# TODO: # a mechanism to iterate through errors in reverse # async logging should queue, if dupe stack traces are found in batch error should be merged into prev one class ErrorLog @lock = Mutex.new def self.filename "#{Rails.root}/log/#{Rails.env}_errors.log" end def self.clear!(_guid) raise NotImplementedError end def self.clear_all!() File.delete(ErrorLog.filename) if File.exists?(ErrorLog.filename) end def self.report_async!(exception, controller, request, user) Thread.new do report!(exception, controller, request, user) end end def self.report!(exception, controller, request, user) add_row!( date: DateTime.now, guid: SecureRandom.uuid, user_id: user && user.id, parameters: request && request.filtered_parameters.to_json, action: controller.action_name, controller: controller.controller_name, backtrace: sanitize_backtrace(exception.backtrace).join("\n"), message: exception.message, url: "#{request.protocol}#{request.env["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST"] || request.env["HTTP_HOST"]}#{request.fullpath}", exception_class: exception.class.to_s ) end def self.add_row!(hash) data = hash.to_xml(skip_instruct: true) # use background thread to write the log cause it may block if it gets backed up @lock.synchronize do File.open(filename, "a") do |f| f.flock(File::LOCK_EX) f.write(data) f.close end end end def self.each(&blk) skip(0, &blk) end def self.skip(skip=0) pos = 0 return [] unless File.exists?(filename) loop do lines = "" File.open(self.filename, "r") do |f| f.flock(File::LOCK_SH) f.pos = pos while !f.eof? line = f.readline lines << line break if line.starts_with? "" end pos = f.pos end if lines != "" && skip == 0 h = {} e = Nokogiri.parse(lines).children[0] e.children.each do |inner| h[inner.name] = inner.text end yield h end skip-=1 if skip > 0 break if lines == "" end end def self.sanitize_backtrace(trace) re = Regexp.new(/^#{Regexp.escape(Rails.root.to_s)}/) trace.map { |line| Pathname.new(line.gsub(re, "[RAILS_ROOT]")).cleanpath.to_s } end private_class_method :sanitize_backtrace end