# frozen_string_literal: true def run(*args) out, err, status = Open3.capture3(*args) raise "Command failed: #{args.inspect}\n#{out}\n#{err}" unless status.success? out end def fake_version_rb(version) File.read("#{Rails.root}/lib/version.rb").sub(/STRING = ".*"/, "STRING = \"#{version}\"") end RSpec.describe "tasks/version_bump" do let(:tmpdir) { Dir.mktmpdir } let(:origin_path) { "#{tmpdir}/origin-repo" } let(:local_path) { "#{tmpdir}/local-repo" } before do ENV["RUNNING_VERSION_BUMP_IN_RSPEC_TESTS"] = "1" Rake::Task.clear Discourse::Application.load_tasks FileUtils.mkdir_p origin_path Dir.chdir(origin_path) do FileUtils.mkdir_p "lib" FileUtils.mkdir_p "tmp" File.write(".gitignore", "tmp\n") File.write("lib/version.rb", fake_version_rb("3.2.0.beta1-dev")) run "git", "init" run "git", "checkout", "-b", "main" run "git", "add", "." run "git", "commit", "-m", "Initial commit" run "git", "checkout", "-b", "stable" File.write("#{origin_path}/lib/version.rb", fake_version_rb("3.1.2")) run "git", "add", "." run "git", "commit", "-m", "Previous stable version bump" run "git", "checkout", "main" run "git", "config", "receive.denyCurrentBranch", "ignore" end run "git", "clone", "-b", "main", origin_path, local_path end after do FileUtils.remove_entry(tmpdir) ENV.delete("RUNNING_VERSION_BUMP_IN_RSPEC_TESTS") end it "can bump the beta version with version_bump:beta" do Dir.chdir(local_path) { capture_stdout { Rake::Task["version_bump:beta"].invoke } } Dir.chdir(origin_path) do # Commits are present with correct messages expect(run("git", "log", "--pretty=%s").lines.map(&:strip)).to eq( ["Bump version to v3.2.0.beta2-dev", "Bump version to v3.2.0.beta1", "Initial commit"], ) # Expected tags present expect(run("git", "tag").lines.map(&:strip)).to contain_exactly( "latest-release", "beta", "v3.2.0.beta1", ) # Tags are all present and attached to the correct commit %w[latest-release beta v3.2.0.beta1].each do |tag_name| expect(run("git", "log", "--pretty=%s", "-1", tag_name).strip).to eq( "Bump version to v3.2.0.beta1", ) end # Version numbers in version.rb are correct at all commits expect(run "git", "show", "HEAD", "lib/version.rb").to include('STRING = "3.2.0.beta2-dev"') expect(run "git", "show", "HEAD~1", "lib/version.rb").to include('STRING = "3.2.0.beta1"') expect(run "git", "show", "HEAD~2", "lib/version.rb").to include('STRING = "3.2.0.beta1-dev"') end end it "can perform a minor stable bump with version_bump:minor_stable" do Dir.chdir(local_path) { capture_stdout { Rake::Task["version_bump:minor_stable"].invoke } } Dir.chdir(origin_path) do # No commits on main branch expect(run("git", "log", "--pretty=%s").lines.map(&:strip)).to eq(["Initial commit"]) # Expected tags present expect(run("git", "tag").lines.map(&:strip)).to eq(["v3.1.3"]) run "git", "checkout", "stable" # Correct commits on stable branch expect(run("git", "log", "--pretty=%s").lines.map(&:strip)).to eq( ["Bump version to v3.1.3", "Previous stable version bump", "Initial commit"], ) # Tag points to correct commit expect(run("git", "log", "--pretty=%s", "-1", "v3.1.3").strip).to eq("Bump version to v3.1.3") # Version numbers in version.rb are correct at all commits expect(run "git", "show", "HEAD", "lib/version.rb").to include('STRING = "3.1.3"') expect(run "git", "show", "HEAD~1", "lib/version.rb").to include('STRING = "3.1.2"') end end it "can prepare a major stable bump with version_bump:major_stable_prepare" do Dir.chdir(local_path) do capture_stdout { Rake::Task["version_bump:major_stable_prepare"].invoke("3.3.0") } end Dir.chdir(origin_path) do # Commits are present with correct messages expect(run("git", "log", "--pretty=%s").lines.map(&:strip)).to eq( ["Bump version to v3.3.0.beta1-dev", "Bump version