# frozen_string_literal: true describe Jobs::NotifyMailingListSubscribers do fab!(:mailing_list_user) { Fabricate(:user) } before { mailing_list_user.user_option.update(mailing_list_mode: true, mailing_list_mode_frequency: 1) } before do SiteSetting.tagging_enabled = true end fab!(:tag) { Fabricate(:tag) } fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic, tags: [tag]) } fab!(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } fab!(:post) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, user: user) } shared_examples "no emails" do it "doesn't send any emails" do UserNotifications.expects(:mailing_list_notify).with(mailing_list_user, post).never Jobs::NotifyMailingListSubscribers.new.execute(post_id: post.id) end end shared_examples "one email" do it "sends the email" do UserNotifications.expects(:mailing_list_notify).with(mailing_list_user, post).once Jobs::NotifyMailingListSubscribers.new.execute(post_id: post.id) end it "triggers :notify_mailing_list_subscribers" do events = DiscourseEvent.track_events do Jobs::NotifyMailingListSubscribers.new.execute(post_id: post.id) end expect(events).to include(event_name: :notify_mailing_list_subscribers, params: [[mailing_list_user], post]) end end context "when mailing list mode is globally disabled" do before { SiteSetting.disable_mailing_list_mode = true } include_examples "no emails" end context "when mailing list mode is globally enabled" do before { SiteSetting.disable_mailing_list_mode = false } context "when site requires approval and user is not approved" do before do SiteSetting.login_required = true SiteSetting.must_approve_users = true User.update_all(approved: false) end include_examples "no emails" end context "with an invalid post_id" do before { post.update(deleted_at: Time.now) } include_examples "no emails" end context "with a deleted post" do before { post.update(deleted_at: Time.now) } include_examples "no emails" end context "with a empty post" do before { post.update_columns(raw: "") } include_examples "no emails" end context "with a user_deleted post" do before { post.update(user_deleted: true) } include_examples "no emails" end context "with a deleted topic" do before { post.topic.update(deleted_at: Time.now) } include_examples "no emails" end context "with a private message" do before do post.topic.update!(archetype: Archetype.private_message, category: nil) TopicAllowedUser.create(topic: post.topic, user: mailing_list_user) post.topic.reload end include_examples "no emails" end context "with a valid post from another user" do context "to an inactive user" do before { mailing_list_user.update(active: false) } include_examples "no emails" end context "to a silenced user" do before { mailing_list_user.update(silenced_till: 1.year.from_now) } include_examples "no emails" end context "to a suspended user" do before { mailing_list_user.update(suspended_till: 1.day.from_now) } include_examples "no emails" end context "to an anonymous user" do fab!(:mailing_list_user) { Fabricate(:anonymous) } include_examples "no emails" end context "to an user who has disabled mailing list mode" do before { mailing_list_user.user_option.update(mailing_list_mode: false) } include_examples "no emails" end context "to an user who has frequency set to 'always'" do before { mailing_list_user.user_option.update(mailing_list_mode_frequency: 1) } include_examples "one email" end context "to an user who has frequency set to 'no echo'" do before { mailing_list_user.user_option.update(mailing_list_mode_frequency: 2) } include_examples "one email" end context "from a muted user" do before { MutedUser.create(user: mailing_list_user, muted_user: user) } include_examples "no emails" end context "from an ignored user" do before { Fabricate(:ignored_user, user: mailing_list_user, ignored_user: user) } include_examples "no emails" end context "from a muted topic" do before { TopicUser.create(user: mailing_list_user, topic: post.topic, notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:muted]) } include_examples "no emails" end context "from a muted category" do before { CategoryUser.create(user: mailing_list_user, category: post.topic.category, notification_level: CategoryUser.notification_levels[:muted]) } include_examples "no emails" end context "mute all categories by default setting" do before { SiteSetting.mute_all_categories_by_default = true } include_examples "no emails" end context "mute all categories by default setting but user is watching category" do before do SiteSetting.mute_all_categories_by_default = true CategoryUser.create(user: mailing_list_user, category: post.topic.category, notification_level: CategoryUser.notification_levels[:watching]) end include_examples "one email" end context "mute all categories by default setting but user is watching tag" do before do SiteSetting.mute_all_categories_by_default = true TagUser.create(user: mailing_list_user, tag: tag, notification_level: TagUser.notification_levels[:watching]) end include_examples "one email" end context "mute all categories by default setting but user is watching topic" do before do SiteSetting.mute_all_categories_by_default = true TopicUser.create(user: mailing_list_user, topic: post.topic, notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:watching]) end include_examples "one email" end context "from a muted tag" do before { TagUser.create(user: mailing_list_user, tag: tag, notification_level: TagUser.notification_levels[:muted]) } include_examples "no emails" end context "max emails per day was reached" do before { SiteSetting.max_emails_per_day_per_user = 2 } it "doesn't send any emails" do (SiteSetting.max_emails_per_day_per_user + 1).times { mailing_list_user.email_logs.create(email_type: 'foobar', to_address: mailing_list_user.email) } expect do UserNotifications.expects(:mailing_list_notify) .with(mailing_list_user, post) .never 2.times do Jobs::NotifyMailingListSubscribers.new.execute(post_id: post.id) end Jobs::NotifyMailingListSubscribers.new.execute( post_id: Fabricate(:post, user: user).id ) end.to change { SkippedEmailLog.count }.by(1) expect(SkippedEmailLog.exists?( email_type: "mailing_list", user: mailing_list_user, post: post, to_address: mailing_list_user.email, reason_type: SkippedEmailLog.reason_types[:exceeded_emails_limit] )).to eq(true) freeze_time(Time.zone.now.tomorrow + 1.second) expect do post = Fabricate(:post, user: user) UserNotifications.expects(:mailing_list_notify) .with(mailing_list_user, post) .once Jobs::NotifyMailingListSubscribers.new.execute( post_id: post.id ) end.to change { SkippedEmailLog.count }.by(0) end end context "bounce score was reached" do it "doesn't send any emails" do mailing_list_user.user_stat.update(bounce_score: SiteSetting.bounce_score_threshold + 1) Jobs::NotifyMailingListSubscribers.new.execute(post_id: post.id) UserNotifications.expects(:mailing_list_notify).with(mailing_list_user, post).never expect(SkippedEmailLog.exists?( email_type: "mailing_list", user: mailing_list_user, post: post, to_address: mailing_list_user.email, reason_type: SkippedEmailLog.reason_types[:exceeded_bounces_limit] )).to eq(true) end end end context "with a valid post from same user" do fab!(:post) { Fabricate(:post, user: mailing_list_user) } context "to an user who has frequency set to 'daily'" do before { mailing_list_user.user_option.update(mailing_list_mode_frequency: 0) } include_examples "no emails" end context "to an user who has frequency set to 'always'" do before { mailing_list_user.user_option.update(mailing_list_mode_frequency: 1) } include_examples "one email" end context "to an user who has frequency set to 'no echo'" do before { mailing_list_user.user_option.update(mailing_list_mode_frequency: 2) } include_examples "no emails" end end end end