# # A wrapper around redis that namespaces keys with the current site id # class DiscourseRedis def self.raw_connection(config = nil) config ||= self.config redis_opts = {host: config['host'], port: config['port'], db: config['db']} redis_opts[:password] = config['password'] if config['password'] Redis.new(redis_opts) end def self.config @config ||= YAML.load(ERB.new(File.new("#{Rails.root}/config/redis.yml").read).result)[Rails.env] end def self.url(config=nil) config ||= self.config "redis://#{(':' + config['password'] + '@') if config['password']}#{config['host']}:#{config['port']}/#{config['db']}" end def initialize @config = DiscourseRedis.config @redis = DiscourseRedis.raw_connection(@config) end def url self.class.url(@config) end # prefix the key with the namespace def method_missing(meth, *args, &block) if @redis.respond_to?(meth) @redis.send(meth, *args, &block) else super end end # Proxy key methods through, but prefix the keys with the namespace [:append, :blpop, :brpop, :brpoplpush, :decr, :decrby, :del, :exists, :expire, :expireat, :get, :getbit, :getrange, :getset, :hdel, :hexists, :hget, :hgetall, :hincrby, :hincrbyfloat, :hkeys, :hlen, :hmget, :hmset, :hset, :hsetnx, :hvals, :incr, :incrby, :incrbyfloat, :lindex, :linsert, :llen, :lpop, :lpush, :lpushx, :lrange, :lrem, :lset, :ltrim, :mget, :move, :mset, :msetnx, :persist, :pexpire, :pexpireat, :psetex, :pttl, :rename, :renamenx, :rpop, :rpoplpush, :rpush, :rpushx, :sadd, :scard, :sdiff, :set, :setbit, :setex, :setnx, :setrange, :sinter, :sismember, :smembers, :sort, :spop, :srandmember, :srem, :strlen, :sunion, :ttl, :type, :watch, :zadd, :zcard, :zcount, :zincrby, :zrange, :zrangebyscore, :zrank, :zrem, :zremrangebyrank, :zremrangebyscore, :zrevrange, :zrevrangebyscore, :zrevrank, :zrangebyscore].each do |m| define_method m do |*args| args[0] = "#{DiscourseRedis.namespace}:#{args[0]}" @redis.send(m, *args) end end def self.namespace RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.current_db end def self.new_redis_store redis_config = YAML.load(ERB.new(File.new("#{Rails.root}/config/redis.yml").read).result)[Rails.env] unless redis_config puts '', "Redis config for environment '#{Rails.env}' was not found in #{Rails.root}/config/redis.yml." puts "Did you forget to do RAILS_ENV=production?" puts "Check your redis.yml and make sure it has configuration for the environment you're trying to use.", '' raise 'Redis config not found' end redis_store = ActiveSupport::Cache::RedisStore.new "redis://#{(':' + redis_config['password'] + '@') if redis_config['password']}#{redis_config['host']}:#{redis_config['port']}/#{redis_config['cache_db']}" redis_store.options[:namespace] = -> { DiscourseRedis.namespace } redis_store end end