to v3.2.0.beta1", "Initial commit"], ) # Expected tags present expect(run("git", "tag").lines.map(&:strip)).to contain_exactly( "latest-release", "beta", "v3.2.0.beta1", ) # Tags are all present and attached to the correct commit %w[latest-release beta v3.2.0.beta1].each do |tag_name| expect(run("git", "log", "--pretty=%s", "-1", tag_name).strip).to eq( "Bump version to v3.2.0.beta1", ) end # Version numbers in version.rb are correct at all commits expect(run "git", "show", "HEAD:lib/version.rb").to include('STRING = "3.3.0.beta1-dev"') expect(run "git", "show", "HEAD~1:lib/version.rb").to include('STRING = "3.2.0.beta1"') expect(run "git", "show", "HEAD~2:lib/version.rb").to include('STRING = "3.2.0.beta1-dev"') # No changes to stable branch expect(run("git", "log", "--pretty=%s", "stable").lines.map(&:strip)).to eq( ["Previous stable version bump", "Initial commit"], ) end end it "can merge a stable release commit into the stable branch with version_bump:major_stable_merge" do Dir.chdir(local_path) do # Prepare first, and find sha1 in output output = capture_stdout { Rake::Task["version_bump:major_stable_prepare"].invoke("3.3.0") } stable_bump_commit = output[/major_stable_merge\[(.*)\]/, 1] capture_stdout { Rake::Task["version_bump:major_stable_merge"].invoke(stable_bump_commit) } end Dir.chdir(origin_path) do # Commits on stable branch are present with correct messages expect(run("git", "log", "--pretty=%s", "stable").lines.map(&:strip)).to contain_exactly( "Merge v3.2.0.beta1 into stable", "Bump version to v3.2.0", "Previous stable version bump", "Bump version to v3.2.0.beta1", "Initial commit", ) # Most recent commit is the version bump expect(run("git", "log", "--pretty=%s", "-1", "stable").strip).to eq("Bump version to v3.2.0") # Second most recent commit is a merge commit parents = run("git", "log", "--pretty=%P", "-n", "1", "stable~1").split(/\s+/).map(&:strip) expect(parents.length).to eq(2) # With correct parents parent_commit_messages = parents.map { |p| run("git", "log", "--pretty=%s", "-1", p).strip } expect(parent_commit_messages).to contain_exactly( "Bump version to v3.2.0.beta1", "Previous stable version bump", ) # Tag is applied to stable version bump commit expect(run("git", "log", "--pretty=%s", "-1", "v3.2.0").strip).to eq("Bump version to v3.2.0") end end it "can stage a PR of multiple security fixes using version_bump:stage_security_fixes" do Dir.chdir(origin_path) do run "git", "checkout", "-b", "security-fix-one" File.write("firstfile.txt", "contents") run "git", "add", "firstfile.txt" run "git", "commit", "-m", "security fix one, commit one" File.write("secondfile.txt", "contents") run "git", "add", "secondfile.txt" run "git", "commit", "-m", "security fix one, commit two" run "git", "checkout", "main" run "git", "checkout", "-b", "security-fix-two" File.write("somefile.txt", "contents") run "git", "add", "somefile.txt" run "git", "commit", "-m", "security fix two" end Dir.chdir(local_path) do output = capture_stdout do ENV["SECURITY_FIX_REFS"] = "origin/security-fix-one,origin/security-fix-two" Rake::Task["version_bump:stage_security_fixes"].invoke("main") ensure ENV.delete("SECURITY_FIX_REFS") end end Dir.chdir(origin_path) do # Check each fix has been added as a single commit, with the message matching the first commit on the branch expect(run("git", "log", "--pretty=%s", "main").lines.map(&:strip)).to eq( ["security fix two", "security fix one, commit one", "Initial commit"], ) # Check all the files from both fixes are present expect(run("git", "show", "main:somefile.txt")).to eq("contents") expect(run("git", "show", "main:firstfile.txt")).to eq("contents") expect(run("git", "show", "main:secondfile.txt")).to eq("contents") end end end