import componentTest from 'helpers/component-test'; moduleForComponent('menu-panel', {integration: true}); componentTest('as a dropdown', { template: `
click me
{{#menu-panel visible=panelVisible markActive=".menu-selected" force="drop-down"}} Some content {{/menu-panel}} `, setup() { this.set('panelVisible', false); }, test(assert) { assert.ok(exists(".menu-panel.hidden"), "hidden by default"); this.set('panelVisible', true); andThen(() => { assert.ok(!exists(".menu-panel.hidden"), "toggling visible makes it appear"); }); click('#outside-area'); andThen(() => { assert.ok(exists(".menu-panel.hidden"), "clicking the body hides the menu"); assert.equal(this.get('panelVisible'), false, 'it updates the bound variable'); }); } }); componentTest('as a slide-in', { template: `
click me
{{#menu-panel visible=panelVisible markActive=".menu-selected" force="slide-in"}} Some content {{/menu-panel}} `, setup() { this.set('panelVisible', false); }, test(assert) { assert.ok(exists(".menu-panel.hidden"), "hidden by default"); this.set('panelVisible', true); andThen(() => { assert.ok(!exists(".menu-panel.hidden"), "toggling visible makes it appear"); }); click('#outside-area'); andThen(() => { assert.ok(exists(".menu-panel.hidden"), "clicking the body hides the menu"); assert.equal(this.get('panelVisible'), false, 'it updates the bound variable'); this.set('panelVisible', true); }); } });