<!DOCTYPE html>
<html<%= raw @embeddable_css_class -%>>
    <meta charset="utf-8">

    <%= discourse_stylesheet_link_tag 'embed', theme_key: nil %>
    <%- unless customization_disabled? %>
      <%= discourse_stylesheet_link_tag  :embedded_theme %>
    <%- end %>
    <%= preload_script 'break_string' %>

    <%- if @topic_view && @topic_view.page_title.present? %>
      <title><%= @topic_view.page_title %> - <%= SiteSetting.title %></title>
    <%- end %>

      (function() {

        function postUp(msg) {
          if (parent) {
            parent.postMessage(msg, '<%= request.referer %>');

        function clickPostLink(e) {
          var postId = e.target.getAttribute('data-link-to-post');
          if (postId) {
            var postElement = document.getElementById('post-' + postId);
            if (postElement) {
              var rect = postElement.getBoundingClientRect();
              if (rect && rect.top) {
                postUp({type: 'discourse-scroll', top: rect.top});
                return false;

        window.onload = function() {
          // Send a post message with our loaded height
          postUp({type: 'discourse-resize', height: document['body'].offsetHeight});

          var postLinks = document.querySelectorAll("a[data-link-to-post]"),

          for (i=0; i<postLinks.length; i++) {
            postLinks[i].onclick = clickPostLink;

          // Make sure all links in the iframe point to _blank
          var cookedLinks = document.querySelectorAll('.cooked a');
          for (i=0; i<cookedLinks.length; i++) {
            cookedLinks[i].target = "_blank";

          // Adjust all names
          var names = document.querySelectorAll('.username a');
          for (i=0; i<names.length; i++) {
            var username = names[i].innerHTML;
            if (username) {
              names[i].innerHTML = new BreakString(username).break();


    <%= yield %>