# frozen_string_literal: true module FileStore class BaseStore UPLOAD_PATH_REGEX ||= %r|/(original/\d+X/.*)| OPTIMIZED_IMAGE_PATH_REGEX ||= %r|/(optimized/\d+X/.*)| TEMPORARY_UPLOAD_PREFIX ||= "temp/" def store_upload(file, upload, content_type = nil) upload.url = nil path = get_path_for_upload(upload) store_file(file, path) end def store_optimized_image(file, optimized_image, content_type = nil, secure: false) optimized_image.url = nil path = get_path_for_optimized_image(optimized_image) store_file(file, path) end def store_file(file, path, opts = {}) not_implemented end def remove_upload(upload) remove_file(upload.url, get_path_for_upload(upload)) end def remove_optimized_image(optimized_image) remove_file(optimized_image.url, get_path_for_optimized_image(optimized_image)) end def remove_file(url, path) not_implemented end def upload_path path = File.join("uploads", RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.current_db) return path if !Rails.env.test? File.join(path, "test_#{ENV['TEST_ENV_NUMBER'].presence || '0'}") end def self.temporary_upload_path(file_name, folder_prefix: "") # We don't want to use the original file name as it can contain special # characters, which can interfere with external providers operations and # introduce other unexpected behaviour. file_name_random = "#{SecureRandom.hex}#{File.extname(file_name)}" File.join( TEMPORARY_UPLOAD_PREFIX, folder_prefix, SecureRandom.hex, file_name_random ) end def has_been_uploaded?(url) not_implemented end def download_url(upload) not_implemented end def cdn_url(url) not_implemented end def absolute_base_url not_implemented end def relative_base_url not_implemented end def s3_upload_host not_implemented end def external? not_implemented end def internal? !external? end def path_for(upload) not_implemented end def list_missing_uploads(skip_optimized: false) not_implemented end def download(object, max_file_size_kb: nil) DistributedMutex.synchronize("download_#{object.sha1}", validity: 3.minutes) do extension = File.extname(object.respond_to?(:original_filename) ? object.original_filename : object.url) filename = "#{object.sha1}#{extension}" file = get_from_cache(filename) if !file max_file_size_kb ||= [SiteSetting.max_image_size_kb, SiteSetting.max_attachment_size_kb].max.kilobytes secure = object.respond_to?(:secure) ? object.secure? : object.upload.secure? url = secure ? Discourse.store.signed_url_for_path(object.url) : Discourse.store.cdn_url(object.url) url = SiteSetting.scheme + ":" + url if url =~ /^\/\// file = FileHelper.download( url, max_file_size: max_file_size_kb, tmp_file_name: "discourse-download", follow_redirect: true ) cache_file(file, filename) file = get_from_cache(filename) end file end end def purge_tombstone(grace_period) end def get_path_for(type, id, sha, extension) depth = get_depth_for(id) tree = File.join(*sha[0, depth].chars, "") "#{type}/#{depth + 1}X/#{tree}#{sha}#{extension}" end def get_path_for_upload(upload) # try to extract the path from the URL instead of calculating it, # because the calculated path might differ from the actual path if upload.url.present? && (path = upload.url[UPLOAD_PATH_REGEX, 1]) return prefix_path(path) end extension = if upload.extension ".#{upload.extension}" else # Maintain backward compatibility before Jobs::MigrateUploadExtensions runs File.extname(upload.original_filename) end get_path_for("original", upload.id, upload.sha1, extension) end def get_path_for_optimized_image(optimized_image) # try to extract the path from the URL instead of calculating it, # because the calculated path might differ from the actual path if optimized_image.url.present? && (path = optimized_image.url[OPTIMIZED_IMAGE_PATH_REGEX, 1]) return prefix_path(path) end upload = optimized_image.upload version = optimized_image.version || 1 extension = "_#{version}_#{optimized_image.width}x#{optimized_image.height}#{optimized_image.extension}" get_path_for("optimized", upload.id, upload.sha1, extension) end CACHE_DIR ||= "#{Rails.root}/tmp/download_cache/" CACHE_MAXIMUM_SIZE ||= 500 def get_cache_path_for(filename) "#{CACHE_DIR}#{filename}" end def get_from_cache(filename) path = get_cache_path_for(filename) File.open(path) if File.exist?(path) end def cache_file(file, filename) path = get_cache_path_for(filename) dir = File.dirname(path) FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir) unless Dir.exist?(dir) FileUtils.cp(file.path, path) # Remove all but CACHE_MAXIMUM_SIZE most recent files files = Dir.glob("#{CACHE_DIR}*") files.sort_by! do |f| begin File.mtime(f) rescue Errno::ENOENT Time.new(0) end end files.pop(CACHE_MAXIMUM_SIZE) FileUtils.rm(files, force: true) end private def not_implemented raise "Not implemented." end def get_depth_for(id) depths = [0] depths << Math.log(id / 1_000.0, 16).ceil if id.positive? depths.max end def prefix_path(path) path end end end