require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/base.rb") require 'mongo' # Import YahooGroups data as exported into MongoDB by: # # # Optionally paste these lines into your shell before running this: # # =begin # export CATEGORY_ID= # =end class ImportScripts::YahooGroup < ImportScripts::Base MONGODB_HOST = '' MONGODB_DB = 'syncro' def initialize super client =[ MONGODB_HOST ], database: MONGODB_DB) db = client.database Mongo::Logger.logger.level = Logger::FATAL puts "connected to db...." @collection = client[:posts] @user_profile_map = {} end def execute puts "", "Importing from Mongodb...." import_users import_discussions puts "", "Done" end def import_users puts '', "Importing users" # fetch distinct list of Yahoo "profile" names profiles = @collection.aggregate( [ { "$group": { "_id": { profile: "$ygData.profile" } } } ] ) user_id = 0 create_users(profiles.to_a) do |u| user_id = user_id + 1 # fetch last message for profile to pickup latest user info as this may have changed user_info = @collection.find("ygData.profile": u["_id"]["profile"]).sort("ygData.msgId": -1).limit(1).to_a[0] # Store user_id to profile lookup["ygData"]["profile"], user_id) puts "User created: #{user_info["ygData"]["profile"]}" user = { id: user_id, # yahoo "userId" sequence appears to have changed mid forum life so generate this username: user_info["ygData"]["profile"], name: user_info["ygData"]["authorName"], email: user_info["ygData"]["from"], # mandatory created_at: } user end puts "#{user_id} users created" end def import_discussions puts "", "Importing discussions" topics_count = 0 posts_count = 0 topics = @collection.aggregate( [ { "$group": { "_id": { topicId: "$ygData.topicId" } } } ] ).to_a # for each distinct topicId found topics.each_with_index do |t, tidx| # create "topic" post first. # fetch topic document topic_post = @collection.find("ygData.msgId": t["_id"]["topicId"]).to_a[0] next if topic_post.nil? puts "Topic: #{tidx + 1} / #{topics.count()} (#{sprintf('%.2f', ((tidx + 1).to_f / topics.count().to_f) * 100)}%) Subject: #{topic_post["ygData"]["subject"]}" if topic_post["ygData"]["subject"].to_s.empty? topic_title = "No Subject" else topic_title = topic_post["ygData"]["subject"] end topic = { id: tidx + 1, user_id: @user_profile_map[topic_post["ygData"]["profile"]] || -1, raw: topic_post["ygData"]["messageBody"], created_at:["ygData"]["postDate"].to_i), cook_method: Post.cook_methods[:raw_html], title: topic_title, category: ENV['CATEGORY_ID'], custom_fields: { import_id: topic_post["ygData"]["msgId"] } } topics_count += 1 # create topic post parent_post = create_post(topic, topic[:id]) # find all posts for topic id posts = @collection.find("ygData.topicId": topic_post["ygData"]["topicId"]).to_a posts.each_with_index do |p, pidx| # skip over first post as this is created by topic above next if p["ygData"]["msgId"] == topic_post["ygData"]["topicId"] puts " Post: #{pidx + 1} / #{posts.count()}" post = { id: pidx + 1, topic_id: parent_post[:topic_id], user_id: @user_profile_map[p["ygData"]["profile"]] || -1, raw: p["ygData"]["messageBody"], created_at:["ygData"]["postDate"].to_i), cook_method: Post.cook_methods[:raw_html], custom_fields: { import_id: p["ygData"]["msgId"] } } child_post = create_post(post, post[:id]) posts_count += 1 end end puts "", "Imported #{topics_count} topics with #{topics_count + posts_count} posts." end end