("", model.get("id")); } else { this.commitBuffer(); this.set("savingStatus", I18n.t("saved")); } }) .catch(popupAjaxError) .finally(() => { this.set("saving", false); this.set("savingStatus", ""); }); } }, destroy() { const adminBadges = this.get("adminBadges.model"); const model = this.model; if (!model.get("id")) { this.transitionToRoute("adminBadges.index"); return; } return bootbox.confirm( I18n.t("admin.badges.delete_confirm"), I18n.t("no_value"), I18n.t("yes_value"), result => { if (result) { model .destroy() .then(() => { adminBadges.removeObject(model); this.transitionToRoute("adminBadges.index"); }) .catch(() => { bootbox.alert(I18n.t("generic_error")); }); } } ); } } });