# frozen_string_literal: true RSpec.describe Draft do fab!(:user) fab!(:post) it { is_expected.to have_many(:upload_references).dependent(:delete_all) } describe "system user" do it "can not set drafts" do # fake a sequence DraftSequence.create!(user_id: Discourse.system_user.id, draft_key: "abc", sequence: 10) seq = Draft.set(Discourse.system_user, "abc", 0, { reply: "hi" }.to_json) expect(seq).to eq(0) draft = Draft.get(Discourse.system_user, "abc", 0) expect(draft).to eq(nil) draft = Draft.get(Discourse.system_user, "abc", 1) expect(draft).to eq(nil) end end describe "backup_drafts_to_pm_length" do it "correctly backs up drafts to a personal message" do SiteSetting.backup_drafts_to_pm_length = 1 draft = { reply: "this is a reply", random_key: "random" } seq = Draft.set(user, "xyz", 0, draft.to_json) draft["reply"] = "test" * 100 half_grace = (SiteSetting.editing_grace_period / 2 + 1).seconds freeze_time half_grace.from_now seq = Draft.set(user, "xyz", seq, draft.to_json) draft_post = BackupDraftPost.find_by(user_id: user.id, key: "xyz").post expect(draft_post.revisions.count).to eq(0) freeze_time half_grace.from_now # this should trigger a post revision as 10 minutes have passed draft["reply"] = "hello" Draft.set(user, "xyz", seq, draft.to_json) draft_topic = BackupDraftTopic.find_by(user_id: user.id) expect(draft_topic.topic.posts_count).to eq(2) draft_post.reload expect(draft_post.revisions.count).to eq(1) end end it "can get a draft by user" do Draft.set(user, "test", 0, "data") expect(Draft.get(user, "test", 0)).to eq "data" end it "uses the user id and key correctly" do Draft.set(user, "test", 0, "data") expect(Draft.get(Fabricate.build(:coding_horror), "test", 0)).to eq nil end it "should overwrite draft data correctly" do seq = Draft.set(user, "test", 0, "data") seq = Draft.set(user, "test", seq, "new data") expect(Draft.get(user, "test", seq)).to eq "new data" end it "should increase the sequence on every save" do seq = Draft.set(user, "test", 0, "data") expect(seq).to eq(0) seq = Draft.set(user, "test", 0, "data") expect(seq).to eq(1) end it "should clear drafts on request" do Draft.set(user, "test", 0, "data") Draft.clear(user, "test", 0) expect(Draft.get(user, "test", 0)).to eq nil end it "should cross check with DraftSequence table" do Draft.set(user, "test", 0, "old") expect(Draft.get(user, "test", 0)).to eq "old" DraftSequence.next!(user, "test") seq = DraftSequence.next!(user, "test") expect(seq).to eq(2) expect do Draft.set(user, "test", seq - 1, "error") end.to raise_error(Draft::OutOfSequence) expect do Draft.set(user, "test", seq + 1, "error") end.to raise_error(Draft::OutOfSequence) Draft.set(user, "test", seq, "data") expect(Draft.get(user, "test", seq)).to eq "data" expect do expect(Draft.get(user, "test", seq - 1)).to eq "data" end.to raise_error( Draft::OutOfSequence, ) expect do expect(Draft.get(user, "test", seq + 1)).to eq "data" end.to raise_error( Draft::OutOfSequence, ) end it "should disregard old draft if sequence decreases" do Draft.set(user, "test", 0, "data") DraftSequence.next!(user, "test") Draft.set(user, "test", 1, "hello") expect do Draft.set(user, "test", 0, "foo") end.to raise_error(Draft::OutOfSequence) expect do Draft.get(user, "test", 0) end.to raise_error(Draft::OutOfSequence) expect(Draft.get(user, "test", 1)).to eq "hello" end it "should disregard draft sequence if force_save is true" do Draft.set(user, "test", 0, "data") DraftSequence.next!(user, "test") Draft.set(user, "test", 1, "hello") seq = Draft.set(user, "test", 0, "foo", nil, force_save: true) expect(seq).to eq(2) end it "can cleanup old drafts" do key = Draft::NEW_TOPIC Draft.set(user, key, 0, "draft") Draft.cleanup! expect(Draft.count).to eq 1 expect(user.user_stat.draft_count).to eq(1) seq = DraftSequence.next!(user, key) Draft.set(user, key, seq, "draft") DraftSequence.update_all("sequence = sequence + 1") draft = Draft.first draft.upload_references << UploadReference.create!