#mixin for all guardian methods dealing with topic permisions module TopicGuardian # Can the user create a topic in the forum def can_create?(klass, parent=nil) return false unless authenticated? && klass # If no parent is provided, we look for a can_i_create_klass? # custom method. # # If a parent is provided, we look for a method called # can_i_create_klass_on_parent? target = klass.name.underscore if parent.present? return false unless can_see?(parent) target << "_on_#{parent.class.name.underscore}" end create_method = :"can_create_#{target}?" return send(create_method, parent) if respond_to?(create_method) true end def can_remove_allowed_users?(topic) is_staff? end # Creating Methods def can_create_topic?(parent) user && user.trust_level >= SiteSetting.min_trust_to_create_topic.to_i && can_create_post?(parent) end def can_create_topic_on_category?(category) can_create_topic?(nil) && (!category || Category.topic_create_allowed(self).where(:id => category.id).count == 1) end def can_create_post_on_topic?(topic) # No users can create posts on deleted topics return false if topic.trashed? is_staff? || (not(topic.closed? || topic.archived? || topic.trashed?) && can_create_post?(topic)) end # Editing Method def can_edit_topic?(topic) !topic.archived && (is_staff? || is_my_own?(topic) || user.has_trust_level?(:leader)) end # Recovery Method def can_recover_topic?(topic) is_staff? end def can_delete_topic?(topic) !topic.trashed? && is_staff? && !(Category.exists?(topic_id: topic.id)) end def can_reply_as_new_topic?(topic) authenticated? && topic && not(topic.private_message?) && @user.has_trust_level?(:basic) end def can_see_topic?(topic) if topic is_staff? || topic.deleted_at.nil? && # not secure, or I can see it (not(topic.read_restricted_category?) || can_see_category?(topic.category)) && # NOTE # At the moment staff can see PMs, there is some talk of restricting this, however # we still need to allow staff to join PMs for the case of flagging ones # not private, or I am allowed (or is staff) (not(topic.private_message?) || authenticated? && (topic.all_allowed_users.where(id: @user.id).exists? || is_staff?)) end end end