(target: draft, upload: Fabricate(:upload)) expect(UploadReference.count).to eq(1) Draft.cleanup! expect(Draft.count).to eq 0 expect(user.reload.user_stat.draft_count).to eq(0) expect(UploadReference.count).to eq(0) Draft.set(Fabricate(:user), Draft::NEW_TOPIC, 0, "draft") Draft.cleanup! expect(Draft.count).to eq 1 # should cleanup drafts more than 180 days old SiteSetting.delete_drafts_older_than_n_days = 180 Draft.last.update_columns(updated_at: 200.days.ago) Draft.cleanup! expect(Draft.count).to eq 0 end it "updates draft count when a draft is created or destroyed" do Draft.set(Fabricate(:user), Draft::NEW_TOPIC, 0, "data") messages = MessageBus.track_publish("/user-drafts/#{user.id}") do Draft.set(user, Draft::NEW_TOPIC, 0, "data") end expect(messages.first.data[:draft_count]).to eq(1) expect(messages.first.data[:has_topic_draft]).to eq(true) expect(messages.first.user_ids).to contain_exactly(user.id) messages = MessageBus.track_publish("/user-drafts/#{user.id}") { Draft.where(user: user).destroy_all } expect(messages.first.data[:draft_count]).to eq(0) expect(messages.first.data[:has_topic_draft]).to eq(false) expect(messages.first.user_ids).to contain_exactly(user.id) end describe "#stream" do fab!(:public_post) { Fabricate(:post) } let(:public_topic) { public_post.topic } let(:stream) { Draft.stream(user: user) } it "should include the correct number of drafts in the stream" do Draft.set(user, "test", 0, '{"reply":"hey.","action":"createTopic","title":"Hey"}') Draft.set(user, "test2", 0, '{"reply":"howdy"}') expect(stream.count).to eq(2) end it "should include the right topic id in a draft reply in the stream" do Draft.set(user, "topic_#{public_topic.id}", 0, '{"reply":"hi"}') draft_row = stream.first expect(draft_row.topic_id).to eq(public_topic.id) end it "should include the right draft username in the stream" do Draft.set(user, "topic_#{public_topic.id}", 0, '{"reply":"hey"}') draft_row = stream.first expect(draft_row.user.username).to eq(user.username) end end describe "key expiry" do it "nukes new topic draft after a topic is created" do Draft.set(user, Draft::NEW_TOPIC, 0, "my draft") _t = Fabricate(:topic, user: user, advance_draft: true) s = DraftSequence.current(user, Draft::NEW_TOPIC) expect(Draft.get(user, Draft::NEW_TOPIC, s)).to eq nil expect(Draft.count).to eq 0 end it "nukes new pm draft after a pm is created" do Draft.set(user, Draft::NEW_PRIVATE_MESSAGE, 0, "my draft") t = Fabricate( :topic, user: user, archetype: Archetype.private_message, category_id: nil, advance_draft: true, ) s = DraftSequence.current(t.user, Draft::NEW_PRIVATE_MESSAGE) expect(Draft.get(user, Draft::NEW_PRIVATE_MESSAGE, s)).to eq nil end it "does not nuke new topic draft after a pm is created" do Draft.set(user, Draft::NEW_TOPIC, 0, "my draft") t = Fabricate(:topic, user: user, archetype: Archetype.private_message, category_id: nil) s = DraftSequence.current(t.user, Draft::NEW_TOPIC) expect(Draft.get(user, Draft::NEW_TOPIC, s)).to eq "my draft" end it "nukes the post draft when a post is created" do topic = Fabricate(:topic) Draft.set(user, topic.draft_key, 0, "hello") p = PostCreator.new( user, raw: Fabricate.build(:post).raw, topic_id: topic.id, advance_draft: true, ).create expect( Draft.get(p.user, p.topic.draft_key, DraftSequence.current(p.user, p.topic.draft_key)), ).to eq nil end it "nukes the post draft when a post is revised" do Draft.set(post.user, post.topic.draft_key, 0, "hello") post.revise(post.user, raw: "another test") s = DraftSequence.current(post.user, post.topic.draft_key) expect(Draft.get(post.user, post.topic.draft_key, s)).to eq nil end it "increases revision each time you set" do Draft.set(user, "new_topic", 0, "hello") Draft.set(user, "new_topic", 0, "goodbye") expect(Draft.find_by(user_id: user.id, draft_key: "new_topic").revisions).to eq(2) end it "handles owner switching gracefully" do draft_seq = Draft.set(user, "new_topic", 0, "hello", _owner = "ABCDEF") expect(draft_seq).to eq(0) draft_seq = Draft.set(user, "new_topic", 0, "hello world", _owner = "HIJKL") expect(draft_seq).to eq(1) draft_seq = Draft.set(user, "new_topic", 1, "hello world", _owner = "HIJKL") expect(draft_seq).to eq(2) end it "can correctly preload drafts" do Draft.set( user, "#{Draft::EXISTING_TOPIC}#{post.topic_id}", 0, { raw: "hello", postId: post.id }.to_json, ) drafts = Draft.where(user_id: user.id).to_a Draft.preload_data(drafts, user) expect(drafts[0].topic_preloaded?).to eq(true) expect(drafts[0].topic.id).to eq(post.topic_id) expect(drafts[0].post_preloaded?).to eq(true) expect(drafts[0].post.id).to eq(post.id) end end it { is_expected.to validate_length_of(:draft_key).is_at_most(25) } end